
Cricketer Cup Matches played by Oundle Rovers

Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database

25th May 1969 The Cricketer Cup 1969 First RoundOld Wellingtonians v Oundle Rovers Wellington College, Crowthorne crcup47
15th June 1969 The Cricketer Cup 1969 Second RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup55
31st May 1970 The Cricketer Cup 1970 First RoundOundle Rovers v Felsted Robins Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup80
21st June 1970 The Cricketer Cup 1970 Second RoundOld Westminsters v Oundle Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup89
12th July 1970 The Cricketer Cup 1970 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Wellingtonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup96
2nd August 1970 The Cricketer Cup 1970 Semi-FinalOld Wykehamists v Oundle Rovers Ridding Field, Winchester crcup98
30th May 1971 The Cricketer Cup 1971 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Whitgiftians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup109
28th May 1972 The Cricketer Cup 1972 First RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup142
27th May 1973 The Cricketer Cup 1973 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Amplefordians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup174
17th June 1973 The Cricketer Cup 1973 Second RoundBradfield Waifs v Oundle Rovers Bradfield College, Reading crcup180
8th July 1973 The Cricketer Cup 1973 Quarter-FinalOld Blundellians v Oundle Rovers Blundell's School, Tiverton crcup190
2nd June 1974 The Cricketer Cup 1974 First RoundOundle Rovers v Eton Ramblers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup208
16th June 1974 The Cricketer Cup 1974 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup216
1st June 1975 The Cricketer Cup 1975 First RoundSt Edward's Martyrs v Oundle Rovers St Edward's School Ground, Oxford crcup240
15th June 1975 The Cricketer Cup 1975 Second RoundRepton Pilgrims v Oundle Rovers Repton School Ground, Repton crcup248
6th July 1975 The Cricketer Cup 1975 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Rugby Meteors Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup253
27th July 1975 The Cricketer Cup 1975 Semi-FinalHarrow Wanderers v Oundle Rovers Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill crcup254
30th May 1976 The Cricketer Cup 1976 First RoundOundle Rovers v St Edward's Martyrs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup269
13th June 1976 The Cricketer Cup 1976 Second RoundOld Alleynians v Oundle Rovers Dulwich College Ground, Dulwich crcup276
4th July 1976 The Cricketer Cup 1976 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Blundellians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup283
29th May 1977 The Cricketer Cup 1977 First RoundOundle Rovers v Uppingham Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup289
19th June 1977 The Cricketer Cup 1977 Second RoundSt Edward's Martyrs v Oundle Rovers St Edward's School Ground, Oxford crcup311
10th July 1977 The Cricketer Cup 1977 Quarter-FinalOld Amplefordians v Oundle Rovers Ampleforth College, Ampleforth crcup312
31st July 1977 The Cricketer Cup 1977 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Malvernians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup317
21st August 1977 The Cricketer Cup 1977 FinalOundle Rovers v Shrewsbury Saracens Burton's Court, Chelsea crcup318
4th June 1978 The Cricketer Cup 1978 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Merchant Taylors Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup331
18th June 1978 The Cricketer Cup 1978 Second RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup340
9th July 1978 The Cricketer Cup 1978 Quarter-FinalOld Wellingtonians v Oundle Rovers Wellington College, Crowthorne crcup346
6th August 1978 The Cricketer Cup 1978 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup348
20th August 1978 The Cricketer Cup 1978 FinalCharterhouse Friars v Oundle Rovers Burton's Court, Chelsea crcup349
3rd June 1979 The Cricketer Cup 1979 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Wykehamists Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup362
17th June 1979 The Cricketer Cup 1979 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup372
1st June 1980 The Cricketer Cup 1980 First RoundOld Wykehamists v Oundle Rovers Ridding Field, Winchester crcup394
31st May 1981 The Cricketer Cup 1981 First RoundOld Westminsters v Oundle Rovers Vincent Square, Westminster crcup425
14th June 1981 The Cricketer Cup 1981 Second RoundOld Merchant Taylors v Oundle Rovers Durrants Sports Ground, Croxley Green crcup436
5th July 1981 The Cricketer Cup 1981 Quarter-FinalOld Alleynians v Oundle Rovers Dulwich College Ground, Dulwich crcup441
26th July 1981 The Cricketer Cup 1981 Semi-FinalOld Wykehamists v Oundle Rovers Ridding Field, Winchester crcup445
30th May 1982 The Cricketer Cup 1982 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup459
29th May 1983 The Cricketer Cup 1983 First RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup484
3rd June 1984 The Cricketer Cup 1984 First RoundOundle Rovers v Sherborne Pilgrims Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup520
17th June 1984 The Cricketer Cup 1984 Second RoundBradfield Waifs v Oundle Rovers Bradfield College, Reading crcup526
8th July 1984 The Cricketer Cup 1984 Quarter-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup536
2nd June 1985 The Cricketer Cup 1985 First RoundOundle Rovers v Lancing Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup553
23rd June 1985 The Cricketer Cup 1985 Second RoundStowe Templars v Oundle Rovers Stowe School Ground, Stowe crcup564
7th July 1985 The Cricketer Cup 1985 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Harrow Wanderers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup567
21st July 1985 The Cricketer Cup 1985 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Wykehamists Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup571
17th August 1985 The Cricketer Cup 1985 FinalOundle Rovers v Repton Pilgrims Vincent Square, Westminster crcup572
1st June 1986 The Cricketer Cup 1986 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Blundellians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup584
22nd June 1986 The Cricketer Cup 1986 Second RoundOld Cliftonians v Oundle Rovers Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton crcup592
6th July 1986 The Cricketer Cup 1986 Quarter-FinalShrewsbury Saracens v Oundle Rovers Shrewsbury School, Shrewsbury crcup600
20th July 1986 The Cricketer Cup 1986 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Malvernians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup602
31st May 1987 The Cricketer Cup 1987 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Wykehamists Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup613
29th May 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 First RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup647
5th June 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 First Round (Replay)Radley Rangers v Oundle Rovers Radley College Bigside Ground, Abingdon crcup652
19th June 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 Second RoundOld Blundellians v Oundle Rovers Blundell's School, Tiverton crcup658
3rd July 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup662
17th July 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 Semi-FinalBradfield Waifs v Oundle Rovers Bradfield College, Reading crcup665
7th August 1988 The Cricketer Cup 1988 FinalOundle Rovers v Shrewsbury Saracens Vincent Square, Westminster crcup667
4th June 1989 The Cricketer Cup 1989 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup680
25th June 1989 The Cricketer Cup 1989 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Eton Ramblers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup689
9th July 1989 The Cricketer Cup 1989 Quarter-FinalOld Cliftonians v Oundle Rovers Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton crcup693
23rd July 1989 The Cricketer Cup 1989 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Malvernians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup697
6th August 1989 The Cricketer Cup 1989 FinalOundle Rovers v Shrewsbury Saracens Vincent Square, Westminster crcup698
3rd June 1990 The Cricketer Cup 1990 First RoundRadley Rangers v Oundle Rovers Radley College Bigside Ground, Abingdon crcup708
24th June 1990 The Cricketer Cup 1990 Second RoundHaileybury Hermits v Oundle Rovers Haileybury College Ground, Hertford crcup717
8th July 1990 The Cricketer Cup 1990 Quarter-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup726
16th June 1991 The Cricketer Cup 1991 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Amplefordians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup746
30th June 1991 The Cricketer Cup 1991 Second RoundOld Wellingtonians v Oundle Rovers Wellington College, Crowthorne crcup751
7th July 1991 The Cricketer Cup 1991 Quarter-FinalHarrow Wanderers v Oundle Rovers Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill crcup756
21st July 1991 The Cricketer Cup 1991 Semi-FinalOld Tonbridgians v Oundle Rovers Tonbridge School Ground, Tonbridge crcup759
31st May 1992 The Cricketer Cup 1992 First RoundOld Alleynians v Oundle Rovers Dulwich College Ground Second XI Pitch, Dulwich crcup767
30th May 1993 The Cricketer Cup 1993 First RoundHarrow Wanderers v Oundle Rovers Harrow School Cricket Ground, Harrow-on-the-Hill crcup795
29th May 1994 The Cricketer Cup 1994 First RoundFelsted Robins v Oundle Rovers Felsted School Ground, Dunmow crcup824
4th June 1995 The Cricketer Cup 1995 First RoundOld Wykehamists v Oundle Rovers Ridding Field, Winchester crcup861
25th June 1995 The Cricketer Cup 1995 Second RoundOld Brightonians v Oundle Rovers Brighton College Ground, Brighton crcup873
2nd June 1996 The Cricketer Cup 1996 First RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup900
23rd June 1996 The Cricketer Cup 1996 Second RoundCharterhouse Friars v Oundle Rovers Charterhouse School, Godalming crcup904
1st June 1997 The Cricketer Cup 1997 First RoundOld Brightonians v Oundle Rovers Brighton College Ground, Brighton crcup926
29th June 1997 The Cricketer Cup 1997 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Uppingham Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup939
31st May 1998 The Cricketer Cup 1998 First RoundOundle Rovers v Repton Pilgrims Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup960
21st June 1998 The Cricketer Cup 1998 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Rugby Meteors Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup972
6th June 1999 The Cricketer Cup 1999 First RoundOundle Rovers v Harrow Wanderers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup995
20th June 1999 The Cricketer Cup 1999 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Stowe Templars Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1003
4th July 1999 The Cricketer Cup 1999 Quarter-FinalOld Tonbridgians v Oundle Rovers Tonbridge School Ground, Tonbridge crcup1007
18th June 2000 The Cricketer Cup 2000 First RoundHaileybury Hermits v Oundle Rovers Haileybury College Ground, Hertford crcup1013
2nd July 2000 The Cricketer Cup 2000 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1033
10th June 2001 The Cricketer Cup 2001 First RoundOundle Rovers v Lancing Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1054
24th June 2001 The Cricketer Cup 2001 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Cheltonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1065
8th July 2001 The Cricketer Cup 2001 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Charterhouse Friars Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1069
22nd July 2001 The Cricketer Cup 2001 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Sherborne Pilgrims Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1072
12th August 2001 The Cricketer Cup 2001 FinalEton Ramblers v Oundle Rovers Bank of England Ground, Roehampton crcup1073
2nd June 2002 The Cricketer Cup 2002 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1084
15th June 2003 The Cricketer Cup 2003 First RoundOld Westminsters v Oundle Rovers Vincent Square, Westminster crcup1114
29th June 2003 The Cricketer Cup 2003 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Cheltonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1124
13th July 2003 The Cricketer Cup 2003 Quarter-FinalEton Ramblers v Oundle Rovers Upper Club, Eton College crcup1127
27th July 2003 The Cricketer Cup 2003 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1131
13th June 2004 The Cricketer Cup 2004 First RoundRugby Meteors v Oundle Rovers Rugby School Ground, Rugby crcup1145
12th June 2005 The Cricketer Cup 2005 First RoundOundle Rovers v Haileybury Hermits Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1175
26th June 2005 The Cricketer Cup 2005 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1183a
10th July 2005 The Cricketer Cup 2005 Quarter-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1189
24th July 2005 The Cricketer Cup 2005 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Bradfield Waifs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1191
31st July 2005 The Cricketer Cup 2005 Semi-Final (replay)Bradfield Waifs v Oundle Rovers Bradfield College, Reading crcup1192
11th June 2006 The Cricketer Cup 2006 First RoundOundle Rovers v Eton Ramblers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1206
10th June 2007 The Cricketer Cup 2007 First RoundOld Brightonians v Oundle Rovers Brighton College Ground, Brighton crcup1228
1st July 2007 The Cricketer Cup 2007 Second RoundHaileybury Hermits v Oundle Rovers Haileybury College Ground, Hertford crcup1242
8th July 2007 The Cricketer Cup 2007 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v St Edward's Martyrs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1247
22nd July 2007 The Cricketer Cup 2007 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Wellingtonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1248
12th August 2007 The Cricketer Cup 2007 FinalOld Tonbridgians v Oundle Rovers Old Deer Park, Richmond crcup1250
15th June 2008 The Cricketer Cup 2008 First RoundUppingham Rovers v Oundle Rovers Middle Field Pitch 1, Uppingham School crcup1266
14th June 2009 The Cricketer Cup 2009 First RoundSherborne Pilgrims v Oundle Rovers Sherborne School, Sherborne crcup1296
28th June 2009 The Cricketer Cup 2009 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1303
12th July 2009 The Cricketer Cup 2009 Quarter-FinalOld Cliftonians v Oundle Rovers Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton crcup1308
26th July 2009 The Cricketer Cup 2009 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Tonbridgians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1310
13th June 2010 The Cricketer Cup 2010 First RoundOundle Rovers v Lancing Rovers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1324a
4th July 2010 The Cricketer Cup 2010 Second RoundOld Cheltonians v Oundle Rovers College Ground, Cheltenham crcup1334
18th July 2010 The Cricketer Cup 2010 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Marlborough Blues Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1339
1st August 2010 The Cricketer Cup 2010 Semi-FinalCharterhouse Friars v Oundle Rovers Charterhouse School, Godalming crcup1341
15th August 2010 The Cricketer Cup 2010 FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Denis Compton Oval, Shenley crcup1343
12th June 2011 The Cricketer Cup 2011 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1345
26th June 2011 The Cricketer Cup 2011 Second RoundOld Merchant Taylors v Oundle Rovers Merchant Taylors' School Ground, Northwood crcup1363
17th June 2012 The Cricketer Cup 2012 First RoundDownside Wanderers v Oundle Rovers Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse crcup1375
24th June 2012 The Cricketer Cup 2012 First Round (Replay)Oundle Rovers v Downside Wanderers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1388
1st July 2012 The Cricketer Cup 2012 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Old Bedfordians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1393
15th July 2012 The Cricketer Cup 2012 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Bradfield Waifs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1397
16th June 2013 The Cricketer Cup 2013 First RoundOundle Rovers v Bradfield Waifs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1414
30th June 2013 The Cricketer Cup 2013 Second RoundShrewsbury Saracens v Oundle Rovers Shrewsbury School, Shrewsbury crcup1423
15th June 2014 The Cricketer Cup 2014 First RoundDownside Wanderers v Oundle Rovers Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse crcup1434
29th June 2014 The Cricketer Cup 2014 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1453
13th July 2014 The Cricketer Cup 2014 Quarter-FinalCharterhouse Friars v Oundle Rovers Charterhouse School, Godalming crcup1457
14th June 2015 The Cricketer Cup 2015 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Amplefordians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1473
28th June 2015 The Cricketer Cup 2015 Second RoundOld Wykehamists v Oundle Rovers Ridding Field, Winchester crcup1482
12th July 2015 The Cricketer Cup 2015 Quarter-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1488
12th June 2016 The Cricketer Cup 2016 First RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1501
11th June 2017 The Cricketer Cup 2017 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Cranleighans Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1536
25th June 2017 The Cricketer Cup 2017 Second RoundOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1547
17th June 2018 The Cricketer Cup 2018 First RoundOld Eastbournians v Oundle Rovers Eastbourne College Ground, Eastbourne crcup1563
1st July 2018 The Cricketer Cup 2018 Second RoundBradfield Waifs v Oundle Rovers Bradfield College, Reading crcup1573
15th July 2018 The Cricketer Cup 2018 Quarter-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1581
16th June 2019 The Cricketer Cup 2019 First RoundOld Cheltonians v Oundle Rovers College Ground, Cheltenham crcup1591
30th June 2019 The Cricketer Cup 2019 Second RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1607
14th July 2019 The Cricketer Cup 2019 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1612
28th July 2019 The Cricketer Cup 2019 Semi-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1614
11th August 2019 The Cricketer Cup 2019 FinalOld Tonbridgians v Oundle Rovers Arundel Castle Cricket Club Ground, Arundel crcup1616
14th June 2020 The Cricketer Cup 2020 First RoundOundle Rovers v Old Brightonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1616m
13th June 2021 The Cricketer Cup 2021 First RoundOundle Rovers v Charterhouse Friars Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1631
27th June 2021 The Cricketer Cup 2021 Second RoundOundle Rovers v St Edward's Martyrs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1641
11th July 2021 The Cricketer Cup 2021 Quarter-FinalOld Cranleighans v Oundle Rovers Jubilee, Cranleigh School crcup1645
25th July 2021 The Cricketer Cup 2021 Semi-FinalOundle Rovers v Eton Ramblers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1650
8th August 2021 The Cricketer Cup 2021 FinalOld Millfieldians v Oundle Rovers Arundel Castle Cricket Club Ground, Arundel crcup1651
12th June 2022 The Cricketer Cup 2022 First RoundOundle Rovers v Repton Pilgrims Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1666
26th June 2022 The Cricketer Cup 2022 Second RoundRugby Meteors v Oundle Rovers Rugby School Ground, Rugby crcup1676
10th July 2022 The Cricketer Cup 2022 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Millfieldians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1680
11th June 2023 The Cricketer Cup 2023 First RoundOundle Rovers v Radley Rangers Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1697
25th June 2023 The Cricketer Cup 2023 Second RoundOundle Rovers v St Edward's Martyrs Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1709
9th July 2023 The Cricketer Cup 2023 Quarter-FinalOundle Rovers v Old Wellingtonians Oundle School Ground, Oundle crcup1714
23rd July 2023 The Cricketer Cup 2023 Semi-FinalOld Malvernians v Oundle Rovers Malvern College Ground, Malvern crcup1715
19th May 2024 The Cricketer Cup 2024 Preliminary RoundEton Ramblers v Oundle Rovers Upper Club, Eton College crcup1718
9th June 2024 The Cricketer Cup 2024 First RoundRadley Rangers v Oundle Rovers Radley College Bigside Ground, Abingdon crcup1736
8th June 2025 The Cricketer Cup 2025 First RoundOld Cliftonians v Oundle Rovers Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton crcup1761


158 fixtures and matches, excluding 1 abandoned or cancelled matches





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