
Fielding in Second Eleven Championship 2016 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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AJ Mellor (Wk)721 21
AA Shafique (Dur,MCCYC,Nt,Sx,Wo)816420
AWR Barrow (Sm)619 19
MH Cross (Es)518119
C Cachopa (Sx)517 17
SM Imtiaz (Dur,MCCYC,Nr)817 17
TN Cullen (MCCU)715116
SS Eskinazi (Mx)516 16
BD Guest (La)614216
CF Jackson (Es,Kent)714 14
J Read (Yor)713114
CM Dickinson (Es,MCCU)612113
EJ Ellis (Ham)413 13
TJ Moores (La,Nt)712113
JA Thompson (Yor)713 13
LG Cammish (Le,Sx)510111
HR Hosein (Dy)511 11
EJ Hurst (Dur)210111
SW Poynter (Dur)57411
TG Keast (Nt)310 10
RG White (Mx)410 10
SFG Bullen (Dur,MCCU)89 9
M Carter (Nt)89 9
J Goodwin (Ham)89 9
TC Knight (Dy)69 9
RS Patel (Sy)99 9
JH Sookias (Dy)3729
OR Batchelor (Sy)8718
R Gibson (Yor)88 8
WRS Gidman (Nt)48 8
Hasan Azad (MCCU)98 8
LD McManus (Ham)28 8
AG Milton (Wo)68 8
MJ Potts (Dur)58 8
OG Robinson (Kent)4718
KS Velani (Es)88 8
GC Wilson (Sy)5718
BJ Yates (La)18 8
JR Bracey (Gs)7617
MGK Burgess (Le)3617
BJ Curran (MCCYC,Nt,Sy)97 7
HE Dearden (Ham,Le)107 7
SL Elstone (Dy)67 7
CL Herring (Gm)3617
L Machado (Gm)47 7
AEN Riley (Kent)57 7
AP Rouse (Kent)2617
Sukhjit Singh (Wk)67 7
WA Tavaré (Gs)57 7
PI Walter (Es)77 7
AM Ali (Le)56 6
JE Burke (Sy)76 6
K Carver (Yor)66 6
FRJ Coleman (Kent,Wk,Wo)76 6
CAL Davis (MCCU,Sx)56 6
AJ Hickey (Dur)86 6
AE King (Nr)46 6
CT Lowen (MCCU)8516
D Murphy (Nr)46 6
J Allenby (Sm)25 5
T Banton (Sm)3415
JH Barrett (Gs,MCCYC,Nt)105 5
E Callis (Yor)75 5
JN Clay (Dur)15 5
SJ Cook (Es)45 5
JMH Dodd (Wo)25 5
TJ Haines (Sx)65 5
GC Holmes (Gm)55 5
AJ Hose (Sm)85 5
HJM Hovey (Dur,Ham,Nr)45 5
MD Hunn (Kent)75 5
AE Lilley (MCCU)85 5
JN McIver (MCCU)95 5
CR Marshall (Nt)65 5
MJ Norris (MCCU)95 5
GD Phillips (MCCYC)65 5
A Rath (Mx)35 5
WMH Rhodes (Yor)35 5
TD Rouse (Sm)45 5
GS Sandhu (Dur,Le)75 5
GFB Scott (Mx)75 5
RT Sehmi (MCCU)55 5
JA Tattersall (Dy)65 5
AD Thomason (Wk)65 5
BJ Twohig (Wo)85 5
ARI Umeed (Wk)65 5
BL Allen (Gs)2314
JM Blatherwick (Nt)44 4
JTA Burnham (Dur)14 4
BN Evans (Sx)34 4
GT Griffiths (Ham,La)84 4
H Hameed (La)24 4
A Hepburn (Wo)84 4
AL Hughes (Dy)64 4
WG Jacks (Sy)24 4
RP Jones (La)64 4
JM Kettleborough (Gm)64 4
MJ King (MCCYC,Wo)54 4
BM Kitt (Nt)84 4
JA Lewis (Kent)54 4
AM Lilley (La)54 4
AO Morgan (Gm)74 4
ASS Nijjar (Es)74 4
MW Pillans (Sy)64 4
OJD Pope (Sy)2314
I Qayyum (Kent)74 4
GS Randhawa (Dur,Dy)84 4
OP Rayner (Mx)24 4
LM Reece (La)74 4
GH Rhodes (Wo)44 4
PD Salt (Sx)44 4
SM Solia (MCCYC)64 4
RML Taylor (Le)34 4
HJ White (Dy,Nr)54 4
TB Abell (Sm)43 3
JHK Adams (Ham)23 3
AJ Ball (Kent)53 3
BD Birkhead (Yor)2213
PA Braithwaite (Dur)23 3
SR Branston (Nr)23 3
RS Buckley (MCCYC)93 3
KA Bull (Gm)23 3
BO Coad (Yor)63 3
JJ Dell (Wo)33 3
G Fatouros (Kent)83 3
JK Fuller (Mx)33 3
SE Grant (Dur,Sm)43 3
PJ Grieshaber (Gs)33 3
JO Grundy (MCCU)93 3
NA Hammond (Wo)23 3
GHI Harding (Dur)73 3
GJ Harte (MCCYC,Sx)103 3
LJ Hill (Le)5213
MDE Holden (Mx)73 3
M Hussain (Yor)53 3
JW Hutson (Kent,Sx)23 3
CM Jones (Sy)43 3
AN Kervezee (Wo)53 3
T Kohler-Cadmore (Wo)13 3
TC Lace (Mx)73 3
MA Leask (Sm)63 3
TJ Lester (La)63 3
DR Lezar (Kent)23 3
MD Lezar (Gs,MCCYC)93 3
CS MacLeod (Dur)53 3
DS Manuwelege (Mx)83 3
TC Moore (Es)73 3
GJ Muchall (Dur)33 3
RK Patel (Es)33 3
SD Perera (Mx)23 3
WTS Porterfield (Wk)33 3
OE Robinson (Sx)43 3
WT Root (Nt)73 3
AG Salter (Gm)23 3
TF Smith (Gm,MCCYC,Sx)113 3
AT Thomson (MCCU)73 3
FOE van den Bergh (Sy)83 3
WJ Weighell (Dur)53 3
SKW Wood (Nt)73 3
MR Adair (Wk)22 2
GA Ansell (Gm)22 2
KC Appleby (Kent)32 2
JC Archer (Sx)12 2
MA Ashraf (Nr)32 2
L Banks (Wk)32 2
CA Barrett (Le,Nr)62 2
WAT Beer (Sx)32 2
DM Bess (Sm)72 2
ODW Birts (Sx,Sy)22 2
AJ Blake (Kent)22 2
OS Bocking (Es)62 2
N Brand (Gm,MCCU)52 2
HC Brook (Yor)32 2
KR Brown (La)12 2
PR Brown (Wo)32 2
NL Buck (La)52 2
LJ Carey (Gm)72 2
BA Carse (Dur)32 2
ZJ Chappell (Le)42 2
IA Cockbain (Gs)42 2
Z Crawley (Kent)32 2
JA Curtis (Gs)12 2
SR Dickson (Kent)32 2
GH Dockrell (MCCYC)12 2
DA Douthwaite (Sx,Sy)72 2
BJ Duggan (Ham)82 2
EJH Eckersley (Le)22 2
MD Fisher (Yor)22 2
WAR Fraine (Wo)32 2
AW Gale (Yor)32 2
RN Gamble (MCCU,Nr,Sm)52 2
CJ Geldart (Yor)42 2
BS Gilmour (Gs)62 2
A Godsal (Mx)62 2
LJ Gough (Es)92 2
L Gregory (Sm)12 2
CJ Haggett (Kent)42 2
MAH Hammond (Gs)42 2
KJ Harding (MCCU,MCCYC)22 2
A Harinath (Sy)52 2
JB Harris (MCCYC)92 2
CF Hartley (Kent)62 2
JA Haynes (Wo)12 2
TG Helm (Mx)22 2
RP Hemmings (Dy)32 2
RF Higgins (Mx)62 2
NR Hobson (Dur)32 2
FJ Hudson-Prentice (Sx)62 2
LJ Hurt (Gs,Le,Nr,Wk)82 2
Y Imtiaz (Yor)22 2
JW Jenner (Sx)52 2
P Joshi (Gm,Wk)72 2
PA Lazarus (Gm)12 2
LJ McKendry (Yor)22 2
C McKerr (Sy)52 2
ZA Malik (Wo)82 2
CD Matthews (Gm)12 2
TP Milnes (Dy)42 2
JR Murphy (Gm)72 2
P Mustard (Dur)22 2
TW Nightingale (Le)12 2
LC Paternott (Nr)42 2
DA Payne (Gs)12 2
D Penrhyn Jones (Gm)72 2
DMW Rawlins (Sx)42 2
CMW Read (Nt)12 2
LT Redrup (Sm)82 2
CJ Russell (Wo)82 2
A Sakande (Sx)32 2
ORT Sale (Sm)32 2
RJ Sayer (Le)72 2
NJ Selman (Gm)52 2
SM Sharif (Nr)22 2
TC Smith (La)32 2
VS Solanki (Sy)32 2
MT Spencer (Nr,Wk)32 2
CT Steel (Dur,Mx)72 2
JS Sykes (Le)72 2
CJ Taylor (Es)62 2
SP Terry (Nr)12 2
JA Tomlinson (Ham)62 2
FR Trenouth (Sm)22 2
RE van der Merwe (Sm)12 2
MJ Waite (Yor)72 2
MA Wallace (Gm)22 2
MTC Waller (Sm)42 2
JJ Weatherley (Ham)82 2
JP Webb (Gs,Wk)52 2
SD Weller (Kent)42 2
TJ Wells (Le)62 2
IJ Westwood (Wk)32 2
DR Williams (Wo)12 2
SA Zaib (Nr)62 2
HRD Adair (Nr)41 1
BL Ainsley (Yor)41 1
AS Aldred (Nt)11 1
SA Ali (Nr)11 1
TP Alsop (Ham)21 1
MK Andersson (Mx)31 1
AAP Atkinson (Sy)41 1
TE Bailey (La)31 1
CJ Ball (Dy)11 1
HR Bernard (Kent)71 1
TL Best (Ham)11 1
R Bramwell (Dy)21 1
DR Briggs (Sx)11 1
CAJ Brodrick (Dy)21 1
HJH Brookes (Wk)11 1
DDA Brown (Nt)71 1
JM Bruce (Mx)21 1
EJ Byrom (Sm)61 1
KS Carlson (Gm)31 1
BG Charlesworth (Gs)11 1
G Clark (Dur)41 1
JA Clarke (Dy)21 1
B Claydon (Nr)11 1
JA Clifford (Es)21 1
GTG Cork (Dy)71 1
J Coughlin (Dur)41 1
FK Cowdrey (Kent)31 1
OC Currill (Gs)41 1
AK Dal (Nt)71 1
JH Davey (Sm)51 1
MW Dixon (Es)31 1
GS Drissell (Gs)41 1
WJ Durston (Dy)21 1
GA Edwards (La)31 1
LJ Evans (Wk)21 1
ST Evans (Le)21 1
TC Fell (Wo)31 1
JLN Garrett (Gs)71 1
RO Gordon (Wk)41 1
SR Green (MCCU)11 1
CJW Gregory (Gs,MCCYC)51 1
JAR Harris (Mx)31 1
CG Harrison (Sm)21 1
AHJA Hart (Dur)51 1
FS Hay (Ham)61 1
DM Hodgson (Nt)21 1
TM Homes (Sy)11 1
TJJ Hope (Wk)11 1
J Jakeman (Nr)21 1
IA Karim (Le)21 1
FIN Khushi (Es)41 1
N Killeen (Dur)11 1
NR Kumar (MCCU)21 1
MJ Lamb (Wk)61 1
TL Lawford (Nt)11 1
KS Leverock (MCCU,Sm)61 1
RE Levi (Nr)11 1
DJ Lloyd (Wo)21 1
JI McCoy (Ham)71 1
CM Macdonell (Dy)41 1
MH McKiernan (Le)11 1
S Mahmood (La)51 1
JD Marshall (Nr)11 1
RJ Montgomery (Sx)11 1
CAJ Morris (Wo)51 1
HG Munsey (La,Nr)31 1
JG Myburgh (Sm)31 1
JKH Naik (Le)31 1
GR Napier (Es)11 1
A Nawaz (Wo)11 1
GW Newton (Wo)21 1
K Noema-Barnett (Gs)11 1
G Onions (Dur)11 1
FS Organ (Ham)61 1
J Overton (Sm)11 1
XG Owen (MCCU)21 1
CRM Parker (Wk)21 1
CF Parkinson (Dy)41 1
SD Parry (La)51 1
A Patel (Kent)21 1
K Patel (Mx)21 1
CA Pepper (Es)71 1
WJN Pereira (Sy)21 1
EJ Pollock (Wk)11 1
JE Poysden (Wk)51 1
MA Richardson (Nr)41 1
MJG Rippon (Gm,Sx)21 1
BJ Roberts (Gm)11 1
CJL Rogers (Sm)11 1
WE Rogers (Nr)21 1
BW Sanderson (Nr)11 1
GLS Scrimshaw (Wo)51 1
GH Sellers (Dy)21 1
A Shahzad (Sx)21 1
JD Shantry (Wo)11 1
A Sheikh (Le)71 1
DP Sibley (Sy)31 1
PA Sivarajah (MCCYC)91 1
DC Smith (Ham,Kent)41 1
RAJ Smith (Gm)31 1
OW Smithson (MCCYC)71 1
NA Sowter (Mx)41 1
JL Sterland (Es)21 1
PR Stirling (Mx)21 1
BJ Taylor (Ham)51 1
JMR Taylor (Gs)11 1
JPA Taylor (Dy)11 1
TAI Taylor (Dy)41 1
BE Tegg (Wo)11 1
JA Thompson (MCCYC)81 1
CO Thurston (Nr)41 1
CK Turner (La)21 1
PA van Meekeren (Gm,Sm)41 1
JC Wainman (Yor)91 1
MB Wareing (Le)21 1
JD Warner (Yor)31 1
NR Welch (Sx)11 1
OE Westbury (Wo)71 1
BTJ Wheal (Ham)41 1
SG Whittingham (Sx)31 1
JK Wilson (Sx)11 1
JR Winslade (Es,Sx)41 1
L Wood (Nt)41 1
RP Zelem (Nr)21 1





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