1 | 30* | GH Oerloff & ASA Jansen | Lanka Union v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177039 |
2 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
2 | -1 | EJ Riches & PN Knight | Singapore Cricket Club v Singapore Recreation Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177029 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177029 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
2 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
2 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Cricket Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
2 | -1 | RLD Wodehouse & NHP Whitley | Singapore Cricket Club v Combined Services | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177039 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | The Padang, Singapore | misc177041 |
2 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177041 |
2 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
2 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Recreation Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
2 | -1 | EJ Riches & PN Knight | Singapore Cricket Club v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177043 |
2 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177043 |
3 | 120 | EJ Riches & RLD Wodehouse | Singapore Cricket Club v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177043 |
4 | 87 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177029 |
5 | 18* | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177029 |
6 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
6 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
6 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Cricket Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
6 | -1 | RLD Wodehouse & CHG Clarke | Singapore Cricket Club v Combined Services | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177039 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | The Padang, Singapore | misc177041 |
6 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
6 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Recreation Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
6 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177043 |
7 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
7 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
7 | -1 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
7 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Combined Services | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177030 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Singapore Cricket Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177031 |
7 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177032 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
7 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Cricket Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177034 |
7 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Recreation Club | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Services | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177035 |
7 | -1 | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
7 | -1* | RLD Wodehouse & PN Knight | Singapore Cricket Club v Combined Services | The Padang, Singapore | misc177037 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Recreation Ground, Singapore | misc177039 |
7 | -1* | | Singapore Cricket Club v Lanka Union | The Padang, Singapore | misc177041 |
7 | -1 | | Singapore Recreation Club v Lanka Union | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
7 | -1 | | Lanka Union v Singapore Recreation Club | Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore | misc177042 |
7 | -1* | | Combined Services v Singapore Cricket Club | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177043 |
8 | 0 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
9 | 0 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |
10 | 0 | | Combined Services v Lanka Union | Tanglin Barracks Ground, Singapore | misc177028 |