
Miscellaneous Matches played on Pietermaritzburg (338)

Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
2nd February 1898 Other matches in South Africa 1897/98  Civilians v Royal Dublin Fusiliersmisc149671
2nd March 1898 Other matches in South Africa 1897/98  The Garrison v A Bailey's Transvaal XImisc150051
11th November 1919 Australian Imperial Forces in South Africa and Australia 1919/20  Natal Colleges v Australian Imperial Forcesmisc29997
12th November 1949 Other matches in South Africa 1949/50  Natal v Bordermisc31491
19th January 1951 British Timken in South Africa 1950/51  Durban and Pietermaritzburg XI v British Timkenmisc333288
6th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal University v Pretoria Universitymisc660665
6th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Potchefstroom University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660663
6th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Rhodes University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660662
6th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Stellenbosch University v University of Cape Townmisc660664
7th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal University v Rhodes Universitymisc660666
7th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Potchefstroom University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660667
7th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Pretoria University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660669
7th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  University of Cape Town v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660668
8th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660671
8th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Potchefstroom University v Pretoria Universitymisc660673
8th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Rhodes University v University of Cape Townmisc660670
8th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Stellenbosch University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660672
9th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660677
9th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Potchefstroom University v Rhodes Universitymisc660676
9th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Pretoria University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660675
9th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  University of Cape Town v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660674
10th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal University v University of Cape Townmisc660678
10th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Potchefstroom University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660681
10th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Pretoria University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660680
10th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Rhodes University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660679
11th December 1954 South African Universities Cricket Week 1954/55  Natal v South African Universitiesmisc31818
28th November 1957 Other matches in South Africa 1957/58  Natal v Transvaal XImisc32091
12th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Border Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc283071
12th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal Schools v Griqualand West Schoolsmisc283072
12th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  North Eastern Transvaal Schools v Rhodesia Schoolsmisc283073
12th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Transvaal Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc283070
13th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Eastern Province Schools v North Eastern Transvaal Schoolsmisc283075
13th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Griqualand West Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc283074
13th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc283077
13th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Rhodesia Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc283076
14th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Border Schools v Eastern Province Schoolsmisc283079
14th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Griqualand West Schools v Rhodesia Schoolsmisc283080
14th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal Schools v North Eastern Transvaal Schoolsmisc283078
14th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Orange Free State Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc283081
15th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Border Schools v Griqualand West Schoolsmisc283085
15th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Eastern Province Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc283082
15th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal Schools v Rhodesia Schoolsmisc283083
15th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  North Eastern Transvaal Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc283084
16th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Border Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc283088
16th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Eastern Province Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc283086
16th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Griqualand West Schools v North Eastern Transvaal Schoolsmisc283089
16th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc283087
17th January 1959 Nuffield Week 1958/59  Natal v South African Schoolsmisc32190
3rd February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Border Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662795
3rd February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Griqualand West Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662794
3rd February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc662792
3rd February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts B v Western Province Country Districtsmisc662796
3rd February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Orange Free State Country Districts v South West Africamisc662793
4th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Eastern Province Country Districts v South West Africamisc662799
4th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts v Border Country Districtsmisc662797
4th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts B v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc662798
4th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662801
4th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Orange Free State Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc662800
5th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Border Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662804
5th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Eastern Province Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc662805
5th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc662802
5th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts B v South West Africamisc662806
5th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc662803
6th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Border Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc662808
6th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Eastern Province Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc662811
6th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Griqualand West Country Districts v South West Africamisc662809
6th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662807
6th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts B v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662810
7th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Border Country Districts v South West Africamisc662814
7th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Eastern Province Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662816
7th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Griqualand West Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc662813
7th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Natal Country Districts v Natal Country Districts Bmisc662812
7th February 1964 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1963/64  Orange Free State Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc662815
8th February 1964 Other matches in South Africa 1963/64  Natal v South African Country Districtsmisc32845
7th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Natal University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660857
7th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Potchefstroom University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660860
7th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Rhodes University v University of Cape Townmisc660859
7th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  University of the Orange Free State v Pretoria Universitymisc660858
8th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Natal University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc660861
8th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Potchefstroom University v Rhodes Universitymisc660863
8th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Pretoria University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660862
8th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Stellenbosch University v University of Cape Townmisc660864
9th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Natal University v University of Cape Townmisc660868
9th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Potchefstroom University v Pretoria Universitymisc660867
9th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Rhodes University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660866
9th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  University of the Orange Free State v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660865
10th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Natal University v Potchefstroom Universitymisc660871
10th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Pretoria University v University of Cape Townmisc660870
10th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Stellenbosch University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660872
10th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  University of the Orange Free State v Rhodes Universitymisc660869
11th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Natal University v Rhodes Universitymisc660873
11th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  Pretoria University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc660875
11th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  University of Cape Town v Witwatersrand Universitymisc660874
11th December 1964 South African Universities Cricket Week 1964/65  University of the Orange Free State v Potchefstroom Universitymisc660876
3rd January 1966 Marylebone Cricket Club Schools in South Africa 1965/66  Natal XI v Marylebone Cricket Club Schoolsmisc67138
26th October 1968 Other matches in South Africa 1968/69  Natal v Natal Bmisc282867
24th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Eastern Province Country Districts v South African Defence Forcemisc663001
24th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Griqualand West Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663003
24th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal Country Districts v Border Country Districtsmisc663000
24th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v South West Africamisc663004
24th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Transvaal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663002
25th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Border Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663006
25th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Eastern Province Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663007
25th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663005
25th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v South African Defence Forcemisc663009
25th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  South West Africa v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663008
26th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Border Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663013
26th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Eastern Province Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663010
26th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Griqualand West Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663014
26th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal Country Districts v South West Africamisc663011
26th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Orange Free State Country Districts v South African Defence Forcemisc663012
27th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Border Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc663015
27th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Griqualand West Country Districts v South African Defence Forcemisc663016
27th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663019
27th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663018
27th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Transvaal Country Districts v South West Africamisc663017
28th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Border Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663022
28th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Griqualand West Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663023
28th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc663021
28th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Orange Free State Country Districts v South West Africamisc663020
28th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  South African Defence Force v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663024
29th January 1972 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1971/72  Natal v South African Country Districtsmisc33929
27th September 1972 Mashonaland Country Districts in South Africa 1972/73  South African Country Districts v Mashonaland Country Districtsmisc646536
25th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Border Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663262
25th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Griqualand West Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663261
25th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts v South West Africamisc663264
25th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts B v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc663265
25th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Orange Free State Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663263
26th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Border Country Districts v South West Africamisc663268
26th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Eastern Province Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663267
26th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663270
26th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts B v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663269
26th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Transvaal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663266
28th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Border Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663275
28th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Eastern Province Country Districts v South West Africamisc663274
28th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Griqualand West Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663273
28th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663271
28th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts B v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663272
29th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Eastern Province Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663277
29th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663278
29th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts B v Border Country Districtsmisc663280
29th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663279
29th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Orange Free State Country Districts v South West Africamisc663276
30th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Border Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663281
30th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Griqualand West Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663282
30th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc663285
30th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Natal Country Districts B v South West Africamisc663284
30th January 1980 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1979/80  Orange Free State Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663283
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Boland Schools v Eastern Province Schoolsmisc284058
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Border Schools v South African Country Districts Schoolsmisc284057
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Griqualand West Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc284056
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Natal Schools v Transvaal Schools Bmisc284059
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Northern Transvaal Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc284055
16th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Passmore XI v Transvaal Schoolsmisc284060
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Border Schools v Eastern Province Schoolsmisc284063
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Griqualand West Schools v Passmore XImisc284064
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Natal Schools v Boland Schoolsmisc284062
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Northern Transvaal Schools v South African Country Districts Schoolsmisc284065
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Orange Free State Schools v Transvaal Schools Bmisc284066
17th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Transvaal Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc284061
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Boland Schools v Passmore XImisc284067
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Border Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc284068
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Griqualand West Schools v South African Country Districts Schoolsmisc284071
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Natal Schools v Eastern Province Schoolsmisc284072
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Northern Transvaal Schools v Transvaal Schools Bmisc284070
18th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Orange Free State Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc284069
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Boland Schools v Northern Transvaal Schoolsmisc284074
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Border Schools v Griqualand West Schoolsmisc284076
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Eastern Province Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc284075
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Natal Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc284073
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Orange Free State Schools v Passmore XImisc284077
19th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  South African Country Districts Schools v Transvaal Schools Bmisc284078
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Boland Schools v Orange Free State Schoolsmisc284080
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Border Schools v Transvaal Schools Bmisc284083
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Eastern Province Schools v Passmore XImisc284081
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Griqualand West Schools v Northern Transvaal Schoolsmisc284084
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  Natal Schools v Transvaal Schoolsmisc284082
20th December 1986 Coca-Cola Nuffield Week 1986/87  South African Country Districts Schools v Western Province Schoolsmisc284079
22nd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Boland Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663469
22nd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Border Country Districts v South West Africamisc663470
22nd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Eastern Province Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663472
22nd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Griqualand West Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663471
22nd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Natal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663473
23rd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Boland Country Districts v South West Africamisc663478
23rd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Border Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663476
23rd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Eastern Province Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663474
23rd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Natal Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663475
23rd January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Orange Free State Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663477
25th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Boland Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663479
25th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Border Country Districts v Griqualand West Country Districtsmisc663482
25th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Eastern Province Country Districts v South West Africamisc663480
25th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Natal Country Districts v Northern Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663481
25th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Orange Free State Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663483
26th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Boland Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districtsmisc663486
26th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Griqualand West Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663485
26th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Natal Country Districts v Border Country Districtsmisc663484
26th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663488
26th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  South West Africa v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663487
27th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Border Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districtsmisc663493
27th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Eastern Province Country Districts v Western Province Country Districtsmisc663490
27th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Griqualand West Country Districts v South West Africamisc663489
27th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Natal Country Districts v Boland Country Districtsmisc663491
27th January 1988 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1987/88  Northern Transvaal Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districtsmisc663492
10th December 1992 Other matches in South Africa 1992/93  Natal v Transvaalmisc37959
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CDurban Westville University v University of Fort Haremisc661695
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CMedunsa University v University of Northmisc661693
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BNatal Durban University v University of the Western Capemisc661692
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ANatal Pietermaritzburg University v Rhodes Universitymisc661688
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPotchefstroom University v University of Cape Townmisc661691
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPretoria University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc661690
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARand Afrikaans University v University of Port Elizabethmisc661687
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section AStellenbosch University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc661689
4th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of Transkei v Zululand Universitymisc661694
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CDurban Westville University v Zululand Universitymisc661704
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BNatal Durban University v Pretoria Universitymisc661700
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ANatal Pietermaritzburg University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc661698
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPotchefstroom University v University of the Western Capemisc661701
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARand Afrikaans University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc661697
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARhodes University v University of Port Elizabethmisc661696
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BUniversity of Cape Town v Witwatersrand Universitymisc661699
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of Fort Hare v Medunsa Universitymisc661702
5th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of North v University of Transkeimisc661703
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CDurban Westville University v University of Transkeimisc661712
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CMedunsa University v Zululand Universitymisc661711
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BNatal Durban University v Potchefstroom Universitymisc661710
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ANatal Pietermaritzburg University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc661707
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPretoria University v University of Cape Townmisc661708
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARand Afrikaans University v Rhodes Universitymisc661705
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section AStellenbosch University v University of Port Elizabethmisc661706
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of Fort Hare v University of Northmisc661713
6th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BUniversity of the Western Cape v Witwatersrand Universitymisc661709
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CDurban Westville University v University of Northmisc661722
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CMedunsa University v University of Transkeimisc661720
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BNatal Durban University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc661719
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ANatal Pietermaritzburg University v Rand Afrikaans Universitymisc661714
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPotchefstroom University v Pretoria Universitymisc661717
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARhodes University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc661715
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BUniversity of Cape Town v University of the Western Capemisc661718
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of Fort Hare v Zululand Universitymisc661721
7th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section AUniversity of Port Elizabeth v University of the Orange Free Statemisc661716
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CDurban Westville University v Medunsa Universitymisc661730
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BNatal Durban University v University of Cape Townmisc661727
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ANatal Pietermaritzburg University v University of Port Elizabethmisc661725
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPotchefstroom University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc661728
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section BPretoria University v University of the Western Capemisc661726
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARand Afrikaans University v Stellenbosch Universitymisc661723
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section ARhodes University v University of the Orange Free Statemisc661724
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of Fort Hare v University of Transkeimisc661731
8th December 1995 South African Universities Cricket Week 1995/96 Section CUniversity of North v Zululand Universitymisc661729
6th February 1997 South African Country Cricket Association Week 1996/97  Natal Invitation XI v South African Country Districtsmisc39324
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CCape Peninsula University of Technology v Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Universitymisc662083
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool AKwaZulu-Natal University v Central University of Technologymisc662080
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CNorth West University v University of Johannesburgmisc662084
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool APretoria University v Vaal University of Technologymisc662079
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DStellenbosch University v Tshwane University of Technologymisc662085
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BUniversity of Cape Town v Witwatersrand Universitymisc662081
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BUniversity of the Free State v Rhodes Universitymisc662082
3rd December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DUniversity of the Western Cape v Walter Sisulu Universitymisc662086
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CCape Peninsula University of Technology v University of Johannesburgmisc662092
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool ACentral University of Technology v Vaal University of Technologymisc662087
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool AKwaZulu-Natal University v Pretoria Universitymisc662088
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CNelson Mandela Metropolitan University v Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Universitymisc662091
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BRhodes University v Witwatersrand Universitymisc662090
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DStellenbosch University v Walter Sisulu Universitymisc662094
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DTshwane University of Technology v University of the Western Capemisc662093
4th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BUniversity of the Free State v University of Cape Townmisc662089
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CCape Peninsula University of Technology v North West Universitymisc662100
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool ACentral University of Technology v Pretoria Universitymisc662096
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool AKwaZulu-Natal University v Vaal University of Technologymisc662095
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool CNelson Mandela Metropolitan University v University of Johannesburgmisc662099
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BRhodes University v University of Cape Townmisc662098
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DStellenbosch University v University of the Western Capemisc662101
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool DTshwane University of Technology v Walter Sisulu Universitymisc662102
5th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Pool BUniversity of the Free State v Witwatersrand Universitymisc662097
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 13th Place Play-off Semi-FinalCape Peninsula University of Technology v not knownmisc662110
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 13th Place Play-off Semi-FinalCentral University of Technology v not knownmisc662109
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 5th Place Play-off Semi-Finalnot known v not knownmisc662105
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 9th Place Play-off Semi-Finalnot known v not knownmisc662108
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 5th Place Play-off Semi-Finalnot known v not knownmisc662106
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 9th Place Play-off Semi-Finalnot known v not knownmisc662107
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Semi-FinalPretoria University v not knownmisc662104
6th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 Semi-FinalUniversity of the Free State v not knownmisc662103
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 15th Place Play-offCape Peninsula University of Technology v Central University of Technologymisc662118
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 11th Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662116
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 7th Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662114
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 13th Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662117
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 3rd Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662112
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 9th Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662115
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 5th Place Play-offnot known v not knownmisc662113
7th December 2007 South African Students Sports Union A Tournament 2007/08 FinalUniversity of the Free State v Pretoria Universitymisc662111
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Boland Under-19s v Eastern Province Under-19smisc868317
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v Limpopo Under-19smisc868320
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v Free State Under-19smisc868315
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Easterns Under-19s v Mpumalanga Under-19smisc868318
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868314
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19s v Northerns Under-19smisc868316
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Namibia Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868321
16th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Northern Cape Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868319
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868328
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19smisc868323
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Eastern Province Under-19s v Free State Under-19smisc868325
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Easterns Under-19s v Northern Cape Under-19smisc868326
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v Boland Under-19smisc868322
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Limpopo Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868327
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Mpumalanga Under-19s v Namibia Under-19smisc868329
17th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Northerns Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868324
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Boland Under-19s v Namibia Under-19smisc868345
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Boland Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868337
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868344
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v Northerns Under-19smisc868334
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v Mpumalanga Under-19smisc868339
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v Easterns Under-19smisc868331
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Eastern Province Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868343
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Eastern Province Under-19s v Namibia Under-19smisc868335
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Easterns Under-19s v Free State Under-19smisc868340
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Free State Under-19s v Mpumalanga Under-19smisc868332
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868330
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v Northern Cape Under-19smisc868338
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868341
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19s v Northern Cape Under-19smisc868333
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Limpopo Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868336
18th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Limpopo Under-19s v Northerns Under-19smisc868342
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Boland Under-19s v Easterns Under-19smisc868350
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v Northern Cape Under-19smisc868353
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868347
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Eastern Province Under-19s v Northerns Under-19smisc868348
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Free State Under-19s v KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19smisc868349
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868346
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Limpopo Under-19s v Namibia Under-19smisc868352
19th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Mpumalanga Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868351
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Boland Under-19s v Mpumalanga Under-19smisc868357
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Border Under-19s v Namibia Under-19smisc868361
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Central Gauteng Under-19s v Northerns Under-19smisc868356
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Eastern Province Under-19s v Western Province Under-19smisc868355
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Easterns Under-19s v South Western Districts Under-19smisc868358
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Under-19s v Free State Under-19smisc868354
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  KwaZulu-Natal Inland Under-19s v North West Under-19smisc868359
20th December 2019 Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Week 2019/20  Limpopo Under-19s v Northern Cape Under-19smisc868360





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