
Miscellaneous Matches played by Eric Gouka (355)

Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database

8th May 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378164
12th May 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378171
15th May 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378174
23rd May 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc378179
29th May 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378183
5th June 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378189
11th June 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378197
12th June 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Bloemendaal v Excelsior '20 Donkere Laan, Bloemendaal misc378202
19th June 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378209
26th June 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378211
10th July 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378217
24th July 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378226
6th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378232
7th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378234
13th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378239
14th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378243
20th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378247
21st August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  Excelsior '20 v Bloemendaal Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378249
27th August 1988 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1988  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378257
7th May 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378258
14th May 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Bloemendaal v Excelsior '20 Donkere Laan, Bloemendaal misc378267
15th May 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378272
21st May 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378277
28th May 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378281
4th June 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378284
11th June 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378289
18th June 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378291
25th June 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378298
2nd July 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378302
15th July 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378315
16th July 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc378319
22nd July 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378323
23rd July 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378327
6th August 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378330
13th August 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378336
16th August 1989 England XI in Netherlands 1989  Netherlands v England XI VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc3717
20th August 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378342
26th August 1989 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1989  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378346
2nd September 1989 Australia in British Isles 1989  Netherlands v Australians De Diepput, The Hague misc14521
3rd September 1989 Australia in British Isles 1989  Netherlands v Australians De Diepput, The Hague misc14522
16th March 1990 Netherlands in United Arab Emirates 1989/90  Darjeeling v Netherlands Dubai Country Club, Dubai misc171799
19th April 1990 Netherlands in Namibia 1989/90  Namibia v Netherlands Independence Stadium, Windhoek misc171804
26th April 1990 Netherlands in Namibia 1989/90  Namibia v Netherlands Independence Stadium, Windhoek misc171808
5th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378354
6th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378357
13th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378362
20th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc378367
24th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v Bloemendaal Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378371
27th May 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378377
30th June 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378381
1st July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378386
8th July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378391
14th July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378396
15th July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378399
21st July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378407
22nd July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc378409
28th July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378414
29th July 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378420
5th August 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Bloemendaal v Excelsior '20 Donkere Laan, Bloemendaal misc378424
12th August 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378429
19th August 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378436
25th August 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378437
26th August 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378445
2nd September 1990 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1990  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378451
5th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378452
9th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378459
12th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378464
19th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc378467
20th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378472
26th May 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378478
2nd June 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378481
16th June 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378489
23rd June 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378494
30th June 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378500
6th July 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378503
7th July 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378508
14th July 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378515
20th July 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378517
4th August 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378529
11th August 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378531
18th August 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378537
24th August 1991 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1991  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc378544
10th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378549
16th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v Sparta Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378551
24th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378560
28th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378563
31st May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc378568
7th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378572
8th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378576
14th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378581
21st June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378586
28th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378594
5th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Excelsior '20 Sportpaark De Couwenhoek, Capelle aan den IJssel misc378600
12th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378606
19th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378611
26th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378617
9th August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378622
16th August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378626
23rd August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378634
16th April 1993 Netherlands Under-25s in England 1993  England Amateur XI v Netherlands Under-25s Walcot Road, Barnack misc38291
2nd May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378642
8th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378650
9th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378652
16th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378657
23rd May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378674
30th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc378675
6th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378691
13th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378696
20th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v Sparta Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378698
26th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378705
27th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378714
4th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378721
11th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378727
18th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378730
24th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378735
8th August 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378746
29th August 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Excelsior '20 Sportpaark De Couwenhoek, Capelle aan den IJssel misc378757
1st May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc378761
7th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378771
12th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v VOC VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378778
15th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378784
22nd May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  ACC v Excelsior '20 ACC Ground, Amstelveen misc378787
23rd May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378794
29th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378797
4th June 1994 Leicestershire in Netherlands 1994  Netherlands v Leicestershire De Diepput, The Hague misc171810
5th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378804
12th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378809
19th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378817
26th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378826
2nd July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Koerhuisbeek, Deventer misc378832
3rd July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Sparta Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378838
10th July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378841
17th July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc378846
23rd July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378853
24th July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc378860
30th July 1994 European Quadrangular Tournament 1994  Netherlands v Denmark Sportpark Bergenshuizen, Vught misc9763
31st July 1994 European Quadrangular Tournament 1994  Netherlands v Scotland Sportpark Bergenshuizen, Vught misc7821
7th August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378866
14th August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378870
21st August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378878
27th August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378884
28th August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994 Play-OffExcelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378886
15th December 1994 ABN-AMRO Trophy 1994/95  Netherlands v United Arab Emirates Nairobi Club Ground, Nairobi misc38472
17th December 1994 ABN-AMRO Trophy 1994/95  Kenya v Netherlands Ruaraka Sports Club Ground, Nairobi misc38470
20th December 1994 ABN-AMRO Trophy 1994/95  Netherlands v United Arab Emirates Sir Ali Muslim Club Ground, Nairobi misc38475
22nd December 1994 ABN-AMRO Trophy 1994/95  Kenya v Netherlands Simba Union Ground, Nairobi misc38473
15th March 1995 Netherlands in India 1994/95  Himachal Pradesh v Netherlands Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una misc38626
20th March 1995 Netherlands in India 1994/95  Haryana v Netherlands Nahar Singh Stadium, Faridabad misc38628
21st March 1995 Netherlands in India 1994/95  Delhi v Netherlands Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi misc38629
23rd March 1995 Netherlands in India 1994/95  Delhi v Netherlands Delhi misc171811
25th March 1995 Netherlands in India 1994/95  Services v Netherlands Palam A Ground, Model Sports Complex, Delhi misc38630
6th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378890
7th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc378899
13th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378903
14th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc378910
21st May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378914
25th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378922
28th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc378929
4th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378931
5th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Excelsior '20 Sportpaark De Couwenhoek, Capelle aan den IJssel misc378941
10th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378943
11th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378947
18th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc378953
24th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc378957
25th June 1995 Netherlands in England 1995  Middlesex v Netherlands Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge misc171812
2nd July 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc378964
30th July 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc378988
4th August 1995 Glamorgan in Netherlands 1995  Netherlands v Glamorgan Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc1107
5th August 1995 Somerset in Netherlands 1995  Netherlands v Somerset Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc39073
6th August 1995 Somerset in Netherlands 1995  Excelsior '20 v Somerset Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc47954
12th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc378997
13th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Sparta Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379005
20th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  ACC v Excelsior '20 ACC Ground, Amstelveen misc379008
23rd August 1995 Club Cricket Conference Under-25s in Netherlands 1995  Netherlands Under-25s v Club Cricket Conference Under-25s VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc89818
26th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379016
5th February 1996 Wills World Cup 1995/96 Warm-upKenya v Netherlands Brabourne Stadium, Bombay misc39164
7th February 1996 Wills World Cup 1995/96 Warm-upKenya v Netherlands Brabourne Stadium, Bombay misc171813
5th May 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379024
12th May 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379030
16th May 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc379034
19th May 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379038
26th May 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379047
2nd June 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379054
9th June 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379062
16th June 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379068
19th June 1996 Pakistan in British Isles 1996  Netherlands v Pakistanis Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc10323
20th June 1996 Pakistan in British Isles 1996  Netherlands v Pakistanis De Diepput, The Hague misc10324
22nd June 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379072
23rd June 1996 Netherlands in England 1996  Devon v Netherlands Sir Paul Getty's Ground, Wormsley misc50697
29th June 1996 Leicestershire in Netherlands 1996  Netherlands v Leicestershire De Diepput, The Hague misc39268
30th June 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379077
7th July 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379090
14th July 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379095
28th July 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc379103
4th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379104
10th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379113
11th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379117
18th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Schootsveld, Deventer misc379125
24th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379128
25th August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379134
26th August 1996 Norfolk in Netherlands 1996  Netherlands v Norfolk De Diepput, The Hague misc39318
31st August 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996  ACC v Excelsior '20 ACC Ground, Amstelveen misc379145
1st September 1996 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1996 Play-OffExcelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379147
8th September 1996 Netherlands in England 1996 McCain ChallengeYorkshire v Netherlands North Marine Road, Scarborough misc4992
14th December 1996 Netherlands in Kenya and South Africa 1996/97  Kenya v Netherlands Gymkhana Club Ground, Nairobi misc10251
17th December 1996 Netherlands in Kenya and South Africa 1996/97  Kenya v Netherlands Gymkhana Club Ground, Nairobi misc10253
18th December 1996 Netherlands in Kenya and South Africa 1996/97  Nairobi Provincial Cricket Association XI v Netherlands Ruaraka Sports Club Ground, Nairobi misc10254
3rd May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379153
8th May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379155
11th May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc379160
18th May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v K-Gandhi Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379169
19th May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Kampong v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht misc379173
25th May 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379177
1st June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379185
8th June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379191
14th June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379199
15th June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379205
21st June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379210
21st June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379211
29th June 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379216
6th July 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379221
13th July 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379227
15th July 1997 Netherlands in England 1997 Boyes Stores ChallengeYorkshire v Netherlands North Marine Road, Scarborough misc4996
19th July 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379237
20th July 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Kampong Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379239
3rd August 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  ACC v Excelsior '20 ACC Ground, Amstelveen misc379247
10th August 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379250
16th August 1997 Leicestershire in Netherlands 1997  Netherlands v Leicestershire De Diepput, The Hague misc39676
17th August 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379260
23rd August 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379262
24th August 1997 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1997  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379272
3rd May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379278
10th May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379283
17th May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379288
21st May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379292
24th May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379297
31st May 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379300
1st June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v K-Gandhi Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379305
7th June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379312
14th June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379320
21st June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379324
27th June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379329
28th June 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379330
4th July 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379336
5th July 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379340
12th July 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379345
1st August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379350
2nd August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc379354
9th August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379363
16th August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379366
23rd August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379373
29th August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379380
30th August 1998 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1998  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379384
9th May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Schootsveld, Deventer misc379387
13th May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379391
16th May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379400
23rd May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379402
24th May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc379406
30th May 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379412
6th June 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379419
12th June 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379421
13th June 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379427
27th June 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379433
4th July 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379437
10th July 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379444
11th July 1999 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1999  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379446
7th May 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379484
14th May 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379492
1st June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379493
4th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379499
11th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379504
12th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379509
18th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v Koninklijke UD Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379517
24th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379521
25th June 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379525
1st July 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379531
2nd July 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379537
8th July 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v K-Gandhi Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379538
30th July 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379547
5th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379550
6th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379554
12th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379560
13th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379566
20th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379570
26th August 2000 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2000  Koninklijke UD v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Schootsveld, Deventer misc379575
6th May 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Klein Zwitserland, The Hague misc379580
13th May 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379586
20th May 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379588
24th May 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379595
27th May 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v K-Gandhi Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379600
3rd June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379603
4th June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379612
10th June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379615
16th June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379621
17th June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379627
17th June 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v Rood en Wit Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379623
22nd July 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379633
29th July 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  K-Gandhi v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Drieburg, Amsterdam misc379637
5th August 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379644
11th August 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379649
19th August 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379651
26th August 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc379656
1st September 2001 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2001  VOC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Laag Zestienhoven, Rotterdam misc379664
2nd May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379853
9th May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379859
16th May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v Bijlmer Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379862
20th May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc379867
23rd May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v ACC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379871
31st May 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379882
6th June 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  VOC v Excelsior '20 Hazelaarweg, Rotterdam misc379883
20th June 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379888
27th June 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379897
4th July 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379902
10th July 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379908
11th July 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379914
18th July 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  ACC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Loopveld West, Amstelveen misc379917
1st August 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379922
8th August 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Quick Haag v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Nieuw Hanenburg, The Hague misc379929
14th August 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Bijlmer v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Strandvliet, Amsterdam misc379931
15th August 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379932
22nd August 2004 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2004  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379939
1st May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  VVV v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Loopveld East, Amstelveen misc379945
5th May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379949
8th May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc379956
15th May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379961
16th May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Duivesteijn, Voorburg misc379965
22nd May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379970
29th May 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc379975
12th June 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc379985
18th June 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  VOC v Excelsior '20 Hazelaarweg, Rotterdam misc379990
19th June 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v VVV Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc379995
17th July 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380000
23rd July 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380005
24th July 2005 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2005  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc380010
7th May 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v HCC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380036
14th May 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  VRA v Excelsior '20 VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc380043
4th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v Quick Haag Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380054
5th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  VVV v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Het Loopveld East, Amstelveen misc380059
11th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v Hermes DVS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380063
18th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc380069
25th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  HCC v Excelsior '20 De Diepput, The Hague misc380074
2nd July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v VRA Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380082
8th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v HBS Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380085
9th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  HBS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Craeyenhout, The Hague misc380086
16th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  VOC v Excelsior '20 Hazelaarweg, Rotterdam misc380093
22nd July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v VOC Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380097
23rd July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v Voorburg Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380101
12th August 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Voorburg v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Westvliet, Voorburg misc380110
13th August 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Excelsior '20 v VVV Sportpark Thurlede, Schiedam misc380113
20th August 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Hermes DVS v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Harga, Schiedam misc380118
27th August 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  HCC v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Klein Zwitserland, The Hague misc380125
3rd September 2006 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2006  Rood en Wit v Excelsior '20 Sportpark Koninklijke HFC, Haarlem misc380130
13th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2007  Excelsior '20 v VVV VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc380136
17th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2007  Excelsior '20 v HBS VRA Ground, Amstelveen misc380142
20th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2007  VOC v Excelsior '20 Hazelaarweg, Rotterdam misc380149





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