
Bowling in National Westminster Bank Trophy 1990 (Ordered by Player)

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J Abrahams (Shrop)360310     5.16
JA Afford (Nt)666260     2.36
JP Agnew (Le)7214422-4422.00 0036.00 3.66
JR Airey (Lin)6006011-6060.00 0060.00 6.00
MW Alleyne (Gs)174411465-3019.00 0129.00 3.93
PJW Allott (La)204109343-2423.25 0051.00 2.73
CEL Ambrose (Nr)3251113641-1534.00 0081.25 2.51
SJW Andrew (Es)7223422-3417.00 0036.00 2.83
KA Arnold (Ox)723480     4.00
Asif Din (Wk)6625455-4010.80 0113.20 4.90
MA Atherton (La)10815942-1514.75 0027.00 3.27
CWJ Athey (Gs)180140     4.66
ID Austin (La)318520573-3629.28 0045.42 3.86
JR Ayling (Ham)270519773-3028.14 0038.57 4.37
MD Bailey (Suff)360180     3.00
RJ Bailey (Nr)7224943-4712.25 0018.00 4.08
P Bainbridge (Gs)1031530     3.08
PJ Bakker (Ham)258616431-4154.66 0086.00 3.81
AS Barnard (Shrop)361190     3.16
SN Barnes (Gs)10819311-6493.00 00108.00 5.16
TJ Barry (Buck)7224933-4916.33 0024.00 4.08
A Bee (Sco)6042711-2727.00 0060.00 2.70
JE Benjamin (Wk)842490     3.50
WKM Benjamin (Le)7243411-3434.00 0072.00 2.83
MP Bicknell (Sy)14437921-1639.50 0072.00 3.29
GR Black (Buck)6625222-5226.00 0033.00 4.72
DC Blank (Staff)7207422-7437.00 0036.00 6.16
IT Botham (Wo)187215163-4425.16 0031.16 4.84
CK Bullen (Sy)14418811-4288.00 00144.00 3.66
S Burrow (Buck)7214211-4242.00 0072.00 3.50
D Byas (Yor)1802311-2323.00 0018.00 7.66
AB Byram (Shrop)360350     5.83
PJ Caley (Suff)540490     5.44
GS Calway (Dor)240290     7.25
DJ Capel (Nr)234120521-44102.50 00117.00 5.25
P Carrick (Yor)21696873-89.71 0030.85 1.88
D Cartledge (Staff)240230     5.75
JH Childs (Es)144110411-44104.00 00144.00 4.33
AR Clarke (Sx)13275922-5329.50 0066.00 2.68
CA Connor (Ham)252420374-7329.00 1036.00 4.83
NGB Cook (Nr)3521220973-5229.85 0050.28 3.56
KE Cooper (Nt)12036543-1616.25 0030.00 3.25
NG Cowans (Mx)270815862-2526.33 0045.00 3.51
CS Cowdrey (Kent)300290     5.80
GR Cowdrey (Kent)1501311-1313.00 0015.00 5.20
NGC Cowley (Gm)192313522-7167.50 0096.00 4.21
RDB Croft (Gm)600440     4.40
KM Curran (Gs)192710422-3052.00 0096.00 3.25
IJ Curtis (Ox)7205322-5326.50 0036.00 4.41
A Dale (Gm)5414211-1442.00 0054.00 4.66
RP Davis (Kent)12636021-2730.00 0063.00 2.85
RI Dawson (Dev)2403711-3737.00 0024.00 9.25
PAJ DeFreitas (La)30012156105-2615.60 0130.00 3.12
SJ Dennis (Gm)1140990     5.21
PS de Villiers (Kent)9645711-2957.00 0096.00 3.56
AIC Dodemaide (Sx)13887986-99.87 0117.25 3.43
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)3001722-178.50 0015.00 3.40
K Donohue (Dev)7221010     8.41
PG Duthie (Sco)480370     4.62
AJ Dutton (Staff)721520     4.33
RJ Dyer (Staff)480490     6.12
MT Ellis (Norf)140120     5.14
RM Ellison (Kent)7261811-1818.00 0072.00 1.50
JE Emburey (Mx)276717443-2743.50 0069.00 3.78
KP Evans (Nt)7235322-5326.50 0036.00 4.41
RA Evans (Ox)7214633-4615.33 0024.00 3.83
MA Feltham (Sy)7006511-6565.00 0070.00 5.57
MV Fleming (Kent)181422-42.00 009.00 1.33
SD Fletcher (Yor)144110922-5354.50 0072.00 4.54
NA Folland (Dev)1805211-5252.00 0018.00 17.33
A Fordham (Nr)12130     1.50
NA Foster (Es)14486143-2615.25 0036.00 2.54
ARC Fraser (Mx)287317174-4424.42 1041.00 3.57
N French (Lin)721420     3.50
M Frost (Gm)186512333-5041.00 0062.00 3.96
MW Gatting (Mx)4805111-3151.00 0048.00 6.37
C Gladwin (Suff)6060     6.00
AK Golding (Suff)7242922-2914.50 0036.00 2.41
SC Goldsmith (Dy)6204311-2043.00 0062.00 4.16
D Gough (Yor)11436742-2216.75 0028.50 3.52
ID Graham (Suff)541370     4.11
JMH Graham-Brown (Dor)6030     3.00
RJ Grant (Staff)722560     4.66
DA Graveney (Gs)11304722-2623.50 0056.50 2.49
RC Green (Suff)661380     3.45
S Greensword (Dur)361230     3.83
DA Hale (Ox)240150     3.75
JR Hall (Dor)362260     4.33
GAR Harris (Hert)720670     5.58
GD Harrison (Ire)19090     2.84
DJB Hartley (Berk)5713522-3517.50 0028.50 3.68
JS Hartley (Ox)4812611-2626.00 0048.00 3.25
PJ Hartley (Yor)1973136105-4613.60 0119.70 4.14
AN Hayhurst (Sm)120140     7.00
DL Haynes (Mx)12035911-4159.00 00120.00 2.95
GT Headley (Berk)7213511-3535.00 0072.00 2.91
EE Hemmings (Nt)11749543-4223.75 0029.25 4.87
O Henry (Sco)180210     7.00
GA Hick (Wo)19221180     3.68
SG Hinks (Kent)180230     7.66
M Holland (Wilt)302100     2.00
DP Hughes (La)180190     6.33
SP Hughes (Mx)7206822-6834.00 0036.00 5.66
AP Igglesden (Kent)8414722-1323.50 0042.00 3.35
RK Illingworth (Wo)21699222-4446.00 00108.00 2.55
MC Ilott (Es)5404511-4545.00 0054.00 5.00
BS Jackson (Berk)601460     4.60
PW Jarvis (Yor)721580     4.83
AD Johnston (Ire)240210     5.25
AN Jones (Sm)9618411-2084.00 0096.00 5.25
JH Jones (Berk)5423211-3232.00 0054.00 3.55
DJM Kelleher (Kent)5431633-165.33 0018.00 1.77
R Kingshott (Norf)362240     4.00
AP Kuiper (Dy)9614511-2045.00 0096.00 2.81
SR Lampitt (Wo)214212885-2216.00 0126.75 3.58
DV Lawrence (Gs)8407711-6277.00 0084.00 5.50
RP Lefebvre (Sm)12966197-156.77 0114.33 2.83
NJ Lenham (Sx)5402532-128.33 0018.00 2.77
CC Lewis (Le)7213511-3535.00 0072.00 2.91
JCM Lewis (Norf)482370     4.62
MG Lickley (Berk)60130     13.00
JW Lloyds (Gs)3605011-650.00 0036.00 8.33
JD Love (Lin)120110     5.50
SG Lynch (Buck)4205211-5252.00 0042.00 7.42
P McCrum (Ire)180160     5.33
SM McEwan (Wo)180150     5.00
PD McKeown (Lin)721840     7.00
DE Malcolm (Dy)14448533-5428.33 0048.00 3.54
NA Mallender (Sm)9653322-416.50 0048.00 2.06
SJ Malone (Wilt)550540     5.89
D Marshall (Lin)7206322-6331.50 0036.00 5.25
MD Marshall (Ham)264613174-1718.71 1037.71 2.97
PJ Martin (La)480530     6.62
RJ Maru (Ham)270121163-4635.16 0045.00 4.68
KT Medlycott (Sy)14419111-6491.00 00144.00 3.79
RP Merriman (Dor)1803222-3216.00 009.00 10.66
WG Merry (Hert)6606222-6231.00 0033.00 5.63
A Mildenhall (Wilt)4823211-3232.00 0048.00 4.00
G Miller (Dy)13218711-5687.00 00132.00 3.95
JD Moir (Sco)603340     3.40
TM Moody (Wk)6104111-741.00 0061.00 4.03
OH Mortensen (Dy)13865143-2912.75 0034.50 2.21
W Morton (Sco)120350     17.50
MD Moxon (Yor)4221922-199.50 0021.00 2.71
AD Mullally (Le)7205522-5527.50 0036.00 4.58
TA Munton (Wk)10817733-4625.66 0036.00 4.27
AJ Murphy (Sy)7214611-4646.00 0072.00 3.83
A Needham (Hert)7205022-5025.00 0036.00 4.16
AN Nelson (Ire)3002711-2727.00 0030.00 5.40
PG Newman (Dur)6003011-3030.00 0060.00 3.00
PJ Newport (Wo)132010054-4620.00 1026.40 4.54
DBK Page (Shrop)300240     4.80
CL Parfitt (Sco)583290     3.00
AS Patel (Dur)120120     6.00
MM Patel (Kent)7262922-2914.50 0036.00 2.41
BS Percy (Buck)3603011-3030.00 0036.00 5.00
RA Pick (Nt)12638633-2228.66 0042.00 4.09
ARK Pierson (Wk)721490     4.08
ACS Pigott (Sx)11427011-1470.00 00114.00 3.68
IL Pont (Lin)7205211-5252.00 0072.00 4.33
DR Pringle (Es)14139442-3023.50 0035.25 4.00
NV Radford (Wo)240230     5.75
MR Ramprakash (Mx)241140     3.50
DA Reeve (Wk)1202620     3.10
CC Remy (Sx)601300     3.00
KG Rice (Dev)360340     5.66
IVA Richards (Gm)156011442-4328.50 0039.00 4.38
MA Robinson (Nr)336520693-3322.88 0037.33 3.67
PM Roebuck (Sm)320220     4.12
GD Rose (Sm)8415111-4051.00 0084.00 3.64
IDK Salisbury (Sx)1023660     3.88
GP Savin (Ox)720350     2.91
TJA Scriven (Buck)7207311-7373.00 0072.00 6.08
JH Shackleton (Dor)721440     3.66
BK Shantry (Shrop)6014722-4723.50 0030.00 4.70
A Sidebottom (Yor)20487621-2038.00 00102.00 2.23
PV Simmons (Dur)240280     7.00
DP Simpkins (Wilt)362290     4.83
GC Small (Wk)901580     3.86
DM Smith (Hert)60120     12.00
I Smith (Gm)2402011-2020.00 0024.00 5.00
NMK Smith (Wk)480410     5.12
TS Smith (Hert)721570     4.75
MG Stear (Berk)5403911-3939.00 0054.00 4.33
FD Stephenson (Nt)10235222-4026.00 0051.00 3.05
JP Stephenson (Es)2402411-2424.00 0024.00 6.00
C Stone (Dor)7224422-4422.00 0036.00 3.66
D Surridge (Hert)7206133-6120.33 0024.00 5.08
IG Swallow (Sm)780690     5.30
JF Sykes (Dur)3601611-1616.00 0036.00 2.66
JP Taylor (Staff)720920     7.66
NR Taylor (Dor)600550     5.50
NS Taylor (Norf)240320     8.00
JG Thomas (Nr)6022111-2121.00 0060.00 2.10
J Thompson (Wilt)480400     5.00
JK Tierney (Dev)662620     5.63
CM Tolley (Wo)360320     5.33
TD Topley (Es)1080980     5.44
PCR Tufnell (Mx)7222222-2211.00 0036.00 1.83
CA Walsh (Gs)1864106106-2110.60 0118.60 3.41
Waqar Younis (Sy)14456253-2312.40 0028.80 2.58
AE Warner (Dy)14428454-3916.80 1028.80 3.50
Wasim Akram (La)3013182104-3418.20 1030.10 3.62
SL Watkin (Gm)210510253-1820.40 0042.00 2.91
M Watkinson (La)276318163-1430.16 0046.00 3.93
ME Waugh (Es)301170     3.40
CM Wells (Sx)546611-66.00 0054.00 0.66
MJ Weston (Wo)240200     5.00
P Willey (Le)7225411-5454.00 0072.00 4.50
NF Williams (Mx)24632190     5.34
RG Williams (Nr)306524473-8634.85 0043.71 4.78
AR Wingfield Digby (Dor)720600     5.00
MC Woodman (Dev)7235011-5050.00 0072.00 4.16
PB Wormald (Shrop)3112411-2424.00 0031.00 4.64
RS Yeabsley (Dev)720770     6.41
I Young (Dur)370470     7.62





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