05 May 2012 |
| | Flintham v East Leake |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668110a |
05 May 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668111a |
05 May 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Collingham and District Second XI |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668112a |
05 May 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Chilwell |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668113a |
12 May 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Flintham |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668114 |
12 May 2012 |
| | East Leake v Chilwell |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668115 |
12 May 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668116 |
12 May 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Long Eaton Second XI |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668117 |
19 May 2012 |
| | Flintham v Sutton Bonington |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668118 |
19 May 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v East Leake |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668119 |
19 May 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668120 |
19 May 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Collingham and District Second XI |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668121 |
26 May 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Chilwell |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668122 |
26 May 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Flintham |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668123 |
26 May 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v East Leake |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668124 |
26 May 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Gotham Village Second XI |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668125 |
02 Jun 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668126 |
02 Jun 2012 |
| | East Leake v Collingham and District Second XI |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668127 |
02 Jun 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Long Eaton Second XI |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668128 |
02 Jun 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Sutton Bonington |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668129 |
09 Jun 2012 |
| | Chilwell v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668130a |
09 Jun 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Long Eaton Second XI |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668131 |
09 Jun 2012 |
| | East Leake v Flintham |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668132 |
09 Jun 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Gotham Village Second XI |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668133 |
16 Jun 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Flintham |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668134a |
16 Jun 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668135a |
16 Jun 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Collingham and District Second XI |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668136a |
16 Jun 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Chilwell |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668137a |
23 Jun 2012 |
| | East Leake v Long Eaton Second XI |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668138 |
23 Jun 2012 |
| | Flintham v Chilwell |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668139a |
23 Jun 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668140 |
23 Jun 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Gotham Village Second XI |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668141 |
30 Jun 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Long Eaton Second XI |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668142 |
30 Jun 2012 |
| | East Leake v Sutton Bonington |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668143 |
30 Jun 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Collingham and District Second XI |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668144 |
30 Jun 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Flintham |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668145a |
07 Jul 2012 |
| | Flintham v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668146a |
07 Jul 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Chilwell |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668147a |
07 Jul 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v East Leake |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668148a |
07 Jul 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Collingham and District Second XI |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668149a |
14 Jul 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Flintham |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668150a |
14 Jul 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Gotham Village Second XI |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668151 |
14 Jul 2012 |
| | East Leake v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668152a |
14 Jul 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Sutton Bonington |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668153 |
21 Jul 2012 |
| | Chilwell v East Leake |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668154a |
21 Jul 2012 |
| | Flintham v Collingham and District Second XI |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668155a |
21 Jul 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Sutton Bonington |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668156a |
21 Jul 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668157a |
28 Jul 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668158 |
28 Jul 2012 |
| | East Leake v Gotham Village Second XI |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668159 |
28 Jul 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Long Eaton Second XI |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668160 |
28 Jul 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v Flintham |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668161 |
04 Aug 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Collingham and District Second XI |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668162 |
04 Aug 2012 |
| | Flintham v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668163 |
04 Aug 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v Sutton Bonington |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668164 |
04 Aug 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v East Leake |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668165 |
11 Aug 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v East Leake |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668166 |
11 Aug 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Gotham Village Second XI |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668167 |
11 Aug 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Chilwell |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668168 |
11 Aug 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668169 |
18 Aug 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Sutton Bonington |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668170 |
18 Aug 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668171 |
18 Aug 2012 |
| | Flintham v Gotham Village Second XI |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668172 |
18 Aug 2012 |
| | West Bridgfordians Third XI v Long Eaton Second XI |
Adbolton Lane, West Bridgford |
misc668173 |
25 Aug 2012 |
| | Gotham Village Second XI v West Bridgfordians Third XI |
Memorial Ground, Gotham |
misc668174 |
25 Aug 2012 |
| | Long Eaton Second XI v Chilwell |
King Street, Long Eaton |
misc668175 |
25 Aug 2012 |
| | Notts Unity Casuals Second XI v Flintham |
Brian Wakefield Memorial Ground, Nottingham |
misc668176a |
25 Aug 2012 |
| | Sutton Bonington v East Leake |
Playing Fields, Sutton Bonington |
misc668177 |
01 Sep 2012 |
| | Chilwell v Gotham Village Second XI |
Hedley Pearson Recreation Ground, Beeston |
misc668178 |
01 Sep 2012 |
| | Collingham and District Second XI v Sutton Bonington |
Dale Field, Collingham |
misc668179 |
01 Sep 2012 |
| | East Leake v Notts Unity Casuals Second XI |
Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake |
misc668180 |
01 Sep 2012 |
| | Flintham v Long Eaton Second XI |
Inholms Gardens, Flintham |
misc668181 |