
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1889 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
CD Buxton (MCC)231125108*62.50101 
TS Pearson1105050  50.00010 
FE Lacey (MCC)1209271  46.00010 
W Gunn (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)264051319118  37.681913 
F Thomas (CU)35018873  37.60021 
A Shrewsbury (Nt,Play)12162522104  37.281312 
L Wilson (Kent)7100360132  36.00113 
WJ Ford (MCC)1207264  36.00010 
W Barnes (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)274041249130*34.693620 
JM Read (Sy,Sth)17272847136  33.881615 
WG Grace (Gs,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)244521396154  32.463722 
J Robertson (GEng,MCC)2426341*31.50000 
TC O'Brien (Mx,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)14261784100*31.36158 
J Cranston (Gs,Gent)15263709130  30.822311 
KJ Key (Sy,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)234051070176*30.57258 
A Ward (La,Nth,Play)21314822114*30.44157 
AG Steel (La,Gent,IZ,Liv,Nth)811032965  29.90025 
F Marchant (Kent)14230669176  29.08137 
R Abel (Sy,Play,Sth)254351095138  28.812729 
HJ Mordaunt (CU,Mx)7120338127  28.16112 
WH Patterson (Kent)9161422115  28.13122 
FH Sugg (La,Nth)2030274789  26.670412 
SC Newton (MCC)1205335  26.50000 
L Hall (Yor,Nth)2139297586  26.350616 
W Marshall (Nt)1102626  26.00000 
O Redgate (Nt)2307637  25.33000 
WW Read (Sy,Gent,Sth)20331805115  25.151411 
AE Stoddart (Mx,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)1835281778*24.750610 
FGJ Ford (CU,Mx,GEng,Gent)12200495123  24.752010 
EA Nepean (Mx,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)2344888564*24.58036 
RG Barlow (La)1321441055  24.11033 
W Flowers (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)2231171778  23.90049 
W Newham (Sx,Gent,Sth)18361821110  23.451314 
Lord GW Scott (OU)59118647  23.25000 
RW Frank (Yor,IZ)2409346  23.25002 
P Northcote (Kent)1212321  23.00001 
R Henderson (Sy,Sth)1828455063*22.910310 
CP Foley (CU)8130294113  22.61113 
F Fielding (Sy,Sth)3408975  22.250143
R Peel (Yor,Nth,Play)26461991158  22.021510 
HM Grayson (Liv)1204442  22.00000 
OG Radcliffe (Gs,Gent,Sth)15291590101*21.07136 
J Briggs (La,Nth,Play)2329158656  20.920213 
JB Hide (Sx)1428352075*20.80026 
GG Hearne (Kent,MCC)16274477103  20.73128 
JS Russel (MCC)2408251  20.50010 
HD Littlewood (MCC)1204135  20.50000 
AK Watson (OU)815030489  20.26013 
RC Gosling (CU)813221646  19.63006 
F Ward (La)68015750  19.62013 
H Philipson (OU,Gent,IZ,MCC,Sth)1426638464  19.2001185
W Rashleigh (Kent,OU)1219134265  19.00035 
GF Vernon (Mx,GEng,IZ,MCC)1729348886  18.760211 
H Leadbeater1203719  18.50004 
WH Lockwood (Sy,Sth)1624338483  18.28028 
W Quaife (Sx,Play,Sth)17342574107  17.931110 
F Lee (Yor,Nth,Play)2038067584  17.760316 
Lord Hawke (Yor,MCC,Nth)1525142669  17.75021 
J Eccles (La)1422235578  17.75035 
AJ Webbe (Mx,GEng,IZ,MCC)1528245783  17.57027 
H Pigg (Gent)1203535  17.50000 
AN Hornby (La,Nth)1825043378  17.320110 
E Wainwright (Yor)1832153653  17.290218 
F Townsend (Gs)1121232683  17.150113 
J Padgett (Yor)2406825  17.00000 
PJT Henery (Mx)2406830  17.00000 
J Major (Sx,Sth)11211336106  16.80102 
F Hearne (Kent,MCC)1321034764  16.52027 
WA Humphreys (Sx,Sth)1528636345  16.500013 
AH Heath (MCC)1203332  16.50000 
ACM Croome (Gs,OU,GEng)1325434681  16.470114 
H Hill (Yor)2406533  16.25000 
JA Dixon (Nt,Gent)1319128959*16.05026 
HV Page (Gs,Gent,Sth)1018324043  16.0000119
CH Hunter (CU)1211616  16.00000 
MT Baines (MCC)1211613*16.00001 
J Shuter (Sy,MCC,Sth)1830146356  15.960211 
EM Hadow (Mx,IZ,MCC,Sth)1323036550  15.86015 
J Butler (Nt)68111156  15.85011 
AG Paul (La,Nth)1116222160  15.78014 
SW Scott (Mx,MCC)1020031475  15.70012 
MC Kemp (Kent)914218851  15.6601168
Lord Harris (Kent)610114034*15.55006 
GA Lohmann (Sy,Play,Sth)2739355779  15.470333 
W Chatterton (MCC,Nth,Play)915121672*15.42012 
E Crawley (CU)610015454  15.40013 
CI Thornton (GEng,MCC,Sth)69112358*15.37012 
J Phillips (MCC)5939031*15.00001 
W Brockwell (Sy)1203027  15.00001 
JH Brain (Gs)1325036973  14.7603122
SMJ Woods (CU,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sth)1219323632  14.75006 
ER de Little (CU)814710322  14.71004 
G Beves (Nt)1202917  14.50000 
EJ McCormick (Sx,Gent)510113025*14.44001 
WH Scotton (Nt,Nth)1825035851  14.320215 
CJM Fox (Kent,Sth)1423032763  14.21018 
S Wade (Yor)1936346549  14.09007 
DL Evans (Gs)3617050*14.00011 
W Price (Liv)2422826*14.00001 
W Attewell (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)2636443544  13.590024 
G Bean (Sx)1427135159  13.50026 
WH Dudney (Sx)815020071  13.33016 
JT Brown (Yor)610112035*13.33002 
J le Fleming (Kent)2405330  13.25002 
MR Jardine (OU)815019854  13.20016 
R Moorhouse (Yor)1630138254  13.170112 
G Ulyett (Yor,Nth,Play)2545354665  13.000117 
A Hearne (Kent,MCC,Sth)1930631242  13.000025 
FH Guttridge (Nt)1101313  13.00001 
EM Butler (CU)711112944  12.90003 
GR Baker (La)1214116735  12.84005 
H Wood (Sy,Sth)1421223549  12.3600263
CE de Trafford (MCC)2413717  12.33000 
JE West (Mx,MCC)1014214741  12.2500139
VA Barton (Kent)712113232  12.00004 
CW Wright (Nt,MCC)611013247  12.000002
CHM Thring (MCC)1101212  12.00000 
T Bowley (Sy)1114510627  11.77006 
EL Griffiths (Gs)2404727  11.75001 
JR Painter (Gs)1223026750  11.600112 
WH Andrews (Sx)3615828  11.60002 
A Watson (La)1822716923  11.260016 
JG Walker (Mx,GEng,IZ)1322024044  10.900016 
G Burton (Mx)111789516*10.550010 
WWF Pullen (Gs)1121021851  10.38015 
A Champion (Liv)2404128  10.25001 
EM Grace (Gs)1019118337  10.16005 
RJ Mee (Nt)71028123  10.12006 
G Brann (Sx)612111137  10.090001
AP Lucas (Gent)1202017  10.00001 
PJ de Paravicini (Mx,GEng,IZ,MCC)1116114861  9.86018 
JM Preston (Yor)4706717  9.57001 
FH Gresson (OU,Sx)917115345  9.56004 
H Tebay (Sx)3605729  9.50002 
HB Steel (Liv)2403811  9.50003 
RJ Pope (MCC)1201913  9.50002 
M Sherwin (Nt,Nth,Play)18241112122*9.30003314
RT Thornton (MCC)2403716  9.25000 
FJN Thesiger (OU)713011746  9.00003 
R Pilling (La)1821415128  8.88004214
AB Hide (Sx)1425319537  8.860013 
HB Daft (Nt,Nth)1521117753  8.85017 
HW Chard (Gs)2403532  8.75003 
W Wright (Kent,Play,Sth)2028519731  8.560015 
H Hale (CU,Gs)61017725  8.55006 
FG Roberts (Gs)13231110217  8.50008 
RA Wilson (CU)2311715  8.50003 
L Whitehead (Yor)1528717718  8.420010 
E Smith (OU,Yor)51035926  8.42003 
GH Cotterill (CU)5806716  8.37005 
JJ Hulme (MCC)574259  8.33004 
JW Sharpe (Sy,Sth)121649936  8.25009 
ETB Simpson (Yor)3513312*8.25001 
J Beaumont (Sy,Sth)2028915434  8.10007 
H Ross (MCC)2412415  8.00001 
J Driver (Yor)241248  8.00002 
AASL Ross (CU)2302417  8.00000 
JW Parton (Yor)1201614  8.00000 
CW Parry (CU)120169  8.00000 
E Smith (Liv)1201616  8.00000 
WH Leese (MCC)1201613  8.00000 
WC Bridgeman (MCC)1201610  8.00000 
S Hollands (Sx)61108421  7.63003 
H Richardson (Nt,Liv,Nth,Play)1925614316  7.52008 
RH Moss (OU)5934516*7.50005 
CL Jones (Liv)2403022  7.50000 
WA Woof (Gs)1017111835  7.37006 
CJM Godfrey (Sx)4815120  7.28003 
J Carlin (Nt,MCC,Nth)71035024  7.140045
FJ Shacklock (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)1924215536  7.04008 
C Turner (Gs)1201414  7.00001 
E Peake (Gs)1201410  7.00000 
JN Tonge (Kent)3503417  6.80000 
G Davenport (MCC)4833316  6.600046
D Hunter (Yor,Nth)18321312421  6.52002823
FJ Jones (Liv)1201312  6.50000 
HW Forster (OU,IZ)81509615  6.40004 
JT Rawlin (Mx,MCC)61125615  6.22004 
DD Pontifex (MCC)220128  6.00001 
C Holden (Liv)1201211  6.00000 
FL Shand (GEng)22166  6.00002 
SM Crosfield (La)91427127  5.91005 
TW Mayes (Sx)71235115  5.6600113
FW Maude (MCC)1201110  5.50000 
HW Bryant (Mx)120118  5.500013
F Martin (Kent,MCC,Sth)2031911514  5.22007 
JH Pentecost (Kent,Sth)461269  5.200002
G Yates (La)2301510  5.00002 
WH Murch (Gs)1201010  5.00000 
J Dunn (GEng)120109  5.00001 
H Hartley-Smith (Sx)1201010  5.000021
W Middlebrook (Yor)91736919*4.920011 
AE Leatham (GEng,MCC)4502413  4.80003 
JA Bush (Gs)5104289*4.6600111
HT Hewett (MCC)2301411  4.66000 
AW Mold (La)182257715*4.52006 
GH Kibble (Kent)12096  4.50000 
EC Hornby (Liv)12097  4.50001 
G Fowler (OU)472229*4.40001 
MJ Dauglish (OU,GEng)2301313  4.330011
G MacGregor (CU,GEng)81324715  4.2700141
AT Kemble (Liv)240179  4.250011
FW Tate (Sx)111984516  4.09007 
J Wootton (Kent,Sth)350209  4.00000 
R Brooks (Sy)11044  4.000001
GE Jowett (La)11044  4.00000 
LH Bacmeister (Mx,GEng)91343515  3.88005 
H Bassett (OU)61223611  3.60003 
MW Wright (Nt)12066  3.00000 
FT Welman (MCC)12064  3.00001 
H Eccles (Liv)12133*3.00000 
GP Harrison (Yor)12133*3.00000 
TH Warren (Nth)11033  3.00000 
AH Hossack (CU)11033  3.00000 
GA Davidson (MCC)11033  3.00000 
C Wreford-Brown (OU)3611311  2.60003 
EG Murdock (Gs)360158  2.50003 
WC Hedley (IZ)12055  2.50001 
RAA Beresford (CU)12044  2.00000 
H Phillips (Sx)5101175  1.880043
T Evans (Liv)12033  1.50000 
T Gregg (Gs)12033  1.50000 
GW Lowles (Mx)12033  1.50000 
JS Robinson (MCC)12033  1.50000 
A Martineau (CU)23042  1.33000 
W Hearn (MCC)22022  1.00000 
WA Morgan (Liv)12022  1.00000 
WI Rowell (CU)12022  1.00001 
J Mills (La)11011  1.000011
F Butler (Nt)11011  1.00000 
H Whitfeld (IZ)12011  0.50000 
FA Bishop (Gent)12011  0.50001 
JT Parnham (MCC)12011  0.50000 
GL Wilson (OU)12011  0.50001 
H Nuttall (Kent)23011  0.330011
W Foster (Nt)12000  0.00000 
HF Bateman-Champain (Gs)12000  0.00000 
FE Woodhead (CU)12000  0.00001 
H Robinson (Nt)12000  0.00000 
P Christopherson (OU)12000  0.00000 
E Ratcliffe (Liv)12000  0.00000 
HJ Adams (Sy)11000  0.00002 
HJE Burrell (OU)11000  0.00000 
AD Pougher (MCC)11000  0.00001 





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