
County Championship Matches played by Joe Hardstaff (380)

23rd August 1930 County Championship 1930  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6144
27th August 1930 County Championship 1930  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc6150
30th August 1930 County Championship 1930  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6157
9th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc6166
13th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6174
16th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6178
20th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Recreation Ground, Bath cc6187
23rd May 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6194
30th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6210
3rd June 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6215
6th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6219
10th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6229
20th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6249
24th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6257
11th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc6295
29th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6332
1st August 1931 County Championship 1931  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6338
5th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc6347
8th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6351
15th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Kent v Nottinghamshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc6365
19th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Essex v Nottinghamshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc6371
22nd August 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6380
26th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc6384
18th May 1932 County Championship 1932  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Southampton cc6414
21st May 1932 County Championship 1932  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc6426
28th May 1932 County Championship 1932  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6435
1st June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6442
4th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6449
11th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Somerset v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Taunton cc6464
15th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6469
18th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc6472
22nd June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6481
25th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6483
6th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6510
13th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6521
16th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6531
23rd July 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6546
27th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Town Ground, Worksop cc6551
30th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6558
3rd August 1932 County Championship 1932  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton cc6562
6th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6572
10th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire Town Ground, Kettering cc6583
20th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6606
24th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc6609
13th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc6636
20th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6652
27th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6663
7th June 1933 County Championship 1933  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc6684
1st July 1933 County Championship 1933  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6731
5th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire St Helen's, Swansea cc6739
5th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6804
9th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Southampton cc6809
12th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6819
16th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc6830
19th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc6835
23rd August 1933 County Championship 1933  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Town Ground, Worksop cc6843
26th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6850
30th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Somerset v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Taunton cc6857
5th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6865
12th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6876
19th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6887
26th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6903
2nd June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6914
6th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc6919
9th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc6931
13th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Essex v Nottinghamshire Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc6934
16th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6943
20th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6951
23rd June 1934 County Championship 1934  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6960
27th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6967
30th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc6974
4th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6980
7th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc6987
11th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc6990
14th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Town Ground, Worksop cc7001
18th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7007
21st July 1934 County Championship 1934  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7016
28th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7028
1st August 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7035
4th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7042
8th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc7047
15th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Southampton cc7062
18th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc7068
22nd August 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7078
25th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Somerset v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Taunton cc7085
29th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7091
11th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7104
15th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc7109
18th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7115
25th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7128
29th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7133
1st June 1935 County Championship 1935  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7143
8th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7155
12th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Essex v Nottinghamshire Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc7159
19th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7178
22nd June 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7185
29th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc7193
3rd July 1935 County Championship 1935  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Park Road, Loughborough cc7204
10th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire Town Ground, Peterborough cc7219
20th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7239
24th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7247
31st July 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7259
3rd August 1935 County Championship 1935  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7269
7th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc7274
10th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7282
14th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc7291
17th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Town Ground, Worksop cc7298
21st August 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7306
24th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7310
28th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7318
9th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7335
16th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7347
23rd May 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7363
30th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7372
3rd June 1936 County Championship 1936  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7378
6th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7387
24th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7423
1st July 1936 County Championship 1936  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire May's Bounty, Basingstoke cc7432
4th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7444
8th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7450
11th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc7460
18th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7470
22nd July 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7478
29th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7490
1st August 1936 County Championship 1936  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7499
5th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc7504
8th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7512
19th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7536
22nd August 1936 County Championship 1936  Essex v Nottinghamshire Vista Road Recreation Ground, Clacton-on-Sea cc7541
26th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc7549
29th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc7555
8th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7570
15th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7581
29th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7608
12th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Town Ground, Worksop cc7636
16th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7642
30th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7668
3rd July 1937 County Championship 1937  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7670
7th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7680
10th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc7690
17th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7704
21st July 1937 County Championship 1937  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc7710
28th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7722
31st July 1937 County Championship 1937  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7731
4th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc7736
7th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7746
11th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc7755
25th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7786
28th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7790
7th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc7804
14th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7816
21st May 1938 County Championship 1938  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7828
28th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7838
4th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7851
18th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7879
29th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7900
2nd July 1938 County Championship 1938  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7905
27th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7957
30th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7964
3rd August 1938 County Championship 1938  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Chelmsford cc7968
6th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7978
13th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7996
27th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8021
13th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8046
20th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8057
27th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8071
31st May 1939 County Championship 1939  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc8077
3rd June 1939 County Championship 1939  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire St Helen's, Swansea cc8080
7th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8091
10th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8097
14th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc8104
17th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8110
21st June 1939 County Championship 1939  Sussex v Nottinghamshire The Manor Sports Ground, Worthing cc8117
28th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8132
8th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8149
12th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Town Ground, Worksop cc8159
15th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8165
19th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8171
29th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8195
2nd August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8204
5th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8209
9th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc8218
12th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8224
16th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8232
23rd August 1939 County Championship 1939  Essex v Nottinghamshire Vista Road Recreation Ground, Clacton-on-Sea cc8245
26th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8258
30th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc8266
11th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8272
18th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8282
25th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Somerset v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Taunton cc8294
29th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8300
1st June 1946 County Championship 1946  Kent v Nottinghamshire Royal Engineers Sports Ground, Gillingham cc8304
8th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8319
19th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8340
26th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8351
29th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8359
3rd July 1946 County Championship 1946  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc8365
6th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8373
13th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc8385
24th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8410
27th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc8411
31st July 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8421
3rd August 1946 County Championship 1946  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8427
7th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc8438
10th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8441
14th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Essex v Nottinghamshire Vista Road Recreation Ground, Clacton-on-Sea cc8447
17th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8458
14th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8494
17th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Park Road, Loughborough cc8501
21st May 1947 County Championship 1947  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc8506
24th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8513
31st May 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8527
7th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Kent v Nottinghamshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc8536
11th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8544
14th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8554
18th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8558
21st June 1947 County Championship 1947  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc8567
25th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8573
2nd July 1947 County Championship 1947  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc8585
5th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8590
9th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Rowdens Road, Wells cc8596
12th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8605
16th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8611
2nd August 1947 County Championship 1947  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8646
6th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8655
9th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8660
13th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc8671
16th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8677
20th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc8686
23rd August 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8693
30th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8705
8th May 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8712
15th May 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8721
19th May 1948 County Championship 1948  Essex v Nottinghamshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc8725
22nd May 1948 County Championship 1948  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire Town Ground, Peterborough cc8736
5th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8760
19th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8785
3rd July 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8812
10th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8825
14th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc8830
17th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8838
21st July 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8847
24th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc8850
7th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8879
11th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire College Ground, Cheltenham cc8885
14th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8897
18th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8904
21st August 1948 County Championship 1948  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road, Leicester cc8910
25th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc8921
7th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8931
14th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8942
18th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Southampton cc8947
21st May 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8955
28th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8969
4th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8980
8th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Essex v Nottinghamshire Old County Ground, Brentwood cc8985
11th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Park Road, Loughborough cc8996
15th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8999
18th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9004
25th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc9018
2nd July 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9029
6th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9036
16th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9056
20th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9062
23rd July 1949 County Championship 1949  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc9064
30th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9080
3rd August 1949 County Championship 1949  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc9088
10th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9102
24th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9132
31st August 1949 County Championship 1949  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9147
6th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire St Helen's, Swansea cc9152
13th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9167
17th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9172
20th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9179
27th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9194
3rd June 1950 County Championship 1950  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc9205
7th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Essex v Nottinghamshire Valentine's Park, Ilford cc9211
10th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9221
14th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc9229
21st June 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9242
8th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9275
12th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9281
15th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road, Leicester cc9288
22nd July 1950 County Championship 1950  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Aigburth, Liverpool cc9301
29th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9315
2nd August 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9323
5th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9330
9th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc9339
5th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Kent v Nottinghamshire Royal Engineers Sports Ground, Gillingham cc9387
12th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9401
16th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc9407
19th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Johnson Park, Yeovil cc9416
23rd May 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9420
2nd June 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9440
6th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc9447
9th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9453
13th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road, Leicester cc9459
16th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9467
20th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9472
23rd June 1951 County Championship 1951  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc9480
27th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9483
7th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc9505
18th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9528
21st July 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9536
3rd May 1952 County Championship 1952  Kent v Nottinghamshire Royal Engineers Sports Ground, Gillingham cc9625
10th May 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9632
17th May 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9643
24th May 1952 County Championship 1952  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc9655
31st May 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9670
4th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc9676
7th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9683
11th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Coventry Road, Hinckley cc9689
14th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9698
18th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9705
21st June 1952 County Championship 1952  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc9713
25th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9718
2nd July 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9732
9th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc9745
12th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9757
19th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9772
23rd July 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9779
2nd August 1952 County Championship 1952  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9801
6th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9810
9th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9815
13th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc9823
23rd August 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9847
27th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc9850
30th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9861
9th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9872
13th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9879
16th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc9882
23rd May 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9898
3rd June 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9916
6th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire Chester Road North, Kidderminster cc9926
10th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc9931
13th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc9934
17th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9942
27th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc9957
1st July 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9967
8th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9981
15th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc9996
18th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10008
22nd July 1953 County Championship 1953  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc10011
25th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10020
5th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10042
8th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10050
12th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Somerset v Nottinghamshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc10058
19th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Sussex v Nottinghamshire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc10075
22nd August 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10079
26th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc10086
29th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10095
8th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10105
15th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10117
19th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10126
22nd May 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10133
29th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc10146
12th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10174
26th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10200
30th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Southampton cc10206
3rd July 1954 County Championship 1954  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Brush Ground, Loughborough cc10212
7th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc10219
10th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc10230
7th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc10290
14th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10303
18th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Kent v Nottinghamshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc10308
21st August 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10317
28th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10330
7th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10337
11th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Hampshire v Nottinghamshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc10341
21st May 1955 County Championship 1955  Somerset v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Taunton cc10363
28th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10376
1st June 1955 County Championship 1955  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road, Leicester cc10381
4th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Kent v Nottinghamshire The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc10389
8th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire Stradey Park, Llanelli cc10394
11th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc10403
18th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10418
22nd June 1955 County Championship 1955  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc10424
25th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10430
29th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10439
20th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10481





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