
Glossop and District Cricket League Second Division 1923

28 Apr 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Dinting Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
28 Apr 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Charlesworth Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
28 Apr 1923  Hill End Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
28 Apr 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Mottram Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
28 Apr 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
05 May 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Dinting Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
05 May 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
05 May 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Tintwistle Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
05 May 1923  Mottram Second XI v Hill End Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
05 May 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
12 May 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Hill End Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
12 May 1923  Dinting Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
12 May 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
12 May 1923  Mottram Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
12 May 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
19 May 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
19 May 1923  Dinting Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
19 May 1923  Hill End Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
19 May 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
19 May 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Mottram Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
25 May 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
25 May 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Old Glossop Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
25 May 1923  Hill End Second XI v Dinting Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
25 May 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
26 May 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
26 May 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
26 May 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Dinting Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
26 May 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Hill End Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
26 May 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Mottram Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
02 Jun 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
02 Jun 1923  Dinting Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
02 Jun 1923  Mottram Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
02 Jun 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
02 Jun 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Hill End Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
09 Jun 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
09 Jun 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
09 Jun 1923  Hill End Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
09 Jun 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
09 Jun 1923  Mottram Second XI v Dinting Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
16 Jun 1923  Dinting Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
16 Jun 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Mottram Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
16 Jun 1923  Hill End Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Hill End, Broadbottom misc
16 Jun 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
16 Jun 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
23 Jun 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Hill End Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
23 Jun 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
23 Jun 1923  Dinting Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
23 Jun 1923  Mottram Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
23 Jun 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
30 Jun 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Mottram Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
30 Jun 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Hadfield Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
30 Jun 1923  Hill End Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
30 Jun 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
30 Jun 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Dinting Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
07 Jul 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Dinting Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
07 Jul 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
07 Jul 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Hollingworth Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
07 Jul 1923  Mottram Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
07 Jul 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Hill End Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
14 Jul 1923  Dinting Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
14 Jul 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
14 Jul 1923  Hill End Second XI v Mottram Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
14 Jul 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
14 Jul 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
21 Jul 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
21 Jul 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
21 Jul 1923  Dinting Second XI v Hill End Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
21 Jul 1923  Mottram Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
21 Jul 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
28 Jul 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
28 Jul 1923  Hill End Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
28 Jul 1923  Mottram Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
28 Jul 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Dinting Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc
28 Jul 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
04 Aug 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
04 Aug 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
04 Aug 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Mottram Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
04 Aug 1923  Hill End Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Hill End, Broadbottom misc
04 Aug 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Dinting Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
11 Aug 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
11 Aug 1923  Dinting Second XI v Hadfield St Andrews Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
11 Aug 1923  Hadfield Second XI v Hill End Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
11 Aug 1923  Mottram Second XI v Old Glossop Second XI Broadbottom Road, Mottram misc
11 Aug 1923  Tintwistle Second XI v Hollingworth Second XI Speedwell Park, Tintwistle misc
18 Aug 1923  Charlesworth Second XI v Mottram Second XI Bankfield, Charlesworth misc
01 Sep 1923  Ashton Trafalgar Square Second XI v Tintwistle Second XI Ashton Trafalgar Square Cricket Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
01 Sep 1923  Dinting Second XI v Mottram Second XI Simmondley Lane, Dinting misc
01 Sep 1923  Hadfield St Andrews v Hill End Second XI Newshaw Lane, Hadfield misc
01 Sep 1923  Hollingworth Second XI v Hadfield Second XI Thorncliffe Hall Road, Hollingworth misc
01 Sep 1923  Old Glossop Second XI v Charlesworth Second XI Manor Park Road, Glossop misc





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