
Fielding in County Championship 1901 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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D Hunter (Yor)22342761
JP Whiteside (Le)17172340
AE Newton (Sm)11271744
HR Butt (Sx)23481462
F Stedman (Sy)27571471
C Smith (La)28551368
J Carlin (Nt)19261137
C Robson (Ham)1626935
TM Russell (Es)1722830
T Straw (Wo)2148856
AP Wickham (Sm)57714
FH Huish (Kent)1941647
AFA Lilley (Wk)1646652
G MacGregor (Mx)1111617
AE Davis (Le)2358
JH Board (Gs)2140444
W Chatterton (Dy)2013316
AE Russell (Es)611314
DA Steele (Ham)1710313
W Storer (Dy)2021324
RN Douglas (Mx)910212
TW Oates (Nt)4325
TL Taylor (Yor)2013215
WF Boroughs (Gs)3112
TH Fowler (Gs)1512113
EA Halliwell (Mx)1213
J Higgins (Yor)2011
AE Lawton (Dy)2012113
HR Murrell (Kent)615116
E Needham (Dy)1412113
LCH Palairet (Sm)1613114
WP Robertson (Mx)13617
J Stone (Ham)3415
H Wrathall (Gs)2421122
R Abel (Sy)276 6
G Anthony (Nt)166 6
EG Arnold (Wo)189 9
HW Bainbridge (Wk)71 1
A Baker (Sy)72 2
PC Baker (Kent)178 8
H Baldwin (Ham)96 6
AF Bannister (Wo)123 3
EIM Barrett (Ham)63 3
VA Barton (Ham)1816 16
FH Bateman-Champain (Gs)44 4
J Bean (Sx)101 1
GW Beldam (Mx)136 6
CA Bernard (Sm)72 2
JA Berwick (Dy)12 2
W Bestwick (Dy)172 2
HG Bignell (Ham)42 2
A Bird (Wo)1512 12
RNR Blaker (Kent)1414 14
CHG Bland (Sx)138 8
C Blythe (Kent)208 8
CH Bodington (Ham)32 2
BJT Bosanquet (Mx)1819 19
D Bottom (Dy)11 1
FL Bowley (Wo)1910 10
WM Bradley (Kent)2113 13
G Brann (Sx)81 1
LC Braund (Sm)1720 20
W Brockwell (Sy)1811 11
JJ Broughton (La)43 3
JH Brown (Le)12 2
JT Brown (Yor)12 2
JT Brown (Yor)2712 12
L Brown (Le)22 2
WSA Brown (Gs)1514 14
FD Browne (Kent)57 7
CJ Burnup (Kent)2112 12
G Burrington (Sm)21 1
RD Burrows (Wo)2110 10
JP Burton (Dy)74 4
JF Byrne (Wk)126 6
SWA Cadman (Dy)32 2
HA Carpenter (Es)2012 12
VH Cartwright (Nt)41 1
C Charlesworth (Wk)1512 12
TA Chignell (Ham)32 2
HB Chinnery (Mx)23 3
HH Cobb (Mx)11 1
S Coe (Le)1813 13
GR Cox (Sx)12 2
B Cranfield (Sm)175 5
RT Crawford (Le)135 5
VFS Crawford (Sy)2419 19
G Curgenven (Dy)73 3
WR Cuttell (La)178 8
J Daniell (Sm)69 9
SH Day (Kent)123 3
CE Dench (Nt)1515 15
D Denton (Yor)2513 13
CE de Trafford (Le)147 7
JHG Devey (Wk)169 9
EW Dillon (Kent)159 9
EJ Diver (Wk)12 2
JA Dixon (Nt)1011 11
J Douglas (Mx)1110 10
EM Dowson (Sy)136 6
A Eccles (La)229 9
R Else (Dy)11 1
SH Evershed (Dy)11 1
FL Fane (Es)104 4
JB Fereday (Wo)11 1
EF Field (Wk)137 7
CD Fisher (Sx)43 3
TS Fishwick (Wk)1215 15
CP Foley (Mx)22 2
HK Foster (Wo)125 5
RE Foster (Wo)2118 18
CB Fry (Sx)2312 12
KRB Fry (Sx)22 2
HG Garnett (La)2821 21
WT Garrett (Es)92 2
F Geeson (Le)1918 18
EH Gill (Le)42 2
GC Gill (Sm)177 7
ACS Glover (Wk)92 2
KO Goldie (Sx)1422 22
WB Goodacre (Nt)33 3
HS Goodwin (Gs)11 1
E Grant (Sm)11 1
GR Gregory (Dy)21 1
JG Greig (Ham)1718 18
FH Gresson (Sx)43 3
GSF Griffin (Mx)11 1
JR Gunn (Nt)1912 12
W Gunn (Nt)1110 10
WS Hacker (Gs)11 1
S Haigh (Yor)2113 13
AH Haines (Gs)33 3
AW Hallam (Nt)1913 13
J Hallows (La)2511 11
S Hargreave (Wk)169 9
IM Harrison (Nt)61 1
CR Hartley (La)153 3
Lord Hawke (Yor)248 8
EG Hayes (Sy)2325 25
HB Hayman (Mx)72 2
TW Hayward (Sy)2531 31
JW Haywood (Le)21 1
JA Healing (Gs)53 3
A Hearne (Kent)2123 23
JT Hearne (Mx)1810 10
MRHM Herbert (Nt)31 1
C Heseltine (Ham)63 3
WJ Hibbert (La)104 4
AJL Hill (Ham)88 8
VT Hill (Sm)92 2
GH Hirst (Yor)2716 16
HJJ Hodgkins (Gs)21 1
FC Holland (Sy)128 8
J Holland (La)52 2
W Huddleston (La)43 3
HJ Huggins (Gs)209 9
JJ Hulme (Dy)208 8
E Humphreys (Kent)1712 12
J Iremonger (Nt)188 8
DLA Jephson (Sy)2412 12
GL Jessop (Gs)2419 19
AO Jones (Nt)1924 24
R Joyce (Le)22 2
EH Killick (Sx)2412 12
JH King (Le)1915 15
S Kinneir (Wk)168 8
SAP Kitcat (Gs)87 7
AE Knight (Le)1911 11
CJ Kortright (Es)1616 16
S Lane (Gs)32 2
T Langdon (Gs)2422 22
PH Latham (Sx)61 1
EC Lee (Ham)63 3
WS Lees (Sy)2012 12
HDG Leveson-Gower (Sy)122 2
AE Lewis (Sm)1711 11
CB Llewellyn (Ham)1812 12
W Locker (Dy)124 4
WH Lockwood (Sy)188 8
HK Longman (Sy)11 1
WW Lowe (Wo)62 2
AP Lucas (Es)1511 11
FM Luce (Gs)22 2
R MacDonald (Le)136 6
CP McGahey (Es)2110 10
AC MacLaren (La)2128 28
F Marchant (Kent)84 4
FW Marlow (Sx)111 1
HH Marriott (Le)22 2
CHB Marsham (Kent)31 1
JR Mason (Kent)2125 25
P Mason (Nt)21 1
W Mead (Es)186 6
F Mitchell (Yor)2712 12
AW Mold (La)134 4
HF Montgomery (Sm)11 1
W Montgomery (Sy)11 1
LJ Moon (Mx)85 5
F Moorhouse (Wk)53 3
RE More (Mx)1414 14
H Myers (Yor)11 1
W Newham (Sx)126 6
EHL Nice (Sy)22 2
RW Nicholls (Mx)42 2
WW Odell (Le)62 2
J Oldknow (Dy)22 2
HGP Owen (Es)146 6
AJ Paish (Gs)2222 22
RCN Palairet (Sm)23 3
CH Palmer (Ham)21 1
F Parris (Sx)21 1
FA Pearson (Wo)2110 10
PA Perrin (Es)206 6
FA Phillips (Sm)106 6
AD Pougher (Le)52 2
JH Purdy (Dy)11 1
WG Quaife (Wk)1615 15
GB Raikes (Ham)52 2
KS Ranjitsinhji (Sx)2122 22
JT Rawlin (Mx)177 7
W Reeves (Es)2113 13
AE Relf (Sx)2417 17
W Rhodes (Yor)2720 20
RW Rice (Gs)97 7
T Richardson (Sy)244 4
FG Roberts (Gs)2210 10
E Robson (Sm)1714 14
WH Rowlands (Gs)11 1
GE Rudd (Le)43 3
S Santall (Wk)145 5
COH Sewell (Gs)1012 12
JS Sharp (La)2514 14
A Shrewsbury (Nt)1912 12
GHT Simpson-Hayward (Wo)128 8
KS Singh (Kent)31 1
CLA Smith (Sx)96 6
E Smith (Yor)63 3
WC Smith (Sy)41 1
HG Smoker (Ham)44 4
T Soar (Ham)82 2
EM Sprot (Ham)1613 13
EJ Spry (Gs)11 1
EE Steel (La)77 7
HC Stewart (Kent)11 1
AM Sullivan (Sx)41 1
FW Tate (Sx)2427 27
SS Taylor (Mx)23 3
FE Thomas (Gs)21 1
G Tosetti (Es)94 4
CL Townsend (Gs)56 6
B Tremlin (Es)11 1
AE Trott (Mx)1413 13
J Tunnicliffe (Yor)2762 62
AJ Turner (Es)82 2
JT Tyldesley (La)2816 16
EJ Tyler (Sm)31 1
J Vine (Sx)2414 14
E Wainwright (Yor)2621 21
L Walker (Sy)112 2
A Ward (La)2813 13
PF Warner (Mx)174 4
A Warren (Dy)85 5
TG Wass (Nt)1611 11
AS Webb (Ham)1812 12
S Webb (La)2719 19
GJV Weigall (Kent)33 3
CM Wells (Mx)99 9
LS Wells (Mx)12 2
GF Wheldon (Wo)113 3
H Whitehead (Le)1612 12
L Whitehead (Yor)146 6
AEM Whittle (Wk)44 4
WHW Wilkes (Wo)22 2
J Wilkinson (Gs)45 5
W Williams (Mx)11 1
W Wilmot (Dy)38 8
GA Wilson (Wo)1914 14
AH Wood (Ham)11 1
CJB Wood (Le)1914 14
SH Wood (Dy)52 2
A Woodcock (Le)92 2
SMJ Woods (Sm)1612 12
LG Wright (Dy)199 9
HJ Wyld (Mx)11 1
EG Wynyard (Ham)22 2
HI Young (Es)199 9
JH Young (Dy)101 1





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