
Batting and Fielding in Thames Valley Cricket League Division 5A 2015 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
J Riddell (Mar)44318059*180.00  030 
J Fosberry (Hare)221164114*164.00  110 
T Sharma (CW)33216160*161.00  030 
C Levick (Kew)110121121  121.00  100 
A Thoborn (Kew)110104104  104.00  100 
V Madhvan (Kew)110101101  101.00  100 
S Rogers (Am)1109696  96.00  010 
T Bartlett (Mar)1109292  92.00  010 
A Madaan (CW)1108686  86.00  010 
S Singh (CW)2218570*85.00  010 
R Petley (Hare)1108585  85.00  010 
R Singh (Hill)331169112*84.50  101 
MC Yeabsley (Ches)33115573*77.50  011 
N Palmer (Am)22015589  77.50  020 
N Singh (CW)44122684  75.33  030 
A Cole (Am)220149140  74.50  100 
K Patel (CW)22014891  74.00  020 
A Tilbury (Am)1107474  74.00  010 
V Kakkar (CW)1107474  74.00  010 
R Lawrence (MB)882427112*71.16  211 
L Gerber (FC)761351128*70.20  210 
P Collett (Hare)551263143  65.75  110 
C Woodcock (Hare)1106565  65.00  010 
J Pauffley (BH)1106565  65.00  010 
R Weston (Am)1106464  64.00  010 
S Suleman (CW)1106262  62.00  010 
G Fisher (Mar)550308157  61.60  120 
A Seymour (Hare)551244108  61.00  200 
R Tomer (CW)1106060  60.00  010 
P Dickenson (Mar)32011968  59.50  020 
E Turner (Ches)330177105  59.00  110 
E Wainwright (Ches)3215942*59.00  002 
A Coles (Am)1105858  58.00  010 
A Rathore (Kew)1105757  57.00  010 
P Weston (Am)771340108  56.66  130 
T Raheja (CW)44116854  56.00  020 
W Ballantyne (MB)33111252  56.00  011 
J Swain (Ches)220109101  54.50  102 
A Fearon (FC)1105454  54.00  013 
R Gregory (Ches)441160121*53.33  101 
A Mohammad (CW)1105252  52.00  010 
L Slater (Mar)1105252  52.00  011 
C Jordaan (Hare)33015494  51.33  021 
N Pandramis (Am)2209988  49.50  010 
N Gnanseceran (Ches)3214942  49.00  001 
A Bishop (Kew)2209752  48.50  010 
M Asuaf (Ches)18174630101*48.46  157 
I Dibsdall (FC)116314167  47.00  025 
A Mataan (CW)1104747  47.00  000 
M Brown (FC)13130591102  45.46  1411 
A Madan (CW)330135109  45.00  100 
M Hall (Ches)66121898  43.60  026 
W Cunliffe (MB)11111430104*43.00  212 
H Mirza (Hare)2208656  43.00  010 
D Brazier (FC)2214122  41.00  001 
C Saunders (Hare)33012272  40.66  010 
N Aslam (Ches)5214036*40.00  000 
O Keenan (Mar)33011853  39.33  010 
D Cokeley (Hare)55115582  38.75  010 
T Wilding (MB)1615152991*37.78  049 
G Parsons (MB)88029992  37.37  033 
N Chibbar (CW)1103737  37.00  000 
A Lewin (Kew)33011040  36.66  000 
S Ball (MB)1312235350  35.30  0181
P Lloyd (Am)44014071  35.00  020 
A Ward (Mar)3316643  33.00  000 
D Morrey (Kew)2206541  32.50  000 
T Lindley (MB)2206559  32.50  011 
P Cunliffe (MB)4323229*32.00  000 
A Thorburn (Kew)4316354*31.50  010 
V Kakar (CW)55015776  31.40  010 
S Peacock (Mar)2206135  30.50  001 
A Croft (Kew)2213015*30.00  000 
A Kapila (BH)1103030  30.00  001 
DC Goodman (Ches)66017449  29.00  003 
S Basu (Am)3315823*29.00  001 
M Hughes-D'Aeth (Ches)109025994  28.77  0261
G Agrawal (Kew)44011551  28.75  020 
A Gokharu (BH)4418653*28.66  010 
C Tilbury (Am)55014059  28.00  020 
A Bhatia (CW)3322818*28.00  001 
C Andrews (FC)54011155  27.75  013 
S Bassi (FC)1614330141  27.36  002 
S Murray (MB)76016467  27.33  012 
P John (Ches)1413326649  26.60  0010 
J Hewitt (MB)1111321154*26.37  0212
R Lochab (FC)88021165  26.37  023 
Z Akram (Hill)3307945  26.33  000 
S Wedlock (CW)44010569  26.25  011 
Peacock (Mar)1102626  26.00  000 
D Ward (Am)1102626  26.00  000 
S Mohammed (FC)1102626  26.00  000 
Pritpal Singh (Hill)88117954*25.57  011 
J Greene (BH)3307669  25.33  010 
A Akram (Hill)44010046  25.00  003 
H Lippiatt (Hare)1102525  25.00  001 
F Lavers (Hare)2102525  25.00  000 
J Alam (BH)55012361  24.60  021 
B Ward (MB)65012046  24.00  002 
P Lines (Mar)4409659  24.00  011 
A Howell (Mar)1102424  24.00  000 
R O'Toole (Mar)1102424  24.00  000 
J O'Hara (Hare)4409550  23.75  010 
S Durrani (FC)1313030671  23.53  0196
Bobby Singh (Hill)4307029  23.33  003 
A Bhattia (CW)1102323  23.00  000 
M Winslade (Kew)1102323  23.00  000 
M Burden (Ches)127211145  22.20  004 
A Goodman (Ches)55010530  21.00  003 
W Turner (Ches)4322111*21.00  000 
T Free (Ches)3212111  21.00  004 
Kamal Singh (Hill)1102121  21.00  000 
M Athwal (Kew)4407859  19.50  010 
L Papantoniou (Hill)2203834  19.00  000 
E Taylor (Kew)1101919  19.00  000 
J Neal (BH)1101919  19.00  000 
P Davis (BH)1101919  19.00  000 
D Huntley (Hill)1101919  19.00  001 
S Ayres (Ches)15627535*18.75  005 
U Satti (FC)99016850  18.66  012 
A Wadhra (CW)2203734  18.50  000 
S Moudgil (MB)6415421  18.00  000 
W Neal (BH)4407058  17.50  011 
S Sarfraz (Ches)3203518  17.50  000 
M Hutt (Ches)4305145  17.00  004 
K Ranveer (CW)1101717  17.00  000 
A Gossain (MB)2101717  17.00  000 
J Gibbins (Ches)4305023  16.66  003 
F Dibsdall (FC)2203322  16.50  000 
A Vimal (Am)2203323  16.50  000 
M Sarai (Hill)3304932  16.33  001 
D Brown (MB)2211616  16.00  000 
H Junaid (MB)2203117  15.50  000 
S Khan (BH)2203131  15.50  001 
N Malik (Hill)5507646  15.20  0041
Adam Ali (Am)1101515  15.00  000 
F Iqbal (FC)1101515  15.00  000 
K Deepak (Ches)5507133  14.20  001 
J Murtaza (MB)4202827  14.00  001 
M Jewson (FC)2211410*14.00  003 
G Aggarwal (Kew)2101414  14.00  000 
A Rogers (Am)1101414  14.00  000 
D Sandford (FC)1212115367  13.90  011 
J Rafi (BH)4414120  13.66  002 
T McKinlay (Ches)2202721  13.50  002 
J Corbin (Hill)2202720  13.50  000 
G McPhillips (Am)2202714  13.50  003 
P Brazier (FC)131039238  13.14  003 
J Wagstaff (FC)8827828  13.00  003 
E Pinkham (MB)4303914  13.00  000 
S Shakeel (Am)1101313  13.00  000 
O Lansdowne (Am)1101313  13.00  000 
V Mahadevan (Kew)3303821  12.66  000 
M Raza (Hill)2202513  12.50  000 
K Kasiviswanathan (Hill)3303717  12.33  001 
R Shylendra (Ches)4303622  12.00  002 
Z Anwer (Hill)2202415  12.00  001 
T Day (Hare)2202424  12.00  002 
K Bahia (BH)2211212  12.00  000 
W Shepherd (Hare)1101212  12.00  000 
B Hughes (Am)1101212  12.00  000 
S Bassi (FC)1616216430  11.71  003 
B Dixon (MB)8514624  11.50  0052
Asif Ali (FC)6606737  11.16  002 
K Grey (MB)9716617  11.00  002 
G Coombes (FC)2202215  11.00  000 
R Tomar (CW)2202222  11.00  000 
O Atkins (Mar)332119  11.00  001 
S Mookhtiar (MB)421119  11.00  000 
H Vervey (Hare)1101111  11.00  000 
K Bhuvaneswaran (BH)1101111  11.00  001 
G Milne (Kew)1101111  11.00  000 
O Turner (Ches)3202121  10.50  001 
Sandhu (Kew)2202015  10.00  000 
J Irvine (FC)2202018  10.00  002 
D Ramsdale (Mar)321109  10.00  001 
M Vine (Am)1101010  10.00  000 
J Corbin (Hill)5504821  9.60  002 
J Creighton (FC)161256315  9.00  002 
N Woodman (Hare)3311816  9.00  002 
B Sergeant (Ches)11099  9.00  001 
I Caskie (BH)11099  9.00  001 
E Lloyd (Am)11099  9.00  000 
F Shaik (Hill)11099  9.00  000 
D Patel (Kew)3311714*8.50  001 
Dickenson (Mar)2201712  8.50  000 
J Henderson (Kew)4302520  8.33  001 
B Paskins (Mar)3311610  8.00  000 
A Malpass (Kew)2201616  8.00  001 
J Clifford (Ches)11088  8.00  000 
C Verkerk (Kew)11088  8.00  000 
M Sharma (CW)11088  8.00  000 
T McLeod (Hare)3201515  7.50  000 
W Western-Kaye (MB)4412213  7.33  003 
M Hayward (Hill)4302220  7.33  000 
L Blackwell (MB)542146  7.00  000 
A Butt (BH)11077  7.00  000 
C Turner (Ches)3302012  6.66  0031
S Manchanda (MB)7512612*6.50  001 
E Harris (FC)6402613  6.50  003 
S Ward (Hill)320138  6.50  000 
J Rance (Ches)10411811  6.00  002 
J Weston (Am)22166*6.00  000 
J Awan (FC)11066  6.00  000 
H Law (Kew)11066  6.00  000 
N Davidson (Mar)11066  6.00  000 
S Datta (FC)11066  6.00  000 
H Malik (Hill)11066  6.00  001 
D Levett (BH)11066  6.00  001 
J Roseberry (Hare)11066  6.00  001 
M Gardiner (Ches)941176  5.66  0054
H Bugg (Am)220116  5.50  000 
A Neil (Hill)3301512  5.00  001 
M Valentine (BH)2201010  5.00  001 
A Mumtaz (BH)21055  5.00  000 
A Palmer (Am)11055  5.00  000 
J Mulraine (Mar)11055  5.00  000 
E Kitchener (Am)22095  4.50  002 
G Galloway (FC)852139  4.33  002 
M Bhasin (Hill)21044  4.00  000 
Manoj Kumar (Hill)11044  4.00  001 
D Hillier (Mar)11044  4.00  000 
S Hooper (MB)530116  3.66  002 
J Farrell (Hill)430116  3.66  000 
H Verway (Hare)22077  3.50  000 
D Goodman (BH)33166  3.00  000 
J McClennan (BH)22064  3.00  0021
W Mahmood (Ches)22066  3.00  000 
S Perret (Hill)33232*3.00  002 
S Manchanda (MB)11033  3.00  000 
V Kannan (Hill)11033  3.00  000 
T Penton (FC)11033  3.00  000 
M Eyre (Hill)55354  2.50  002 
A Appavoo (MB)124162*2.00  006 
M Newsome (Ches)22043  2.00  001 
G Cowlam (Kew)11022  2.00  003 
M Foy (Mar)21022  2.00  000 
GA Fearon (FC)11022  2.00  001 
A Mathone (Kew)11022  2.00  000 
S Rance (Ches)32022  1.00  004 
B Kunicki (FC)32021  1.00  003 
A Ahmed (BH)11011  1.00  000 
J Lloyd (BH)11011  1.00  000 
Y Bhasin (Hill)11011  1.00  000 
D Shetty (Kew)11011  1.00  000 
A Murphy (Mar)11011  1.00  000 
R Price (Mar)11011  1.00  000 
D Jaitley (Hill)11011  1.00  000 
H King (Am)11011  1.00  000 
A Yogi (CW)11011  1.00  000 
F Hayward (Hill)22000  0.00  000 
M Rehall (Hill)32000  0.00  000 
A Kapula (BH)11000  0.00  000 
Manpreet (Kew)11000  0.00  000 
D Wenkat (Kew)11000  0.00  000 
C McDonnell (BH)11000  0.00  000 
K Greg (MB)11000  0.00  000 
S Williams (FC)11000  0.00  001 
M Way (FC)11000  0.00  000 
J Gardiner (Ches)21000  0.00  0011
K Bhattia (CW)21000  0.00  000 
M Sutton (Mar)11000  0.00  000 
G Lines (Mar)11000  0.00  002 
M Yates (Mar)11000  0.00  000 
A Ratore (Kew)11000  0.00  000 
S Mellish (FC)21000  0.00  001 
Y Qureshi (MB)11000  0.00  001 
H Rathod (Kew)11000  0.00  000 
K Sandhu (Kew)11000  0.00  000 
M Merchandani (Am)11000  0.00  000 
J Blackett (MB)11000  0.00  001 
S Weston (Am)11000  0.00  001 
W Jamieson (BH)11000  0.00  002 
M Bitmead (CW)111113113*  100 
C Rodger (MB)111106106*  100 
J Mitchell (Hare)2227442*  001 
K Sandu (Kew)1117171*  010 
H White (Ches)1115252*  0121
A Lithins (FC)1115151*  010 
Tomar (CW)1112828*  000 
M Weatherall (Ches)1111919*  001 
S Venkat (Kew)1111616*  000 
M Mirchandani (Am)1111010*  000 
A Baker (FC)11188*  000 
S Bassi (FC)11188*  000 
O Asif (CW)11177*  000 
A Jayamanne (Hill)11166*  001 
S Wilcox (FC)11155*  001 
W Stewart (BH)11155*  000 
D Walden (Kew)22244*  000 
T Dickson (Am)11144*  000 
J Phillips (Hare)21144*  000 
G Ratnavel (Ches)21144*  001 
D Sheppard (Kew)11144*  000 
G Richards (Am)11144*  000 
L Harper (Hill)21144*  000 
T Allen (MB)31133*  001 
C McAuley (MB)22221*  003 
R Mahmood (Ches)21122*  000 
Z Mahmood (Ches)21122*  000 
A Talal (MB)11111*  001 
P Davenport (Mar)11111*  000 
O Anderson (Ches)21111*  000 
S Watson (Ches)31111*  000 
M Razaq (BH)11100*  000 
H Shinwari (Kew)11100*  000 
S Sritharam (Am)11100*  000 
M Armstrong (MB)71100*  002 
A Giri (MB)20       0 
R Singh (CW)10       0 
A Kravel (CW)10       0 
T Noakes (MB)10       0 
H Rutter (Am)10       0 
M Wadhwa (CW)10       0 
A Malik (CW)10       0 
H Spear (Mar)10       0 
M Wheeler (Ches)20       0 
A Tallah (CW)10       0 
Asif (CW)10       0 
L Woodman (Hare)10       0 
A Labers (Hare)10       0 
J Cleaver (Mar)10       0 
K Kulli (CW)10       1 
G Fowler (Ches)10       0 
D Robbins (Hill)10       0 
Manjit Singh (CW)10       0 
R Komar (CW)10       0 
A Watson (Ches)10       0 
T Turner (Ches)10       0 
O McKinlay (Ches)10       0 
M Dean (FC)10       0 
S Sameer (CW)10       0 
S Dogra (FC)20       0 
P Tuck (Ches)10       1 
U Moudgil (MB)10       0 
R Finch (Hare)10       0 
J Billington (MB)10       0 
N Desai (MB)10       0 
R Bowen (Kew)10       0 





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