
Other matches played on Van Cortlandt Park, New York (249)

Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
27th May 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v West Indian Bmisc505696
4th July 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Chadwickmisc505720
8th July 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Essex County Bmisc505724
29th July 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Columbia Oval Bmisc505735
5th August 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Paterson Bmisc505739
19th August 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Manhattan Bmisc505747
2nd September 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Thistle Bmisc505754
4th September 1905 New York Cricket Association 1905 Section BYonkers B v Mount Vernonmisc505756
15th May 1907 Other matches in United States of America 1907  New York Veterans v Lenoxmisc632537
25th July 1908 Other matches in United States of America 1908  West Indian v Yonkersmisc709508
1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Cameronmisc745875
1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Columbia Ovalmisc745876
1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Anglo-Americanmisc745879
1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Bronx Unitedmisc745878
21st June 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc742187
28th June 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Vernon Lodgemisc742188
28th June 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Van Cortlandtmisc742213
4th July 1913 Other matches in United States of America 1913  Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League v Connecticut Cricket Associationmisc742207
5th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Bronx Unitedmisc742206
5th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Columbia Ovalmisc742214
12th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Anglo-Americanmisc742189
19th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Yonkersmisc742190
26th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Cameronmisc742191
26th July 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Anglo-Americanmisc742203
9th August 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Vernon Lodgemisc742204
9th August 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Cameronmisc742215
16th August 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Van Cortlandt v Yonkersmisc742205
23rd August 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Bronx United v Van Cortlandtmisc742192
30th August 1913 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1913  Yonkers v Vernon Lodgemisc742216
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Adults' Schoolmisc745900
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Cameronmisc745895
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc745896
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Van Cortlandtmisc745897
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Columbia Ovalmisc745920
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Anglo-Americanmisc745915
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Bronx Unitedmisc745918
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Cameronmisc745919
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Bronx Unitedmisc745933
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Adults' Schoolmisc745935
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Cameronmisc745929
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Columbia Ovalmisc745930
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Van Cortlandtmisc745931
1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Vernon Lodgemisc745932
20th June 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Vernon Lodgemisc745916
27th June 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Vernon Lodgemisc745898
27th June 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Yonkersmisc745917
11th July 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Van Cortlandt v Adults' Schoolmisc745921
18th July 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Yonkersmisc745899
1st August 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Yonkers v Anglo-Americanmisc745934
29th August 1914 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1914  Bronx United v Anglo-Americanmisc745894
29th May 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Vernonmisc742926
29th May 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Anglo-Americanmisc742927
29th May 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Van Cortlandtmisc742929
5th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Yonkersmisc742931
5th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Columbia Ovalmisc742932
5th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Cameronmisc742933
12th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Van Cortlandtmisc742934
12th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Bronx Unitedmisc742935
12th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Vernonmisc742937
19th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Vernonmisc742939
19th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Columbia Ovalmisc742940
19th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Adults' Schoolmisc742941
26th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Bronx Unitedmisc742942
26th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Cameronmisc742944
26th June 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Anglo-Americanmisc742945
3rd July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Columbia Ovalmisc742946
3rd July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Yonkersmisc742948
3rd July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Van Cortlandtmisc742949
10th July 1915 Other matches in United States of America 1915  Adults' School v Van Cortlandtmisc759891
10th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Van Cortlandtmisc742950
10th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Adults' Schoolmisc742951
10th July 1915 Other matches in United States of America 1915  Colonials v Unitedmisc759894
10th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Anglo-Americanmisc742953
17th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc742955
17th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Yonkersmisc742956
17th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Adults' Schoolmisc742957
24th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Anglo-Americanmisc742958
24th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Vernonmisc742959
24th July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Bronx Unitedmisc742961
31st July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Cameronmisc742963
31st July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Adults' Schoolmisc742964
31st July 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Yonkersmisc742965
7th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Yonkersmisc742966
7th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Anglo-Americanmisc742968
7th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Bronx Unitedmisc742969
14th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Adults' Schoolmisc742971
14th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Cameron v Van Cortlandtmisc742972
14th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Vernon v Columbia Ovalmisc742973
21st August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Bronx United v Anglo-Americanmisc742974
21st August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Vernonmisc742976
21st August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Cameronmisc742977
28th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Adults' School v Cameronmisc742978
28th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Van Cortlandt v Bronx Unitedmisc742980
28th August 1915 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1915  Yonkers v Columbia Ovalmisc742981
4th September 1915 Other matches in United States of America 1915  Colonials v Pickwick (USA)misc759936
26th May 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Unitedmisc751378
26th May 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc751379
2nd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Adults' Schoolmisc751381
2nd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Cameronmisc751382
2nd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Columbia Ovalmisc751383
9th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Columbia Oval v Unitedmisc751385
9th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Bronx Unitedmisc751386
16th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v West Sidemisc751387
16th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Bronx Unitedmisc751389
23rd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Columbia Ovalmisc751390
23rd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Cameronmisc751391
23rd June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v West Sidemisc751392
30th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc751393
30th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Adults' Schoolmisc751394
30th June 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Cameronmisc751395
7th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Bronx Unitedmisc751396
14th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Cameronmisc751399
14th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v West Sidemisc751400
14th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Columbia Ovalmisc751401
21st July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Unitedmisc751402
21st July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Cameron v Columbia Ovalmisc751403
21st July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Adults' Schoolmisc751404
28th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Columbia Ovalmisc751405
28th July 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Unitedmisc751407
4th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Unitedmisc751408
4th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Columbia Ovalmisc751409
11th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Adults' Schoolmisc751411
11th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Cameronmisc751412
11th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Columbia Ovalmisc751413
18th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  West Side v Bronx Unitedmisc751416
25th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v West Sidemisc751417
25th August 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v Bronx Unitedmisc751419
1st September 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Adults' School v Columbia Ovalmisc751420
1st September 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  Bronx United v Cameronmisc751421
1st September 1917 Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League 1917  United v West Sidemisc751422
2nd July 1922 Other matches in United States of America 1922  Bermuda Cricket Club v Intrepid Cricket Clubmisc785554
4th July 1922 Other matches in United States of America 1922  Bermuda Cricket Club v Grenadamisc785555
8th May 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565396
9th May 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Clifton Sports Clubmisc565397
15th May 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565398
16th May 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Philbromisc565399
12th June 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Clifton Sports Clubmisc565400
26th June 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Islanders v Rangersmisc565401
11th July 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Clifton Sports Clubmisc565402
31st July 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565403
15th August 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565404
21st August 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565405
28th August 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Philbro v Rangersmisc565406
29th August 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Commonwealthmisc565407
12th September 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Young Trials v Rangersmisc565408
18th September 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v International Wanderersmisc565409
25th September 1982 Commonwealth Cup 1982  Rangers v Clifton Sports Clubmisc565410
16th June 1983 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League 1983  Commonwealth v Cosmosmisc565418
9th July 1983 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League 1983  Brookfield v Cosmosmisc565420
28th April 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Cavaliersmisc577424
29th April 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Royals Sports Clubmisc577425
5th May 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Trinidadmisc577426
26th August 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Jai Hindusmisc577434
8th September 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Trinidadmisc577436
16th September 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Sunrise v Cosmosmisc585379
23rd September 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Philbromisc577437
30th September 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Royals Sports Club v Concourse All Starsmisc577438
30th September 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Trinidad v Cosmosmisc585380
8th October 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Commonwealthmisc585381
14th October 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Trinidadmisc577439
20th October 1984 Other matches in United States of America 1984  Cosmos v Essexmisc577440
18th May 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Cosmos v Guyana Diplomatsmisc574691
29th June 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Cosmos v Pioneermisc574700
24th August 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Montserrat v Cosmosmisc574709
27th October 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Cosmos v Commonwealthmisc585384
27th October 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Cosmos v Wanderersmisc595036
28th October 1985 Other matches in United States of America 1985  Wanderers v Cosmosmisc574718
12th April 1986 Other matches in United States of America 1986  Diplomats v Cosmosmisc574656
20th April 1986 Other matches in United States of America 1986  St Christopher v Cosmosmisc574657
21st September 1986 Other matches in United States of America 1986  Cosmos v River Valleymisc574666
27th September 1986 Other matches in United States of America 1986  Hurricane v Cosmosmisc574667
5th October 1986 Other matches in United States of America 1986  St Christopher v Cosmosmisc574669
27th April 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Bronx Spartans v Cosmosmisc574624
27th April 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Bronx Spartans v Cosmosmisc574625
2nd May 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  St Christopher v Cosmosmisc574626
10th May 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Diplomats v Cosmosmisc574628
24th May 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Kaiteur v Cosmosmisc574630
26th June 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Cosmos v Tri City Albanymisc574631
30th September 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Cosmos v Queens Internationalmisc574633
3rd October 1987 Other matches in United States of America 1987  Cosmos v International Business Machinesmisc574634
16th April 1988 Other matches in United States of America 1988  Diplomats v Cosmosmisc574584
1st May 1988 Other matches in United States of America 1988  Cosmos v Diplomatsmisc574587
8th May 1988 Other matches in United States of America 1988  Diplomats v Cosmosmisc574589
3rd September 1988 Other matches in United States of America 1988  MRD Defenders v Cosmosmisc574610
7th October 1989 Other matches in United States of America 1989  Cosmos v Wanderersmisc587441
22nd April 1990 Other matches in United States of America 1990  Diplomats v Cosmosmisc576046
30th June 1990 Other matches in United States of America 1990  Cosmos v Tri Citymisc576057
26th August 1990 Other matches in United States of America 1990  Combined Islands v Cosmosmisc576067
4th May 1991 Other matches in United States of America 1991  Cosmos v United Islandersmisc576079
18th May 1991 Other matches in United States of America 1991  International v Cosmosmisc576081
19th May 1991 Sunset in United States of America 1991  Cosmos v Sunsetmisc576082
29th June 1991 Other matches in United States of America 1991  Cosmos v Young Warriorsmisc576088
10th August 1991 Other matches in United States of America 1991  Antigua v Cosmosmisc576093
5th April 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Bissoon v Cosmosmisc576101
24th May 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v Pak Americanmisc576112
25th July 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v Eaglesmisc576120
15th August 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v New Englandmisc576122
29th August 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v Tri Citymisc576124
12th September 1992 Other matches in United States of America 1992  Maha Sabha v Cosmosmisc576127
9th October 1992 Uniteds in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v Unitedsmisc576132
10th October 1992 Uniteds in United States of America 1992  Cosmos v Unitedsmisc576133
18th April 1993 Other matches in United States of America 1993  New York Cavaliers v Cosmosmisc576134
25th April 1993 Other matches in United States of America 1993  Cosmos v New Jersey Falconsmisc576136
2nd May 1993 Other matches in United States of America 1993  Cosmos v United Cricket Club of New Yorkmisc576138
24th July 1993 Other matches in United States of America 1993  Cosmos v Raycomisc576145
2nd October 1993 Other matches in United States of America 1993  Cosmos v Waterburymisc576153
24th April 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Bissoon v Cosmosmisc565509
21st May 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Cavaliers v Cosmosmisc565514
28th May 1994 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Division One 1994  Lucas v Cosmosmisc565515
11th June 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Eagles v Cosmosmisc565519
9th July 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  Commonwealth Cricket League v Garden State Cricket Leaguemisc608532
23rd July 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  Commonwealth Cricket League v American Cricket Leaguemisc608533
23rd July 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League v Eastern American Cricket Leaguemisc608536
30th July 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Mahar Sabwa v Cosmosmisc565530
6th August 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  Commonwealth Cricket League v New York and Metropolitan District Cricket Leaguemisc608539
27th August 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League v Garden State Cricket Leaguemisc608543
27th August 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Waterbury v Cosmosmisc565535
17th September 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Cosmos v Columbia Universitymisc565542
17th September 1994 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1994  New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League v Brooklyn Cricket Leaguemisc608548
15th October 1994 Other matches in United States of America 1994  Cosmos v Bronx Valleymisc565545
16th July 1995 New York Red Stripe Cup 1995  Guyana v Jamaicamisc608581
29th July 1995 New York Red Stripe Cup 1995  Guyana v Jamaicamisc608583
26th August 1995 Eastern Zone Inter-League Championship 1995 FinalMetropolitan Cricket League v New York and Metropolitan District Cricket Leaguemisc608592
28th April 1996 Other matches in United States of America 1996  Calypso City v Cosmosmisc577455
19th May 1996 Other matches in United States of America 1996  Cosmos v Diplomatsmisc577459
2nd July 1996 Bangladesh in North America 1996  Cosmos v Bangladeshmisc224509
3rd August 1996 Other matches in United States of America 1996  Lions United v Cosmosmisc577463
24th August 1996 Other matches in United States of America 1996  Cosmos v Castle Hillmisc577465
13th October 1996 Uniteds in United States of America 1996  Cosmos v Unitedsmisc577476
20th June 1998 Other matches in United States of America 1998  Cosmos v Spring Valleymisc582761
11th July 1998 Other matches in United States of America 1998  Riverside v Cosmosmisc582764
11th May 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 1Falcons v Big Applemisc576163
1st June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 2Galaxy v Phantomsmisc576208
8th June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 2Galaxy v Everest and American Cricket Societymisc576211
15th June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 1Falcons v Enmoremisc576181
22nd June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 2Galaxy v Long Island Unitedmisc576222
29th June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 1Falcons v Meten Meer Zorgmisc576188
29th June 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 2Galaxy v New York Centurianmisc576225
13th July 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Zone 1Falcons v East Side Warriorsmisc576194
27th July 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Division AFalcons v Libertymisc576239
17th August 2014 Eastern American Cricket Association 2014 Division AFalcons v Galaxymisc576254
7th May 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Lucas v Cosmosmisc788576
21st May 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Lions United v Cosmosmisc788589
11th June 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Cosmos v Suburbiamisc788603
18th June 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Staten Island Cricket Club v Cosmosmisc788612
25th June 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Island Wide v Cosmosmisc788617
2nd July 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Pioneer v Cosmosmisc788625
9th July 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Sheffield v Cosmosmisc788633
23rd July 2017 New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Round Robin 2017  Spice Island v Cosmosmisc788645





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