
County Championship Matches played by Wilf Slack (189)

23rd July 1977 Schweppes County Championship 1977  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15258
27th August 1977 Schweppes County Championship 1977  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc15311
24th May 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15343
27th May 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15348
31st May 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15358
3rd June 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15366
14th June 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc15384
17th June 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Kent v Middlesex St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc15386
1st July 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc15410
23rd August 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Gloucestershire v Middlesex Phoenix County Ground, Bristol cc15486
26th August 1978 Schweppes County Championship 1978  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc15497
9th June 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc15547
16th June 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15562
20th June 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Kent v Middlesex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc15568
23rd June 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc15575
29th August 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Middlesex v Worcestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15673
5th September 1979 Schweppes County Championship 1979  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc15682
14th June 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc15746
18th June 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Essex v Middlesex Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc15747
28th June 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Warwickshire v Middlesex Edgbaston, Birmingham cc15770
5th July 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15775
9th July 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15783
23rd July 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Yorkshire v Middlesex North Marine Road, Scarborough cc15800
20th August 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Middlesex v Derbyshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc15839
30th August 1980 Schweppes County Championship 1980  Glamorgan v Middlesex Sophia Gardens, Cardiff cc15857
13th May 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc15883
3rd June 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Hampshire v Middlesex May's Bounty, Basingstoke cc15893
6th June 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15903
17th June 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Essex v Middlesex Valentine's Park, Ilford cc15918
15th July 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15958
18th July 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Worcestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15965
29th July 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Lancashire v Middlesex Trafalgar Road, Southport cc15973
1st August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15983
8th August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Warwickshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc15990
12th August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc15997
15th August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16008
22nd August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16013
26th August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16023
29th August 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc16030
2nd September 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Leicestershire v Middlesex Grace Road, Leicester cc16033
9th September 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Middlesex v Surrey Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16039
12th September 1981 Schweppes County Championship 1981  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc16043
5th May 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16053
12th May 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16063
29th May 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16077
2nd June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Derbyshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16085
5th June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Kent v Middlesex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc16089
9th June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Glamorgan v Middlesex St Helen's, Swansea cc16095
12th June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Yorkshire v Middlesex Abbeydale Park, Sheffield cc16106
19th June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16109
26th June 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16123
7th July 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Leicestershire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16131
10th July 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc16139
17th July 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16145
21st July 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Essex v Middlesex Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc16149
31st July 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16166
7th August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Somerset v Middlesex Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc16174
11th August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Gloucestershire v Middlesex College Ground, Cheltenham cc16180
14th August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Warwickshire v Middlesex Courtaulds Ground, Coventry cc16192
21st August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16198
25th August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16207
28th August 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc16214
8th September 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Middlesex v Hampshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16224
11th September 1982 Schweppes County Championship 1982  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc16236
30th April 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16240
4th May 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16248
25th May 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16261
28th May 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16270
4th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Kent v Middlesex Hesketh Park, Dartford cc16275
8th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Derbyshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16285
11th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16293
15th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Hampshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16300
18th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc16307
25th June 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Derbyshire v Middlesex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc16315
13th July 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Gloucestershire v Middlesex Phoenix County Ground, Bristol cc16340
16th July 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Leicestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16350
30th July 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Middlesex v Warwickshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16365
6th August 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc16368
10th August 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc16380
13th August 1983 Schweppes County Championship 1983  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc16387
28th April 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16442
23rd May 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16464
26th May 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16472
30th May 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Kent v Middlesex Hesketh Park, Dartford cc16477
2nd June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc16483
9th June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Somerset v Middlesex Recreation Ground, Bath cc16496
13th June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16504
23rd June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16518
27th June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Glamorgan v Middlesex St Helen's, Swansea cc16522
30th June 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Lancashire v Middlesex Aigburth, Liverpool cc16530
7th July 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Worcestershire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16540
11th July 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16550
14th July 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16556
25th July 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc16563
28th July 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16571
8th August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16587
11th August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16596
18th August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Leicestershire v Middlesex Grace Road, Leicester cc16603
22nd August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Hampshire v Middlesex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc16609
25th August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc16620
29th August 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc16623
5th September 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16631
8th September 1984 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1984  Gloucestershire v Middlesex Phoenix County Ground, Bristol cc16636
27th April 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Worcestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16648
4th May 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc16656
8th May 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16658
22nd May 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Glamorgan v Middlesex Sophia Gardens, Cardiff cc16663
25th May 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16673
29th May 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16679
8th June 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Derbyshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16691
12th June 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Hampshire v Middlesex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc16697
15th June 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Leicestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16704
22nd June 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc16712
26th June 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc16721
6th July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc16733
10th July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16743
13th July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16751
24th July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16757
27th July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Lancashire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16763
31st July 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16770
3rd August 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc16775
14th August 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Somerset v Middlesex Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc16795
17th August 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16800
24th August 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc16811
4th September 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Leicestershire v Middlesex Grace Road, Leicester cc16828
11th September 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16834
14th September 1985 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1985  Warwickshire v Middlesex Edgbaston, Birmingham cc16843
26th April 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Derbyshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16847
7th May 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Leicestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16860
31st May 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc16885
4th June 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc16891
7th June 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc16895
14th June 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16904
2nd July 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Surrey Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16934
5th July 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Warwickshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc16939
16th July 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16947
19th July 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc16952
26th July 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc16967
2nd August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16975
6th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc16978
9th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Gloucestershire v Middlesex College Ground, Cheltenham cc16987
16th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc16996
20th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc17009
23rd August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc17016
27th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17021
30th August 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Warwickshire v Middlesex Edgbaston, Birmingham cc17030
13th September 1986 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1986  Kent v Middlesex St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc17042
25th April 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17050
29th April 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc17057
6th May 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17062
23rd May 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc17079
3rd June 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17089
6th June 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17096
13th June 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Somerset v Middlesex Recreation Ground, Bath cc17104
20th June 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Hampshire v Middlesex County Ground, Southampton cc17114
27th June 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17124
1st July 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc17133
15th July 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Gloucestershire v Middlesex The Royal and Sun Alliance County Ground, Bristol cc17145
22nd July 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Leicestershire v Middlesex Grace Road, Leicester cc17159
25th July 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17167
1st August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17172
5th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Kent v Middlesex St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc17180
8th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Worcestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17189
15th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc17194
19th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Glamorgan v Middlesex Sophia Gardens, Cardiff cc17201
22nd August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Northamptonshire v Middlesex Wellingborough School Ground, Wellingborough cc17211
26th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Warwickshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc17217
29th August 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Sussex Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc17227
9th September 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17239
12th September 1987 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1987  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc17244
28th April 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17261
5th May 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc17269
18th May 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Leicestershire v Middlesex Grace Road, Leicester cc17273
11th June 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Kent v Middlesex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc17302
15th June 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Hampshire v Middlesex May's Bounty, Basingstoke cc17308
18th June 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Northamptonshire v Middlesex Wardown Park, Luton cc17317
25th June 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Essex v Middlesex County Ground, Chelmsford cc17320
29th June 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17328
2nd July 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc17331
13th July 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc17341
16th July 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17347
23rd July 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17362
6th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc17380
13th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17389
17th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Somerset Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc17397
20th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Warwickshire Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge cc17403
25th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc17413
30th August 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc17418
9th September 1988 Britannic Assurance County Championship 1988  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc17423





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