
Fielding in Second Eleven Twenty20 2024 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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KL Aldridge (Sm)910 10
HZ Finch (Kent)78210
HG Duke (Yor)6549
JW Blake (Sy)8628
OJ Carter (Sx)5628
JEK Rew (Sm)5628
THS Rew (Sm)6718
JB Cracknell (Mx)77 7
CJ Dickinson (Dy,La)57 7
AJ Horton (Gm)8437
DC Kelly (Ham)77 7
AH Miller (Nr)77 7
DJ Schadendorf (Nt)77 7
GJ Bell (La)5516
SW Billings (Kent)36 6
MGA Finan (Nr)76 6
HJ Swindells (Le)86 6
S Baker (Sm)95 5
JA Boyden (La)45 5
AU Buchake (Nr)4325
JJ Bushnell (Dur)85 5
HRC Came (Dy)85 5
NS Fernandes (Mx)75 5
LI Georgeson (Es)45 5
TJ Haines (Sx)55 5
VL Jani (Mx)65 5
WA Luxton (Yor)75 5
SJC McAlindon (Dur)65 5
BJR Martindale (Nt)45 5
MYB Naeem (Dy)65 5
JJG Sales (Nr)85 5
JWD Seward (Kent)35 5
WTE Smale (Gm)65 5
AT Thomson (Dy)55 5
SP van der Merwe (Sy)45 5
SB Wood (Le)85 5
CWJ Allison (Es)54 4
Arafat Bhuiyan (Kent)74 4
F Bahrami (Es)84 4
FJ Bean (Yor)74 4
S Bear (Es)54 4
CG Benjamin (Wk)2224
HM Birkman (La)64 4
TW Boorman (Gs)64 4
HJ Cullen (Wo)9314
TM Ealham (Sy)94 4
JR Eckland (Ham)3314
Hamidullah Qadri (Kent)84 4
TI Hinley (Wk,Wo)74 4
RP Jones (Wo)54 4
I Kaushal (Mx)104 4
WJ la Fontaine-Jackson (Ham)94 4
EO Leonard (Sm)84 4
FW McCann (Nt)44 4
EWO Middleton (Gs)74 4
FS Middleton (Ham)64 4
J Moores (La)54 4
RS Patel (Sy)54 4
EJ Pollock (Wo)64 4
NJ Potts (Dy)84 4
SW Poynter (Dur)54 4
RAJ Richardson (Kent,Nr,Wk)8224
AM Rossington (Es)3314
JMR Taylor (Gs)34 4
ARG Thomas (Sy)44 4
GW Thomas (Sm)94 4
JE Townsend (Le)2314
AM Tribe (Gm)94 4
RI Walker (Le)94 4
RA Whiteley (Dy)44 4
NA Barnwell (Sy)53 3
GA Bartlett (Nr)43 3
TR Bevan (Gm)53 3
MG Booth (Wk)53 3
PR Brown (Dy)43 3
MGK Burgess (Wk)43 3
NB Cornwell (Mx)33 3
BC Cullen (Mx)53 3
BJ Dawkins (Kent)73 3
KS Dhariwal (Ham)83 3
SR Dickson (Sm)33 3
SML Fernandes (Es)83 3
R Franco (Gm)23 3
BBA Geddes (Sy)83 3
DC Goodman (Gs)43 3
JPH Hayes (Nt)73 3
DH Lategan (Wo)23 3
AD Lenham (Sx)73 3
JD Libby (Wo)53 3
ZB Lion-Cachet (Sx)43 3
EC Martin (Ham)83 3
FS Organ (Ham)63 3
HM Parmar (Ham)93 3
JP Phillips (Gs)23 3
HP Rogers (Sx)63 3
GR Severin (Kent)53 3
Shan Masood (Yor)23 3
E Singh (Kent)43 3
HPN Singh (La)83 3
JP Strydom (Nr)43 3
OFM Sykes (Sy)93 3
JF Thomas (Sm)93 3
HD Ward (Sx)43 3
JH Wharton (Yor)53 3
RG White (Mx)7213
Z Akhter (Gs)32 2
MK Andersson (Mx)72 2
CT Bancroft (Gs)1112
N Bhandari (Mx)82 2
SG Borthwick (Dur)22 2
ER Campion (Mx)52 2
JLR Carney (Dy)62 2
TCC Cheater (Ham)62 2
S Conners (Dy)52 2
OH Cox (Wo)92 2
HT Crocombe (Sx)72 2
SJ Croft (La)32 2
OMB Curtiss (Kent)52 2
AK Dal (Dy)32 2
JM de Caires (Mx)62 2
AHT Donald (Dy)12 2
GS Drissell (Dur)82 2
MP Dunn (Sy)42 2
LJ Evans (Sy)42 2
ST Evans (Le)82 2
D Ferreira (Yor)12 2
AW Finch (Wo)12 2
MD Fisher (Yor)22 2
AM Foreman (Sx)42 2
ZG Foulkes (Wk)12 2
JHJ Garlick (Wk)42 2
OJ Gibson (Dur)82 2
LP Goldsworthy (Sm)42 2
NV Gorantla (Le,Wk)52 2
FD Gordon (Ham)82 2
H Hameed (Nt)42 2
CG Heaphy (Dy,Gs)2112
FJ Hill (Sm)42 2
GCH Hill (Yor)62 2
LJ Hill (Le)42 2
IG Holland (Le)12 2
SJ Hughes-Pinan (Dur)22 2
CHP Jackson (Le)32 2
SP Keeling-Wright (Wo)42 2
FIN Khushi (Es)32 2
SIM King (Nt)52 2
TA Lammonby (Sm)62 2
R Lord (Nt)32 2
AJ MacEwen (Ham)62 2
BS McKinney (Dur)62 2
GW Maddy (Kent,Wk)22 2
Y Majid (Sy)92 2
ZA Malik (Gm,Nr)52 2
HJ Moore (Dy)12 2
OH Morgan (Kent)22 2
TS Muyeye (Kent)42 2
JJ Neil (Nt)32 2
JA Nelson (Mx)22 2
ARJ Ogborne (Sm)92 2
CMD Oldershaw (Nr)3112
MK O'Riordan (Kent)32 2
HR Parker (Dy)22 2
OJ Price (Gs)32 2
LM Reece (Dy)42 2
JA Richards (Es)62 2
KJT Roberts (Sm)12 2
WT Root (Gm)62 2
MET Salisbury (Le)72 2
JTH Scrivens (Gs)12 2
ZA Shafi (Gs)42 2
J Shaw (Gs)42 2
P Sisodiya (Gm)52 2
BT Slater (Nt)42 2
WCF Smeed (Sm)52 2
K Smith (Wk)2112
SH Stuart-Reckling (Sy)52 2
Z Syed (Gs)52 2
KK Tahirkheli (Wk,Wo,Yor)72 2
TAI Taylor (Wo)32 2
SJ Topping (Kent)12 2
JA Trodd (Ham)72 2
ARI Umeed (Sm)62 2
YV Vagadia (Yor)92 2
A Wade (Yor)62 2
MD Wagstaff (Dy)72 2
TN Walallawita (Mx)102 2
RG Whitfield (Dur)62 2
JA Wright (Ham)22 2
J Akhtar (Yor)61 1
TE Albert (Ham)11 1
TC Ali (Wk)41 1
BMJ Allison (Es)31 1
TP Alsop (Sx)11 1
SJ Atkinson (Wk)11 1
AG Bailey (Gs)31 1
TE Bailey (La)21 1
ER Bamber (Mx)31 1
JC Bates (Nr)31 1
DM Bess (Yor)41 1
JG Bethell (Wk)11 1
JM Blatherwick (La)41 1
JR Bracey (Gs)2011
EA Brookes (Wo)31 1
EJ Byrom (Gm)31 1
BG Charlesworth (Gs)21 1
LA Charlesworth (Gs)41 1
BJ Church (Sm)11 1
DTP Church (Gs)11 1
BM Cliff (Yor)61 1
OJ Coleman (Sm)21 1
JM Coles (Sx)11 1
P Coughlin (Dur)41 1
Z Crawley (Kent)11 1
FBAM Cripps (Sx)11 1
HC Darley (Wo)71 1
RJ Das (Es)71 1
JK Denly (Kent)71 1
CDJ Dent (Gs)11 1
DS de Silva (Le)31 1
RM Edavalath (Wo)31 1
SJ Essenhigh (Wo)61 1
JDM Evison (Kent)11 1
CM Falconer (Mx)31 1
R Flintoff (La)11 1
GHS Garton (Wk)21 1
TO Giles (Nt)41 1
AS Gill (Sy)41 1
BGF Green (Sm)41 1
SR Gunarathne (Wk)31 1
OJ Hannon-Dalby (Wk)31 1
GT Hargrave (Nr)41 1
JAR Harris (Gm)51 1
BJ Hatton-Lowe (Nt)21 1
JJ Hen-Boisen (Yor)71 1
FJ Hudson-Prentice (Sx)11 1
HE Hurle (Gm)71 1
DK Ibrahim (Sx)71 1
EV Jack (Ham)11 1
BI Kellaway (Gm)51 1
NM Kelly (Yor)41 1
RI Keogh (Nr)21 1
AR Khan (Wk)61 1
MJ Killeen (Dur)81 1
MJ Lamb (Dy)21 1
GID Lavelle (La)71 1
DL Lloyd (Dy)21 1
RJ McKenna (Es)31 1
C McKerr (Sy)31 1
AI Malik (Es)11 1
BWM Mike (Le)11 1
CN Miles (Wk)41 1
I Mohammed (Wk)41 1
SHB Morgan (Mx)21 1
JP Morley (La)21 1
BJ Morris (Gm)71 1
AJ Newton (Gs)21 1
LC Norwell (Wk)21 1
AS Patel (Es)71 1
SR Patel (Dy)31 1
DA Payne (Gs)31 1
OD Pearson (Gs)31 1
THS Pettman (Nt)61 1
U Ramji (Le)41 1
A Rashid (Es)31 1
AN Raykar (Nr)21 1
JWA Redshaw (Yor)41 1
NMJ Reifer (Le)51 1
ML Revis (Yor)11 1
WMH Rhodes (Wk)41 1
G Roelofsen (Es)11 1
JE Root (Yor)11 1
JJ Roy (Sy)11 1
SJ Seecharan (Nt)31 1
H Shaikh (Wk)41 1
A Sharma (Nr)41 1
N Sharma (Mx)21 1
AR Shetty (La,Wo)41 1
DP Sibley (Sy)11 1
Sikandar Raza (Nr)11 1
CB Simmons (Wk)21 1
F Singh (Nt)71 1
J Singh (Yor)11 1
O Smith (Yor)21 1
MT Stanley (La)31 1
TG Sturgess (Kent)41 1
AM Syed (Gs)71 1
AR Sylvester (Kent)71 1
JA Tattersall (Yor)6011
JPA Taylor (Sy)61 1
CJ Tear (Sx)11 1
NRM Thain (Es)31 1
L Trevaskis (Le)21 1
MM Tryfonos (Gs)11 1
R Upadhyay (Nr)21 1
RS Vasconcelos (Nr)11 1
GS Virdi (Sy)51 1
OJ Walker (Nr,Wo)41 1
PI Walter (Es)11 1
BTJ Wheal (Ham)11 1
C White (Nr)11 1
PNR Wijesinghe (Mx)41 1
WSA Williams (La)51 1
CR Woakes (Wk)11 1
CP Wood (Ham)11 1
L Wood (La)31 1
Zain-ul-Hassan (Gm)41 1





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