
Birmingham and District League Premier Division Two 2023

 Points Table
 Averages: [Batting] [Bowling] [Fielding]
 Averages by [Team]

15 Apr 2023  Bridgnorth v Worfield Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc912992a
15 Apr 2023  Bromsgrove v Leamington St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc912993a
15 Apr 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Lichfield Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc912994a
15 Apr 2023  Harborne v Himley Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc912995a
15 Apr 2023  Tamworth v Dorridge Hints Road, Tamworth misc912996
15 Apr 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Shifnal Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc912997a
22 Apr 2023  Dorridge v Bridgnorth Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc912998
22 Apr 2023  Himley v Tamworth Stourbridge Road, Himley misc912999
22 Apr 2023  Leamington v Harborne Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913000
22 Apr 2023  Lichfield v Bromsgrove Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913001
22 Apr 2023  Shifnal v Coventry and North Warwickshire Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913002
22 Apr 2023  Worfield v West Bromwich Dartmouth Davenport Park, Worfield misc913003
29 Apr 2023  Bridgnorth v Himley Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913004
29 Apr 2023  Bromsgrove v Shifnal St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913005a
29 Apr 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v West Bromwich Dartmouth Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913006
29 Apr 2023  Harborne v Lichfield Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913007
29 Apr 2023  Tamworth v Leamington Hints Road, Tamworth misc913008
29 Apr 2023  Worfield v Dorridge Davenport Park, Worfield misc913009
06 May 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Bromsgrove Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913010a
06 May 2023  Himley v Worfield Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913011
06 May 2023  Leamington v Bridgnorth Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913012a
06 May 2023  Lichfield v Tamworth Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913013a
06 May 2023  Shifnal v Harborne Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913014a
06 May 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Dorridge Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913015a
13 May 2023  Bridgnorth v Lichfield Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913016
13 May 2023  Bromsgrove v West Bromwich Dartmouth St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913017a
13 May 2023  Dorridge v Himley Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913018a
13 May 2023  Harborne v Coventry and North Warwickshire Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913019
13 May 2023  Tamworth v Shifnal Hints Road, Tamworth misc913020
13 May 2023  Worfield v Leamington Davenport Park, Worfield misc913021
20 May 2023  Bromsgrove v Harborne St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913022
20 May 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Tamworth Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913023
20 May 2023  Leamington v Dorridge Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913024
20 May 2023  Lichfield v Worfield Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913025
20 May 2023  Shifnal v Bridgnorth Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913026
20 May 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Himley Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913027
27 May 2023  Bridgnorth v Coventry and North Warwickshire Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913028
27 May 2023  Dorridge v Lichfield Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913029
27 May 2023  Harborne v West Bromwich Dartmouth Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913030
27 May 2023  Himley v Leamington Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913031
27 May 2023  Tamworth v Bromsgrove Hints Road, Tamworth misc913032
27 May 2023  Worfield v Shifnal Davenport Park, Worfield misc913033
03 Jun 2023  Bromsgrove v Bridgnorth St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913034
03 Jun 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Worfield Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913035
03 Jun 2023  Harborne v Tamworth Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913036
03 Jun 2023  Lichfield v Himley Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913037
03 Jun 2023  Shifnal v Dorridge Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913038
03 Jun 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Leamington Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913039
10 Jun 2023  Bridgnorth v Harborne Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913040
10 Jun 2023  Dorridge v Coventry and North Warwickshire Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913041
10 Jun 2023  Himley v Shifnal Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913042
10 Jun 2023  Leamington v Lichfield Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913043
10 Jun 2023  Tamworth v West Bromwich Dartmouth Hints Road, Tamworth misc913044
10 Jun 2023  Worfield v Bromsgrove Davenport Park, Worfield misc913045
17 Jun 2023  Bridgnorth v Tamworth Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913046
17 Jun 2023  Dorridge v Bromsgrove Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913047
17 Jun 2023  Himley v Coventry and North Warwickshire Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913048
17 Jun 2023  Leamington v Shifnal Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913049
17 Jun 2023  Lichfield v West Bromwich Dartmouth Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913050
17 Jun 2023  Worfield v Harborne Davenport Park, Worfield misc913051
24 Jun 2023  Bromsgrove v Himley St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913052
24 Jun 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Leamington Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913053
24 Jun 2023  Harborne v Dorridge Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913054
24 Jun 2023  Shifnal v Lichfield Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913055
24 Jun 2023  Tamworth v Worfield Hints Road, Tamworth misc913056
24 Jun 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Bridgnorth Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913057
01 Jul 2023  Dorridge v Tamworth Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913058
01 Jul 2023  Himley v Harborne Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913059
01 Jul 2023  Leamington v Bromsgrove Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913060
01 Jul 2023  Lichfield v Coventry and North Warwickshire Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913063
01 Jul 2023  Shifnal v West Bromwich Dartmouth Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913061
01 Jul 2023  Worfield v Bridgnorth Davenport Park, Worfield misc913062
08 Jul 2023  Bridgnorth v Dorridge Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913064
08 Jul 2023  Bromsgrove v Lichfield St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913065
08 Jul 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Shifnal Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913066
08 Jul 2023  Harborne v Leamington Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913067
08 Jul 2023  Tamworth v Himley Hints Road, Tamworth misc913068
08 Jul 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Worfield Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913069
15 Jul 2023  Dorridge v Worfield Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913070a
15 Jul 2023  Himley v Bridgnorth Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913071
15 Jul 2023  Leamington v Tamworth Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913072
15 Jul 2023  Lichfield v Harborne Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913073
15 Jul 2023  Shifnal v Bromsgrove Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913074
15 Jul 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Coventry and North Warwickshire Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913075
22 Jul 2023  Bridgnorth v Leamington Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913076a
22 Jul 2023  Bromsgrove v Coventry and North Warwickshire St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913077a
22 Jul 2023  Dorridge v West Bromwich Dartmouth Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913078a
22 Jul 2023  Harborne v Shifnal Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913079a
22 Jul 2023  Tamworth v Lichfield Hints Road, Tamworth misc913080a
22 Jul 2023  Worfield v Himley Davenport Park, Worfield misc913081a
29 Jul 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Harborne Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913082
29 Jul 2023  Himley v Dorridge Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913083
29 Jul 2023  Leamington v Worfield Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913084
29 Jul 2023  Lichfield v Bridgnorth Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913085a
29 Jul 2023  Shifnal v Tamworth Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913086
29 Jul 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Bromsgrove Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913087
05 Aug 2023  Bridgnorth v Shifnal Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913088a
05 Aug 2023  Dorridge v Leamington Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913089a
05 Aug 2023  Harborne v Bromsgrove Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913090a
05 Aug 2023  Himley v West Bromwich Dartmouth Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913091a
05 Aug 2023  Tamworth v Coventry and North Warwickshire Hints Road, Tamworth misc913092a
05 Aug 2023  Worfield v Lichfield Davenport Park, Worfield misc913093a
12 Aug 2023  Bromsgrove v Tamworth St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913094
12 Aug 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Bridgnorth Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913095
12 Aug 2023  Leamington v Himley Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913096
12 Aug 2023  Lichfield v Dorridge Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913097
12 Aug 2023  Shifnal v Worfield Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913098
12 Aug 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Harborne Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913099
19 Aug 2023  Bridgnorth v Bromsgrove Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913100
19 Aug 2023  Dorridge v Shifnal Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913101
19 Aug 2023  Himley v Lichfield Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913102
19 Aug 2023  Leamington v West Bromwich Dartmouth Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913103
19 Aug 2023  Tamworth v Harborne Hints Road, Tamworth misc913104
19 Aug 2023  Worfield v Coventry and North Warwickshire Davenport Park, Worfield misc913105
26 Aug 2023  Bromsgrove v Worfield St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913106
26 Aug 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Dorridge Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913107
26 Aug 2023  Harborne v Bridgnorth Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913108
26 Aug 2023  Lichfield v Leamington Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913109
26 Aug 2023  Shifnal v Himley Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913110
26 Aug 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Tamworth Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913111
02 Sep 2023  Bromsgrove v Dorridge St Godwalds Park, Bromsgrove misc913112
02 Sep 2023  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Himley Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc913113
02 Sep 2023  Harborne v Worfield Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc913114
02 Sep 2023  Shifnal v Leamington Priorslee Road, Shifnal misc913115
02 Sep 2023  Tamworth v Bridgnorth Hints Road, Tamworth misc913116
02 Sep 2023  West Bromwich Dartmouth v Lichfield Sandwell Park, West Bromwich misc913117
09 Sep 2023  Bridgnorth v West Bromwich Dartmouth Cricket Meadow, Bridgnorth misc913118
09 Sep 2023  Dorridge v Harborne Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc913119
09 Sep 2023  Himley v Bromsgrove Stourbridge Road, Himley misc913120
09 Sep 2023  Leamington v Coventry and North Warwickshire Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc913121
09 Sep 2023  Lichfield v Shifnal Collins Hill, Lichfield misc913122
09 Sep 2023  Worfield v Tamworth Davenport Park, Worfield misc913123





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