
Bowling in Minor Counties Championship 1922 (Ordered by Player)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

CD Adams (Dor)177110562-1317.50 00
AF Alington (Ox)12030    
CGP Alliston (Kent)12473766-316.16 10
H Arkle (Nthum)4112315083-1818.75 00
B Arthur (Mon)9624922-1624.50 00
PLV Astle (Ches)6080    
WH Aston (Dev)50624209229-539.50 31
HL Aubrey-Fletcher (Buck)115756402345-3611.82 10
HG Baldwin (Sy)462926072-2137.14 00
HR Barker (Cam)361110    
LF Bartlett (Dor)58813316143-1822.57 00
GW Bayes (Yor)131549603335-5518.27 10
WA Beadsmoore (Norf)112552416406-2010.40 20
CR Benstead (Cam)120180    
JV Bentley (Corn)157313432-9244.66 00
HHC Birch (Berk)120170    
PR Blake (Buck)1203570    
T Bloor (Staff)13654743-2611.75 00
HE Blower (Hert)180210    
W Bovell-Jones (Bed)3603522-1717.50 00
AE Bown (Dor)11493811-2538.00 00
H Brassington (Staff)10227033-2023.33 00
H Brooks (Dur)56312289215-1913.76 10
W Brown (La)84836365246-7415.20 21
WE Brown (Sy)21259432-4231.33 00
WJ Brown (Bed)192011042-2427.50 00
FW Bryan (Cam)45710269145-5724.45 10
BW Bullock (Sy)30280    
FA Burton (Hert)2345981064597-3418.03 61
RD Busk (Dor)90026483265-5118.57 20
EG Butcher (Dev)16229311-4793.00 00
GS Butler (Wilt)192510666-6417.66 10
WC Caesar (Sy)73521417185-8023.16 21
HS Carter (Dev)228713663-3222.66 00
JS Carter (Bed)7807221-2836.00 00
APF Chapman (Berk)65426279196-3814.68 10
CR Chapman (Kent)4231532-135.00 00
R Childs (Cam)3711422363-5537.16 00
WAH Childs (Bed)81830410237-7317.82 20
H Christmas (Cam)00011-00.00 00
P Clarkson (Hert)1201411-1414.00 00
CC Clifton (Ches)51918200124-3816.66 00
JA Clinkard (Ox)60190    
P Coates (Yor)115747451367-1912.52 31
A Cole (Sy)12667832-3026.00 00
JW Cook (Ches)1760119461536-428.69 51
EE Cornish (Corn)13816473-209.14 00
WD Cory (Corn)3003011-3030.00 00
EJ Cotton (Ox)144012452-1324.80 00
H Coulson (Cam)7833411-3434.00 00
J Coulthurst (La)72732361235-6515.69 10
HO Cousins (Cam)4802911-2929.00 00
RB Cowley (Hert)180320    
KT Cox (Dor)240210    
FJ Cummins (Dor)47018203134-1715.61 00
AT Cuttell (La)3601711-1717.00 00
HF Darell (Wilt)14565243-4513.00 00
EDGE Daunt (Bed)5282919274-6227.42 00
H Dean (Ches)166971670547-3512.40 41
ECD de Vitre (Berk)11126973-159.85 00
E Dickens (Buck)2417874-2911.14 00
CJ Dilley (Bed)64721379114-8734.45 00
TK Dobson (Dur)210165442-1113.50 00
AG Doggart (Dur)9625711-5257.00 00
JH Doggart (Dur)13848543-4721.25 00
CE Dolman (Mon)9017611-4176.00 00
H Dougill (Norf)423160    
CK Douglas (Kent)120352487223-2422.13 00
GRM Dove (Nthum)180240    
NCS Down (Dor)11462433-138.00 00
R Driscoll (Hert)300513562-2622.50 00
ED Dynes (Bed)11426733-6722.33 00
HJM Eade (Ox)9035522-4327.50 00
F Edwards (Buck)181094801797-2610.13 105
GH Escott (Corn)294620063-4633.33 00
PM Fairclough (La)9652522-2512.50 00
M Falcon (Norf)165672804605-3213.40 40
DK Falkner (Cam)361200    
S Fenley (Sy)46818222155-4114.80 10
EA Fulcher (Dev)216018262-2230.33 00
EJ Fulcher (Norf)2761014861-924.66 00
GB Gainsford (Hert)421330    
ACT Geary (Sy)122938717307-6223.90 20
JSB Gentry (Sy)5401126794-7429.66 00
M Gill (La)24170    
JG Godfrey (Sy)7805611-4156.00 00
CP Goodden (Dor)2402111-2121.00 00
A Goodrick (Dur)180612621-2563.00 00
SV Graham (Bed)92242352163-4122.00 00
T Graham (Nthum)306813584-4416.87 00
CD Gray (Sy)480340    
RG Gulland (Sy)88434474174-6127.88 00
TE Halsey (Hert)180111032-2636.66 00
F Hargrave-Carroll (Dev)2122161105-1816.10 10
KF Harris (Mon)162843829479-6217.63 52
W Harrison (Dor)78048266164-2816.62 00
F Hartley (Ox)80324388326-2812.12 51
W Hawke (Corn)248513966-13923.16 10
GM Hawksworth (Berk)2138144670436-5515.58 30
EW Hazelton (Buck)258119985-7312.37 10
SG Hearn (Kent)6333522993-625.44 00
TJ Hearne (Berk)37210163106-4416.30 10
JS Heath (Staff)72315398203-5419.90 00
J Heathcoat-Amory (Dev)128746600447-3213.63 41
ELW Henslow (Wilt)12146742-3116.75 00
W Hetherton (Nthum)120649485386-4112.76 41
HL Hever (Kent)131171516286-5418.42 20
HM Hinde (Berk)89636387335-2911.72 30
HW Hodgson (Ches)12664453-218.80 00
HF Holdstock (Bed)222612333-5141.00 00
EF Holdsworth (Yor)267612143-3030.25 00
GH Holiday (Ox)258519622-8798.00 00
HL Hollis (Kent)73818410256-5116.40 31
V Hope (Ches)79236282103-1928.20 00
JL Hopwood (La)2521210421-952.00 00
GLR Hutchings (Mon)6030    
BD Hylton Stewart (Hert)84622498298-6317.17 22
TS Jennings (Sy)3541417195-1819.00 10
CP Jinkin (Dev)10856222-2431.00 00
A Jolley (Staff)4213222-3216.00 00
LN Jones (Ches)49714242143-3017.28 00
WE Jones (Ches)4822811-2828.00 00
JAG Kennard (Ox)336723694-5726.22 00
WE King (Bed)84742292136-722.46 10
RCR Kirkpatrick (Wilt)3001123211-73232.00 00
FCH Knapp (Yor)26311119104-4011.90 00
JW Knight (Wilt)329620292-1022.44 00
CH Knott (Kent)421330    
EH Leek (Cam)16298053-2716.00 00
M Leyland (Yor)80634409234-2717.78 00
WF Light (Dev)85816461176-5427.11 10
EB Lilley (Cam)181120    
AS Ling (Cam)240811-88.00 00
A Lockett (Staff)101549440345-3712.94 20
W Lovell-Hewitt (Wilt)274424042-4560.00 00
RF Lowe (Sy)1140610    
JC Lucas (Wilt)36516146126-4912.16 10
EC Marchant (Cam)4823222-1716.00 00
WH Marsh (Hert)112427612315-1319.74 40
JT Marshall (Dur)3001015254-5630.40 00
WH Maslen (Sy)51416263123-1621.91 00
JC Masterman (Ox)68419308155-3320.53 20
CR Milam (Dur)4562420493-3022.66 00
JE Mill (Corn)120200    
GT Milne (Nthum)196291780466-7516.95 62
BF Morgan (Staff)149765693497-3914.14 41
AW Newman (Wilt)101260292226-3613.27 10
FCW Newman (Bed)196414422-4472.00 00
JE Nichols (Norf)122351509395-2713.05 30
GW Norman (Sy)300350    
W Overton (Wilt)55723233146-4016.64 10
C Patteson (Wilt)240140    
RA Phayre (Ox)12748354-4916.60 00
AH Phillips (Ox)7834932-3616.33 00
FG Phillips (Mon)63625297214-2914.14 00
GF Pilling (Cam)4135386166-4424.12 10
H Pitchford (Buck)180340    
CF Powell (Buck)5405411-4554.00 00
KC Raikes (Mon)123144522244-3321.75 00
TB Raikes (Norf)95856424275-2115.70 10
LM Rathbun (Nthum)9815221-1726.00 00
CW Rhind (Nthum)963520    
A Rhodes (La)98155337427-228.02 41
DN Rocyn-Jones (Mon)4802511-725.00 00
JL Rogers (Ox)11427831-526.00 00
T Rushby (Sy)480350    
L Ryder (Yor)4713301138-5923.15 10
GHK Ryland (Berk)2701210362-717.16 00
EH Ryle (Dor)180140    
TW Sadler (Cam)143570714526-4814.57 62
TCG Sandford (Wilt)109444455227-8720.68 20
RFW Scholefield (Corn)180130    
HA Sedgwick (Staff)139850644458-2214.31 42
DAD Sewell (Buck)246612863-2621.33 00
FAS Sewell (Bed)1084480    
MS Shapcott (Sy)120911-99.00 00
P Sharpe (Mon)360120    
W Shelford (Hert)49025168137-2312.92 10
JF Shelley (Dev)120150    
GHK Sherlock (Dev)4081814953-5429.80 00
JC Shires (Yor)3461815743-7039.25 00
JH Simm (La)12093422-1517.00 00
GA Simpson (Kent)482150    
RA Sinfield (Hert)324715772-2722.42 00
Slater (Yor)663230    
EM Smeeth (Yor)6221611-1116.00 00
G Smith (Mon)120240    
LC Smith (Corn)4321223984-4929.87 00
HG Smoker (Ches)843530    
IM Sorensen (Sy)8405622-1128.00 00
W Spiller (Dur)99628455297-7715.68 10
W Stradling (Ox)2402311-1823.00 00
WF Sturt (Dev)160757791405-3419.77 40
BH Surry (Nthum)236512694-414.00 00
LP Sweet (Dev)18041200    
E Tate (Dev)9635533-3418.33 00
F Taylor (La)49724175135-2513.46 10
HJ Taylor (Kent)361440    
TSW Thomas (Cam)3604621-1223.00 00
J Threlfall (La)6022611-2626.00 00
CH Titchmarsh (Hert)60220    
JL Towler (Nthum)75618373143-4926.64 00
H Tresawna (Corn)252515994-8017.66 00
C Trevarthen (Corn)261613852-2227.60 00
SL Trevor (Buck)6015711-5757.00 00
CWD Tucker (Sy)6613211-1632.00 00
H Tyldesley (La)140170602408-7615.05 42
E Wakelin (Ox)96948404214-3519.23 00
EC Walby (Dor)160383600558-3110.90 72
C Walters (Ox)132210343-6225.75 00
CG Ward (Hert)6030    
FB Watson (La)4212511-2525.00 00
H Watson (Norf)197481848596-4314.37 30
LA Watson (Hert)180390    
FMI Watts (Dev)241110    
T Watts (Sy)112942542275-12620.07 10
LH Weight (Dur)80851274174-2016.11 00
F Whiting (Corn)94036511256-7220.44 20
FJ Whiting (Buck)120120    
JGB Whiting (Buck)61813270133-2920.76 00
B Williams (Corn)84525380226-2617.27 20
WA Williams (Mon)56619279155-3418.60 10
FW Wilson (Cam)1022820    
GC Wood (Wilt)10863611-3636.00 00
WY Woodburn (Berk)74439302104-3730.20 00
AC Wright (Kent)165068587536-4911.07 62





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