
Batting and Fielding in Royal London Under-14 County Cup 2016 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
AS Basra (Nr)883458113  91.60 86.41132 
EO Leonard (Mx)882381101  63.50  124 
DM Afford (Staff)883356101  71.20  122 
WCF Smeed (Sm)772333124*66.60 83.25124 
F Eltringham (Sy)880322108  40.25  116 
G Langston (Hert)77131580*52.50  022 
HF Houillon (Kent)663298101*99.33  1131
AJ Hinkley (Wo)77127797  46.16  023 
S Richards (Corn)76127399*54.60  039 
M Jones (Wales)55027393  54.60  030 
O Samuel (Sm)771271103*45.16 91.24123 
B Robinson (Es)88325868*51.60  022 
JM de Caires (Mx)77024486  34.85  026 
A Mohammed (Wk)76223583  58.75  032 
J Archer (Wales)66023364  38.83  022 
MJ Bevans (Wales)660226101  37.66  110 
SH Lenham (Sx)54122675*75.33  020 
M Mills (Nr)87322498  56.00 63.27013 
S Rolfe (Hert)88121874*31.14  015 
JS Barhey (Wk)66021378  35.50  020 
CJ Kent (Corn)77120963  34.83  025 
TJK South (Ham)66020976  34.83  025 
D Leggett (Suff)77020766  29.57 69.00027 
A Prasad (Mx)550207117  41.40  101 
RS Wijeratne (Mx)77220664  41.20  034 
FME Smith (La)66020580  34.16 56.78013 
C Bishop (Corn)76120477  40.80  015 
M Kent (Suff)77020073  28.57 43.57011 
W Hollis (Norf)88019550  24.37  023 
R Day (Hert)88119451  27.71  012 
G Harrad (Norf)77019486  27.71  025 
JLH MacGregor (Es)88119364*27.57  023 
T Nicholson (Yor)543193100  193.00  112 
M Purves (Sy)660186106  31.00 68.13104 
JJ Davidson (Wk)55118662  46.50  011 
OJ Carter (Sx)66218548*46.25  003 
H Astley (Shrop)77018366  26.14  012 
H Williams (Norf)88018160  22.62  010 
BC Cullen (Mx)550181101  36.20 80.80100 
T Hudson (Staff)88018061  22.50  014 
J Starbuck (Lin)77118073*30.00  011 
W Legg (Le)550178104  35.60  104 
S Blake (Gs)44017877  44.50  021 
S Marchese (Sx)77017759  25.28  012 
T McCormick (Hert)86017645  29.33  001 
SD Menzhausen (Nt)66017155  28.50  013 
JE Langston (Berk)55017175  34.20  011 
RJ Forrester (Mx)87016649  23.71  001 
E Hunte (Staff)87016567  23.57  025 
H Butcher (Nt)65016468  32.80  023 
B Lumb (Nt)650164105  32.80  102 
JS Moore (Dev)64115885  52.66  014 
S Mason (Lin)77015786  22.42  010 
M Watson (Ham)55015780  31.40  0154
FS Middleton (Ham)44115587*51.66  021 
BC Langdell (Wk)55015462  30.80  011 
T Booth (Nt)55015484  30.80  0242
MR Catt (Cam)55015357  30.60  011 
T Saunders (Ham)66215256  38.00  011 
HF Findlay-Wilson (Gs)55015069  30.00  021 
L Storey (Sx)55114856  37.00  011 
H Evans (Wo)88014659  18.25  012 
E Davies (Wales)77114561  24.16  011 
MS Johal (Wk)77014446  20.57  002 
M Longley (Dor)76014459  24.00  021 
DS Malik (Bed)55014369  28.60  021 
SF King (Nt)65014369  28.60  011 
T O'Toole (Hert)87214252  28.40  011 
H Chambers (Berk)55014271  28.40  022 
MQ Shah (La)66114044*28.00 72.53001 
R Sandhu (Wo)85114042  35.00  004 
S Woodall (Buck)55013768  27.40  013 
A Begg (Ches)66013562  22.50  014 
J Mitchell (Kent)65013350  26.60  011 
G Holmes (Buck)44113379*44.33  011 
R Connelly (Mx)87313234*33.00  0021
AH Miller (Ox)66013250  22.00  010 
D Hall (Ox)66013268  22.00  017 
HJ Ault (Staff)77113148*21.83  007 
CJ Metcalf (Norf)66112946*25.80  001 
C Kent (Suff)66012936  21.50 75.43000 
O Hannam (Dev)64112964*43.00  020 
J Turner (Dor)77212853*25.60  021 
C Oakey (Ox)44112857*42.66  012 
D Clark (Bed)66012780  21.16  012 
A Greaves (Yor)63012668  42.00  022 
DJ Burnell (Wk)220125104  62.50  101 
E Wade (Wilt)44012358  30.75  021 
M Keast (Sy)55112245  30.50 94.570031
LT Maslen (Ox)66012074  20.00  013 
AJ Turner (Dor)88111937  17.00  003 
TJ Anderton (Cum)77011931  17.00  001 
W Woodley (Ox)77011740  16.71  004 
M Morgan (Here)55011737  23.40  000 
RF Rankin (La)66111655*23.20 55.76022 
H Morland (Sm)75011653  23.20 92.06012 
I Whitehall (Cum)77011532  16.42  001 
J Flatt (Sm)65211541  38.33 53.99001 
B Jacobs (Buck)55011456  22.80  010 
L McLaughlin (Dor)330114104  38.00  100 
SA Grace (Dy)33011497  38.00  010 
J Reagan (Hert)76311045*36.66  000 
C Leese (Staff)77010931  15.57  001 
W Iles (Wk)66110939  21.80  004 
A Ramkumar (Yor)66010946  18.16  002 
R Scrivens (Wales)77110844  18.00  002 
S Reed (Sm)77010751  15.28 51.19013 
J Sebborn (Ham)66010762  17.83  014 
R Desai (Sy)77110643  17.66  000 
O Howell (Hert)66010542  17.50  001 
R Woolley (Lin)66010537  17.50  000 
O Burrows (Wales)55010556  21.00  012 
FEH Geffen (Sy)54110555  35.00 80.15012 
J Atkinson (Wilt)76010466  17.33  012 
GS Ealham (Kent)66110456  20.80  014 
B Mason (La)66010448  17.33 41.43006 
TJ Prest (Dor)44110444  34.66  001 
FJ Bean (Yor)55310371*51.50  0111
H Wilson (Suff)66010248  17.00 61.07000 
J Doyle (La)66010127  16.83 38.69006 
A Cadman (Shrop)55010142  20.20  005 
J Press (Sm)77010029  14.28 48.78000 
W Glenister (Bed)66010032  16.66  001 
CT Slade (Wilt)54010036  25.00  003 
S Campbell (Gs)4409878  24.50  011 
B Anwar (Es)7419759*32.33  012 
DRA McMurray (Berk)4419753  32.33  0111
BCS Glendinning (Cum)7619644*19.20  002 
EWH Bragg (Wo)8829525  15.83  007 
TE Albert (Berk)5509555  19.00  012 
J McGruer (Kent)5519435*23.50  001 
L Rudin (Corn)7529461  31.33  012 
S Smith (Nr)6509258  18.40 47.170152
TO Hall (Sm)6519242  23.00 53.80001 
J Hindmarsh (Dur)4419256*30.66 50.27010 
J Neal (Yor)5419142  30.33  002 
JJ Bushnell (Dur)1109191  91.00 88.34011 
WA Hobson (Dy)3319077*45.00  010 
F Usher (Dur)5508940  17.80 48.36000 
T Naish (Sx)6408846  22.00  0042
R Luthra (Sy)3308864  29.33  011 
FJ Heldreich (Suff)7718728  14.50 97.75001 
MP O'Donoghue (Berk)2218749  87.00  000 
GA Metzger (Ham)6608629  14.33  005 
W Gowler (Cam)5408640  21.50  001 
A Green (Dy)4328534*85.00  001 
VA Gandhi (Es)5318566*42.50  013 
D Hastings (Norf)7708324  11.85  004 
V Sinha (Wk)6608330  13.83  000 
O Shaw (Ox)6608227  13.66  0001
R Hurdley (Shrop)6608243  13.66  003 
LA Tulacz (Wo)7518231  20.50  001 
T Brown (Ches)6618127  16.20  004 
DN Holland (Wo)5508140  16.20  002 
JA Gordon (Kent)3308145  27.00 53.64000 
E Stock (Mx)6328150*81.00 91.01015 
B Chapman (Suff)6638032*26.66 75.47001 
H Hopwood (Cam)5508031  16.00  002 
MR Wells (Nr)7507944  15.80 55.24003 
J Coombs (Ox)5507967  15.80  010 
H Bennett (Dy)4427933*39.50  001 
A Khan-Pathan (Le)3217960*79.00  011 
W Clark (Cum)5517840  19.50  002 
CAR Gilbert (Corn)7517824*19.50  000 
TJ Simeons (Nr)6407831  19.50 84.78002 
J Browning (Dor)8807727  9.62  001 
TD Phillips (Wales)6507743  15.40  002 
J Clark (Buck)5417742*25.66  001 
JAE White (Dev)5217672*76.00  010 
JDM Evison (Nt)2107676  76.00 101.33011 
L Williams (Dur)6607522  12.50 46.01002 
J Linley-Adams (Here)6607530  12.50  003 
F Longley (Sx)5517538  18.75  004 
RJ Das (Es)5527538  25.00  000 
J Gallagher (Kent)6507540  15.00  002 
G Holden (Dy)4407323  18.25  000 
AS Kopparambil (Dev)5417373*24.33  012 
N Khelawon (Es)6417356*24.33  014 
N Laws (Norf)7707218  10.28  000 
JRK Lecompte (Suff)5507141  14.20 44.37002 
C Salkeld (Dur)6407133  17.75 52.20000 
TL Greatwood (Berk)4407138  17.75  001 
G Lasseter (Buck)5516945*17.25  001 
T Sidhu (Suff)4416927  23.00 27.16000 
L Glover (Wk)7626836  17.00  001 
S Williams (Dor)6606826  11.33  003 
D Charlton (Dur)6606838  11.33 44.44001 
JJG Sales (Nr)7506845  13.60 45.63001 
C Watson (Shrop)5516824  17.00  003 
LG Evans (Shrop)4406734  16.75  003 
TF Rex (Wk)1116767*  010 
RA Karunakaran (Es)3206645  33.00 81.48000 
A Browne (Norf)8716521  10.83  002 
O Barrett (Dur)5516535*16.25 48.87000 
T Griffiths (Shrop)6606437  10.66  002 
BCJ Goldsack (Kent)5506436  12.80  001 
FEH Smith (Ox)4406326  15.75  000 
R Crawford (Wales)6526226*20.66  002 
TJ Shepperson (Sx)4316247  31.00 63.91001 
JP Foxley (Staff)3316232  31.00 71.26003 
JJ Gordon (Dor)8716126*10.16  005 
H Bell (Lin)5506147  12.20  0011
C Edgcombe (Corn)6516136  15.25  001 
S Lennon (Sx)1106161  61.00  010 
H Raschke (Mx)5516029  15.00 96.77003 
JA Trodd (Ham)6416035  20.00 88.23001 
A Thomasson (Wo)5206055  30.00  011 
J Leah (Nr)8435929*59.00 63.44001 
A Ul-Haq (Bed)6605834  9.66  001 
Sarosh Khan (Wilt)7515722  14.25  001 
O Latter (Ches)6505720  11.40  001 
R O'Neil (Cum)4405739  14.25  000 
A Lewis (Gs)4405730  14.25  001 
L Neill (Dor)8705526  7.85  0043
A Bhamidipati (Ches)6515526  13.75  000 
S Robinson (Bed)5505520  11.00  001 
SJ Jardine (Wales)6515520  13.75  003 
WA Wright (Lin)5515526  13.75  002 
W Burston (Sm)6425518  27.50 56.12000 
R Fyfe (Dur)4415530*18.33 29.72000 
A Malik (Mx)4205554  27.50 63.95012 
C Bradbury (Berk)3205538  27.50  0011
R Afaal (Suff)6605418  9.00 63.52002 
B Staniforth (Ches)6515429  13.50  0013
M Dassanacharya (Sy)5515420  13.50  002 
J Adams (Le)4415428*18.00  002 
L Medlock (Dev)6425433  27.00  001 
E Saxelby (Ches)6425423*27.00  003 
S Menon (Shrop)7735321  13.25  000 
W Bircumshaw (Nt)6615316  10.60  001 
H Robson (Ham)5505330  10.60  000 
F Yates (Sm)7405332  13.25 45.680062
A Souter (Wilt)6505231  10.40  000 
H Arif (Berk)4415221  17.33  000 
H Tyler (Le)4305241  17.33  000 
M Stephenson (Sy)3305239  17.33 53.06001 
O Reilly (Wales)7655124*51.00  000 
A Winiarski (Nt)5525121*17.00  003 
F McDermott-Krasker (Gs)5505023  10.00  0031
A Haynes (Gs)3305019  16.66  000 
A King (Bed)3304944  16.33  001 
TI Hinley (Sx)3324926*49.00 163.33001 
S Singha (Wilt)7604826  8.00  002 
MA Toohey (Sm)8624814*12.00 31.37002 
SF Hunt (Sy)7504832  9.60  000 
IS Jandu (Nt)5534814*24.00  001 
B Lovatt (Staff)7504819  9.60  002 
TDP Aubrey (Cam)4204842  24.00  000 
D Bevan (Wk)2204843  24.00  001 
J McLellan (Nr)8624719  11.75 57.31003 
M Birbeck (Dur)6514727*11.75 68.11003 
M Loveridge (Nt)5424728  23.50  000 
Y Machani (Wk)5514627*11.50  000 
W Marston (Suff)4414623*15.33 54.76001 
RJ Lewis (Berk)3304624  15.33  002 
N Bailey (Ches)3314625  23.00 56.79000 
H Rankin (La)6524516*15.00 51.72002 
J Wood (Cam)5404537  11.25  003 
A McIntosh (Here)4404533  11.25  000 
J Ward (Staff)7304527  15.00  000 
J Timms (Hert)8624413  11.00  001 
C Greening (Wo)7304420  14.66  001 
H Longworth (Nt)3214427*44.00  000 
O Choudhry (Es)6104444  44.00 129.41000 
LW Goring (Shrop)6604324  7.16  002 
E Snushall (Buck)6604318  7.16  004 
ML Revis (Yor)4304324  14.33  002 
BC Mills (Kent)6404218  10.50 43.29001 
B Knight (Cam)4404226  10.50  006 
O O'Neill (Here)4424232*21.00  000 
H Akram (Wo)8534120*20.50  002 
O Grist (Bed)4404122  10.25  000 
T Woolston (Corn)7314141*20.50  002 
R Kelkar (Le)3314120*20.50  004 
JH Millard (Gs)3304124  13.66  001 
J Holloway (Wk)5404026  10.00  0052
M Dunbavand (Ches)5404034  10.00  000 
J Williams (Here)4404021  10.00  000 
J Humphreys (Gs)3304037  13.33  002 
B Irish (Cam)4314024  20.00  000 
F Duggan (Wo)4314030*20.00  000 
L Westwell (Dy)3303924  13.00  000 
P Barrington (Bed)5503825  7.60  001 
W Cooper-Harris (Buck)6503821  7.60  006 
C Grice (Wk)7413818  12.66  003 
W Matthews (Le)3313821  19.00  000 
T White (Dor)6323834*38.00  004 
N Cunnold (Buck)2203829  19.00  000 
H Cooke (Cam)4403722  9.25  002 
KJ Bennett-Thomas (Wilt)7603620  6.00  002 
B Clarke (Sm)8623619  9.00 54.54001 
N Mahay (Staff)6523622*12.00  000 
H Smith (Ham)4413614  12.00 58.06001 
H Whitworth (Dy)4213635  36.00  001 
WL Naish (Gs)1103636  36.00 80.00000 
J McCammon (Sx)1103636  36.00 67.92000 
J Abbott (Buck)7623523  8.75  000 
D Aspray (Wilt)5513511  8.75  001 
M Worsdale (Ches)6403517  8.75  001 
C Yates (Le)1103535  35.00 52.23000 
A Murphy (Cum)7713411  5.66  001 
T Little (Buck)6513421  8.50  0013
HT Crocombe (Sx)6223418*  001 
M Billett (Wilt)3203429  17.00  0022
A Anil (Es)2213429*34.00 44.15001 
OLT Allison (Es)1113434* 61.81001 
N Jackson (Le)1103434  34.00  000 
CDS Wood (Yor)5313319  16.50  004 
A Soni (Ches)5303323  11.00  003 
D Manuel (Sy)4323313*33.00  0014
MC Austin (Norf)2213326*33.00  000 
D Wijewardena (Cam)3203319  16.50  000 
C King (Ox)2203319  16.50 49.25000 
HA Tagg (Sx)1113333* 89.18000 
CK Headley (Lin)771329  5.33  002 
J Grant (Wilt)6503217  6.40  000 
B Roberts (Staff)7443217*  0082
J Boyle (Gs)4403222  8.00  001 
G Williams (Buck)5503111  6.20  002 
PG Parikh (La)4413114  10.33 45.58000 
A Padalkar (Sx)1103131  31.00 44.28000 
J Darke (Here)6613016  6.00  0041
P Allan (La)6413016*10.00 75.00000 
H Anderson (Yor)5413024*10.00  000 
S Thompson (Nr)4303022  10.00 90.90000 
SAM Papps (Shrop)7702911  4.14  0021
H Taggart (Sx)1102929  29.00  000 
K Brierley (Nr)7522811  9.33 80.00001 
J Smith (Lin)3302821  9.33  003 
L Albon (Es)5212822  28.00 52.830021
SO Read (Dev)4202827  14.00  001 
JD Horler (Dev)3212818*28.00  000 
B Goldstack (Kent)1112828* 53.84000 
S Devorj (Le)2202724  13.50  0031
AJ Horton (Wales)1102727  27.00 96.420013
C Adams (Norf)6512617  6.50  001 
N Latham (Bed)5502611  5.20  000 
TW Simmons (Dev)4202621  13.00  002 
J Raju (La)1102626  26.00 83.87000 
M Mullins (Lin)7622510*6.25  001 
C Mason (Ox)6522517  8.33  001 
K Knott (Norf)7532512*12.50  001 
S Harvey (Corn)6502512  5.00  002 
M Hunter (Cum)5502514  5.00  004 
S Burbidge (Sm)5422517*12.50 55.55000 
J Ratcliffe (Cam)5302517  8.33  003 
CA Shafi (Gs)4222518*  000 
L Morison (Dev)6212519  25.00  0021
Y Patel (Le)1102525  25.00  000 
P Clark (Shrop)1102525  25.00  000 
H Kendal (Hert)8532413*12.00  0034
FAH Roll (Wo)3202413  12.00  002 
M Pettinger (La)1102424  24.00 72.72000 
J Rhodes (Norf)5402310  5.75  001 
C Hall (Cam)5402311  5.75  000 
T Quinlan (Gs)3302313  7.66  002 
H Ball (Cam)2212316*23.00 31.50000 
W Corcoran (Staff)5112323* 104.54000 
JJ Abel (Here)6602210  3.66  000 
B Porter (Ox)6532212*11.00  003 
S Williams (Sy)6502218  4.40 28.20001 
M Swanson (Sy)4422210  11.00 81.48002 
C McHale (Hert)3302212  7.33  000 
W Steinberg (Es)7322214*22.00  000 
C Melly (Bed)2202217  11.00  002 
HST Smeed (Sm)1102222  22.00 40.74000 
R Jindal (Es)7112222* 70.96002 
L Holland (Bed)552219*7.00  001 
HG Duke (Yor)541218  7.00  0054
AW Garrett (Wk)6312114*10.50  000 
NJ Potts (Staff)7322115  21.00 50.00000 
PS Chahal (Wilt)3202115  10.50  001 
C Yates (Le)1102121  21.00  000 
B Pratt (Bed)6632015*6.66  0023
K Woods (Wk)8522012*6.66  000 
L Marron (Dur)4412020*6.66 68.96005 
O Green (La)640206  5.00 48.78005 
T Copp (Kent)642208*10.00 55.55000 
Z Bernard-Pullen (Here)330208  6.66  000 
C Griffin (Sy)6411918  6.33  001 
L Ivison (Cum)4411913  6.33  000 
H Mullinder (Shrop)3301919  6.33  000 
J Clarke (Wilt)3301919  6.33  000 
J Kennedy (Wales)3201911  9.50  000 
L Giacomelli (Dur)641188  6.00 41.86001 
T Niblett (Gs)4441811*  000 
C Carter (Berk)4401816  4.50  001 
R Kanwar (Berk)3301815  6.00  002 
G Roberts (Sy)2201810  9.00 46.15000 
O Link (Cum)1101818  18.00  000 
Y Jahangir (Staff)5101818  18.00 51.42001 
K Vyas (Bed)1101818  18.00  000 
J Mermagen (Norf)663176*5.66  004 
M Cadiz (Sy)7501714  3.40  001 
E Darley (Norf)5401715  4.25  000 
J Moon (Corn)640179  4.25  002 
W Yarker (Cum)7441711*  001 
A Pilia (Sy)2201715  8.50  000 
J Hamilton (Sy)4211717*17.00  000 
J Motley (Staff)6211717  17.00  001 
ST Smith (Nr)4201710  8.50 39.53003 
LW O'Donnell (Yor)521179*17.00  001 
CS Williams (Here)2201716  8.50  000 
J Clark (Wilt)1101717  17.00  000 
T Nower (Berk)1111717*  000 
M James (Corn)7311613*8.00  004 
C Chaddock (Wilt)2201611  8.00  000 
T Jordan (Berk)330158  5.00  000 
M McLean (Kent)631159  7.50 34.88002 
J Humphreys (Wilt)7641410*7.00  000 
E Turner (Buck)650149  2.80  000 
T Wallis (Ham)330149  4.66 26.41002 
A Hariharasudhan (Cam)321148*14.00  002 
B Binnersley (Here)2201414  7.00  000 
T Brooks (Sm)1101414  14.00 60.86002 
H Newall (Here)1101414  14.00 73.68000 
B Smith (Dy)4111414*  000 
H Morris (Shrop)774136*4.33  001 
H Costello (Lin)771135  2.16  002 
J Berry (Dor)851138  3.25  003 
R Barksfield (Ox)750136  2.60  002 
B Simpson (Dur)531137*6.50  0022
B Andrews (Lin)4211311*13.00  001 
P Sindel (Le)2111313*  000 
J Chong (Ches)430128  4.00  000 
A Kulkarni (Wo)6211212*12.00 80.000063
T Hindley (Sx)3201212  6.00 100.00001 
E Mason (Wo)2111212*  002 
G Foreman (Ches)1101212  12.00 42.85000 
Z Pullen (Here)1101212  12.00 20.00000 
O Doggett (Ox)1101212  12.00 66.66002 
MJI Aubrey (Cam)1101212  12.00 46.15000 
MW Hancock (Dev)5101212  12.00  000 
KK Khanna (Berk)1101212  12.00  000 
H Sturmey (Le)2111212*  001 
O Stace (Suff)751116  2.75 42.30004 
O Humphreys (Lin)330116  3.66  001 
E Harding (La)622116* 40.74001 
C Blake (Nr)721119*11.00 32.35003 
J Humphries (Gs)220118  5.50  001 
J Robertson (Norf)2101111  11.00  002 
RJ Hardwick (Wo)551105*2.50  0011
T Dix (Shrop)330104  3.33  000 
OR Winspear (Cum)430105  3.33  000 
T Pitman (Wilt)530108  3.33  001 
H Bevan (Suff)421109*10.00 76.92000 
HA Scott (Kent)422108* 45.45000 
A Brown (Cum)44098  2.25  000 
J Smith (Lin)44095  2.25  000 
G Politis (La)53195  4.50 37.500033
P Heath (Berk)43295*9.00  001 
A Pascoe (Corn)62098  4.50  003 
J Masih (Buck)32295*  000 
T Gorringe (Buck)32099  4.50  000 
TD Duke (Hert)82196*9.00  002 
Asad Khan (Le)11099  9.00  000 
F Ford (Dev)51199*  002 
J Riggs (Gs)44287*4.00  001 
C Fleet (Ches)63287*8.00 32.00002 
M Thomas (Berk)33084  2.66  002 
L Higgins (Ox)53185  4.00  002 
C Yates (Le)22087  4.00  004 
F Shepherd (Sx)52184*8.00  001 
J Clarke (Buck)22086  4.00  001 
LA Charlesworth (Ox)22186  8.00 21.05001 
H Neary (Dor)32188  8.00 17.39001 
OJ Pickersgill (Lin)22084  4.00 47.05000 
A Whitaker (Here)22087  4.00 44.44001 
A Brown (Cum)21088  8.00  001 
JP Sarro (Sx)61088  8.00 114.28002 
J Trist (Berk)21188* 66.66001 
G Winsor (Dor)54274  3.50  001 
O Bolton (Here)33076  2.33  000 
J Bennett (Le)43273*7.00  003 
O Pygott (Shrop)53074  2.33  000 
A Little (Cum)53174*3.50  001 
A Patel (Le)22074  3.50  000 
A Cornwall (Lin)22076  3.50 26.92000 
P Dewey (Sy)32175  7.00  000 
LEJ Grantham-Woodhouse (Nt)61177* 116.66000 
J Bridson (Ox)54164  2.00  002 
HJR Startin (Ox)22066  3.00 46.15000 
J Hutt (Le)21066  6.00  000 
J Michelin (Hert)81066  6.00 40.00000 
G Whitcombe (Bed)54255  2.50  000 
G Blatherwick (Nt)53153  2.50  000 
B Davies (Wales)52254*  000 
B Waddington (Dor)32053  2.50  000 
O Winder (Le)22055  2.50  000 
SM Sheikh (Mx)51155* 45.45002 
BJ Lees (Shrop)11055  5.00 50.00000 
A Bose (Ham)41155* 83.33000 
C Walker (Cum)44044  1.00  000 
L Westmorland (Cum)53144  2.00 28.57001 
Aadil Ali (Wk)63044  1.33  003 
L Simpson (Dur)53243  4.00 16.00001 
JN Croom (Ham)52244* 25.00003 
J Balcombe (Ham)52144*4.00 66.66001 
W Isles (Wk)11044  4.00 44.44000 
M Blakey (Sm)11044  4.00 20.00000 
J Mukherjee (Yor)51144* 100.00000 
M Darvill (Es)31044  4.00 14.280002
E Smith (Es)71144* 80.00001 
HL Mawson (Kent)31044  4.00 66.66000 
N Berry (Wales)42133*3.00  0031
D Lacey (Norf)42132*3.00  001 
M King (Nr)22033  1.50 30.00001 
JA Chohan (Mx)32133*3.00 42.85002 
OWR Gaunt (Dy)41033  3.00  000 
AK Pathan (Le)11033  3.00 27.27000 
T Ganley (Dy)31033  3.00  005 
M O'Dare (Lin)51033  3.00  000 
J Burston (Sm)21033  3.00 50.00000 
C Harford (Dev)61033  3.00  001 
N Newitt (Here)44221*1.00  002 
C Turner (Lin)43122*1.00  000 
T Black (Here)33022  0.66  001 
J Dolby (Buck)22122  2.00  000 
G Hooper (Lin)32022  1.00  001 
C Iglesis (Suff)22022  1.00 66.66000 
G Offord (Suff)62022  1.00 50.00001 
A Dolby (Corn)11022  2.00  000 
D Pitchford (Shrop)11022  2.00 14.28000 
J Milford (Hert)31122* 66.66001 
J Hall (Dy)31022  2.00  000 
OG Mexome (Suff)51022  2.00 40.00001 
EJ Goldthorp (Yor)41022  2.00 33.33002 
S Gilland (Kent)21022  2.00 50.00000 
Z Mohammed (La)61022  2.00 100.00001 
J Stevens (Mx)51022  2.00 66.66001 
C Hill (Here)54111  0.33  000 
ML Hildrith (Le)32011  0.50  000 
G Milton (Here)22011  0.50 14.28000 
J Hardy (Norf)72011  0.50 10.00002 
P Patel (Mx)31111* 33.33000 
D Feakes (Ches)51111*  000 
C Sandell (Wilt)31011  1.00  000 
T Youds (Berk)11011  1.00  000 
J Mercer (Buck)11011  1.00  000 
S Parsons (Sm)81111* 25.00002 
J Baker (Wo)11011  1.00  000 
J Pearce (Ham)61011  1.00 33.33002 
J Massey (Buck)11011  1.00  000 
G White (Wo)11011  1.00  000 
A Singh (Bed)52000  0.00  000 
A Pillai (Sy)22000  0.00 0.00001 
J Trent (Dor)41100*  002 
J Woddiwiss (Lin)11000  0.00 0.00000 
BSJ Parker (Shrop)11000  0.00 0.00002 
L Redfern (Le)11000  0.00  001 
J Cuthbert (Gs)41000  0.00 0.00000 
HA Sullivan (Yor)61000  0.00  000 
S Paisley (Suff)11100* 0.00000 
G White (Shrop)11000  0.00  000 
E Hunter (Cum)11000  0.00  000 
M Wharton (Cum)11000  0.00  000 
J Weston (Buck)11000  0.00 0.00000 
D Lemon (Here)11000  0.00  000 
J Vickers (Nr)81100* 0.00001 
I Kaushal (Mx)71000  0.00 0.00000 
A Whittal (Here)11000  0.00 0.00000 
J Dalby (Buck)21000  0.00 0.00000 
H Marshall (Wo)61100*  000 
B Matthew (Sx)11000  0.00 0.000011
J Moses (Corn)51000  0.00 0.00001 
M Davies (Shrop)11000  0.00  000 
CJ Tredgett (Es)21000  0.00 0.00001 
A Webb (Here)11000  0.00 0.00000 
A Whittaker (Here)21000  0.00 0.00000 
B Waddell (Dev)10       0 
C Kidd (Dev)10       0 
G Homer (Wo)10       1 
C Bennett (Le)10       0 
A Blundell (Wk)10       0 
S Hadfield (Sy)10       0 
M Potts (Le)10       0 
EF Booth (Yor)20       1 
O Pugsley (Dev)30       0 
E Martin (Nt)20       0 
I Foster (Staff)10       0 
AM Foreman (Sx)10       0 
A Jhalla (Sy)50       0 
TWR Pixsley (Cam)20       0 
T Copestake (Kent)20       0 
R Mukhtar (Es)70       0 
Z Dasgupta (La)10       0 
JA Atkins (Sx)30       1 
D Wuewardena (Cam)10       0 
J Sadiq (Dy)40       0 
A I'Anson (Dur)10       1 
J Naidu (Le)10       0 
VN Patel (Mx)20       0 
O Buchanan (Suff)10       0 
A Dalby (Corn)10       0 
E Mier (Corn)20       0 
C Davies (Wales)10       0 
ORF Thilo (Sy)10       0 
M Addy (Sx)10       0 
M Ewan (Sx)10       0 
A Akbar (Es)20       0 
I Thornton (Staff)20       1 
W Fletcher (Wilt)10       0 
J Parry (Es)30       1 
H Froggatt (Wo)10       1 
C Williams (Dur)10       0 
T Degg (Staff)10       0 
K Durrant (Ox)20       0 
B Keating (Dur)10       0 
SWM Harman (Sx)60       1 
S Verma (Dy)10       0 
H Towne (Nt)30       0 
B Adshead (Hert)40       1 
J Hughes (Wales)10       0 
S Greenhalgh (Wo)10       0 
SS Reynolds (Ham)10       0 
B Vandrill (Dy)20       0 
G Dyfri (Wales)10       0 
NV Gorantla (Cam)10       0 
J Mitchell (Dor)60       2 
I Henry (Mx)30       1 
O Blakeman (Dev)20       0 
WCH Collard (Sx)10       0 
C Shore-Hollingworth (Nr)60       1 
R Patel (Yor)10       0 
G Freeman (Kent)30       0 
CJ Goldthorp (Yor)10       0 
DE Meredith (Wo)10       1 





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