
Miscellaneous Matches played on Bloxham School Ground, Banbury (359)

(count excludes the 10 matches in which no play was possible)
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
30th May 1863 Other matches in England 1863  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Broughton and North Newingtonmisc372482
4th June 1864 Other matches in England 1864  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bodicotemisc372800
26th August 1865 Other matches in England 1865  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Broughtonmisc354692
5th September 1865 Other matches in England 1865  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Deddingtonmisc354693
9th September 1865 Other matches in England 1865  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Wiggintonmisc354694
17th May 1869 Other matches in England 1869  All Saints' School, Bloxham v St Alban Hall Oxfordmisc682724
22nd June 1869 Other matches in England 1869  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Banbury Second XImisc372483
3rd July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HJ Gepp's XImisc682334
18th May 1870 Other matches in England 1870  All Saints' School, Bloxham v St Alban Hall Oxfordmisc667650
28th May 1870 Other matches in England 1870  All Saints' School, Bloxham v King's Suttonmisc383678
16th July 1870 Other matches in England 1870  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Wiggintonmisc669139
30th May 1871 Other matches in England 1871  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc666139
19th July 1873 Other matches in England 1873  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JW Page's XImisc305889
21st July 1873 Other matches in England 1873  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Chipping Nortonmisc305890
11th June 1874 Other matches in England 1874  All Saints' School, Bloxham v A Monnington's XImisc305891
13th June 1874 Other matches in England 1874  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Broughtonmisc305892
20th June 1874 Other matches in England 1874  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Waifs and Straysmisc305894
4th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Deddingtonmisc305895
25th July 1881 Other matches in England 1881  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc354812
10th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc221782
17th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham A to H v All Saints' School, Bloxham I to Zmisc221783
20th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham The Restmisc221784
22nd May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v WH Baker's XImisc221785
23rd May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Prefects and Sub-Prefectsmisc221786
26th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  JH Hutchinson's XI v AB Marshall's XImisc221787
27th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XImisc221788
29th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Brasenose College, Oxfordmisc221789
June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  FS Boissier's XI v JH Hutchinson's XImisc221790
2nd June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Master's Housemisc221791
3rd June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v GJ Boissier's XImisc221792
5th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham The Restmisc221793
11th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XImisc221794
12th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham Upper II and Five Prefects v All Saints' School, Bloxham The Restmisc221796
14th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Trinity College, Stratford-upon-Avonmisc221797
17th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bicestermisc221798
19th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  JH Hutchinson's XI v ACW Denne's XImisc221799
24th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XImisc221801
28th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham Mr Heigham's House v All Saints' School, Bloxham Mr Jones' Housemisc221803
30th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  FS Boissier's XI v JH Hutchinson's XImisc221804
5th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Sheningtonmisc221807
8th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham Mr Jones' House v All Saints' School, Bloxham Mr Wilson's Housemisc221805
10th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Upton Housemisc221806
19th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Deddingtonmisc221809
21st July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Ewelmemisc221810
29th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Wychwood Forestmisc221812
31st July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham v North Oxfordmisc221813
2nd August 1884 Other matches in England 1884  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc221814
29th August 1885 Other matches in England 1885  Bloxham Reading Room v Chipping Nortonmisc771500
22nd May 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v HJ Coleridge's XImisc216325
25th May 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v HJ Coleridge's XImisc216326
29th May 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Cantoris v All Saints' School, Bloxham Decanimisc216327
3rd June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v E Collins' XImisc216328
5th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham North of the Thames v All Saints' School, Bloxham South of the Thamesmisc216329
9th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v A Blythman's XImisc216330
11th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XVmisc216331
12th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v E Collins' XImisc216332
15th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v BM Davies' XImisc216334
17th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc216335
20th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v CC Bradford's XImisc216336
26th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v North Oxfordmisc216338
29th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham First VIII v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XImisc216339
1st July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Restmisc216340
3rd July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Ewelmemisc216341
6th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Cambridge Supporters v All Saints' School, Bloxham Oxford Supportersmisc216342
8th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Deddingtonmisc216343
10th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham A to H v All Saints' School, Bloxham I to Zmisc216344
15th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham Prefects and Sub-Prefects v All Saints' School, Bloxham Restmisc216345
17th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v CH Balderson's XImisc216346
31st July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc216348a
June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Fourth Divisionmisc262277
June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division Second XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc262279
5th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  EA Ostrehan's XI v RC Wilkinson's XImisc262269
7th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Old St Edwardsmisc262270
9th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  EA Ostrehan's XI v RC Wilkinson's XImisc262271
11th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v AWB Marshall's XImisc262272
14th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Trinity College, Stratford-upon-Avonmisc262273
16th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc262275
17th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc262276
21st June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v J Pettipher's XImisc262278
26th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v E Collins' XImisc262281
28th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Division v Bloxham Village Second XImisc262282
1st July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Decani v All Saints' School, Bloxham Cantorismisc262283
3rd July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v North Oxfordmisc262284
5th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division Second XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XImisc258856
8th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Even School Numbers v All Saints' School, Bloxham Odd School Numbersmisc258858
10th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HD Egerton's XImisc258859
12th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham Cantoris v All Saints' School, Bloxham Decanimisc258860
17th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v VD Stenhouse's XImisc258861
19th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HC Maul's XImisc258862
28th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Borderersmisc258864
2nd August 1890 Other matches in England 1890  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc258866
28th April 1891 Other matches in England 1891  JR Egerton's XI v AH Collyer's XImisc375348
May 1891 Other matches in England 1891  AH Collyer's XI v JR Egerton's XImisc375347
May 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham Domitories II and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Restmisc375346
May 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Fourth Divisionmisc376534
May 1891 Other matches in England 1891  JR Egerton's XI v AH Collyer's XImisc376533
28th May 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Somertonmisc377853
June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham Bureaus and Masters v All Saints' School, Bloxham Schoolroommisc381337
June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham M to Z v All Saints' School, Bloxham The Restmisc377843
June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc377854
June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc377855
June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  RC Wilkinson's XI v JR Egerton's XImisc377846
6th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Old St Edward'smisc377847
18th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc377848
24th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v FS Boissier's XImisc380680
27th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc380681
6th July 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HD Egerton's XImisc381338
11th July 1891 Other matches in England 1891  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc382696
11th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc260442
14th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc260443
17th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc260444
21st May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc260445
24th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Bureaux v All Saints' School, Bloxham Schoolroommisc260446
26th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Next Sixteenmisc260447
28th May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc260448
31st May 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Captain's XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham Sub-Captain's XImisc260449
4th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Reading Schoolmisc260450
11th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HC Maul's XImisc260971
18th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham A to L v All Saints' School, Bloxham M to Zmisc260972
20th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc260973
24th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham The Restmisc260974
27th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Adderburymisc260975
29th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham Cantoris v All Saints' School, Bloxham Decanimisc260976
2nd July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc260977
7th July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Trinity College, Stratford-upon-Avonmisc261044
14th July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Upton Housemisc261045
21st July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HD Egerton's XImisc261047
28th July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Fenny Comptonmisc261195
1st August 1892 Other matches in England 1892  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc261196
8th July 1893 Other matches in England 1893  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Dean Close Schoolmisc638108
June 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc335722
2nd June 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v M Brown's XImisc335721
14th June 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc335724
19th June 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v WJ Bromwich's XImisc335725
23rd June 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v D Pellatt's XImisc335726
21st July 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham and Districtmisc335730
28th July 1894 Other matches in England 1894  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc335731
18th May 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham North Chapel XI v All Saints' School, Bloxham South Chapel XImisc305777
21st May 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Next Sixteenmisc305778
3rd June 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JF Turner's XImisc305780
18th June 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham Villagemisc305783
20th June 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HC Maul's XImisc300212
29th June 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc300206
6th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Cherwell Valleymisc300207
9th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Heyfordmisc300208
13th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Lord North's XImisc300209
20th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc300210
27th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc300211
13th June 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc300176
20th June 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham v D Pellatt's XImisc300173
27th June 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc300177
4th July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v Bloxham Juniorsmisc300178
14th July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham v P Flower's XImisc300179
22nd July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham v FV Elkington's XImisc300182
25th July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc300183
22nd May 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxham Villagemisc300184
29th May 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Dean Close Schoolmisc300185
7th June 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v R Reynolds' XImisc300186
19th June 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc300189
26th June 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Leamington Collegemisc300190
8th July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Wroxton Abbeymisc300194
10th July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc300195
13th July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories II and IVmisc300196
27th July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JA McLean's XImisc300197
29th July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham v EM Holdom's XImisc300198
31st July 1897 Other matches in England 1897  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc300199
2nd August 1897 Other matches in England 1897  Old Bloxhamists v Bloxham Villagemisc335689
14th May 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Trinity College, Stratford-upon-Avonmisc300200
19th May 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc300202
28th May 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc300205
30th May 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Wroxton Abbeymisc335621
2nd June 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JA McLean's XImisc335622
11th June 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v Leamington College Second XImisc335624
18th June 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc335626
18th June 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc335627
2nd July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Roysse's School, Abingdonmisc335629
9th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc335631
12th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories II and IVmisc335632
16th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxhammisc335633
21st July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham v HC Maul's XImisc335634
28th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc335635
29th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  Old Bloxhamists v JA McLean's XImisc335690
30th July 1898 Other matches in England 1898  Old Bloxhamists v Britannia Worksmisc335691
1st August 1898 Other matches in England 1898  Old Bloxhamists v Bloxham and Districtmisc335692
2nd August 1898 Other matches in England 1898  Old Bloxhamists v WF North's XImisc335693
6th May 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Next XVIIImisc335636
13th May 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxhammisc335637
20th May 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division The Rest v All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Divisionmisc335638
22nd May 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v FJ Winterton's XIImisc335640
27th May 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc335641
3rd June 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc335643
6th June 1899 Other matches in England 1899  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JA McLean's XImisc335644
9th July 1901 Other matches in England 1901  All Saints' School, Bloxham v WH Salmon's XImisc354496
20th July 1901 Other matches in England 1901  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Bloxhammisc354495
23rd July 1901 Other matches in England 1901  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Clergy of the Districtmisc354494
27th July 1901 Other matches in England 1901  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Hook Nortonmisc354493
31st July 1901 Other matches in England 1901  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc354492
8th May 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories II and Vmisc354491
17th May 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Roysse's School, Abingdonmisc357419
19th May 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Hook Nortonmisc357421
24th May 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Banbury and Districtmisc357422
7th June 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v Leamington College Second XImisc363223a
24th June 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v JF Turner's XImisc363218
26th June 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham Bureaux v All Saints' School, Bloxham Schoolroommisc363219
19th July 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Dean Close Schoolmisc363221
21st July 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Clergy of the Districtmisc363829
23rd July 1902 Other matches in England 1902  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc363828
23rd May 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Roysse's School, Abingdonmisc363824
28th May 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc372485
June 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories II and Vmisc372486
July 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham First Division The Restmisc363827
July 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second Division v All Saints' School, Bloxham Third Divisionmisc363826
25th July 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc375342
29th July 1903 Other matches in England 1903  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Clergy of the Districtmisc375340
26th June 1905 Other matches in England 1905  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Clergy of the Districtmisc446573
29th June 1905 Other matches in England 1905  All Saints' School, Bloxham v SL Buckwell's XImisc448581
4th July 1905 Other matches in England 1905  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Oxfordmisc448580
May 1906 Other matches in England 1906  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Jesus College, Oxfordmisc464532
31st May 1906 Other matches in England 1906  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Hanwell Farmersmisc472853
9th June 1906 Other matches in England 1906  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v Roysse's School, Abingdon Second XImisc624097
9th July 1907 Other matches in England 1907  All Saints' School, Bloxham v CWT Drake's XImisc605210
20th July 1907 Other matches in England 1907  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc605211
23rd July 1907 Other matches in England 1907  All Saints' School, Bloxham v WH Salmon's XImisc605213
24th July 1907 Other matches in England 1907  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Clergy of the Districtmisc605791
2nd June 1908 Other matches in England 1908  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Rev W Hill's XImisc609922
6th June 1908 Other matches in England 1908  All Saints' School, Bloxham Present v All Saints' School, Bloxham Pastmisc609923
8th June 1908 Other matches in England 1908  All Saints' School, Bloxham Past v Rev BW Bradford's XImisc609924
27th June 1908 Other matches in England 1908  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Hook Nortonmisc658529
20th May 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v RF Bryant's XImisc617073
22nd May 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v St Edward's School, Oxford Second XImisc619612
29th May 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Old Bloxhamistsmisc619494
31st May 1909 Other matches in England 1909  Old Bloxhamists v Rev BW Bradford's XImisc619495
5th June 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Adderburymisc647999
15th June 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v WH Baldock's XImisc648000
24th June 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Chipping Nortonmisc630900
29th June 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v DG Kennard's XImisc630901
6th July 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v ES Bliss' XImisc631168
10th July 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Britannia Worksmisc630905
13th July 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham v CWT Drake's XImisc630911
14th July 1909 Other matches in England 1909  All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories I and III v All Saints' School, Bloxham Dormitories II and Vmisc640566
10th May 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Banbury Early Closersmisc645448
14th May 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Old Bloxhamistsmisc646618
16th May 1910 Other matches in England 1910  Old Bloxhamists v Rev BW Bradford's XImisc646666
21st May 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v Roysse's School, Abingdon Second XImisc666821
2nd June 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Chipping Nortonmisc666822
9th June 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v CWT Drake's XImisc669140
18th June 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Roysse's School, Abingdonmisc682725
25th June 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham v Magdalen College School, Brackleymisc719149
2nd July 1910 Other matches in England 1910  All Saints' School, Bloxham Second XI v Magdalen College School, Oxford Second XImisc720075
15th May 1915 Other matches in England 1915  Bloxham School v Keble College, Oxfordmisc576888
18th June 1938 Other matches in England 1938  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178044
17th June 1939 Other matches in England 1939  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178056
20th July 1940 Other matches in England 1940  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc383338
2nd July 1941 Other matches in England 1941  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178070
9th July 1942 Other matches in England 1942  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178079
19th July 1944 Other matches in England 1944  Bloxham School v King Edward's School, Birminghammisc273780
6th July 1946 Other matches in England 1946  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc383353
5th July 1947 Other matches in England 1947  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc383365
3rd July 1948 Other matches in England 1948  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178094
2nd July 1949 Other matches in England 1949  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392009
8th July 1950 Other matches in England 1950  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178113
7th July 1951 Other matches in England 1951  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178133
12th July 1952 Other matches in England 1952  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178155
11th July 1953 Other matches in England 1953  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178178
19th June 1954 Other matches in England 1954  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178194
21st May 1955 Other matches in England 1955  Bloxham School v The Nautical College, Pangbournemisc954472
9th July 1955 Other matches in England 1955  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178222
30th July 1955 Other matches in England 1955  Old Bloxhamists v Banburymisc894103
14th July 1956 Other matches in England 1956  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178241
13th July 1957 Other matches in England 1957  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178260
8th July 1958 Other matches in England 1958  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178277
4th July 1959 Other matches in England 1959  Bloxham School v Solihull Schoolmisc617068
7th July 1959 Other matches in England 1959  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178298
5th July 1960 Other matches in England 1960  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178322
27th June 1961 Other matches in England 1961  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178350
26th June 1962 Other matches in England 1962  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178392
25th June 1963 Other matches in England 1963  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178435
16th June 1964 Other matches in England 1964  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc210317
23rd June 1964 Other matches in England 1964  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178484
22nd June 1965 Other matches in England 1965  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178537a
7th June 1966 Other matches in England 1966  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc356064
6th June 1967 Other matches in England 1967  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178567
4th June 1968 Other matches in England 1968  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178629
4th June 1969 Other matches in England 1969  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178707
3rd June 1970 Other matches in England 1970  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178777
2nd June 1971 Other matches in England 1971  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178848
7th June 1972 Other matches in England 1972  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178917
6th June 1973 Other matches in England 1973  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc178990
2nd July 1973 Ridley College in England 1973  Bloxham School v Ridley Collegemisc181636
12th June 1974 Other matches in England 1974  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc179076
11th June 1975 Other matches in England 1975  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc179171
9th June 1976 Other matches in England 1976  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc179261
1st June 1977 Other matches in England 1977  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc179360
31st May 1978 Other matches in England 1978  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392040
30th May 1979 Other matches in England 1979  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392143a
4th June 1980 Other matches in England 1980  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392261
3rd June 1981 Other matches in England 1981  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392381
9th June 1982 Other matches in England 1982  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392517
8th June 1983 Other matches in England 1983  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392653
6th June 1984 Other matches in England 1984  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392780
12th June 1985 Other matches in England 1985  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc392926
11th June 1986 Other matches in England 1986  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393070
10th June 1987 Other matches in England 1987  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393216
24th May 1988 Other matches in England 1988  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc883649
8th June 1988 Other matches in England 1988  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393350
23rd May 1989 Other matches in England 1989  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc885549
7th June 1989 Other matches in England 1989  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393490
6th June 1990 Other matches in England 1990  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393629
21st May 1991 Other matches in England 1991  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc885838
5th June 1991 Other matches in England 1991  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393790
19th May 1992 Other matches in England 1992  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc886193
3rd June 1992 Other matches in England 1992  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc393962
4th May 1993 Other matches in England 1993  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc394115
3rd May 1994 Other matches in England 1994  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc394322
17th May 1994 Other matches in England 1994  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc886502
2nd May 1995 Other matches in England 1995  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc394532
16th May 1995 Other matches in England 1995  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc887037
30th April 1996 Other matches in England 1996  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc394755
14th May 1996 Other matches in England 1996  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc887358
28th April 1997 Other matches in England 1997  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc394989
13th May 1997 Other matches in England 1997  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc887709
28th April 1998 Other matches in England 1998  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc395220a
27th April 1999 Other matches in England 1999  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc395467
23rd May 2000 Other matches in England 2000  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc395750a
8th May 2001 Other matches in England 2001  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc888280
25th June 2001 Other matches in England 2001  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc396024
7th May 2002 Other matches in England 2002  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc888670
24th June 2002 Other matches in England 2002  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc396260
6th May 2003 Other matches in England 2003  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc898219
23rd June 2003 Other matches in England 2003  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc396493
21st June 2004 Other matches in England 2004  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc396737
20th June 2006 Other matches in England 2006  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc397232
19th June 2007 Other matches in England 2007  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc397418
17th June 2008 Other matches in England 2008  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc397659
16th June 2009 Other matches in England 2009  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc397863
4th July 2009 Other matches in England 2009  Old Bloxhamists v Stragglers of Asiamisc295107
15th June 2010 Other matches in England 2010  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc398024
14th June 2011 Other matches in England 2011  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc199707
22nd May 2012 Other matches in England 2012  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc398206
8th May 2013 Other matches in England 2013  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc555698
21st May 2013 Other matches in England 2013  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc398407
7th May 2014 Other matches in England 2014  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc560517
20th May 2014 Other matches in England 2014  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc398617
22nd June 2014 Other matches in England 2014  Old Bloxhamists v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc560644
6th May 2015 Other matches in England 2015  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc560926a
19th May 2015 Other matches in England 2015  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc619659
10th June 2015 Other matches in England 2015  Bloxham School v South Oxfordshire Amateursmisc587474
6th July 2015 Other matches in England 2015  Old Bloxhamians v South Oxfordshire Amateursmisc587483
4th May 2016 Other matches in England 2016  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc729143
17th May 2016 Other matches in England 2016  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc800257
19th June 2016 Other matches in England 2016  Old Bloxhamists v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc738277
3rd May 2017 Other matches in England 2017  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc843788
16th May 2017 Other matches in England 2017  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc800482
2nd May 2018 Other matches in England 2018  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc804451a
15th May 2018 Other matches in England 2018  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc800715
14th June 2018 Other matches in England 2018  Bloxham School Staff v Bilton Fadersmisc803577
17th June 2018 Other matches in England 2018  Old Bloxhamists v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc804564
1st May 2019 Other matches in England 2019  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc845343
14th May 2019 Other matches in England 2019  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc823815
28th April 2021 Other matches in England 2021  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc862831
4th May 2021 Other matches in England 2021  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc861964a
27th April 2022 Other matches in England 2022  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc878094
3rd May 2022 Other matches in England 2022  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc896433
12th June 2022 Other matches in England 2022  Old Bloxhamists v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc884123
26th April 2023 Other matches in England 2023  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc909284a
17th May 2023 Other matches in England 2023  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc917487
24th April 2024 Other matches in England 2024  Bloxham School v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc957833
15th May 2024 Other matches in England 2024  Bloxham School v The Forty Clubmisc992542
9th June 2024 Other matches in England 2024  Old Bloxhamists v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc963374





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