
Batting and Fielding in Manchester and District Cricket Association Premier League 2010 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
Aamir Afzal (SM)7606335  10.50  005 
M Abbas (SM)3303420  11.33  000 
M Adams (Str)10       0 
S Akram (WR)15955827*14.50  006 
M Alexander (Bury)18181692124  40.70  329 
K Anderson (Hind)14144589118*58.90  1410 
Z Anwar (Bury)20       0 
K Arjan (BI)88019445  24.25  002 
Z Arshad (WR)10       0 
Arshad Raza (Bury)15873210*32.00  002 
K Bancroft (SM)4211514*15.00  000 
P Barber (Eux)4403825  9.50  000 
C Barlow (Str)42111*1.00  000 
L Barrow (NH)101027923  9.87  006 
C Battle (WR)11100*  000 
P Behera (Wyth)99012239  13.55  0063
K Belston (Bury)1714512330*13.66  00263
S Belston (Bury)1818149461  29.05  0313 
M Birch (Hind)1814122841  17.53  006 
L Booth (Wyth)221106  10.00  001 
C Bradley (Wyth)131145017*7.14  001 
A Breckin (Bury)1412225066  25.00  025 
S Brittain (Win)16844411*11.00  003 
R Brown (Win)1615139957  28.50  0110 
R Brown (Eux)21022  2.00  000 
J Brownbill (SM)11144*  000 
R Burgess (Wyth)1312119057  17.27  012 
P Burrell (Wyth)1515019023  12.66  006 
D Carroll (Eux)11033  3.00  000 
D Carter (Win)1111111730  11.70  001 
D Catheral (NH)1102626  26.00 74.28000 
Z Chauhan (BI)3111010*  000 
T Chellappa (Wyth)11055  5.00  000 
I Chesworth (Hind)10       0 
J Chudasama (BI)6515019  12.50  001 
M Clewlow (NH)16160506101  31.62  132 
M Coogan (NH)22022  1.00  000 
J Cooper (SM)10       0 
B Cox (Win)3322216*22.00  001 
L Crampton (Str)2201918  9.50  000 
A Crowhurst (Str)12122344146*34.40  116 
C Crowther (Wyth)66012352  20.50  012 
L Crowther (Wyth)131309121  7.00  007 
B Cullen (Str)4403814  9.50  001 
N Cusick (WR)8717522  12.50  004 
M Davies (WR)9916838*8.50  001 
P Davies (WR)1413123950  19.91  010 
M Dean (NH)11000  0.00  000 
P Delargy (Hind)1413016047  12.30  00211
P Derbyshire (Str)11011  1.00 33.33000 
T Derbyshire (Str)97117169  28.50  013 
L Dewitt (Win)1312120251*18.36  0110 
J Dickens (Wyth)10       0 
E Din (WR)52100*0.00  000 
WJ Driver (Win)55010638  21.20  004 
A Dunn (Eux)121025214  6.50  007 
N Dunn (Eux)1414019745  14.07  007 
A Emmerton (Eux)6412716  9.00 50.94000 
D Emmerton (Eux)5506948  13.80 45.69001 
M Emmerton (Eux)21122* 50.00000 
Faizan Ahmad-Din (WR)1010024148  24.10  003 
J Fakir (WR)22233*  001 
T Farmer (Eux)9908444  9.33  003 
D Fenton (Bury)99021065  23.33  011 
M Fenton (WR)11011  1.00  000 
I Fernando (Wyth)1196236  7.66  004 
AT Finneran (SM)20       0 
D Flatley (SM)1717150370*31.43  037 
I Gorsi (Bury)11033  3.00  000 
Z Gowland (Bury)1714522074  24.44  028 
R Grant (Str)1612121178  19.18  017 
M Greenwood (NH)75153  1.25  005 
P Griffiths (WR)1513121461  17.83  0152
D Grundy (Win)10       0 
I Habershon (Wyth)7724421  8.80  0051
A Hampson (NH)20       0 
M Hampson (WR)11100*  001 
S Hampson (Hind)6523713*12.33  003 
A Harries (WR)10524016*13.33  00103
D Harrop (Eux)131125621*6.22  003 
J Hart (Hind)1512223747  23.70  007 
H Hassan (WR)1514023945  17.07  005 
J Hayhurst (Bury)42000  0.00 0.00000 
J Herreran (SM)1614055871  39.85  05245
C Hickford (Bury)10       1 
G Higham (SM)3202718  13.50  000 
C Highton (Hind)1211215534  17.22  005 
E Hilire-Catherall (NH)7719447  15.66  004 
D Hill (Eux)11022  2.00 25.00000 
J Hill (Eux)131034114*5.85  006 
J Hilton (Hind)11011  1.00 5.26000 
A Holmes (Str)5212929  29.00  000 
B Holmes (Str)30       3 
A Hooper (Str)9815014  7.14  0086
S Hoyle (Eux)11000  0.00 0.00000 
J Hulse (Win)11000  0.00 0.00000 
C Hunt (SM)1273238*5.75  001 
Israr Hussain (Str)10       0 
G Jackson (Win)3312111*10.50 51.21000 
I Jackson (Str)8626232*15.50  0062
LAM Jarvis (Bury)1211220947*23.22  001 
T Jarvis (Bury)32033  1.50  001 
M Jayasekara (Wyth)1717128542  17.81  003 
P Johnston (NH)1717018435  10.82  0031
A Jones (Str)963147*4.66  004 
G Jones (Hind)11155* 166.66000 
I Jones (Wyth)32000  0.00  000 
M Jones (Hind)129113940  17.37  006 
MD Jones (Hind)20       0 
M Kay (NH)1717033039  19.41  002 
M Kay (NH)5503425  6.80  001 
P Kay (SM)1615231661*24.30  027 
SA Kazmi (NH)4416037*20.00  001 
S Khalid (WR)10       0 
D King (Win)11011  1.00 20.00001 
S Krishnamurthy (SM)1102424  24.00 92.30000 
I Lajporia (BI)21000  0.00 0.00000 
CM Laker (Str)94411*  004 
A Latchford (Hind)87412250  40.66  011 
TJ Lawrence (Str)1716129863  19.86  027 
S Leach (Bury)119110628  13.25  005 
M Leonard (Wyth)5503325  6.60  001 
L Lewis (Eux)1616446476*38.66  045 
M Liaqat (WR)11077  7.00  001 
W McConnell (SM)11626322  15.75  004 
C McCoy (Wyth)1212019441  16.16  003 
C Macdonald (Win)1612411422  14.25  0036
D McGuffog (Str)4201612  8.00 72.72000 
A McGuire (Hind)11122* 40.00000 
S Madden (WR)11044  4.00 28.57000 
K Mahmood (Hind)54010168  25.25  013 
W Malik (WR)1715437268*33.81  033 
Z Malik (WR)1514231854  26.50  014 
MO Malley (NH)16128256*6.25  006 
D Marchment (Win)161047616*12.66  003 
R Markey (Win)1102323  23.00  000 
J Marsden (Eux)6423418*17.00  001 
O Marsden (Eux)4404218  10.50 42.42002 
G Martin (NH)1212114646  13.27  001 
P Mather (Hind)16643017  15.00 41.66002 
A Maxwell (Bury)5322321*23.00  001 
M Mehdi (Bury)4413411  11.33  000 
M Metcalfe (Bury)41000  0.00  000 
C Millward (Eux)77015456  22.00  015 
M Millward (Eux)9806921  8.62  003 
M Mirza (Bury)1414031668  22.57  013 
I Mitchell (NH)32111  1.00  000 
L Moolman (Win)77131070  51.66  052 
P Moorfield (Hind)1818250096  31.25  037 
L Morley (WR)11077  7.00  001 
R Newton (Eux)54366*6.00  002 
C Norvall (SM)1715420329*18.45  004 
P Osborne (Win)1515037576  25.00  0210 
S Owen (Str)30       1 
BJB Palmer (SM)1512116546  15.00  006 
A Patel (BI)1513221476*19.45  014 
D Patel (BI)5503414  6.80  001 
D Patel (BI)131239623  10.66  007 
H Patel (BI)1816113936  9.26  006 
J Patel (BI)1717232351*21.53  0110 
J Patel (BI)141349424*10.44  003 
JD Patel (BI)322106*  001 
JI Patel (BI)10       0 
KM Patel (BI)131028936*11.12  00124
KP Patel (BI)65285  2.66  003 
M Patel (BI)43164  3.00  004 
NA Patel (BI)1816221464*15.28  017 
ND Patel (BI)11066  6.00  000 
P Patel (BI)1818124676*14.47  025 
R Patel (BI)32132*3.00  001 
Z Patel (BI)1103636  36.00 47.36000 
AT Platts (WR)10100210115  21.00  102 
G Plowman (Wyth)33187  4.00  001 
I Rana (Bury)1414321391  19.36  014 
R Read (SM)15531713  8.50  002 
S Richardson (Wyth)21011  1.00  001 
D Rigby (Eux)98110924  15.57  001 
J Robinson (NH)9909019  10.00  000 
R Robinson (Wyth)1212217140*17.10  0093
W Rose (Str)1511325379  31.62  0113 
S Safraz (WR)2211413  14.00  000 
L Santos (Bury)5402820  7.00  003 
D Sasikumar (Wyth)4432716*27.00  003 
A Scarborough (Hind)1101010  10.00 43.47000 
C Scott (Wyth)10       1 
D Seenan (Win)10       0 
M Seenan (Win)1615229956  23.00  016 
C Sharp (Str)11066  6.00 33.33000 
P Shaw (NH)33111*0.50 14.28000 
M Sialvi (Hind)22066  3.00  000 
D Smalley (NH)1514120451*15.69  01104
J Smith (Bury)21000  0.00 0.000041
A Spender (NH)55031  0.60  002 
L Sproston (Str,Wyth)7407048  17.50  002 
N Stacey (Win)12908928  9.88  0010 
C Stone (Wyth)2101212  12.00  000 
M Storey (Hind)1816423146*19.25  0011 
A Stringfellow (Eux)11000  0.00 0.00000 
S Subramanian (Str)1103333  33.00  000 
M Sutherland (WR)11022  2.00  000 
A Sweeney (Eux)2202519  12.50 34.72000 
M Tailor (BI)10       0 
Tajamul Khan (BI)1716242980  30.64  0310 
M Talbot (Win)32032  1.50  001 
B Taylor (Wyth)11000  0.00  000 
KJ Tebay (Bury)8611918  3.80  001 
A Tickle (Hind)3324028*40.00  000 
M Tickle (Hind)1102121  21.00  000 
CE Turner (Str)772430134*86.00  222 
CK Turner (Str)111129340  10.33  002 
N Turner (Str)10503117  6.20  002 
Unsure (BI)11011  1.00 14.28000 
J Vale (SM)11000  0.00  000 
N Vasani (WR)8718144  13.50  003 
S Vasta (BI)32222*  000 
V Vasta (BI)11100*  000 
J Wade (SM)15152353109*27.15  127 
S Waldron (Str)10       0 
A Walker (Win)1411017740  16.09  001 
A Ward (Wyth)6603632  6.00  000 
M Waterhouse (Eux)11155* 62.50000 
K Wijesinghe (Wyth)1010015261  15.20  014 
P Wijesinghe (Wyth)1414120850  16.00  013 
M Williams (Str)15152826152  63.53  347 
B Wilton (NH)17171485118  30.31  132 
A Winrow (Eux)1616131180  20.73  012 
M Winrow (Eux)1616026976  16.81  018 
D Winstanley (NH)1716619129*19.10  004 
M Winstanley (NH)11000  0.00  001 
J Wood (Hind)16634834*16.00  0081
M Wood (Hind)13617836  15.60 71.55003 
W Woodall (Eux)10       0 
C Worsley (SM)141065721*14.25  001 
M Wright (Win)161065626  14.00  006 
T Wright (Str)43197  4.50  002 
MK Xavier (WR)88114667  20.85  016 
P Yelland (SM)1615316839*14.00  007 
A Younis (WR)131129523*10.55  002 
S Yousuf (BI)532159*15.00  001 
A Zeeshan (WR)11044  4.00  000 





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