
Bowling in Second Eleven Championship 1983 (Ordered by Player)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

DL Acfield (Es)3861811553-4723.00 00
JP Addison (Le)1787109737368-8020.47 40
JP Agnew (Le)98428509225-7723.13 10
SJW Andrew (Ham)8543942741-15106.75 00
GG Arnold (Sy)7233211-2132.00 00
AP Arundell (Yor)10874921-1824.50 00
RL Ashton (Nr)4681622131-2073.66 00
Asif Din (Wk)269717774-6025.28 00
DG Aslett (Kent)180190    
C Avery (Kent)17795264-148.66 00
AM Babington (Sy)960700    
JC Bacon (Nt)1142620    
RJ Bailey (Nr)198126322-5331.50 00
P Ball (Sm)10817022-7035.00 00
R Ball (Sx)5442111-2121.00 00
G Balmer (Gs)7806411-2864.00 00
DA Banks (Wo)160610243-4425.50 00
EAE Baptiste (Kent)252128565-3614.16 10
SR Barwick (Gm)144850778245-4432.41 10
SJ Base (Wo)8482111-1021.00 00
CW Batchelor (Sx)1324870    
MJ Beck (Nt)3321015643-3239.00 00
JE Benjamin (Gs,Wo)336920221-55101.00 00
IS Bishop (Gs)13868811-4488.00 00
TJ Boon (Le)243420052-6840.00 00
PA Booth (Yor)2304148858326-7826.81 10
SC Booth (Sm)158471704224-6932.00 00
MK Bore (Nt)133880443184-3724.61 00
MC Boucher (Sm)12775133-3117.00 00
DJ Boyle (Nr)6421938753-7077.40 00
JE Bramble (Mx)3601021-35.00 00
AM Bredin (Nt)3721218376-10826.14 10
M Bridal (Ham)7815411-2854.00 00
MP Briers (Le)1811711-1717.00 00
NE Briers (Le)302140    
KG Brooks (Dy)3161714773-1221.00 00
I Broome (Dy,Nr)5861831754-4763.40 00
N Brough (Nr)4203411-3434.00 00
AM Brown (Dy)10768353-3716.60 00
GK Brown (Mx)150710244-6225.50 00
KR Brown (Mx)4813911-039.00 00
PR Buchanan (Gs)16268711-5787.00 00
CK Bullen (Sy)5582425872-836.85 00
RA Bunting (Nr)102238504163-4831.50 00
IR Bussey (Sm)14438511-1485.00 00
IP Butcher (Le)168713943-3434.75 00
H Butler-Gallie (Kent,Sy)15049911-5099.00 00
DJ Capel (Nr)2521014032-4746.66 00
JD Carr (Mx)2721413565-4522.50 10
JA Carse (Nr)63623315145-3122.50 20
I Carter (Sm)10237211-3072.00 00
R Carter (Sx)1203640    
RGL Cheatle (Sy)6693235952-1071.80 00
JH Childs (Gs)246109355-9318.60 10
IJ Chivers (Ham)15686522-1132.50 00
RA Cobb (Le)120711-77.00 00
I Cockbain (La)362100    
JM Coles (Nr)12676144-3315.25 00
DW Compton (Sm)3021611-1616.00 00
G Cook (Nr)10040    
NGB Cook (Le)136122333-237.66 00
SR Cootes (Ham)165310033-6033.33 00
MA Cottam (Nr,Sm)162117311-5173.00 00
PA Cottey (Gm)12200    
RS Cowan (Sx)101037531184-3429.50 00
GR Cowdrey (Kent)41621200105-2520.00 10
NGC Cowley (Ham)18679155-9018.20 10
I Cox (Sm)1137560    
ST Crawley (La)162108132-827.00 00
EJ Cunningham (Gs)9494644283-755.25 00
IJ Curtis (Sy)90655458185-5325.44 10
TS Curtis (Wo)1380950    
R Cuthbertson (Le)6015033-5016.66 00
CS Dale (Es,Gs,Kent)26991411050397-5926.92 22
IC Davidson (La)88736440117-6340.00 10
MR Davis (Sm)6963131152-4562.20 00
MI Davison (Nt)216118021-4390.00 00
SA Dean (Nr)348919052-5038.00 00
SJ Dennis (Yor)39320145148-5310.35 20
J Derrick (Gm)89938486155-7532.40 10
MC Dobson (Kent)423250    
TPJ Dodd (Sx)13248333-6527.66 00
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)963520    
RJ Doughty (Gs)90328500133-7038.46 00
SM Dutton (Ham)120100    
RIHB Dyer (Wk)60100    
AH Dyson (Dy)7854211-2142.00 00
RM Ellcock (Wo)2821513053-7026.00 00
R Ellwood (Le)6023611-3636.00 00
KSD Emery (Ham)115462414134-6031.84 00
KP Evans (Nt)1263900    
DR Eyre (Dy)2461110111-66101.00 00
NH Fairbrother (La)12064142-1210.25 00
T Farnworth (Gs)3541023542-7558.75 00
SJ Farrell (Dy)107435550163-3334.37 00
MA Feltham (Sy)52219251123-1320.91 00
SAR Ferguson (Es)301220    
GJF Ferris (Le)198710053-2520.00 00
MG Field-Buss (Es)2120971000164-2562.50 00
RJ Finney (Dy)966270    
MV Fleming (Kent)13245721-328.50 00
SD Fletcher (Yor)97745516185-4028.66 10
TM Foley (Es)1325670    
I Folley (La)116060433228-1519.68 20
NA Foster (Es)4022018384-7522.87 00
WP Fowler (Dy)61833229115-2020.81 10
KN Foyle (Le)2821514931-2049.66 00
M Frost (Wo)14429811-5098.00 00
MA Garnham (Le)1202011-2020.00 00
C Gladwin (Es)8234734193-8237.88 00
AK Golding (Es)104047523124-13243.58 00
SC Goldsmith (Kent)12160    
MR Gouldstone (Es)12060    
RJ Grant (Wk)17458044-5420.00 00
AD Greasley (Le)5052417852-3135.60 00
AM Green (Sx)5281326942-1667.25 00
IA Greig (Sx)10827922-7939.50 00
DA Hale (Ham)665350    
GJ Hall (Sm)106844571155-6138.06 10
M Harah (Nt)660450    
MD Harman (Sm)3361516221-3981.00 00
J Harris (Le)3611911-1919.00 00
SN Hartley (Yor)483220    
CWJ Hartridge (Sx)105636636215-8430.28 10
PW Harvey (Nt)546439873-8456.85 00
MJ Haswell (Gs,Wo)361240    
KA Hayes (La)6633011-1930.00 00
AN Hayhurst (La)4471724231-1580.66 00
RP Haynes (Sm)240712721-3063.50 00
MD Haysman (Le)121854536175-11631.52 10
JRP Heath (Sx)5102323262-2138.66 00
K Higgs (Le)5723220684-5625.75 00
KP Higgs (Le,Wk)300141890    
AJ Hignell (Gs)5202821-814.00 00
A Hill (Dy)30340    
SG Hinks (Kent)15090    
JS Hitchmough (La)60120    
DS Hoffman (Wk)87433536103-4453.60 00
W Hogg (Wk)222119232-5030.66 00
GC Holmes (Gm)120757609194-3432.05 00
DP Hughes (La)3001314721-2773.50 00
MG Hughes (Es)2367871119607-6818.65 63
SP Hughes (Mx)4842518665-2831.00 10
S Hull (Sx)1802411-2424.00 00
M Hussain (Ham)163264866213-4241.23 00
KBK Ibadulla (Wk)71216388133-3829.84 00
AP Igglesden (Kent)841670    
NJB Illingworth (Nt)178854907254-5536.28 00
RK Illingworth (Wo)54232187105-6918.70 10
JD Inchmore (Wo)2701010054-6920.00 00
G Inglis (Le)4981824662-4941.00 00
KD James (Mx)66525346105-5634.60 10
KBS Jarvis (Kent)19889933-9933.00 00
PW Jarvis (Yor)125152582285-4720.78 10
ST Jefferies (La)115355493257-5519.72 11
A Jessop (Nt)2761212543-5931.25 00
AH Jones (Ham)30420    
AN Jones (Sx)142460677215-4832.23 10
W Joyce (La)12110    
DJM Kelleher (Kent)312917042-1842.50 00
D Kennedy (Dy)300220    
RB Kerr (Nt)242160    
SJS Kimber (Ham)1142650    
SAJ Kippax (Es)6040    
TM Lamb (Nr)65641181164-611.31 00
LD Lamble (Yor)10883822-3819.00 00
G Latner (Es)168111943-7929.75 00
DV Lawrence (Gs)14437021-735.00 00
D Lenge (Nt)1567790    
C Lethbridge (Wk)72220350104-3935.00 00
LA Lewis (Gm)240140    
AW Lilley (Es)66225320103-5032.00 00
SJ Lines (Nr)3791024862-4941.33 00
A Little (Wo)10235532-4418.33 00
BJ Lloyd (Gm)8103038283-1647.75 00
D Lloyd (La)9755131682-4039.50 00
JW Lloyds (Sm)222127944-7919.75 00
GJ Lord (Wk)9946021-1030.00 00
KJ Lyons (Gm)1902022-2010.00 00
SM McEwan (Wo)234612742-3231.75 00
LL McFarlane (La)187669934265-5935.92 10
KS Mackintosh (Sy)127052638203-3231.90 00
SW Maddock (Gm)354924873-4435.42 00
KR Maguire (Le)12631110    
DJ Makinson (La)54116270166-7916.87 10
NA Mallender (Nr)16295022-4125.00 00
PH Marks (Sy)113260472256-6118.88 10
SA Marsh (Kent)3622011-920.00 00
RJ Maru (Ham,Mx,Nt)158881793305-6326.43 10
RCW Mason (Ham)4382223093-2625.55 00
KD Masters (Kent)199588980507-3819.60 42
GRJ Matthews (Wo)156498540295-8118.62 10
MP Maynard (Kent)663280    
KT Medlycott (Mx)5523022132-7873.66 00
SR Mee (Nt)77520420144-9130.00 00
WG Merry (Mx)91043362235-4315.73 20
AA Metcalfe (Yor)481190    
TC Middleton (Ham)130140    
RD Miller (Es)5581336983-8046.12 00
H Milling (Sm)13238411-6384.00 00
FGA Mitchell (Dy)721660    
CD Mitchley (Wk)68812433135-7833.30 10
DG Moir (Dy)77447229209-4311.45 21
AJ Moles (Wk)7214811-4848.00 00
JE Morris (Dy)240240    
OH Mortensen (Dy)19297433-5324.66 00
W Morton (Wk)227169844-6624.50 00
GD Moss (Mx)5341834672-2149.42 00
KD Moye (Es)9153646194-5251.22 00
TA Munton (Le)3121418242-4145.50 00
AJ Murphy (La,Wk)3141314642-5436.50 00
MA Nash (Gm)89457333133-4825.61 00
SM Nasir Zaidi (La)177675821214-4439.09 00
A Needham (Sy)1769110826356-5323.60 10
PD Newman (Sy)723280    
PG Newman (Dy)5322424663-4941.00 00
PJ Newport (Wo)107936572164-5135.75 00
PD North (Gm)845350    
P Oldham (Nr)4781629453-6758.80 00
S Oldham (Dy)258168611-4986.00 00
RL Ollis (Sm)60140    
PM O'Reilly (Wk)117633621205-7131.05 10
SJ O'Shaughnessy (La)2281010974-2715.57 00
RV O'Toole (Nt)174813311-51133.00 00
GV Palmer (Sm)67724356165-4522.25 20
PWG Parker (Sx)661210    
GJ Parsons (Le)120349660378-7017.83 32
DB Pauline (Sy)8444421-622.00 00
IR Payne (Sy)106164409205-3720.45 10
C Penn (Kent)139267615204-4230.75 00
RM Pepper (Kent)6050    
SP Perryman (Wo)62140175145-1612.50 21
N Phillip (Es)3621511-1515.00 00
CP Phillipson (Sx)56431222113-4820.18 00
RA Pick (Nt)72733321103-2232.10 00
JD Pickard (La)9644022-2020.00 00
CEJ Pickers (Kent)3901917532-7058.33 00
CS Pickles (Nr)6010    
AG Pierrepont (Dy)17447842-1119.50 00
H Pilling (La)1040    
GW Pimm (Nt)904550    
IL Pont (Es)4622519563-3232.50 00
KR Pont (Es)421200    
NFM Popplewell (Sm)902470    
L Potter (Kent)141580514195-12327.05 10
MR Price (Gm)2031111978295-4433.72 10
MR Pringle (Dy)3000    
NV Radford (La)100157414206-3320.70 10
A Ramage (Yor)62532272113-3124.72 00
DA Reeve (Sx)46031188104-5218.80 00
KG Rice (Gs)301180    
PC Richardson (Nt)240180    
B Roberts (Dy)6601436582-1345.62 00
CWV Robins (Mx)7703734772-2149.57 00
MA Robinson (Yor)13211050    
PJ Robinson (Sm)3661518853-6537.60 00
GD Rose (Mx)2919210135-2616.15 20
JA Ross (Sx)17487122-4635.50 00
CJC Rowe (Gm)222117511-7575.00 00
PE Russell (Dy)60690    
N Russom (Sm)85644351134-4027.00 00
CFW Sargent (Gm)4814911-2449.00 00
S Sawney (Sm)480350    
RJ Scott (Ham)12928132-1227.00 00
MJ Sedgley (Sm,Wo)300713742-3234.25 00
A Settle (La)311150    
R Sharma (Gs,Kent)4441621442-953.50 00
A Sidebottom (Yor)192154765-377.83 10
DP Simpkins (Gs)5561433663-10456.00 00
JE Skinner (Gs)18669611-2996.00 00
DA Slater (Wo)426833111-65331.00 00
PA Slocombe (Sm)6080    
GC Small (Wk)3241016032-4353.33 00
DM Smith (Wk)2677861440486-11330.00 20
I Smith (Gm)4081522932-2176.33 00
IG Smith (Sy)571290    
J Smith (Kent)601380    
PA Smith (Wk)91237506235-5822.00 10
RA Smith (Ham)4202011-1420.00 00
WM Smith (Gs)13155133-3917.00 00
JW Southern (Ham)115870460194-2724.21 00
GJ Speak (La)121749628142-544.85 00
NJ Speak (La)16249832-3732.66 00
RA Spiers (Le)2641310433-5034.66 00
DK Standing (Sx)94048451195-3423.73 10
DS Steele (Nr)264199933-3333.00 00
JP Stephenson (Es)4242211-622.00 00
K Stevenson (Ham)148771615358-5417.57 41
NJW Stewart (Sy)13838965-6314.83 10
CJ Stockdale (Nt)360430    
SJ Storey (Sx)481240    
B Storie (Gs)15659511-7595.00 00
ICD Stuart (Sm)9636711-3867.00 00
PM Such (Nt)89950348157-6323.20 20
SP Sutcliffe (Wk)33571741317505-5226.34 20
D Sutton (Nt)4621524095-5026.66 10
IG Swallow (Yor)175199762337-8823.09 10
JF Sykes (Mx)126055648195-5334.10 10
JP Taylor (Dy)52121260136-1820.00 10
M Taylor (Sx)3151614872-1521.14 00
NS Taylor (Yor)117045630236-4927.39 20
TJ Taylor (La)101857460207-3423.00 10
D Thomas (Gs)962630    
JG Thomas (Gm)20259653-5319.20 00
J Thompson (Sm)300220    
DA Thorne (Wk)184389898314-3428.96 00
KP Tomlins (Mx)192713753-6527.40 00
ST Toogood (La)6050    
TD Topley (Gm)15087211-7272.00 00
SR Tracy (Gs)75519411135-3331.61 10
CR Trembath (Gs)10854811-3148.00 00
NJL Trestrail (Sx)841560    
MS Turner (Sm)240813843-3434.50 00
S Turner (Es)30150    
AD Varley (Nt)782880    
A Walker (Nr)129758697257-4927.88 20
DJ Walker (Wo)3901918843-3747.00 00
AE Warner (Wo)3001112722-2563.50 00
PA Waterman (Sy)63526361185-2320.05 10
SL Watkin (Gm)8553047393-6952.55 00
SG Watkins (Wo)6100    
M Watkinson (La)3841912221-2261.00 00
RG Watson (La)82836370104-8737.00 00
A Watts (Dy,Gs)160864822154-5054.80 00
AJ Webster (Wo)222711143-5227.75 00
MA Wedderburn (Ham)246813786-6717.12 10
AP Wells (Sx)360310    
CP Westcott (Sm)10265711-5457.00 00
MJ Weston (Wo)210512422-8862.00 00
MBH Wheeler (Nr)3121317221-1786.00 00
JJ Whitaker (Le)13894811-3448.00 00
DJ White (Nt)132650728184-14140.44 00
AP Wild (La)4321718742-4546.75 00
DJ Wild (Nr)6703128793-4831.88 00
AH Wilkins (Gm)122455507184-3428.16 00
NA Willetts (Wo)181130    
A Willows (Sx)2343137978415-2223.85 20
PHL Wilson (Sm)11493833-3812.66 00
B Wood (Dy)5644013763-1722.83 00
RA Woolmer (Kent)18698143-5720.25 00
SH Wootton (Wk)10876722-5933.50 00
A Wright (Ham)10835933-5919.66 00
AJ Wright (Gs)14159221-1146.00 00
JP Wright (Wo)300210    
TJ Yardley (Nr)722350    





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