
Alec Skelding as Umpire in County Championship Matches (453)

Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
9th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Worcestershire v Northamptonshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6171
23rd May 1931 County Championship 1931  Essex v Worcestershire County Ground, Leyton cc6189
27th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6201
30th May 1931 County Championship 1931  Hampshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Southampton cc6208
13th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Somerset v Essex County Ground, Taunton cc6234
17th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc6242
20th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Worcestershire v Somerset Chester Road North, Kidderminster cc6250
27th June 1931 County Championship 1931  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6264
4th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire Town Ground, Kettering cc6277
8th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Sussex v Derbyshire County Ground, Hove cc6287
11th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Hampshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Southampton cc6290
18th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire Town Ground, Peterborough cc6308
25th July 1931 County Championship 1931  Derbyshire v Middlesex Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6320
5th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Glamorgan v Surrey Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc6343
15th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Kent v Nottinghamshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc6365
19th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Kent v Worcestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc6373
26th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6386
29th August 1931 County Championship 1931  Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc6390
30th April 1932 County Championship 1932  Surrey v Worcestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6393
7th May 1932 County Championship 1932  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6400
14th May 1932 County Championship 1932  Essex v Worcestershire County Ground, Leyton cc6406
21st May 1932 County Championship 1932  Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc6422
25th May 1932 County Championship 1932  Glamorgan v Lancashire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc6428
1st June 1932 County Championship 1932  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6440
4th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6449
8th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Lancashire v Hampshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc6455
15th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Kent v Derbyshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc6467
25th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Somerset v Northamptonshire Agricultural Showgrounds, Frome cc6487
29th June 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6497
2nd July 1932 County Championship 1932  Lancashire v Warwickshire Seedhill, Nelson cc6501
9th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Derbyshire v Essex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc6512
13th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Warwickshire v Kent Mitchell's and Butler's Ground, Birmingham cc6524
16th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6531
23rd July 1932 County Championship 1932  Northamptonshire v Middlesex Town Ground, Peterborough cc6545
30th July 1932 County Championship 1932  Worcestershire v Essex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6561
3rd August 1932 County Championship 1932  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton cc6562
6th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Hampshire v Northamptonshire County Ground, Southampton cc6570
10th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Hampshire v Surrey United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc6580
17th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Yorkshire v Somerset Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc6600
20th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Lancashire v Somerset Stanley Park, Blackpool cc6604
24th August 1932 County Championship 1932  Lancashire v Gloucestershire Aigburth, Liverpool cc6611
13th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Yorkshire v Derbyshire The Circle, Hull cc6641
17th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Yorkshire v Essex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc6646
27th May 1933 County Championship 1933  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6663
31st May 1933 County Championship 1933  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6668
3rd June 1933 County Championship 1933  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6677
7th June 1933 County Championship 1933  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc6684
10th June 1933 County Championship 1933  Sussex v Hampshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc6692
14th June 1933 County Championship 1933  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire Town Ground, Kettering cc6698
28th June 1933 County Championship 1933  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham cc6728
1st July 1933 County Championship 1933  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6731
5th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire St Helen's, Swansea cc6739
8th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Glamorgan v Warwickshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc6745
12th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Glamorgan v Middlesex St Helen's, Swansea cc6752
19th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Northampton cc6769
22nd July 1933 County Championship 1933  Derbyshire v Northamptonshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc6771
29th July 1933 County Championship 1933  Worcestershire v Northamptonshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc6791
5th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6804
9th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc6811
12th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Lancashire v Hampshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc6817
16th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc6830
19th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Derbyshire v Hampshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6831
23rd August 1933 County Championship 1933  Lancashire v Essex Aigburth, Liverpool cc6841
26th August 1933 County Championship 1933  Northamptonshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Northampton cc6849
5th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Derbyshire v Lancashire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc6862
12th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6877
19th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6887
30th May 1934 County Championship 1934  Middlesex v Warwickshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6908
2nd June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6914
9th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Hampshire v Derbyshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc6926
13th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Hampshire v Lancashire County Ground, Southampton cc6935
16th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6944
23rd June 1934 County Championship 1934  Yorkshire v Sussex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc6961
27th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc6967
30th June 1934 County Championship 1934  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc6974
4th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Warwickshire v Surrey Mitchell's and Butler's Ground, Birmingham cc6981
14th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Town Ground, Worksop cc7001
18th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Yorkshire v Warwickshire North Marine Road, Scarborough cc7010
21st July 1934 County Championship 1934  Derbyshire v Worcestershire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc7011
28th July 1934 County Championship 1934  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7028
8th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Lancashire v Derbyshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7048
11th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Sussex v Kent Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc7059
15th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Kent v Northamptonshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc7063
18th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Kent v Lancashire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc7072
29th August 1934 County Championship 1934  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7091
4th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7096
11th May 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7104
22nd May 1935 County Championship 1935  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7121
1st June 1935 County Championship 1935  Derbyshire v Hampshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc7138
8th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7155
12th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Hampshire v Middlesex County Ground, Southampton cc7161
15th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7171
19th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Northamptonshire v Sussex County Ground, Northampton cc7179
29th June 1935 County Championship 1935  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire Town Ground, Kettering cc7195
3rd July 1935 County Championship 1935  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7203
10th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire Town Ground, Peterborough cc7219
13th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7226
17th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Lancashire v Gloucestershire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7230
27th July 1935 County Championship 1935  Essex v Middlesex Valentine's Park, Ilford cc7251
31st July 1935 County Championship 1935  Sussex v Derbyshire County Ground, Hove cc7261
3rd August 1935 County Championship 1935  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7269
7th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Sussex v Glamorgan Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc7279
10th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Derbyshire v Essex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc7280
14th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Gloucestershire v Middlesex College Ground, Cheltenham cc7288
21st August 1935 County Championship 1935  Northamptonshire v Lancashire County Ground, Northampton cc7305
28th August 1935 County Championship 1935  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7317
13th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7341
16th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Worcestershire v Yorkshire War Memorial Ground, Amblecote cc7350
20th May 1936 County Championship 1936  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7355
23rd May 1936 County Championship 1936  Northamptonshire v Somerset Town Ground, Kettering cc7362
3rd June 1936 County Championship 1936  Northamptonshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Northampton cc7379
10th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7392
13th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Kent v Somerset Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc7398
17th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Essex v Yorkshire Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc7404
24th June 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7423
1st July 1936 County Championship 1936  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7436
4th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Glamorgan v Somerset Stradey Park, Llanelli cc7440
8th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7448
11th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Somerset v Worcestershire West Hendford, Yeovil cc7458
18th July 1936 County Championship 1936  Kent v Middlesex Mote Park, Maidstone cc7469
22nd July 1936 County Championship 1936  Essex v Sussex Valentine's Park, Ilford cc7474
1st August 1936 County Championship 1936  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7497
5th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Headingley, Leeds cc7508
8th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7512
12th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Lancashire v Glamorgan Old Trafford, Manchester cc7519
15th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Warwickshire v Middlesex Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7531
22nd August 1936 County Championship 1936  Lancashire v Warwickshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc7542
26th August 1936 County Championship 1936  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc7554
8th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7569
12th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Glamorgan v Sussex Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc7573
26th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Derbyshire v Somerset Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc7598
29th May 1937 County Championship 1937  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7608
5th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7623
12th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7639
16th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7642
26th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Kent v Middlesex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc7660
30th June 1937 County Championship 1937  Essex v Yorkshire Valentine's Park, Ilford cc7665
3rd July 1937 County Championship 1937  Somerset v Sussex West Hendford, Yeovil cc7672
7th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Gloucestershire v Hampshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7678
10th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Glamorgan v Northamptonshire St Helen's, Swansea cc7685
14th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Somerset v Derbyshire County Ground, Taunton cc7694
17th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7702
24th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Hampshire v Worcestershire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc7716
28th July 1937 County Championship 1937  Hampshire v Warwickshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc7721
4th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc7736
11th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Northamptonshire v Worcestershire County Ground, Northampton cc7756
18th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Yorkshire v Glamorgan North Marine Road, Scarborough cc7774
21st August 1937 County Championship 1937  Derbyshire v Worcestershire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc7775
28th August 1937 County Championship 1937  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7790
7th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7805
14th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Essex v Lancashire Valentine's Park, Ilford cc7813
21st May 1938 County Championship 1938  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7828
28th May 1938 County Championship 1938  Worcestershire v Surrey Chester Road North, Kidderminster cc7840
1st June 1938 County Championship 1938  Essex v Worcestershire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc7842
11th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Sussex v Hampshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc7868
15th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Kent v Worcestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc7874
18th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc7881
22nd June 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7884
25th June 1938 County Championship 1938  Lancashire v Surrey Old Trafford, Manchester cc7892
6th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Derbyshire v Essex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc7910
9th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc7921
13th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Worcestershire v Derbyshire War Memorial Ground, Amblecote cc7931
16th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Gloucestershire v Lancashire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc7935
23rd July 1938 County Championship 1938  Hampshire v Somerset Dean Park, Bournemouth cc7948
27th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Hampshire v Warwickshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc7954
30th July 1938 County Championship 1938  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc7964
3rd August 1938 County Championship 1938  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Chelmsford cc7968
10th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc7987
20th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Worcestershire v Warwickshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc8012
24th August 1938 County Championship 1938  Somerset v Kent Rowdens Road, Wells cc8018
31st August 1938 County Championship 1938  Surrey v Lancashire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8030
13th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc8042
24th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8063
27th May 1939 County Championship 1939  Essex v Worcestershire County Ground, Chelmsford cc8066
3rd June 1939 County Championship 1939  Kent v Sussex Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc8081
7th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Sussex v Warwickshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc8093
17th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Northamptonshire v Middlesex County Ground, Northampton cc8109
24th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Lancashire v Surrey Old Trafford, Manchester cc8122
28th June 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8132
1st July 1939 County Championship 1939  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc8140
8th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8150
12th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc8158
15th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc8161
19th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Worcestershire v Derbyshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc8174
22nd July 1939 County Championship 1939  Northamptonshire v Worcestershire Town Ground, Rushden cc8182
29th July 1939 County Championship 1939  Essex v Sussex County Ground, Chelmsford cc8191
2nd August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8204
9th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester cc8215
12th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc8228
16th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8232
19th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc8237
23rd August 1939 County Championship 1939  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8252
26th August 1939 County Championship 1939  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8257
15th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Sussex v Worcestershire County Ground, Hove cc8276
18th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8280
29th May 1946 County Championship 1946  Derbyshire v Hampshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc8297
1st June 1946 County Championship 1946  Worcestershire v Warwickshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc8310
15th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Warwickshire v Hampshire Courtaulds Ground, Coventry cc8334
19th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8340
22nd June 1946 County Championship 1946  Derbyshire v Lancashire The Park, Buxton cc8342
26th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8351
29th June 1946 County Championship 1946  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8362
3rd July 1946 County Championship 1946  Hampshire v Sussex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8366
6th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Hampshire v Middlesex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8371
13th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8389
17th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Essex v Middlesex Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc8392
20th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc8399
24th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8410
27th July 1946 County Championship 1946  Worcestershire v Gloucestershire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc8418
31st July 1946 County Championship 1946  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire The Circle, Hull cc8422
3rd August 1946 County Championship 1946  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8425
10th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc8445
14th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Derbyshire v Northamptonshire County Ground, Derby cc8446
21st August 1946 County Championship 1946  Glamorgan v Surrey Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc8463
28th August 1946 County Championship 1946  Sussex v Gloucestershire County Ground, Hove cc8483
17th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Derbyshire v Worcestershire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc8497
24th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8511
28th May 1947 County Championship 1947  Surrey v Northamptonshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8519
31st May 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8527
4th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Essex v Warwickshire Old County Ground, Brentwood cc8528
11th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Lancashire v Glamorgan Aigburth, Liverpool cc8543
14th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Glamorgan v Gloucestershire St Helen's, Swansea cc8548
21st June 1947 County Championship 1947  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc8567
25th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Lancashire v Warwickshire Stanley Park, Blackpool cc8570
28th June 1947 County Championship 1947  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc8580
5th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8590
9th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Yorkshire v Kent The Circle, Hull cc8599
26th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Somerset v Lancashire Agricultural Showgrounds, Frome cc8634
30th July 1947 County Championship 1947  Hampshire v Glamorgan County Ground, Southampton cc8638
2nd August 1947 County Championship 1947  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc8647
6th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Northamptonshire v Sussex County Ground, Northampton cc8654
9th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc8660
16th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc8680
20th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc8681
23rd August 1947 County Championship 1947  Hampshire v Gloucestershire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8689
30th August 1947 County Championship 1947  Hampshire v Yorkshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8703
15th May 1948 County Championship 1948  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc8717
22nd May 1948 County Championship 1948  Lancashire v Hampshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc8735
26th May 1948 County Championship 1948  Derbyshire v Northamptonshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc8740
2nd June 1948 County Championship 1948  Kent v Worcestershire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc8751
5th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8761
9th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Surrey v Lancashire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8766
12th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Northampton cc8773
19th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Somerset v Hampshire Recreation Ground, Bath cc8786
23rd June 1948 County Championship 1948  Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire St Helen's, Swansea cc8789
26th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Glamorgan v Middlesex Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc8795
30th June 1948 County Championship 1948  Gloucestershire v Warwickshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc8802
10th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc8828
14th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Yorkshire v Glamorgan The Circle, Hull cc8834
21st July 1948 County Championship 1948  Kent v Somerset Mote Park, Maidstone cc8845
24th July 1948 County Championship 1948  Kent v Essex Mote Park, Maidstone cc8853
31st July 1948 County Championship 1948  Worcestershire v Essex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc8867
4th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Glamorgan v Gloucestershire Eugene Cross Park, Ebbw Vale cc8869
7th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Somerset v Glamorgan Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc8880
14th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc8899
21st August 1948 County Championship 1948  Sussex v Gloucestershire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc8914
25th August 1948 County Championship 1948  Hampshire v Yorkshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc8917
7th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Yorkshire v Somerset Headingley, Leeds cc8933
11th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc8937
18th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Northamptonshire v Surrey County Ground, Northampton cc8949
21st May 1949 County Championship 1949  Essex v Glamorgan Valentine's Park, Ilford cc8951
25th May 1949 County Championship 1949  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8959
4th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc8978
8th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Essex v Nottinghamshire Old County Ground, Brentwood cc8985
11th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc8998
18th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9004
25th June 1949 County Championship 1949  Worcestershire v Gloucestershire Tipton Road, Dudley cc9017
2nd July 1949 County Championship 1949  Lancashire v Glamorgan Old Trafford, Manchester cc9026
6th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Derbyshire v Hampshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc9033
16th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9056
23rd July 1949 County Championship 1949  Hampshire v Glamorgan Dean Park, Bournemouth cc9066
27th July 1949 County Championship 1949  Hampshire v Middlesex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc9071
6th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Somerset v Glamorgan Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc9095
10th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Gloucestershire v Surrey College Ground, Cheltenham cc9098
17th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Derbyshire v Middlesex County Ground, Derby cc9114
24th August 1949 County Championship 1949  Surrey v Warwickshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9133
31st August 1949 County Championship 1949  Sussex v Surrey County Ground, Hove cc9146
6th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9155
10th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Surrey v Derbyshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9161
13th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9167
17th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Middlesex v Glamorgan Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9170
20th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9180
27th May 1950 County Championship 1950  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc9189
3rd June 1950 County Championship 1950  Glamorgan v Somerset Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc9204
7th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Gloucestershire v Lancashire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc9212
10th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc9224
17th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Worcestershire v Warwickshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc9237
21st June 1950 County Championship 1950  Northamptonshire v Somerset Town Ground, Rushden cc9241
28th June 1950 County Championship 1950  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc9251
1st July 1950 County Championship 1950  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc9257
8th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9276
22nd July 1950 County Championship 1950  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9303
29th July 1950 County Championship 1950  Hampshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Southampton cc9312
5th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc9328
12th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc9349
16th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Northamptonshire v Sussex County Ground, Northampton cc9353
26th August 1950 County Championship 1950  Essex v Derbyshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc9373
12th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9401
16th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Derbyshire v Sussex County Ground, Derby cc9405
23rd May 1951 County Championship 1951  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9421
26th May 1951 County Championship 1951  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9427
2nd June 1951 County Championship 1951  Worcestershire v Hampshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc9442
6th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Warwickshire v Essex Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9448
9th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc9455
16th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Essex v Somerset Old County Ground, Brentwood cc9462
20th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Hampshire v Lancashire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc9471
23rd June 1951 County Championship 1951  Kent v Sussex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc9477
27th June 1951 County Championship 1951  Kent v Lancashire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc9482
4th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Warwickshire v Somerset Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9501
7th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc9505
14th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Gloucestershire v Sussex Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc9518
18th July 1951 County Championship 1951  Worcestershire v Gloucestershire Evesham Sports Club Ground, Evesham cc9531
1st August 1951 County Championship 1951  Essex v Sussex Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc9555
4th August 1951 County Championship 1951  Essex v Worcestershire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc9563
11th August 1951 County Championship 1951  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9581
18th August 1951 County Championship 1951  Sussex v Derbyshire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc9600
22nd August 1951 County Championship 1951  Sussex v Lancashire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc9609
29th August 1951 County Championship 1951  Surrey v Warwickshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9621
17th May 1952 County Championship 1952  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc9646
21st May 1952 County Championship 1952  Derbyshire v Worcestershire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc9647
28th May 1952 County Championship 1952  Surrey v Warwickshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9664
31st May 1952 County Championship 1952  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9669
11th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Derbyshire v Sussex Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc9686
18th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Lancashire v Glamorgan West Cliff, Preston cc9703
21st June 1952 County Championship 1952  Derbyshire v Northamptonshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc9708
28th June 1952 County Championship 1952  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9724
2nd July 1952 County Championship 1952  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9733
12th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester cc9753
16th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc9765
19th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9772
30th July 1952 County Championship 1952  Hampshire v Sussex United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc9793
2nd August 1952 County Championship 1952  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc9801
6th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Essex v Gloucestershire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc9805
9th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Essex v Warwickshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc9811
16th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Somerset v Lancashire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc9831
20th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Worcestershire v Lancashire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc9840
30th August 1952 County Championship 1952  Kent v Yorkshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc9858
9th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc9872
16th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Derbyshire v Glamorgan Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc9880
20th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Fartown, Huddersfield cc9893
30th May 1953 County Championship 1953  Yorkshire v Glamorgan Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc9913
3rd June 1953 County Championship 1953  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc9918
10th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Sussex v Warwickshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc9930
13th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Sussex v Glamorgan Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc9937
17th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Kent v Leicestershire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc9941
20th June 1953 County Championship 1953  Kent v Sussex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc9948
1st July 1953 County Championship 1953  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc9966
11th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Gloucestershire v Glamorgan Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc9987
15th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc9997
18th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10008
25th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Derbyshire v Lancashire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc10016
29th July 1953 County Championship 1953  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10028
1st August 1953 County Championship 1953  Yorkshire v Lancashire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc10038
8th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10048
15th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Essex v Nottinghamshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc10062
19th August 1953 County Championship 1953  Sussex v Nottinghamshire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc10075
22nd August 1953 County Championship 1953  Sussex v Gloucestershire The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc10081
8th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10105
29th May 1954 County Championship 1954  Lancashire v Derbyshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc10144
5th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10159
12th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Lancashire v Surrey Old Trafford, Manchester cc10170
16th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Derbyshire v Surrey County Ground, Derby cc10176
30th June 1954 County Championship 1954  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc10209
7th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Surrey v Glamorgan Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10224
10th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc10230
14th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Sussex v Worcestershire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc10238
17th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Middlesex v Northamptonshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10244
24th July 1954 County Championship 1954  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10261
31st July 1954 County Championship 1954  Worcestershire v Essex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc10277
11th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Hampshire v Lancashire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc10292
14th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Hampshire v Northamptonshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc10301
18th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Sussex v Glamorgan The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc10310
21st August 1954 County Championship 1954  Sussex v Somerset The Saffrons, Eastbourne cc10318
28th August 1954 County Championship 1954  Derbyshire v Glamorgan Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc10326
7th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10337
14th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10350
21st May 1955 County Championship 1955  Lancashire v Hampshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc10360
25th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc10371
28th May 1955 County Championship 1955  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10376
1st June 1955 County Championship 1955  Northamptonshire v Hampshire Town Ground, Peterborough cc10382
11th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Middlesex v Lancashire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10402
18th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Essex v Gloucestershire Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc10413
22nd June 1955 County Championship 1955  Essex v Warwickshire Chalkwell Park, Westcliff-on-Sea cc10420
29th June 1955 County Championship 1955  Derbyshire v Glamorgan County Ground, Derby cc10434
6th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Yorkshire v Glamorgan St George's Road, Harrogate cc10454
13th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Somerset v Worcestershire County Ground, Taunton cc10467
16th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Somerset v Essex County Ground, Taunton cc10474
23rd July 1955 County Championship 1955  Hampshire v Middlesex Dean Park, Bournemouth cc10487
27th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Hampshire v Leicestershire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc10494
30th July 1955 County Championship 1955  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10505
10th August 1955 County Championship 1955  Gloucestershire v Glamorgan College Ground, Cheltenham cc10525
13th August 1955 County Championship 1955  Somerset v Glamorgan Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc10537
17th August 1955 County Championship 1955  Somerset v Hampshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc10544
24th August 1955 County Championship 1955  Surrey v Sussex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10560
12th May 1956 County Championship 1956  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc10587
16th May 1956 County Championship 1956  Middlesex v Derbyshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10591
26th May 1956 County Championship 1956  Lancashire v Glamorgan Old Trafford, Manchester cc10611
2nd June 1956 County Championship 1956  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc10621
6th June 1956 County Championship 1956  Yorkshire v Sussex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc10635
9th June 1956 County Championship 1956  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10642
16th June 1956 County Championship 1956  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10650
27th June 1956 County Championship 1956  Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10671
30th June 1956 County Championship 1956  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10677
11th July 1956 County Championship 1956  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10697
21st July 1956 County Championship 1956  Hampshire v Leicestershire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc10717
25th July 1956 County Championship 1956  Hampshire v Lancashire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc10723
28th July 1956 County Championship 1956  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10734
1st August 1956 County Championship 1956  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10741
8th August 1956 County Championship 1956  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Grace Road, Leicester cc10755
15th August 1956 County Championship 1956  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10771
18th August 1956 County Championship 1956  Lancashire v Worcestershire Old Trafford, Manchester cc10777
22nd August 1956 County Championship 1956  Derbyshire v Surrey County Ground, Derby cc10783
4th May 1957 County Championship 1957  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc10811
11th May 1957 County Championship 1957  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10819
15th May 1957 County Championship 1957  Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10826
29th May 1957 County Championship 1957  Lancashire v Glamorgan Old Trafford, Manchester cc10850
5th June 1957 County Championship 1957  Northamptonshire v Surrey County Ground, Northampton cc10863
8th June 1957 County Championship 1957  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10867
12th June 1957 County Championship 1957  Middlesex v Hampshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc10876
22nd June 1957 County Championship 1957  Kent v Sussex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc10896
26th June 1957 County Championship 1957  Kent v Yorkshire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc10902
29th June 1957 County Championship 1957  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc10912
6th July 1957 County Championship 1957  Northamptonshire v Lancashire County Ground, Northampton cc10923
13th July 1957 County Championship 1957  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc10943
17th July 1957 County Championship 1957  Derbyshire v Middlesex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc10945
20th July 1957 County Championship 1957  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc10957
27th July 1957 County Championship 1957  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester cc10967
31st July 1957 County Championship 1957  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Stanley Park, Blackpool cc10976
3rd August 1957 County Championship 1957  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc10981
10th August 1957 County Championship 1957  Somerset v Glamorgan Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc11002
14th August 1957 County Championship 1957  Somerset v Surrey Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc11008
21st August 1957 County Championship 1957  Worcestershire v Hampshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc11024
24th August 1957 County Championship 1957  Worcestershire v Sussex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc11032
28th August 1957 County Championship 1957  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc11034
14th May 1958 County Championship 1958  Nottinghamshire v Hampshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc11056
24th May 1958 County Championship 1958  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc11074
28th May 1958 County Championship 1958  Derbyshire v Gloucestershire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc11082
31st May 1958 County Championship 1958  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc11090
7th June 1958 County Championship 1958  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc11108
18th June 1958 County Championship 1958  Hampshire v Somerset Dean Park, Bournemouth cc11122
25th June 1958 County Championship 1958  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc11137
28th June 1958 County Championship 1958  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc11142
5th July 1958 County Championship 1958  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc11156
16th July 1958 County Championship 1958  Lancashire v Warwickshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc11176
23rd July 1958 County Championship 1958  Kent v Worcestershire Mote Park, Maidstone cc11190
26th July 1958 County Championship 1958  Kent v Yorkshire Mote Park, Maidstone cc11198
2nd August 1958 County Championship 1958  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc11216
6th August 1958 County Championship 1958  Sussex v Gloucestershire County Ground, Hove cc11224
13th August 1958 County Championship 1958  Essex v Kent Vista Road Recreation Ground, Clacton-on-Sea cc11234
16th August 1958 County Championship 1958  Essex v Hampshire Vista Road Recreation Ground, Clacton-on-Sea cc11240
23rd August 1958 County Championship 1958  Derbyshire v Kent County Ground, Derby cc11256
27th August 1958 County Championship 1958  Lancashire v Derbyshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc11266
30th August 1958 County Championship 1958  Nottinghamshire v Somerset Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc11274





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