
Miscellaneous Matches played on Whieldon Road, Fenton (473)

(count excludes the 4 matches in which no play was possible)
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
22nd April 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Silverdalemisc412780
29th April 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Clough Hallmisc412784
6th May 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Tunstallmisc412786
20th May 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Leekmisc412794
17th June 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Nortonmisc412817
24th June 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Porthillmisc412821
8th July 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Burslemmisc412830
29th July 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v County Clubmisc412843
26th August 1893 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1893  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc412856
28th April 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc421745
5th May 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Tunstallmisc421657
14th May 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc421756
19th May 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc421669
26th May 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Nortonmisc421673
2nd June 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Burslemmisc421677
9th June 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Bignall Endmisc421773
23rd June 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Nantwichmisc421691
30th June 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc421787
7th July 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc421793
14th July 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Silverdalemisc421706
21st July 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v County Clubmisc421710
23rd July 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Audleymisc421804
28th July 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Great Chellmisc421806
4th August 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Sandyfordmisc421810
25th August 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Porthillmisc421727
1st September 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1894  Fenton v Leekmisc421734
8th September 1894 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1894  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc421829
18th May 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Burslemmisc423575
25th May 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Silverdalemisc423580
22nd June 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v County Clubmisc423598
29th June 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Porthillmisc423603
6th July 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Leekmisc423608
20th July 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Nortonmisc423617
27th July 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc423623
10th August 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Nantwichmisc423631
7th September 1895 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1895  Fenton v Tunstallmisc423646
25th April 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Tunstallmisc428270
2nd May 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Porthillmisc428274
16th May 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc428283
6th June 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc428298
27th June 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc428313
11th July 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Nortonmisc428320
25th July 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v County Clubmisc428329
22nd August 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Silverdalemisc428345
29th August 1896 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1896  Fenton v Leekmisc428352
1st May 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Porthillmisc429549
15th May 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc429555
29th May 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Crewemisc429565
5th June 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Tunstallmisc429574
19th June 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Nantwichmisc429582
26th June 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc429587
24th July 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v County Clubmisc429608
21st August 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Silverdalemisc429624
28th August 1897 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1897  Fenton v Leekmisc429627
14th May 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Tunstallmisc430431
28th May 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Crewemisc430441
4th June 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v County Clubmisc430452
11th June 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Nantwichmisc430458
18th June 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Silverdalemisc430463
27th June 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Nortonmisc430471
9th July 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc430479
30th July 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc430493
13th August 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Leekmisc430505
27th August 1898 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1898  Fenton v Porthillmisc430514
22nd April 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v County Clubmisc431511
6th May 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Nantwichmisc431525
20th May 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Nortonmisc431536
3rd June 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Crewemisc431556
17th June 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Tunstallmisc431566
8th July 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Silverdalemisc431588
22nd July 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Porthillmisc431599
5th August 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Leekmisc431614
12th August 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc431622
26th August 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Burslemmisc431630
2nd September 1899 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1899  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc431637
21st April 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Crewemisc432624
28th April 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Chellmisc432764
5th May 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc432640
12th May 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc432769
19th May 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Tunstallmisc432653
26th May 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc432779
2nd June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc432665
4th June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Hanfordmisc432790
9th June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Porthillmisc432677
16th June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Burslemmisc432684
23rd June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Dresden Churchmisc432803
30th June 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Middleportmisc432804
7th July 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Leekmisc432701
21st July 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Nortonmisc432713
28th July 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc432824
4th August 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Silverdalemisc432726
6th August 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v Nantwichmisc432729
18th August 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1900  Fenton v County Clubmisc432740
25th August 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc432836
1st September 1900 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1900  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc432839
20th April 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Porthillmisc433704
4th May 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Silverdalemisc433715
11th May 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc433849
18th May 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Crewemisc433726
25th May 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc433857
27th May 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Tunstallmisc433739
1st June 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Hanfordmisc433864
10th June 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Burslemmisc433755
15th June 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc433757
22nd June 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc433877
29th June 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Chellmisc433883
6th July 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Nantwichmisc433777
13th July 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc433893
20th July 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Nortonmisc433788
27th July 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Longtonmisc433902
3rd August 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc433798
17th August 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v County Clubmisc433814
24th August 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1901  Fenton v Leekmisc433819
31st August 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Middleportmisc433917
7th September 1901 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1901  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc433922
18th April 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Hanfordmisc435853
25th April 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Silverdalemisc435729
2nd May 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc435864
9th May 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Crewemisc435740
16th May 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Chellmisc435873
23rd May 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Tunstallmisc435752
30th May 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Stoke-on-Trent Second XImisc435883
1st June 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Middleportmisc435888
6th June 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc435770
13th June 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc435898
20th June 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc435904
27th June 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc435789
4th July 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc435914
11th July 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Nortonmisc435803
18th July 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Crewe Second XImisc435922
25th July 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Longtonmisc435813
1st August 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1903  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc435934
8th August 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc435826
15th August 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Leekmisc435830
29th August 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Burslemmisc435842
5th September 1903 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1903  Fenton v Porthillmisc435849
23rd April 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc438155
7th May 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Crewe Second XImisc438166
14th May 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Longtonmisc438040
21st May 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc438180
23rd May 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc438051
28th May 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Leekmisc438061
4th June 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Knypersleymisc438199
11th June 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Burslemmisc438070
18th June 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Porthillmisc438076
25th June 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Cheadlemisc438219
2nd July 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Silverdalemisc438089
9th July 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc438230
16th July 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Crewemisc438100
23rd July 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Longton Second XImisc438240
30th July 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Tunstallmisc438114
1st August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Nortonmisc438118
6th August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Stoke-on-Trent Second XImisc438251
8th August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc438125
13th August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Chellmisc438261
20th August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1904  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc438134
27th August 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc438270
3rd September 1904 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1904  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc438276
22nd April 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Porthillmisc440489
29th April 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Cheadlemisc440628
6th May 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Silverdalemisc440501
13th May 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Norton Second XImisc440641
20th May 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Crewemisc440512
27th May 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Longton Second XImisc440652
3rd June 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Tunstallmisc440524
10th June 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Stoke-on-Trent Second XImisc440663
12th June 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Chellmisc440668
17th June 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc440542
24th June 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Burslem Second XImisc440681
1st July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Porthill Second XImisc440688
8th July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Stonemisc440564
10th July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Burslemmisc440568
15th July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Silverdale Second XImisc440701
22nd July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Nortonmisc440578
29th July 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Crewe Second XImisc440712
5th August 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Longtonmisc440588
12th August 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Tunstall Second XImisc440724
19th August 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc440599
26th August 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1905  Fenton v Leekmisc440605
2nd September 1905 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Second Division 1905  Fenton Second XI v Knypersleymisc440741
28th April 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Porthillmisc441754
5th May 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Burslemmisc441760
19th May 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc441772
2nd June 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Longtonmisc441784
9th June 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Nortonmisc441797
23rd June 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Leekmisc441811
30th June 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Stonemisc441816
21st July 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Silverdalemisc441836
4th August 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Tunstallmisc441848
6th August 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Crewemisc441853
18th August 1906 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1906  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc441861
2nd May 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Silverdalemisc443827
9th May 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Tunstallmisc443833
23rd May 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Porthillmisc443845
25th May 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc443850
6th June 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Leekmisc443858
9th June 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Longtonmisc443870
13th June 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Stonemisc443872
27th June 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Burslemmisc443883
4th July 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc443891
25th July 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Nortonmisc443910
22nd August 1908 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1908  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc443933
24th April 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Leekmisc445828
8th May 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Nortonmisc445840
29th May 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Silverdalemisc445857
5th June 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc445872
14th June 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Tunstallmisc445880
19th June 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc445886
10th July 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Longtonmisc445903
24th July 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Porthillmisc445914
31st July 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Stonemisc445919
14th August 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc445931
28th August 1909 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1909  Fenton v Burslemmisc445940
23rd April 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Porthillmisc447679
7th May 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Burslemmisc447691
16th May 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Longtonmisc447703
28th May 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Tunstallmisc447715
11th June 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Nortonmisc447727
25th June 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Stonemisc447739
9th July 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc447751
23rd July 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc447763
6th August 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc447775
20th August 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Silverdalemisc447787
3rd September 1910 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1910  Fenton v Leekmisc447799
22nd April 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc450123
29th April 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Stonemisc450130
13th May 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Silverdalemisc450144
20th May 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Burslemmisc450157
3rd June 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc450171
6th June 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Oldfieldsmisc450184
17th June 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Porthillmisc450197
22nd June 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Nortonmisc450205
24th June 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Leek Highfieldmisc450208
15th July 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Knypersleymisc450230
29th July 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Tunstallmisc450244
12th August 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Leekmisc450259
26th August 1911 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1911  Fenton v Longtonmisc450272
27th April 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Stonemisc452289
11th May 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Nortonmisc452301
25th May 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Longtonmisc452313
28th May 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Tunstallmisc452325
8th June 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc452336
22nd June 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Leekmisc452349
6th July 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Knypersleymisc452362
20th July 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Porthillmisc452374
3rd August 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc452386
17th August 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Silverdalemisc452399
31st August 1912 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1912  Fenton v Burslemmisc452411
26th April 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Nortonmisc453474
12th May 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Tunstallmisc453493
17th May 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Knypersleymisc453504
31st May 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc453513
14th June 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc453527
5th July 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Porthillmisc453547
12th July 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Stonemisc453553
26th July 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Silverdalemisc453564
9th August 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Burslemmisc453572
23rd August 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Longtonmisc453586
6th September 1913 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1913  Fenton v Leekmisc453599
25th April 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Silverdalemisc456577
9th May 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Burslemmisc456589
23rd May 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Leekmisc456600
1st June 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Stonemisc456615
6th June 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Stoke-on-Trentmisc456629
13th June 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Porthillmisc456636
20th June 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Tunstallmisc456647
27th June 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc456652
11th July 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Longtonmisc456664
1st August 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Knypersleymisc456686
15th August 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Nortonmisc456700
5th September 1914 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League 1914  Fenton v Oldfieldsmisc456718
24th April 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc595728
8th May 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc595741
24th May 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Stonemisc595760
29th May 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Cheadlemisc595767
12th June 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Stoke)misc595781
3rd July 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Audleymisc595801
17th July 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Caverswallmisc595814
24th July 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc595820
7th August 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Betleymisc595831
21st August 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc595840
4th September 1926 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1926  Fenton v Burslem High Lanemisc595854
30th April 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Burslem High Lanemisc613472
14th May 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Audleymisc613486
21st May 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc613492
4th June 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Cheadlemisc613504
7th June 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc613516
18th June 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc613528
25th June 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc613533
9th July 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Caverswallmisc613545
30th July 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Stonemisc613564
13th August 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v Betleymisc613576
27th August 1927 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1927  Fenton v London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Stoke)misc613588
5th May 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Madeleymisc618774
12th May 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc618785
26th May 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Burslem High Lanemisc618796
29th May 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc618807
9th June 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Caverswallmisc618818
23rd June 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Cheadlemisc618829
30th June 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc618839
21st July 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Audleymisc618857
4th August 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Stonemisc618868
18th August 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc618879
1st September 1928 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1928  Fenton v Betleymisc618890
4th May 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Haslingtonmisc622886
18th May 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Stoke)misc622897
21st May 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Madeleymisc622905
1st June 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Cheadlemisc622919
15th June 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Caverswallmisc622933
29th June 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc622946
13th July 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc622957
27th July 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Betleymisc622968
10th August 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc622978
24th August 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc622992
7th September 1929 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1929  Fenton v Audleymisc623006
3rd May 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc645303
17th May 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc645319
31st May 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Betleymisc645326
7th June 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Caverswallmisc645337
10th June 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Stoke)misc645348
21st June 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc645359
28th June 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Madeleymisc645364
12th July 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Cheadlemisc645378
26th July 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Audleymisc645391
16th August 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc645409
30th August 1930 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1930  Fenton v Haslingtonmisc645420
25th April 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Knypersleymisc655345
9th May 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc655358
23rd May 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Madeleymisc655371
30th May 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc655390
13th June 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Haslingtonmisc655398
4th July 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Betleymisc655418
18th July 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Cheadlemisc655431
1st August 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Audleymisc655444
8th August 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc655450
22nd August 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Stoke)misc655457
5th September 1931 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1931  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc655471
7th May 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Cheadlemisc707911
16th May 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Crewe Alexandramisc707924
17th May 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc707932
28th May 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Haslingtonmisc707944
11th June 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Burslem High Lanemisc707952
25th June 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Knypersleymisc707967
2nd July 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc707969
16th July 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Audleymisc707986
6th August 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc708003
20th August 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Betleymisc708015
3rd September 1932 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1932  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc708026
29th April 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Ashcombe Parkmisc717229
20th May 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Kidsgrovemisc717245
3rd June 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Betleymisc717256
6th June 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Knypersleymisc717269
17th June 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Sandyfordmisc717282
8th July 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Nortonmisc717301
15th July 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Cheddleton Mental Hospitalmisc717305
29th July 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Audleymisc717316
12th August 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Cheadlemisc717329
26th August 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Alsagers Bankmisc717342
9th September 1933 North Staffordshire and District Cricket League Section B 1933  Fenton v Haslingtonmisc717354
22nd April 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Endonmisc571090
6th May 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Stone SPmisc571100
20th May 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc571110
17th June 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Bagnallmisc571130
24th June 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Buxtonmisc571136
15th July 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Oakamoormisc571150
29th July 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Wooremisc571160
12th August 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc571170
26th August 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc571180
16th September 2006 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2006  Fenton v Stanfieldsmisc571196
28th April 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Endonmisc568994
5th May 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Stone SPmisc568999
12th May 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc569004
2nd June 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Bagnallmisc569019
16th June 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Wooremisc569029
30th June 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Buxtonmisc569040a
7th July 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Hanfordmisc569044
11th August 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc569071
25th August 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Stanfieldsmisc569079
8th September 2007 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2007  Fenton v Moddershall Amisc569090
19th April 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc552563
3rd May 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Endonmisc552575
24th May 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Alsagermisc552593
7th June 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Stanfieldsmisc552606
21st June 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Stone SPmisc552618
12th July 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Wooremisc552635
26th July 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Porthill Park Amisc552647
2nd August 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Bagnallmisc552653
16th August 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc552666
30th August 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Meir Heath and Wedgwoodmisc552677
13th September 2008 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2008  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc552690
25th April 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Porthill Park Amisc552437
9th May 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc552449
16th May 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Hanfordmisc552454
30th May 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Bagnallmisc552466
13th June 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Oakamoormisc552478
27th June 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Moddershall Amisc552491
4th July 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc552497
18th July 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc552509
8th August 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Endonmisc552526
22nd August 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc552538
5th September 2009 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2009  Fenton v Wooremisc552551
24th April 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Endonmisc551941
1st May 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Bagnallmisc551946
15th May 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Wootton Sports Clubmisc551960
29th May 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Stone SPmisc551972
19th June 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Porthill Park Amisc551989
3rd July 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Hanfordmisc552001
24th July 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc552018
7th August 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Oakamoormisc552033
21st August 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc552043
28th August 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc552049
11th September 2010 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2010  Fenton v Wooremisc552061
16th April 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Endonmisc551802
30th April 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Wootton Sports Clubmisc551815
28th May 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc551832
11th June 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Oakamoormisc551844
25th June 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Wooremisc551856
9th July 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc551869
23rd July 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Hanfordmisc551880
6th August 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Moddershall Amisc551892
20th August 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Stone SPmisc551904
3rd September 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc551916
17th September 2011 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2011  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc551928
14th April 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc543041
28th April 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Crewemisc543052a
12th May 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Moddershall Amisc543064
2nd June 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Stone SPmisc543084
16th June 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Hanfordmisc543096
7th July 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Oakamoormisc543113a
21st July 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Church Eatonmisc543124
4th August 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Bagnallmisc543136
11th August 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Endonmisc543144
25th August 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc543157
8th September 2012 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2012  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc543168
27th April 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc518399
11th May 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Oakamoormisc518412
25th May 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Eccleshallmisc518424
1st June 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Crewemisc518429
15th June 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc518442
29th June 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Leekmisc518453
6th July 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Hanfordmisc518458
20th July 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Stone SPmisc518472
3rd August 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc518484
24th August 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Wooremisc518501
7th September 2013 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2013  Fenton v Church Eatonmisc518513
19th April 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Bagnallmisc514323
3rd May 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Crewemisc514334
17th May 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Moddershall Amisc514347
24th May 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Church Eatonmisc514352a
31st May 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc514358
21st June 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Leekmisc514377
12th July 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc514395
26th July 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Oakamoormisc514406
23rd August 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Bignall Endmisc514430
13th September 2014 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2014  Fenton v Hanfordmisc514449
25th April 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Moddershall Amisc510378
2nd May 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Rode Park and Lawtonmisc510382
16th May 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Norton in Halesmisc510394
23rd May 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Oakamoormisc510398
30th May 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Bagnall Nortonmisc510404
13th June 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc510413
20th June 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Rode Park and Lawtonmisc510421
4th July 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Hanfordmisc510428
25th July 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc510443
22nd August 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Stone SPmisc510465
12th September 2015 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2015  J and G Meakin Fenton v Moddershall Amisc510478
23rd April 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Hanfordmisc704784
7th May 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Oultonmisc704798
28th May 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Hem Heath Second XImisc704815
11th June 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Bagnall Nortonmisc704825
25th June 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Endonmisc704838
16th July 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Moddershall Amisc704858
30th July 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Wedgwoodmisc704871
6th August 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Stone SPmisc704877
20th August 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Oakamoormisc704888
3rd September 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Little Stoke Second XImisc704900
17th September 2016 North Staffordshire and South Cheshire Premier Cricket League Division Three 2016  J and G Meakin Fenton v Porthill Park Second XImisc704908





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