
Fielding in Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Division Seven 2013 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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T Warriner (Shire)2018624
K Plowman (Work)2017320
P Haddrell (Oll)1613 13
R Parsons (Killa)148412
C Trzupek (Oll)1412 12
R Edmonds (Sher)1511 11
K Greenwood (AH)1410111
B Hague (Wal)129110
K Miller (NAA)139110
A Pitchford (Oll)2110 10
M Richardson (Wel)1810 10
B Freer (AH)10819
J Fretwell (Shire)119 9
R Garfoot (Glap)12639
G Gregory (Killa)209 9
W Street (BM)189 9
J Wakelin (BM)13459
N Ward (AH)6729
B Berbanks (Shire)128 8
T Greveson (Killa)148 8
G Heran (BM)14628
D Hitchcock (Sher)11628
K Searson (Oll)198 8
T West (TP)128 8
U Ankalkhope (Work)127 7
C Brown (TP)107 7
P Burgess (Killa)187 7
N Singleton (Oll)157 7
O Titterington (Work)8617
A Cann (Shire)18516
A Claye (NAA)196 6
J Hall (AH)166 6
C Harris (Wal)196 6
P Hufton (Oll)196 6
R Jarvis (Sher)106 6
R Nicklin (AH)196 6
L Smedley (Shire)196 6
S Terry (AH)146 6
J Ball (Wal)75 5
R Bhaker (NAA)105 5
C Clifford (Killa)2325
R Cox (Oll)175 5
A Daunt (TP)165 5
I Donaldson (Glap)135 5
D Egan (AH)115 5
A Ellis (TP)11325
J Freer (AH)115 5
L Green (Sher)11235
S Harper (Wel)8415
D Humber (Shire)195 5
C Hunt (Wal)135 5
C Kotze (NAA)35 5
A Scott (AH)85 5
K Scott (NAA)135 5
P Stanley (Sher)205 5
D Topham (Glap)115 5
D Whitney (Glap)7415
J Binfield (Shire)194 4
L Cooper (AH)84 4
M Deane (Wal)154 4
H Glaves (AH)124 4
J Green (Killa)114 4
J Hurst (Killa)124 4
J Morton (Sher)12134
P Murphy (Glap)164 4
L Rodgers (Shire)144 4
G Unwin (NAA)124 4
D Walker (Wel)184 4
G Watkins (TP)144 4
J Weaver (AH)164 4
M Willgoose (Wal)174 4
J Atherton (Work)1213
G Bailey (Work)163 3
D Banton (Oll)43 3
T Billam (Work)183 3
L Bond (BM)73 3
J Boulton (Sher)53 3
J Bowring (TP)113 3
M Brown (Oll)163 3
M Davies (Wel)113 3
R Dewsbury (Killa)23 3
R Dewsbury (Killa)193 3
D Donnelly (Killa)163 3
L Downs (Shire)133 3
G Duffin (Killa)5213
D Gregory (Killa)53 3
S Grice (Wal)203 3
C Hudson (BM)183 3
P Hunt (Wel)93 3
R Martin (Work)163 3
C Norwood (TP)173 3
S Oldroyd (NAA)43 3
V Patel (Work)23 3
J Ritchie (Glap)123 3
S Rockley (NAA)53 3
L Ross (Oll)193 3
S Sanderson (Glap)113 3
J Smith (Work)83 3
J Stannard (NAA)113 3
C Swales (Work)173 3
M Warriner (Shire)53 3
R Whitt (BM)83 3
C Wilson (Wel)113 3
J Ydlibi (BM)33 3
G Yeomans (Glap)133 3
A Ainger (NAA,Wel)62 2
G Allan (Oll)22 2
L Atherton (Work)102 2
J Baines (Work)102 2
C Baird (Work)12 2
D Baker (BM)42 2
I Bennett (Killa)122 2
I Bosworth (BM)192 2
J Bristow (Wal)52 2
J Carpenter (AH)32 2
T Chappell (Glap)32 2
J Dent (Wel)12 2
J French (Wel)132 2
A Gallagher (Sher)142 2
A Gregory (Killa)22 2
L Hall (AH)72 2
O Heslington (Killa)62 2
A Hodgkinson (Sher)42 2
P Jumle (NAA)72 2
S King (BM)162 2
P Kowalczuk (Oll)162 2
W Lomas (Wal)82 2
D Mahmood (Killa)62 2
T Marriott (Wel)112 2
T Mason (Killa)52 2
K Patel (BM)42 2
J Pym (Work)192 2
R Radford (Sher)162 2
B Richardson (Wel)182 2
J Robinson (Killa)12 2
L Rockley (NAA)42 2
A Rowe (BM)152 2
J Rowe (TP)42 2
A Russell (Wal)12 2
J Sergeant (NAA)52 2
DH Shah (NAA)32 2
J Smith (Work)82 2
D Stanley (Sher)112 2
C Tansley (Shire)162 2
L Thompson (Shire)92 2
BJ Unwin (NAA)42 2
R Watts (Killa)52 2
L West (TP)132 2
M Wooliscroft (BM)182 2
A Ydlibi (BM)12 2
Zeeshan Hussain (Work)42 2
R Abbasi (BM)41 1
N Allen (Wel)81 1
M Ambrose (Work)31 1
A Arshad (BM)11 1
F Arshad (BM)21 1
M Atherton (Wel)41 1
J Atkin (Wel)41 1
S Atkin (Sher)21 1
P Bartram (Sher)11 1
C Bennett (Killa)91 1
J Bonsar (Sher)171 1
S Brailsford (Glap)61 1
C Bytherway (Shire)11 1
J Carpenter (AH)21 1
A Charles (NAA)11 1
J Collins (Wel)91 1
I Davies (AH)161 1
J Donaldson (Glap)21 1
R Durkin (TP)51 1
T Eames (Sher)11 1
S Edge (Sher)151 1
J Edwards (TP)71 1
J Fletcher (Sher)81 1
P Fox (Wel)171 1
CC French (Wel)11 1
R Gallagher (TP)111 1
C Goodhand (Glap)21 1
A Greer (Sher)61 1
B Hall (BM)61 1
F Hampson (NAA)41 1
R Haywood (Wel)21 1
J Heeley (Work)41 1
T Holland (Killa)21 1
S Horsley (Glap)91 1
O Hume (Killa)111 1
D Hunter (NAA)31 1
A Jessop (Killa)31 1
L Johnson (Shire)31 1
TR Jr (NAA)11 1
A Kotze (NAA)31 1
S Kutty (NAA)11 1
J Lambert (BM)51 1
B Land (TP)41 1
M Land (TP)31 1
M Lawrence (Killa)31 1
K Lowe (Glap)9011
J Maddock (NAA)51 1
J Marriot (Wel)101 1
C Martin (Killa)101 1
A Matthews (Glap)31 1
N Menday (Wal)71 1
I Morley (Wel)21 1
C Moulding (Wal)81 1
R Owen (Wel)31 1
A Palatla (Wal)31 1
J Ramage (Sher)21 1
T Rea (Work)111 1
J Robinson (Shire)11 1
S Saragi (BM)11 1
W Scott (AH)81 1
A Singleton (Wel)41 1
J Singleton (Oll)161 1
N Stannard (NAA)31 1
T Thompson (Sher)41 1
M Vaughan (Wal)11 1
K Vyas (NAA)11 1
P Vyas (NAA)31 1
N Walters (TP)61 1
S Ward (AH)31 1
M Wilderspin (BM)31 1
J Willis (Wel)11 1
C Wood (Glap)111 1
A Wyatt (TP)11 1





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