
Canada Players (I)


C i (Trinity College School Lower Flat)
DM I (Sun Life Insurance Company of Montreal)
G i (Lakefield College School Juniors)
L i (Trinity College School Juniors, Trinity College School Lower Flat)
R i (St Andrew's College)
S i (Trinity College School Juniors)
T i (Upper Canada College Juniors)
W I (Ottawa)
I/Gibbs (Wanderers)
Ibbotson (Canada Cutlery Company)
F Ibbotson (Canada Cutlery Company)
F Ibbotson (Beaver Cutlery)
L Ibbotson (Beaver Cutlery)
Ibbotston (Canada Cutlery Company)
J Ibott (Dovercourt)
M Ibrahim (St John's)
R Ibsen (Wanderers)
Ibson (Wanderers)
R Ibson (Wanderers)
Ick (Yorkville)
Ick (Single of Toronto Cricket Club)
Ick (Collingwood)
L Iddon (Brantford)
Ide (Islington)
TC Ide (umpire)
Idenden (Beaver Club of Toronto)
A Idenden (St Mark's)
E Idenden (St Mark's)
F Idenden (St Mark's)
L Idenden (St Mark's)
J Idlens (Gordon, Mackay and Company)
Ifall (Toronto University)
V Iffland (Guelph Present Cricketers)
N Ifill (Canada)
N Ifill (D King's Toronto and District XI)
N Ifill (Victoria Park)
A Ifran (Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga)
J Ifthekhar (Deloitte)
M Ifthikhar (Midwest Cricket Club)
U Iftikhar (Team Abigail)
A Ifullah (Grand Trunk Railway)
Iggulden (Brantford)
BA Iggulden (Toronto Cricket Club)
PG Iggulden (Canadian Cricket Association Independent Schools All Star XI)
R Iggulden (Canadian Cricket Association Colts)
Ihsan Khan (Manitoba)
S Ihtasham (University of Toronto Scarborough Campus)
B Ii (Upper Canada College Second XI)
D Ii (St Andrew's College Second XI)
F Ii (St Andrew's College Second XI)
G Ii (Lakefield College School Juniors)
J Ii (Trinity College School Upper Flat)
Lazier Ii (Trinity College School Lower Flat)
Lennard Ii (Trinity College School Lower Flat)
O Ii (Trinity College School)
O Ii (Trinity College School)
R Ii (St Andrew's College)
S Ii (Upper Canada College)
S Ii (Trinity College School Juniors)
S Ii (Trinity College School)
T Ii (Upper Canada College Juniors)
W Ii (Trinity College School Upper Flat)
W Ii (St Andrew's College Second XI)
F Iii (St Andrew's College)
S Iii (St Andrew's College Juniors)
W Iii (St Andrew's College Second XI)
Ikin (Point Grey)
Ikin (Vancouver City)
F Ikin (Vancouver)
J Ikin (Point Grey)
J Ikin (Vancouver)
Ikram (Manitoba and Saskatchewan Under-17s)
T Ikram (Indian Cricket Academy)
T Ikram (Niagara Elites)
Ilam (East Toronto)
W Ilbertson (Montreal Woollen Mills)
Iles (Toronto Junction)
Iles (Christ Church Cathedral)
Iles (Dovercourt)
D Iles (Christ Church Cathedral)
P Iles (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
P Iles (Christ Church Cathedral)
P Iles (Defence)
P Iles (Ashbury College)
Iley (West Toronto)
Illing (Berlin)
Illingworth (Toronto)
Illingworth (Wanderers)
Illingworth (British Columbia)
Illingworth (Hamilton Rovers)
Illingworth (Regina City)
Illingworth (Regina City)
Illingworth (Western Ontario Cricket League)
Illingworth (Preston)
Illingworth (Preston)
Illingworth (Vancouver Moths)
C Illingworth (Burrards, Nanaimo, Vancouver)
C Illingworth (Veterans of France)
C Illingworth (Wanderers)
C Illingworth (Denman)
C Illingworth (Shelleys)
C Illingworth (Vancouver and Burrards)
C Illingworth (J Minn's XI)
C Illingworth (Mainland All-Stars)
C Illingworth (Bancroft's XI)
C Illingworth (Five Cs)
C Illingworth (Revillons)
C Illingworth (Vancouver B)
CJ Illingworth (Vancouver Old Boys)
F Illingworth (Western Ontario)
F Illingworth (Waterloo County)
H Illingworth (Regina City)
H Illingworth (Incogniti)
HE Illingworth (Edmonton)
HJ Illingworth (Revillons)
K Illingworth (Incogniti)
N Illingworth (Preston)
Illit (Dovercourt)
Illot (Dovercourt)
Illott (Dovercourt)
Illsley (Perrins)
GH Illsley (St Thomas)
Ilott (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Ilott (Dovercourt)
H Ilstead (St James)
Imam (Newfoundland and Labrador)
F Imming (Peterborough)
F Impey (Dovercourt)
J Impey (Dovercourt)
A Imran Ahmed (Telus)
Imran Khan (Trivision-Imperial)
Imran Raja (Royals)
G Imrie (South Western Ontario Cricket League)
J Imrie (Island Aquatic)
JJ Imrie (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
R Imrie (St Barnabas)
R Imrie (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
S Imtiaz (University of Waterloo)
W Imtiaz (University of Waterloo)
D Inason (St Mark's)
HR Inbed (Dufferin College)
Ince (Quebec)
Ince (Napanee and District)
Ince (New Fort)
Ince (Parkdale Colts)
Ince (Belleville)
Ince (Toronto Bankers)
Ince (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Littleside, Trinity College School Second XI)
Ince (Lakefield Rovers)
Ince (Trinity College School Lower Flat)
Ince (Trinity College School Juniors)
Ince (Sons of England)
Ince (D Company)
Ince (Ontario Accident Insurance Company)
Ince (West Toronto)
Ince (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Ince (St Cyprian's)
Ince (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Ince (Dentonia Park)
Ince (St Edmund's)
Ince (Woodgreen-St Barnabas)
Ince (Oshawa)
Ince (Royal Canadian Air Force Trenton)
A Ince (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
AD Ince (McGill University, Montreal)
AD Ince (Quebec)
AD Ince (CC MacCaulay's XI)
AD Ince (Lachine)
AD Ince (British West Indies)
AD Ince (Westward, Westward B)
AR Ince (McGill University)
AS Ince (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Old Boys, Trinity College School Second XI)
B Ince (McGill University)
C Ince (Toronto and District Cricket Council)
C Ince (Edmonton)
C Ince (Wanderers)
C Ince (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
D Ince (McGill University)
F Ince (Trinity College School)
G Ince (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Upper Flat)
G Ince (Trinity College School Present)
HB Ince (Westward, Westward B)
HB Ince (HM Worm's XI)
HB Ince (Wanderers)
J Ince (Toronto)
J Ince (Toronto Cricket Club)
J Ince (Canadian I Zingari)
J Ince (Bankers of Ontario)
J Ince (Evangelia)
J Ince (Queens Royal Hotel)
James Ince (New Fort)
JH Ince (New Fort, Trinity College School, Trinity College School Present, Trinity College School Rovers, Trinity College School Second XI, University of Trinity College)
JH Ince (Trinity College School Old Boys, Trinity College School Second XI)
JH Ince (Trinity College School)
PH Ince (Ashbury College)
W Ince (Trinity College School Old Boys)
WG Ince (Trinity College School Juniors)
E Inch (Ottawa)
JH Inch (Niagara Falls)
TJ Inch (Dundas)
E Incson (Hochelaga)
Ind (Married of Bracebridge)
Ineson (Hochelaga)
Ineson (St George's Club of Toronto)
D Ineson (St Mark's)
E Ineson (Hochelaga)
F Ing (Newmarket)
H Ing (Newmarket St Paul's)
T Ing (Newmarket)
Ingall (Sarcee Camp Subordinate Staff)
C Inge (C Company St John's School of Infantry)
Ingel (St Edmund's)
Inger (St Clair)
Inger (Oshawa)
B Inger (St Chad's)
B Inger (All Toronto)
B Inger (Toronto and District Cricket Council)
B Inger (St Clair)
B Inger (West Toronto)
B Inger (St Cyprian's)
B Inger (St Edmund's)
F Inger (St Clair)
L Inger (St Clair)
B Inger/ (St Clair)
B Inger jnr (a) (St Clair)
B Inger Not Given (St Clair)
Ingersoll (St Catharines)
Ingersoll (Victoria Rifles)
Ingersoll (Woodstock)
Ingersoll (Fergus)
JM Ingersoll (St George's Club of Montreal, St George's Club of Montreal Juniors)
JM Ingersoll (Montreal)
JM Ingersoll (Longueuil)
JM Ingerwell (Upper Canada College)
Ingham (Olds)
AH Ingham (Incogniti)
AN Ingham (Incogniti)
H Ingham (Paris)
JP Ingham (Trinity College School)
R Ingham (Manitoba Cricket Association B)
W Ingham (Cookstown)
WG Ingham (Yorkshire Society)
J Ingils (St Mark's)
Ingle (Work Point Garrison)
Ingle (Watford)
A Ingle (St Mark's)
A Ingle (Toronto City Cricket League)
A Ingle (Canadian Pacific Railway)
AE Ingle (Yorkshire Society)
AE Ingle (White Rose)
AE Ingle (South Calgary)
H Ingle (St Mark's)
Ingleby (Crescent)
Ingleby (North Hill)
Ingleby (Sons of England)
A Ingleby (Moose Jaw)
HW Ingleby (University of Trinity College)
D Ingledew (Canadian Cricket Association Colts)
Inglehart (Toronto)
Ingles (Watford)
Ingles (Parkdale)
Ingles (St Alban's Cathedral School)
Ingles (Trinity College School Old Boys)
Ingles (All Toronto)
Ingles (Vancouver Cricket Club)
Ingles (Sons of England)
Ingles (Mimico)
Ingles (Parkdale)
Ingles (Toronto Church School)
Ingles (Upper Canada College Devonshires)
Ingles (Aura Lee)
Ingles (West Toronto)
Ingles (Toronto)
Ingles (Canadian Colleges)
Ingles (Toronto Second XI)
Ingles (No 31 Elementary Service Flying Training School Royal Air Force)
Ingles (London Bankers)
Ingles (British Columbia Electric)
A Ingles (Canadian XI)
A Ingles (St Mark's)
AC Ingles (Brantford)
AM Ingles (Toronto Cricket Club)
AM Ingles (Upper Canada College Old Boys)
AM Ingles (Toronto)
AM Ingles (DW Saunders' XI)
C Ingles (West Toronto)
CI Ingles (Toronto)
CI Ingles (Canadian Born)
CJ Ingles (Trinity College School)
CJ Ingles (Toronto)
CJ Ingles (Toronto Cricket Club)
CJ Ingles (Trinity College School Old Boys)
CJ Ingles (St Mark's)
CJ Ingles (Toronto University)
CJ Ingles (Toronto Colts)
CJ Ingles (Toronto)
CJ Ingles (WB Kerslake's XI)
CL Ingles (umpire)
CL Ingles (Trinity College School Old Boys, Trinity College School Upper Flat)
CL Ingles (GR Coldwell's XI)
CL Ingles (St Mark's)
CT Ingles (Toronto)
G Ingles (EJ Hitchman's XVI)
G Ingles (Edmonton)
G Ingles (Toronto)
G Ingles (Incogniti)
G Ingles (All Toronto)
GI Ingles (Gordon, Mackay and Company)
GI Ingles (Parkdale)
GL Ingles (Toronto Zingari)
GL Ingles (University of Trinity College)
GL Ingles (Trinity College School Second XI)
GL Ingles (Trinity College School Old Boys)
GL Ingles (Toronto Zingari)
GL Ingles (Toronto Zingari)
GL Ingles (St George's Club of Toronto)
GL Ingles (St George's Club of Oshawa)
GL Ingles (Toronto University)
GL Ingles (St Mark's)
GL Ingles (Parkdale)
GL Ingles (Toronto)
HL Ingles (JS Howard's XI)
J Ingles (St Mark's)
J Ingles (St Simon's Church)
J Ingles (Incogniti)
J Ingles (Islanders)
JL Ingles (University of Trinity College)
L Ingles (St Mark's)
L Ingles (Toronto University)
L Ingles (Toronto)
L Ingles (Parkdale)
P Ingles (Parkdale)
R Ingles (Incogniti)
Ingles(a) (Toronto Colts)
R Ingleton (St John's Cricket Club of Nova Scotia)
Inglis (University of Trinity College)
Inglis (Toronto Colts)
Inglis (Rosedale)
Inglis (Hamilton and District)
Inglis (H Drope's Little Big Four Schools Old Boys XI)
Inglis (St Andrew's College Old Boys)
Inglis (City of Vancouver)
Inglis (Civilians of Brantford)
Inglis (Wincey Mill)
Inglis (Brantford Civilians)
Inglis (Incogniti)
Inglis (Toronto Second XI)
Inglis (Hamilton)
Inglis (Brantford)
Inglis (Royal Air Force)
Inglis (Aurora)
Inglis (Vancouver City)
A Inglis (Grace Church)
AA Inglis (Incogniti)
AG Inglis (St Catharines)
AM Inglis (Toronto, Toronto Cricket Club, Western Ontario)
AM Inglis (St Catharines)
AM Inglis (Upper Canada College, Upper Canada College Old Boys, Upper Canada College Second XI)
AM Inglis (Ontario)
AM Inglis (umpire)
AM Inglis (DW Saunders' XI)
AM Inglis (Brantford)
C Inglis (Beaver Club of Toronto)
C Inglis (Toronto Second XI)
CJ Inglis (Toronto Cricket Club)
CJ Inglis (Trinity College School)
CJ Inglis (DL Pritchard's XI)
CJ Inglis (Toronto)
D Inglis (Dufferin Rifles Officers)
D Inglis (Aurora)
E Inglis (Toronto)
EM Inglis (Toronto)
FW Inglis (City of Vancouver)
G Inglis (Fusiliers)
G Inglis (Incogniti)
G Inglis (Edmonton and District Cricket League President's XI, Edmonton and District Cricket League Vice-President's XI, Edmonton Intermediates)
G Inglis (Wanderers)
GE Inglis (Edmonton)
GE Inglis (Toronto)
GL Inglis (City Hall)
GL Inglis (St George's Club of Toronto)
GL Inglis (Upper Canada College)
GL Inglis (Toronto)
GL Inglis (Toronto Vampires)
GL Inglis (University of Trinity College)
GL Inglis (Rosedale)
GL Inglis (Parkdale)
GL Inglis (Toronto Church School)
GM Inglis (Canadian XI)
HW Inglis (City of Vancouver)
I Inglis (Toronto University)
J Inglis (Toronto University)
J Inglis (Johns of Parkdale)
J Inglis (St Mark's)
J Inglis (Regina City)
L Inglis (St Mark's)
L Inglis (Parkdale)
M Inglis (Woodstock)
M Inglis (St Catharines)
OM Inglis (Canadian XI)
P Inglis (Parkdale)
RH Inglis (Ridley College)
RM Inglis (Coral Team)
T Inglis (Regina City)
TM Inglis (Eastern Canada)
W Inglis (Royal North West Mounted Police)
W Inglis (Royal North West Mounted Police Present)
W Inglis (Aurora)
W Inglis (Langley)
WW Inglis (Wingham Town Council)
Inglis(a) (Civilians of Brantford)
Ingrain (Upper Canada College)
Ingram (Ottawa)
Ingram (Guelph)
Ingram (South Hill)
Ingram (Middlesex County)
Ingram (Mimico)
Ingram (First Edmonton Wolf Cub Pack)
Ingram (St Catharines)
A Ingram (Sun Life Insurance Company of Montreal)
AS Ingram (Bishop Ridley College)
B Ingram (West End Juniors)
CL Ingram (umpire)
GI Ingram (scorer)
GL Ingram (umpire)
GL Ingram (scorer)
J Ingram (Mountain Street)
J Ingram (St Paul's)
J Ingram (Saracens Juniors)
J Ingram (West End Juniors)
NGS Ingram (umpire)
R Ingram (North Vancouver)
S Ingram (Westmount B)
W Ingram (Great War Veterans Association)
WG Ingram (Port Coquitlam)
H Ingrey (Payne's XI)
Ings (St Andrew's College, St Andrew's College Second XI)
F Ings (Newmarket)
F Ings (umpire)
HJ Ings (Manitoba)
R Ings (South Calgary)
J Ingwood (Riverdale)
Inkeater (Paris Juniors)
MGP Inkpen (Toronto Ramblers)
S Inksater (Paris)
Inksetter (Paris)
Inksetter (Dundas)
S Inkster (Paris)
AM Inman (Northwood)
Innes (Pacific Squadron)
Innes (Toronto Church School)
Innes (HMS Esquimalt and Constance)
Innes (Alpha Delta Phi)
Innes (Westward B)
Innes (Saskatchewan Co-Operative Elevator Company B)
Innes (Wheat Pool)
Innes (Upper Canada College)
Innes (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
Innes (13th Hussars)
A Innes (Defence)
B Innes (Ottawa)
DL Innes (Ridley College)
DL Innes (Mount Royal)
HM Innes (Cathedral Institute)
J Innes (Beaver Club of Toronto)
K Innes (Defence)
K Innes (C Company St John's School of Infantry)
L Innes (Mount Royal B)
M Innes (Canadian Cricket Association Colts)
MH Innes (Ridley College)
R Innes (Toronto Juniors)
R Innes (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
RH Innes (Ridley College)
RH Innes (St Edmund's)
RH Innes (Toronto Cricket Club)
RH Innes (Alpha Delta Society)
RH Innes (Hamilton)
RH Innes (Alpha Delta Phi)
RR Innes (Ridley College)
R Innes-Taylor (Church of the Messiah)
Inngly (Royal North West Mounted Police)
CJ Innies (Toronto)
Innis (Beaver Club of Toronto)
Innis (Regina)
Innis (Toronto Church School)
BdL Innis (Westward)
J Innis (Valleyfield)
J Innis (Hamilton Rovers)
JW Innis (Brockton Point)
RC Innis (Business Network International)
Inniss (Westward)
B Inniss (Westward)
B Inniss (Mount Royal)
A Innocent (Defence)
A Innocent (Christ Church Cathedral)
J Innocent (Defence)
H Inskip (Manitoba Juniors)
Insley (London)
Insole (Hamilton Juniors)
A Inson (Parkdale Old Country Club)
Instead (Saskatchewan Co-Operative Elevator Company)
Inver (St Clair)
Inwood (Sons of England)
J Inwood (Stratford)
J Ions (Enterprise Club of London)
Iouglas (Bankers and Brokers)
H Iqbal (Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga)
M Iqbal (Ontario Australian Football League)
S Iqbal (Bank of Montreal, TD Canada Trust)
T Iqbal (Canada Over-50s)
U Iqbal (Royal Bank Lions)
U Iqbal (University of Waterloo)
U Iqbal (University of Toronto Scarborough Campus)
Z Iqbal (George Brown College)
Iredale (Royal Canadian Dragoons)
Iredale (Toronto Garrison)
J Iredale (St Marys)
T Iredale (St Marys)
W Iredale (Marlborough, Marlborough Juniors, Marlborough Second XI)
W Iredale (St Marys)
W Iredale (scorer)
( Iredale Snr (St Marys)
Ireland (Brockville)
Ireland (University of Trinity College)
Ireland (St Catharines)
Ireland (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
Ireland (Wanderers Blues, Wanderers Whites)
Ireland (Harriston)
Ireland (HG Bloom's XI)
Ireland (St Clair's Club of Sarnia)
Ireland (Sarnia)
Ireland (Chatham)
Ireland (Guelph)
Ireland (Chatham)
Ireland (Chatham)
Ireland (Harriston)
Ireland (Calgary B)
Ireland (Chatham)
Ireland (Chatham)
A Ireland (Chatham, Sarnia)
A Ireland (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
C Ireland (St Cyprian's)
D Ireland (Wanderers)
D Ireland (Royal Canadian Air Force)
EB Ireland (Chatham)
FC Ireland (Kingston, Kingston and District)
JI Ireland (Harriston)
JT Ireland (Harriston)
K Ireland (Kingston)
R Ireland (Ontario Australian Football League)
R Ireland (Westward B)
R Ireland (Harriston)
RT Ireland (Wanderers B, Wanderers C)
RT Ireland (Wanderers)
W Ireland (Chatham)
F Ireson (Hochelaga)
Ireton (Upper Canada College)
A Irfan (Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga)
A Irfan (Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga)
A Irfan (Ontario Greens Under-17s)
A Irfan (Oakville Cricket Academy Under-19s)
A Irfan (Haynes Cup Team D)
A Irfan (Clarkson Cavaliers Under-19s)
Irfan Khan (Telus)
Irfan Khan (Canada Over-60s)
A Irons (Sons of England)
C Irons (Sons of England)
F Irons (Sons of England)
J Irons (Civil Service)
S Irons (Sons of England)
CR Ironside (Civil Service)
CR Ironside (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
D Ironside (Civil Service)
Ironsides (D School of Infantry)
CA Ironsides (Civil Service)
CR Ironsides (Civil Service)
Irvin (Ashbury School)
Irvin (Ashbury College)
Irvin (Lansdowne Club of Halifax)
Irvin (Mount Royal)
Irvin (Ashbury College)
Irvin (Ashbury College Staff)
Irvin (Toronto Junction)
Irvin (Royal Military College Cadets)
A Irvin (West Toronto)
GS Irvin (Ashbury College Old Boys)
JS Irvin (Ashbury College)
JS Irvin (Ashbury College Old Boys)
K Irvin (Defence)
Irvine (TD Phillips' XI)
Irvine (Victoria)
Irvine (Parkdale)
Irvine (St Marys)
Irvine (Stratford)
Irvine (Mimico)
Irvine (Harriston)
Irvine (Montreal Rovers)
Irvine (St Marys)
Irvine (Listowel)
Irvine (Perth County)
Irvine (Yorkville)
Irvine (Old Country Club)
Irvine (Army and Navy)
Irvine (Canadian Pacific Railway B)
Irvine (St John's Wanderers)
Irvine (Incogniti)
Irvine (No 46B A Australians)
Irvine (St John's)
Irvine (Calgary Tigers)
Irvine (No 2 Wireless Training School)
Irvine (Weston)
Irvine (St Marys)
Irvine (West Toronto)
Irvine (British Columbia Electric)
Irvine (Dovercourt)
Irvine (Guelph)
Irvine (Okanagan)
Irvine (Eglinton)
Irvine (Brampton)
Irvine (University of Trinity College)
Irvine (North Shore B)
A Irvine (Watford)
A Irvine (Weston)
AM Irvine (Ashbury College)
CE Irvine (St Marys)
CR Irvine (Ridley College)
G Irvine (Vancouver)
G Irvine (Kirby, Oldfield and Gardner's XI)
G Irvine (Calgary B)
G Irvine (New Westminster)
GJK Irvine (Canadian Pacific Railway B)
GJK Irvine (Incogniti)
J Irvine (PM Orbinski's XI)
J Irvine (New Edinburgh)
J Irvine (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
J Irvine (South Hill Juniors)
J Irvine (North Shore)
J Irvine (Vancouver All-Stars)
J Irvine (British Columbia Juniors)
J Irvine (Okanagan)
J Irvine (Vancouver)
J Irvine (British Columbia Mainland League)
JA Irvine (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Brent House Bigside, Trinity College School Juniors, Trinity College School Littleside, Trinity College School Lower Flat, Trinity College School Second XI)
JA Irvine (Trinity College School Old Boys)
JA Irvine (Christ Church Cathedral)
JS Irvine (Ashbury College)
JS Irvine (HL Fraser's XI)
O Irvine (Mainland All-Stars)
PA Irvine (Toronto)
PA Irvine (Prescott and the West)
PE Irvine (Toronto)
VN Irvine (Ridley College)
W Irvine (Caledonians)
WH Irvine (London South)
J Irvine(a) (North Shore B)
J Irvine snr (a) (North Shore)
Irving (Victoria)
Irving (Mimico)
Irving (City Hall)
Irving (Parkdale Old Country)
Irving (St Marys)
Irving (St George's Club of Toronto)
Irving (Victoria)
Irving (Royal Military College, Royal Military College Cadets)
Irving (Royal Military Academy, Kingston)
Irving (Wanderers)
Irving (Army and Navy)
Irving (Vancouver)
Irving (West Toronto)
Irving (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
Irving (Old Country Club B)
Irving (6th Canadian Field Engineers)
Irving (Engineers)
Irving (No 2 Wireless Training School)
Irving (British Columbia Garrison Artillery)
Irving (Parkdale Canadians)
Irving (Yorkville)
Irving (Single of Toronto Cricket Club)
Irving (JS Howard's XI)
Irving (Railway Construction Troops Depot Battalion)
Irving (Grace Church)
Irving (Deer Park)
Irving (Canadian Bank of Commerce)
Irving (Dovercourt)
Irving (Dovercourt)
Irving (West Toronto)
Irving (Perth County)
Irving (South Ontario)
Irving (British Columbia Electric B)
Irving (North Shore B)
Irving (Burrards)
Irving (Brockton Point)
A Irving (St John's)
A Irving (West Toronto)
A Irving (Dovercourt)
AT Irving (Upper Canada College Past)
B Irving (Hamilton)
C Irving (Burrards)
C Irving (Army and Navy)
C Irving (Wanderers)
C Irving (Vancouver)
C Irving (Burrards)
C Irving (New Westminster)
CH Irving (Brantford)
EB Irving (Royal Military College)
FE Irving (University of Trinity College)
FF Irving (Hamilton)
FH Irving (Newmarket)
G Irving (Brockton Point)
G Irving (Burrards)
G Irving (Vancouver)
G Irving (New Westminster)
H Irving (St Alban's Cathedral)
H Irving (Rosedale)
H Irving (Toronto Junction)
H Irving (Deer Park)
H Irving (Toronto Amateur Athletic Association)
H Irving (West Toronto)
J Irving (St George's Club of Toronto)
J Irving (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
J Irving (Dovercourt)
J Irving (North Shore)
JA Irving (Parkdale)
JA Irving (Ottawa Juniors)
JR Irving (Seaton Village)
JR Irving (Parkdale)
PA Irving (Hamilton, Newmarket, Ontario, Toronto)
PAE Irving (University of Trinity College)
PE Irving (Trinity College School, University of Trinity College)
PE Irving (Victoria)
PE Irving (Trinity College School Old Boys)
PE Irving (Hamilton)
PE Irving (Toronto)
PK Irving (University of Trinity College)
R Irving (Manitoba)
R Irving (East Toronto)
R Irving (TH Cox's XI)
R Irving (St George's Club of Toronto)
RA Irving (University of Trinity College)
SC Irving (Manitoba)
SR Irving (East Toronto)
VR Irving (Ridley College)
A Irving jnr (a) (West Toronto)
C Irving Whitworth (Trail)
Irwan (Church and Mercantile Cricket League Eastern and Western Sections)
Irwin (New Westminster)
Irwin (Lindsay)
Irwin (Montreal Rovers)
Irwin (St Marys)
Irwin (West Toronto)
Irwin (Canadian Cricket Association Colts)
Irwin (Ashbury College Staff)
Irwin (Seaforth)
Irwin (Peterborough)
Irwin (Lloydtown)
Irwin (Toronto Colts)
Irwin (Sunderland)
Irwin (Wingham)
Irwin (Port Hope Next XXII)
Irwin (Weston)
Irwin (Eglinton)
Irwin (Trinity College School Second XI)
Irwin (London Asylum Women)
Irwin (umpire)
Irwin (JR Rigby's XI)
Irwin (Civics)
Irwin (St John's B)
Irwin (Newmarket)
Irwin (Lindsay High School)
A Irwin (Toronto Junction)
A Irwin (West Toronto)
AR Irwin (Emerson)
C Irwin (Listowel)
C Irwin (Grace Church Third XI)
DM Irwin (Trinity College School)
FH Irwin (New Hamburg)
FS Irwin (Trinity College School)
G Irwin (Westmount)
GA Irwin (Married of Lindsay)
H Irwin (Bonaventure)
H Irwin (Toronto Junction)
HE Irwin (Trinity College School)
HW Irwin (Montreal Rovers)
J Irwin (Bonaventure)
JR Irwin (Trinity College School)
JS Irwin (Ashbury College)
JS Irwin (Ashbury College)
MB Irwin (Aurora)
P Irwin (Canadian Cricket Association Independent Schools All Star XI)
R Irwin (Midland District)
R Irwin (Bonaventure)
Irwine (umpire)
A Isaac (Strathcona East)
A Isaac (Strathcona)
A Isaac (Edmonton Businessmen)
A Isaac (Zingari Juniors)
N Isaac (Canada)
W Isaac (Strathcona East)
A Isaac(a) (Edmonton Businessmen)
Isaacs (Telephones)
Isaacs (HMS Sheffield)
Isaacs (Edmonton Businessmen)
A Isaacs (Strathcona)
A Isaacs (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
A Isaacs (Strathcona Trinity)
A Isaacs (Strathcona East)
A Isaacs (Edmonton Businessmen)
D Isaacs (Telephones)
G Isaacs (Edmonton Businessmen)
K Isaacs (Quebec Cricket Federation Under-19s)
N Isaacs (Canada)
T Isaiah Schulz-Franco (Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Victoria)
Isanhardt (Vancouver Juniors)
Isanhardt (Pro-Recs)
Isbeater (Ottawa)
Isbister (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
Isbister(a) (Victoria Club of Hamilton Juniors)
A Isblaster (Ottawa)
Ishan Khan (MariGail)
P Ishmael (Wanderers)
T Ishmail (Wanderers)
T Ishmail (West Indian B)
Ishtiak Khan (Ottawa Valley Cricket League)
Ishtiaq Khan (Alberta Juniors)
Ishtiaq Khan (Canadian Cricket Association Colts)
Ishtiaq Khan (Edmonton)
Ishtiaq Khan (Calgary)
Ishtiaq Khan (Lethbridge)
S Islam (SNC-Lavalin)
Isles (Garrett)
Isles (Evangelia)
Isles (Dovercourt)
T Isles (Evangelia)
T Ismail (Wanderers B)
Ismay (Wanderers)
Ismay (Wanderers)
EW Ismay (Albion, British Columbia, Victoria)
EW Ismay (Wanderers)
EW Ismay (Orr's XI)
HA Ismay (Albion, Victoria)
HA Ismay (Wanderers)
HA Ismay (I Zingari)
HA Ismay (Wanderers)
HA Ismay (Albion Club of Vancouver)
H Issat (Rolls Royce)
R Issett (Rolls Royce)
W Issett (Middlesex County)
H Issit (Rolls Royce)
Isted (Grace Church)
Isted (Parkdale)
Isted (Grace Church Second XI)
Isted (Mimico Asylum)
Isted (Queen City)
Isted (Corinthians)
C Isted (Grace Church)
G Isted (Grace Church)
G Isted (Corinthians)
G Isted (Incognitos)
G Isted (Mr Gasson's XI)
H Isted (Old Country Club)
H Isted (St James' Cathedral)
H Isted (Grace Church)
P Isted (Old Country Club)
P Isted (Incognitos)
P Isted (Mr Gasson's XI)
Isthiaq Khan (Lethbridge)
H Isut (Rolls Royce)
Itchell (West Indian)
Ivall (Rosedale)
Ivamy (Denman)
Ivamy (Victoria)
Ivamy (Burrards)
Ivamy (Bank of Commerce)
J Ivamy (Aurora)
W Ivamy (Burrards)
W Ivamy (Aurora)
W Ivamy (Burrards)
WG Ivamy (British Columbia, Burrards, Crown, Vancouver, Vancouver Old Boys)
WG Ivamy (Burrards)
WJ Ivamy (Burrards)
G Ivay (Chatham)
Ivel (Wanderers)
Ivel (Rosedale)
W Ivel (St Stephen's Church)
W Ivel (Harriston)
W Ivel (Hamilton)
Ivell (Rosedale)
Ives (St Matthias)
Ives (Albion Club of Toronto)
Ives (Evangelia)
Ives (St Matthew's)
Ives (Strathcona)
Ives (Mimico)
Ives (Lake Shore)
Ives (Kentish Association)
C Ives (Albion Club of Toronto)
C Ives (Strathcona)
H Ives (Mimico)
KH Ives (Strathcona)
LC Ives (Crown)
LC Ives (Strathcona)
P Ives (St Matthias)
RC Ives (Central Alberta)
Iveson (Hochelaga)
D Iveson (St Mark's)
H Iveson (Lambton Woollen Mills)
W Iveson (Hochelaga)
Ivey (Cornish Choughs)
J Ivey (Essex County)
J Ivey (Windsor)
J Ivey (Essex)
PD Ivey (Upper Canada College)
K Ivin (Defence)
K Ivin (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
Ivory (Canadian Pacific Railway)
G Ivory (Omemee)
I Ivory (Wanderers)
T Ivory (Wanderers)
T Ivory (Vancouver)
T Ivory (Canadian Pacific Railway)
F Ivy (Old Country Club)
Iyengar (Deep River)
V Iyer (Telus)
V Iyer (Royal Bank Lions)
A Izaz (Nova Scotia)
S Izhar (RBC CIMA Mayor's XI)
Izzard (Verdun Second XI)
HW Izzard (East Toronto)
R Izzard (Sons of England)





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