
Batting and Fielding in Norwich Union League 2001 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
CJ Adams (Sx)12112322100*35.77 66.25113 
U Afzaal (Nt)1212344994*49.88 78.49042 
P Aldred (Dy)9516337  15.75 75.00003 
K Ali (Wo)720106  5.00 52.63000 
D Alleyne (Mx)11088  8.00 57.14002 
MW Alleyne (Gs)1515221168  16.23 58.28018 
TR Ambrose (Sx)44016487  41.00 63.560133
RM Amin (Sy)10       0 
JM Anderson (La)10       0 
RSG Anderson (Es)5503522  7.00 94.59000 
MA Atherton (La)44010762  26.75 55.72016 
ID Austin (La)10       0 
JMM Averis (Gs)15835117*10.20 69.86003 
AN Aymes (Ham)11199* 69.23000 
RJ Bailey (Dy)1414240294  33.50 55.67034 
TMB Bailey (Nr)6404922  12.25 55.680021
TM Baker (Yor)10       1 
MCJ Ball (Gs)1412513238  18.85 78.570011 
KJ Barnett (Gs)15150473101  31.53 67.95213 
CWG Bassano (Dy)88118045  25.71 67.66002 
GJ Batty (Sy)1211231783*35.22 79.64032 
JN Batty (Sy)141028321*10.37 63.3500192
IR Bell (Wk)1104848  48.00 80.00000 
AJ Bichel (Wo)1512115236*13.81 76.38007 
DJ Bicknell (Nt)16150592115  39.46 73.08167 
MP Bicknell (Sy)11827023*11.66 68.62002 
JE Bishop (Es)11722814  5.60 46.66003 
ID Blackwell (Sm)1514143386  33.30 100.00042 
JAR Blain (Nr)32233* 75.00002 
RJ Blakey (Yor)1616828052  35.00 70.8801204
GS Blewett (Nt)1616050189  31.31 76.37036 
TF Bloomfield (Mx)104162  2.00 20.68002 
SAJ Boswell (Le)13742723*9.00 96.42003 
NR Boulton (Wo)3302220  7.33 46.80000 
PD Bowler (Sm)11110560104  50.90 72.35154 
TT Bresnan (Yor)432127  12.00 41.37002 
AN Bressington (Gs)3202015  10.00 33.33002 
GD Bridge (Dur)7532014*10.00 95.23003 
JE Brinkley (Dur)93221*2.00 50.00003 
AD Brown (Sy)13131565130  47.08 102.54317 
DR Brown (Wk)1511132073  32.00 70.79047 
JF Brown (Nr)1573125  3.00 57.14003 
MPL Bulbeck (Sm)10       0 
M Burns (Sm)14134331101*36.77 81.52113 
ND Burns (Le)1612337690*41.77 87.4403144
GP Butcher (Sy)7616117  12.20 76.25000 
MA Butcher (Sy)88114755  21.00 62.55020 
D Byas (Yor)1616034781  21.68 62.970211 
AR Caddick (Sm)10       0 
MA Carberry (Sy)5503320  6.60 39.75001 
JR Carpenter (Sx)5302818  9.33 37.33001 
NM Carter (Wk)4201313  6.50 130.00000 
ME Cassar (Nr)4409958  24.75 69.71012 
DN Catterall (Wo)11000  0.00 0.00001 
MJ Cawdron (Gs)5423629*18.00 97.29000 
G Chapple (La)1311020456  18.54 76.11022 
MJ Chilton (La)9818434  12.00 43.29002 
AJ Clarke (Es)1051105  2.50 29.41001 
R Clarke (Sy)22077  3.50 18.42001 
RS Clinton (Es)96212556  31.25 78.12010 
GD Clough (Nt)13827324  12.16 67.59002 
AJ Coleman (Mx)3221511* 78.94001 
PD Collingwood (Dur)1111029484  26.72 69.50016 
NRD Compton (Mx)11066  6.00 66.66000 
JW Cook (Nr)88012955  16.12 60.84015 
SJ Cook (Mx)119211150  15.85 88.09011 
DG Cork (Dy)2218783*87.00 82.85013 
DA Cosker (Gm)12412214*7.33 68.75006 
PA Cottey (Sx)11000  0.00 0.00001 
DM Cousins (Nr)52185*8.00 57.14001 
AP Cowan (Es)1615020431  13.60 69.38004 
J Cox (Sm)1212133176*30.09 78.43024 
VJ Craven (Yor)3306655  22.00 70.96010 
JP Crawley (La)1313335784*35.70 59.89039 
RDB Croft (Gm)15151570114*40.71 82.96153 
CD Crowe (Le)21055  5.00 71.42002 
DJ Cullinan (Kent)22010070  50.00 73.52011 
RJ Cunliffe (Gs)66111832  23.60 43.86004 
CE Dagnall (Wk)122153*5.00 35.71000 
JM Dakin (Le)1210126265  29.11 82.38011 
A Dale (Gm)169122152*27.62 81.85013 
JA Daley (Dur)55112435  31.00 71.67000 
JWM Dalrymple (Mx)98311438*22.80 83.82002 
AM Davies (Dur)5301410  4.66 29.16000 
AP Davies (Gm)10323524  35.00 77.77003 
MJG Davis (Sx)14818727  12.42 65.90001 
RKJ Dawson (Yor)10712510*4.16 37.87004 
KJ Dean (Dy)62097  4.50 52.94000 
PAJ DeFreitas (Le)10716833*11.33 55.28001 
MJ Di Venuto (Dy)1212034271  28.50 68.81022 
MP Dowman (Dy)1515030964  20.60 72.36014 
VC Drakes (Wk)8426443  32.00 106.66001 
RC Driver (La)22099  4.50 47.36000 
NRC Dumelow (Dy)109214533  20.71 76.31001 
KP Dutch (Sm)1513315928  15.90 73.95008 
MA Ealham (Kent)1010417734  29.50 64.13003 
AD Edwards (Dy)7311817  9.00 78.26001 
CJ Elstub (Yor)62200* 0.00000 
AW Evans (Gm)11044  4.00 20.00001 
NH Fairbrother (La)12113390101  48.75 70.01124 
GM Fellows (Yor)1414126167  20.07 72.09013 
ID Fisher (Yor)21000  0.00 0.00000 
MV Fleming (Kent)13133345125  34.50 77.35113 
SP Fleming (Mx)109010728  11.88 50.47002 
A Flintoff (La)1313026978  20.69 80.53012 
JS Foster (Es)1413520756*25.87 63.4901171
JD Francis (Ham)66318978*63.00 73.25021 
PJ Franks (Nt)33394* 75.00000 
ARC Fraser (Mx)7312917  14.50 74.35001 
T Frost (Wk)10       0 
DP Fulton (Kent)1414033482  23.85 66.800110 
JER Gallian (Nt)11011  1.00 12.50000 
ESH Giddins (Sy)156143  0.80 19.04005 
APR Gidman (Gs)11077  7.00 35.00000 
AF Giles (Wk)5532723  13.50 55.10001 
JM Golding (Kent)5524215  14.00 56.00000 
MW Goodwin (Sx)1515348487  40.33 72.56064 
D Gough (Yor)2212916*29.00 131.81000 
MA Gough (Dur)86211535  28.75 62.50001 
AKD Gray (Yor)2212119*21.00 123.52001 
AP Grayson (Es)1615132052  22.85 80.40016 
CG Greenidge (Sy)43111  0.50 16.66003 
JO Grove (Sm)123196  4.50 42.85003 
A Habib (Le)129318344  30.50 69.05005 
JRC Hamblin (Ham)148212961  21.50 113.15015 
GM Hamilton (Yor)1010117157  19.00 63.80013 
THC Hancock (Gs)1111022367  20.27 61.77011 
MA Hardinges (Gs)88211465  19.00 78.08011 
SJ Harmison (Dur)7311811*9.00 52.94001 
AJ Harris (Nt)93098  3.00 50.00003 
IJ Harvey (Gs)99022667  25.11 143.94011 
NG Hatch (Dur)521138*13.00 76.47000 
PMR Havell (Sx)10       0 
JJ Haynes (La)4201111  5.50 110.000021
WK Hegg (La)109210529  15.00 88.2300116
DL Hemp (Wk)128112143*17.28 57.61002 
CJ Hewison (Nt)1102020  20.00 83.33001 
JP Hewitt (Mx)4422411*12.00 61.53001 
DR Hewson (Gs)88012052  15.00 69.36015 
GA Hick (Wo)1514140687  31.23 76.74048 
JB Hockley (Kent)1414140390  31.00 82.58036 
KW Hogg (La)20       1 
MJ Hoggard (Yor)112175*7.00 43.75002 
AJ Hollioake (Sy)1515239970  30.69 76.43036 
BC Hollioake (Sy)1211336870*46.00 74.04032 
PCL Holloway (Sm)6501911  3.80 29.23000 
CD Hopkinson (Sx)2111010* 100.00005 
WJ House (Sx)1513324039  24.00 76.67004 
ID Hunter (Dur)6414721  15.66 81.03001 
N Hussain (Es)2202821  14.00 54.90000 
MEK Hussey (Nr)1515151096*36.42 67.81044 
PM Hutchison (Yor)30       1 
BL Hutton (Mx)88018777  23.37 49.34013 
BJ Hyam (Es)3314030*20.00 97.56001 
RK Illingworth (Dy)6334521* 67.16002 
MC Ilott (Es)43253*5.00 50.00001 
KJ Innes (Nr)8626119  15.25 78.20002 
RC Irani (Es)16153402108*33.50 85.71115 
SP James (Gm)98121093  30.00 79.54022 
WI Jefferson (Es)11022  2.00 20.00000 
NC Johnson (Ham)15151481105*34.35 79.111215 
P Johnson (Nt)1514138488*29.53 87.47035 
RL Johnson (Sm)7516924*17.25 121.05000 
GO Jones (Kent)4405939  14.75 64.83000 
I Jones (Sm)10       0 
PS Jones (Sm)14754117*20.50 78.84002 
EC Joyce (Mx)6506338  12.60 50.40003 
G Keedy (La)11022  2.00 25.00000 
CB Keegan (Mx)141137216  9.00 77.41002 
WS Kendall (Ham)119010847  12.00 56.25008 
DA Kenway (Ham)1414240493*33.66 71.370314 
JID Kerr (Sm)12835316  10.60 75.71001 
RWT Key (Kent)109120159  25.12 68.13022 
WG Khan (Dy)4415830*19.33 59.18002 
N Killeen (Dur)20       0 
SP Kirby (Yor)41144* 30.76001 
RJ Kirtley (Sx)15734811  12.00 55.81003 
NV Knight (Wk)1210230184*37.62 69.03024 
KM Krikken (Dy)1412420342*25.37 67.2100148
SR Lampitt (Wo)15864527*22.50 45.91005 
JS Laney (Ham)1313125962*21.58 58.86012 
MN Lathwell (Sm)6508530  17.00 61.59001 
DR Law (Dur)1313223347  21.18 76.64001 
SG Law (Es)11100300108  30.00 92.02115 
DA Leatherdale (Wo)1514231555*26.25 73.94019 
DS Lehmann (Yor)15151753191  53.78 101.75249 
J Lewis (Gs)3211412  14.00 70.00000 
JJB Lewis (Dur)1312337376*41.44 76.59031 
JD Lewry (Sx)21000  0.00 0.00000 
CG Liptrot (Wo)20       1 
GD Lloyd (La)109124956  31.12 76.85021 
RJ Logan (Nt)9735824  14.50 58.58003 
ML Love (Dur)1313143189  35.91 73.54028 
MB Loye (Nr)99228490  40.57 67.29032 
DS Lucas (Nt)10       0 
MJ Lumb (Yor)76112466  24.80 69.27012 
T Lungley (Dy)8315545  27.50 67.07001 
MJ McCague (Kent)22095  4.50 45.00001 
AC McGarry (Es)51011  1.00 25.00001 
A McGrath (Yor)990344102  38.22 64.90111 
DL Maddy (Le)1614427946*27.90 77.93002 
JP Maher (Gm)1515145394  32.35 85.31037 
DE Malcolm (Le)62122*2.00 66.66000 
MN Malik (Nt)52143*4.00 44.44000 
DJ Marsh (Le)55220697*68.66 84.42023 
PJ Martin (La)631146  7.00 51.85000 
RSC Martin-Jenkins (Sx)7528238  27.33 83.67005 
AD Mascarenhas (Ham)1513116753  13.91 60.72014 
TJ Mason (Es)8633312  11.00 34.73000 
JK Maunders (Mx)2205549  27.50 63.21001 
MP Maynard (Gm)16166527116*52.70 84.451372
JD Middlebrook (Yor)3211710*17.00 65.38001 
RR Montgomerie (Sx)15151673108  48.07 66.37151 
JE Morris (Nt)550204102  40.80 108.51112 
ZC Morris (Ham)33177*3.50 58.33000 
AD Mullally (Ham)114285*4.00 27.58002 
TA Munton (Dy)62143  4.00 57.14000 
M Muralitharan (La)51011  1.00 33.33000 
TJ Murtagh (Sy)754124*12.00 44.44001 
GR Napier (Es)1211017473  15.81 90.62011 
DC Nash (Mx)1312316157*17.88 59.400174
K Newell (Gm)1616147697  31.73 86.54031 
SA Newman (Sy)2201010  5.00 24.39000 
PA Nixon (Kent)1414125955  19.92 63.7901136
WM Noon (Nt)1101717  17.00 48.570021
J Ormond (Le)13734213*10.50 67.74001 
DP Ostler (Wk)662320134*80.00 83.33126 
OT Parkin (Gm)133122*1.00 16.66002 
KA Parsons (Sm)109120158*25.12 88.93012 
MM Patel (Kent)13925815  8.28 72.50007 
AL Penberthy (Nr)1211119052  19.00 70.63022 
N Peng (Dur)13131495121  41.25 78.19224 
TL Penney (Wk)1510317135  24.42 71.84005 
SD Peters (Es)1312125366  23.00 60.81014 
ML Pettini (Es)2101414  14.00 77.77001 
NC Phillips (Dur)8422313*11.50 79.31003 
TJ Phillips (Es)11022  2.00 40.00000 
ARK Pierson (Dy)10       0 
KP Pietersen (Nt)1616438661*32.16 100.78037 
DJ Pipe (Wo)1102626  26.00 130.000001
KJ Piper (Wk)13423017  15.00 44.7700143
PR Pollard (Wo)87115462  25.66 54.41011 
JJ Porter (Sy)1102323  23.00 56.09000 
MJ Powell (Wk)1511124878  24.80 81.84014 
MJ Powell (Gm)1614527146  30.11 63.76008 
A Pratt (Dur)1311228786  31.88 100.3402147
PJ Prichard (Es)1101313  13.00 38.23000 
MJ Prior (Sx)11815025  7.14 59.520061
LR Prittipaul (Ham)1312120145  18.27 61.28006 
JP Pyemont (Dy)22097  4.50 47.36000 
MR Ramprakash (Sy)66121485*42.80 73.53021 
SJ Randall (Nt)2222815* 62.22000 
UBA Rashid (Sx)6624128  10.25 66.12000 
MJ Rawnsley (Wo)143284*8.00 33.33001 
CMW Read (Nt)1513318036  18.00 93.7500173
SJ Rhodes (Wo)1411913939*69.50 84.2400186
A Richardson (Wk)62288* 133.33001 
D Ripley (Nr)118215340*25.50 85.000095
TW Roberts (La)3306855  22.66 91.89010 
DDJ Robinson (Es)1615030464  20.26 67.70012 
MA Robinson (Sx)157484  2.66 33.33001 
AS Rollins (Nr)3315529  27.50 64.70000 
GD Rose (Sm)1105858  58.00 59.18010 
MA Roseberry (Mx)6608535  14.16 50.00002 
RC Russell (Gs)10916524  8.12 48.870064
MJ Saggers (Kent)13845421*13.50 72.00001 
DJG Sales (Nr)4405226  13.00 68.42000 
IDK Salisbury (Sy)3201513  7.50 62.50001 
PJ Sampson (Sy)10       0 
Saqlain Mushtaq (Sy)10926738*9.57 56.77003 
CP Schofield (La)141149620  13.71 73.84004 
JEK Schofield (Ham)10       0 
JC Scuderi (La)86112250*24.40 70.93011 
SA Selwood (Dy)3307537  25.00 86.20000 
BM Shafayat (Nt)5507631  15.20 69.72003 
OA Shah (Mx)1211124469  24.40 53.15025 
N Shahid (Sy)1212114343  13.00 56.97000 
Shahid Afridi (Le)88027670  34.50 204.44030 
AD Shaw (Gm)421159*15.00 65.210002
MA Sheikh (Wk)15531712*8.50 60.71003 
A Sheriyar (Wo)153099  3.00 128.57000 
RJ Sidebottom (Yor)8653817*38.00 92.68003 
CEW Silverwood (Yor)4436327*63.00 95.45001 
A Singh (Wo)1414029980  21.35 64.43034 
MP Smethurst (La)53242*4.00 20.00001 
AM Smith (Gs)22133*3.00 33.33000 
BF Smith (Le)1616432365*26.91 67.43024 
ET Smith (Kent)4402010  5.00 46.51000 
GJ Smith (Nt)1551198  4.75 52.77001 
NMK Smith (Wk)13809738  12.12 59.87002 
RA Smith (Ham)1513326046  26.00 68.96003 
TM Smith (Dy)11166* 150.00000 
JN Snape (Gs)12124223104*27.87 77.97104 
VS Solanki (Wo)1514250291*41.83 81.62055 
MP Speight (Dur)5515930  14.75 67.04002 
WF Stelling (Le)1101010  10.00 40.00000 
RD Stemp (Nt)82111*1.00 25.00005 
DI Stevens (Le)1412234368*34.30 79.76036 
AJ Stewart (Sy)2201919  9.50 44.18003 
AJ Strauss (Mx)1312032659  27.16 64.81031 
MR Strong (Nr)7422711  13.50 57.44001 
SD Stubbings (Dy)1313125496*21.16 57.07023 
IJ Sutcliffe (Le)55016648  33.20 61.02002 
LD Sutton (Dy)1010213942*17.37 50.910051
AJ Swann (Nr)1212428054  35.00 80.22011 
GP Swann (Nr)1312034883  29.00 100.00033 
A Symonds (Kent)99022174  24.55 100.45012 
BV Taylor (Sx)10623419  8.50 61.81005 
CG Taylor (Gs)99211163*15.85 90.24011 
JP Taylor (Nr)11915119  6.37 73.91003 
IJ Thomas (Gm)77019453  27.71 89.40011 
SD Thomas (Gm)1611513125*21.83 94.92003 
PD Trego (Sm)5414421  14.66 55.69000 
CT Tremlett (Ham)12935915*9.83 70.23003 
ME Trescothick (Sm)2209972  49.50 100.00011 
BJ Trott (Kent)136452*2.50 27.77002 
AJ Tudor (Sy)4303721  12.33 53.62001 
PCR Tufnell (Mx)21100* 0.00000 
RJ Turner (Sm)1413520956*26.12 63.5201103
SD Udal (Ham)1511311728*14.62 84.78008 
MP Vaughan (Yor)3303024  10.00 50.00002 
MA Wagh (Wk)1210120170*22.33 68.60031 
MJ Walker (Kent)1414120534  15.76 61.74003 
IJ Ward (Sy)99015351  17.00 59.07012 
TR Ward (Le)1111018056  16.36 70.58014 
RJ Warren (Nr)1111141193  41.10 73.92044 
SL Watkin (Gm)82053  2.50 33.33000 
LC Weekes (Nr)8521910*6.33 65.51002 
PN Weekes (Mx)1413127355  22.75 55.71018 
G Welch (Dy)151308926  6.84 36.62000 
VJ Wells (Le)1616119139  12.73 64.74007 
GE Welton (Nt)87111538  19.16 61.17000 
RMS Weston (Mx)88113580*19.28 63.67013 
WPC Weston (Wo)11100313134  31.30 74.17111 
AG Wharf (Gm)20       0 
LJ Wharton (Dy)1044189* 38.29000 
C White (Yor)1010021973  21.90 71.10014 
GW White (Ham)65016059  32.00 74.07022 
RCJ Williams (Gs)4203328  16.50 73.330052
MGN Windows (Gs)15150458117  30.53 68.66125 
J Wood (La)10523319*11.00 91.66002 
MJ Wood (Yor)1313025668  19.69 55.77015 
MJ Wood (Sm)6508629  17.20 52.12001 
MH Yardy (Sx)5505624  11.20 64.36000 
G Yates (La)8422816  14.00 75.67002 
B Zuiderent (Sx)109020265  22.44 53.58021 





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