
Canada Players (M)


Moyston (Ontario)
Moyston (Rosedale)
Moyston (Island Aquatic)
Moyston (W Paris' Toronto XI)
Moyston (Yorkshire Society)
Moyston (West Indian)
A Moyston (Toronto and District Junior Cricket League)
A Moyston (Yorkshire Society)
A Moyston (St George's Club of Toronto)
A Moyston (Toronto Junior Cricket League)
A Moyston (St George's A Juniors)
A Moyston (Canadian National Railway)
A Moyston (Toc H)
A Moyston (West Indian)
C Moyston (Grace Church)
C Moyston (Canadian National Railway)
M Moyston (Ontario)
M Moyston (West Indian)
MM Moyston (Toronto City Cricket League)
MM Moyston (Rest of Canada)
MM Moyston (FG Beardall's XI)
MM Moyston (United Services)
MM Moyston (Yorkshire Society)
MM Moyston (Danforth Park)
MM Moyston (Bell Telephone Company)
MM Moyston (Canadian National Railway)
Mozzam (Manitoba and Saskatchewan Under-17s)
WR MscNeil (Vancouver)
Mubarak Ahmed (Telus)
Muchleston (St Clement's)
Muchlista (St David's)
C Muckeston (St David's)
W Muckeston (St David's)
Muckle (Grace Church)
Muckle (St Clement's)
Muckle (Grace Church)
CP Muckle (Grace Church)
CP Muckle (Grace Church)
CP Muckle (M Rawlinson's XI)
JC Muckle (Macleod)
Muckleston (Grace Church)
Muckleston (Grace Church and Yorkshire Society)
Muckleston (Grace Church)
Muckleston (Yorkshire Society)
Muckleston (Aura Lee)
A Muckleston (St David's)
A Muckleston (St Clement's)
C Muckleston (Grace Church, Oakville)
C Muckleston (St David's)
C Muckleston (St Alban's Cathedral)
C Muckleston (City Hall)
C Muckleston (Riverdale)
C Muckleston (Yorkshire Society)
E Muckleston (St Alban's Cathedral)
F Muckleston (Grace Church)
F Muckleston (St David's)
F Muckleston (All Toronto)
F Muckleston (Church and Mercantile Cricket League)
F Muckleston (Bedford Park)
F Muckleston (City Hall)
F Muckleston (Albion Club of Toronto)
F Muckleston (Riverdale)
F Muckleston (Canadian Born)
F Muckleston (St Clement's)
F Muckleston (Birch Cliff)
F Muckleston (Yorkshire Society)
J Muckleston (Grace Church)
J Muckleston (St David's)
J Muckleston (Riverdale)
P Muckleston (St David's)
R Muckleston (St David's)
R Muckleston (Bedford Park)
R Muckleston (Riverdale)
S Muckleston (St David's)
S Muckleston (Grace Church)
T Muckleston (St David's)
T Muckleston (Strathcona)
W Muckleston (St David's)
W Muckleston (Church and Mercantile Cricket League)
W Muckleston (Bedford Park)
W Muckleston (Riverdale)
W Muckleston (Toronto City Cricket League)
W Muckleston (St Clement's)
W Muckleston (Riverdale)
F Muckleston(a) (St David's)
Mucklestone (Albion Club of Toronto)
Mucklestone (Grace Church)
C Mucklestone (St Alban's Cathedral)
C Mucklestone (St David's)
C Mucklestone (FG Beardall's XI)
C Mucklestone (Grace Church)
F Mucklestone (St Clement's)
F Mucklestone (Grace Church)
F Mucklestone (St David's)
R Mucklestone (St David's)
W Mucklestone (St David's)
F Muckleston Gawthorp (St David's)
Muckridge (Upper Canada College)
Mudassar Malik (Quebec)
Mudd (umpire)
P Mudford (Delaware)
Mudge (Trinity College School Old Boys Second XI)
Mudge (Trinity College School Second XI, Trinity College School Upper Flat)
Mudge (Trinity College School Masters)
Mudge (Trinity College School Second XI)
Mudge (Toronto Preparatory School)
Mudge (Royal Canadian Air Force No 1 Manning Depot)
G Mudge (Toronto)
R Mudge (Alpha Delta)
A Mudie (Essex)
J Mudie (Welland)
R Mudie (Lowell)
Mueller (Parkdale)
Mueller (Berlin High School)
Mueller (Beaumaris)
A Mueller (Berlin)
Muffin (Hamilton)
Muffin (Beaches Cricket Club)
Mugford (Delaware)
D Muggeridge (Burrards)
J Muggeridge (Chippawa)
S Muggeridge (Burrards)
Muggleston (Sons of England)
Muggleston (Municipals)
Muggleston (Saskatoon City)
Muggs (Royal York-Riverdale)
S Muhammad (Manitoba and Saskatchewan Under-17s)
Muhammad Kamal (Vancouver Knights)
Muhammad Kamal (BC Champions)
H Muhammed (umpire)
Muir (Brantford)
Muir (Toronto Cricket Club)
Muir (Traders' Bank)
Muir (Rosedale)
Muir (Westville)
Muir (Aurora)
Muir (Canada)
Muir (Westmount B)
Muir (Westmount)
Muir (Montreal Juniors)
Muir (Chatham)
Muir (Guelph)
Muir (Sportsmen)
Muir (Mounted Police)
Muir (Vancouver Wednesday Cricket League)
Muir (St George's Club of Oshawa)
Muir (Victoria Wednesday Cricket League)
Muir (Norway)
Muir (Ridley College Lower School)
Muir (Vancouver Juniors)
C Muir (British Columbia Juniors)
CD Muir (St Catharines)
CD Muir (Ridley College)
DL Muir (Ridley College)
DM Muir (Ridley College)
F Muir (Vancouver Juniors)
G Muir (Alberta)
G Muir (Eaton's Elevators)
G Muir (Alberta)
G Muir (Edmonton Juniors)
G Muir (British Columbia Juniors)
G Muir (Edmonton)
G Muir (Grimsby)
G Muir (Edmonton and District)
G Muir (Sportsmen)
G Muir (IP Clark's XI)
G Muir (King Edward Park Juniors)
G Muir (Harlequins)
GM Muir (Strathcona)
GM Muir (Edmonton and District Cricket League, Edmonton and District Cricket League President's XI)
J Muir (Grimsby)
JD Muir (Westmount)
JG Muir (Royal Victoria Rifles)
JG Muir (Montreal Juniors)
JG Muir (Montreal)
JG Muir (Single of Montreal)
JG Muir (McGill University)
JL Muir (Montreal)
JO Muir (McGill University)
M Muir (Westville)
M Muir (Westcliffe)
RG Muir (McGill University and Royal Victoria Rifles)
RS Muir (Port Elgin)
S Muir (Royal Victoria Rifles)
TK Muir (Dominion Cotton Mills)
TK Muir (Victoria Annex)
WW Muir (McGill University and Royal Victoria Rifles)
Muirhead (Guelph)
Muirhead (St Edmund's)
E Muirhead (Western Ontario Cricket League)
E Muirhead (Guelph)
G Muirhead (Brantford)
J Muirhead (North Shore)
D Mukherjee (Deloitte)
M Mulan (Paris)
A Muland (Chatham)
Mulcahy (Orillia)
J Mulcahy (Orillia)
D Mulcock (Ottawa)
M Mulcock (Ottawa)
R Mulcock (Ottawa)
Muldrew (AR McMaster and Brothers)
Muldrew (Toronto Junction)
B Muldrew (Marlborough Second XI)
M Muldrew (Arlington)
MA Muldrew (Marlborough)
W Muldrew (Marlborough Juniors)
Mule (Traders' Bank)
GA Muler (Dominion Cotton Mills)
BA Mulgmer (Upper Canada College)
H Mulgrew (Marlborough Second XI)
Mulhall (Royal North West Mounted Police Past)
Mulholland (Deer Park)
Mulholland (Parkdale)
Mulholland (Royal Engineers (Canada))
Mulholland (Rosedale)
Mulholland (Toronto-Rosedale)
Mulholland (D Company)
Mulholland (Rosedale)
Mulholland (Aura Lee)
AA Mulholland (Mulholland and Company)
B Mulholland (Mulholland and Company)
D Mulholland (Deer Park)
D Mulholland (Mulholland and Company)
D Mulholland (Lansdowne)
D Mulholland (North Toronto)
D Mulholland (Toronto-Rosedale)
D Mulholland (Toronto)
J Mulholland (Cobourg Second XI)
RD Mulholland (S Geldard's XI)
RD Mulholland (United Colleges)
RD Mulholland (Trinity College School Juniors)
RD Mulholland (Trinity College School Bigside Upper Flat)
RDP Mulholland (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Second XI, Trinity College School Upper Flat)
S Mulholland (Aura Lee)
F Mulig (VH Steele's XI)
T Mulig (Government House)
Mulkern (London Next XVIII, Single of London)
E Mulkin (Ashbury College)
E Mulkins (Ashbury College)
G Mull (Alberta Juniors)
AA Mulla (Canada)
M Mulla (Canada)
M Mulla (Ontario B)
Mullane (Lowell)
Mullatt (St John the Evangelist's School, Montreal)
Mullen (Parkdale)
Mullen (No 34 Royal Air Force Medicine Hat)
Mullen (Toronto University)
Mullen (Brantford)
Mullen (Hamilton Second XI)
Mullen (Mimico Asylum)
Mullen (Toronto South Doctors)
Mullen (Sawbones)
Mullen (London Asylum)
Mullen (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
A Mullen (Hamilton)
A Mullen (Hamilton)
A Mullen (Single of Sons of England)
B Mullen (Saracens Juniors)
B Mullen (Bonnie Doon Juniors)
B Mullen (Fusiliers)
F Mullen (Saracens Juniors)
F Mullen (Bonnie Doon Juniors)
F Mullen (Fusiliers)
J Mullen (Colborne)
JH Mullen (Hamilton)
RH Mullen (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
F Mullens (Edmonton)
FH Mulleny (Wanderers)
Muller (Clarksburg)
Muller (Parkdale)
Muller (Berlin High School)
Muller (Galt Collegiate Institute)
Muller (All Saints Church)
A Muller (Beaumaris)
H Muller (Montreal)
OJ Muller (Edmonton)
W Muller (Clarksburg)
L Mullet (Zingari Juniors)
HF Mullett (Strathcona Trinity)
HF Mullett (Wanderers)
Mullholland (Marlborough)
Mullholland (Toronto-Rosedale Second XI)
D Mullholland (Adastrians)
D Mullholland (Rosedale)
E Mullholland (Mulholland and Company)
N Mullholland (Harbord Collegiate)
RDP Mullholland (S Geldard's XI)
Mulligan (umpire)
Mulligan (Hamilton M to Z)
Mulligan (Colborne)
Mulligan (Grand Trunk Railway)
CA Mulligan (Ashbury College)
CW Mulligan (Hamilton)
CW Mulligan (HC Simonds' XI)
CW Mulligan (MC Hebert's XI)
CW Mulligan (Albion Club of Hamilton)
CW Mulligan (umpire)
M Mulligan (Hamilton)
M Mulligan (West End Juniors)
R Mulligan (South Hill)
T Mulligan (Grand Trunk Railway)
T Mulligaw (Grand Trunk Railway)
Mullin (Hamilton Juniors, Hamilton Juniors Second XI)
Mullin (Hamilton)
Mullin (Toronto University)
Mullin (Hamilton Juniors)
Mullin (University School Juniors)
Mullin (Watford)
Mullin (Victoria Athletic Club of Hamilton Juniors)
A Mullin (Hamilton)
A Mullin (Hamilton Grits)
A Mullin (Hamilton)
A Mullin (Hamilton)
A Mullin (Hamilton)
A Mullin (London Asylum)
A Mullin (Single of Hamilton)
B Mullin (Press Gallery)
H Mullin (Hamilton)
H Mullin (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
H Mullin (Hamilton Asylum)
J Mullin (Hamilton)
J Mullin (Hamilton Asylum)
JE Mullin (Brampton)
JH Mullin (Toronto University)
R Mullin (Hamilton)
R Mullin (Hamilton Asylum)
R Mullin (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
SA Mullin (Canadian Colleges)
SA Mullin (Hamilton)
W Mulliney (Wanderers)
Mullinger (St Barnabas)
CH Mullinger (St James)
TH Mullinger (St James)
Mullins (Toronto University)
Mullins (Hamilton Juniors)
Mullins (Galt)
Mullins (Wolseley Barracks)
Mullins (No 1 Company)
A Mullins (Hamilton)
A Mullins (London Asylum)
G Mullins (Eaton's)
G Mullins (Vancouver Rowing Club)
R Mullins (Saracens Juniors)
W Mullitt (Whitby Juniors)
Mullock (Upper Canada College)
Mulloy (Clinton)
Mulloy (Christ Church Cathedral)
Mulloy (All Winnipeg)
A Mulloy (Clinton)
R Mulloy (Manitoba)
SC Mulloy (Ashbury Ambulators)
D Mully (Christ Church Cathedral)
G Mulock (Ottawa Second XI)
Mulqueen (Upper Canada College)
Mulqueen (Upper Canada College, Upper Canada College Second XI)
Mulqueen (Upper Canada College Preparatory School)
Mulqueen (Toronto)
Mulqueen (Upper Canada College Old Boys)
Mulqueen (Rosedale)
C Mulqueen (Upper Canada College)
FJ Mulqueen (Upper Canada College)
Mulroney (Parkdale)
G Mulvehill (Western Association)
EA Mumfo9rd (Northern and North-Western Railway)
Mumford (St George's Club of Toronto)
Mumford (Toronto Cricket Club Old Country)
Mumford (Carlton Club of Toronto Third XI)
Mumford (Hamilton)
Mumford (Ailsa Craig)
Mumford (Toronto Over-21s)
AE Mumford (Parkdale)
AE Mumford (umpire)
AE Mumford (St George's Club of Toronto)
AW Mumford (Rosedale)
AW Mumford (Old Country Club)
AW Mumford (West Toronto)
CA Mumford (Parkdale)
EA Mumford (Parkdale)
EA Mumford (Rest of Parkdale)
EA Mumford (St George's Club of Toronto)
EA Mumford (Northern and North-Western Railway)
EA Mumford (Carlton Club of Toronto, Carlton Club of Toronto Next XXII)
FA Mumford (Northern and North-Western Railway)
HA Mumford (Niagara Falls)
J Mumford (Parkdale)
Munath (Stratford)
Munce (London Asylum)
Munchon (Rosedale)
R Munda (Maisonneuve)
Munday (Parkdale)
Munday (Lachine)
Munday (Old Country Club)
Munday (Maisonneuve)
Munday (Boomerangs)
Munday (Parkdale)
Munday (South Hill)
Munday (Kent Lodge Sons of England Toronto)
Munday (Royal Air Force)
C Munday (Parkdale)
D Munday (Old Country Club)
E Munday (Lachine)
E Munday (Maisonneuve)
G Munday (Old Country Club)
G Munday (Maisonneuve)
J Munday (Lachine)
L Munday (St Barnabas)
L Munday (Vickers)
L Munday (Maisonneuve)
LC Munday (St Cyprian's)
LC Munday (Rest of Canada)
LC Munday (Lachine)
PRG Munday (West Indian)
R Munday (Maisonneuve)
WL Munday (Westward)
WL Munday Lb (Lachine)
Mundell (Trinity College School, Trinity College School Lower Flat)
Mundie (Hamilton)
Mundie (Oxford)
Mundie (Wentworth)
J Mundie (East Hamilton)
Mundon (Victoria Second XI)
Mundy (Officers of the 43rd and 8th Regiments)
Mundy (Hamilton Juniors)
Mundy (St Cyprian's)
Mundy (St Paul's)
Mundy (Moose Jaw Legion)
Mundy (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Mundy (Municipals)
B Mundy (Sons of England)
C Mundy (St Barnabas)
DC Mundy (St Barnabas)
E Mundy (Lachine)
E Mundy (Vickers)
E Mundy (Maisonneuve)
E Mundy (Harlequins)
GK Mundy (Toronto Colts)
H Mundy (Vickers)
H Mundy (Sons of England)
L Mundy (Canadian Pacific Railway Recreation XI)
L Mundy (Lachine)
LC Mundy (St Barnabas)
LC Mundy (St Cyprian's)
LC Mundy (Vickers)
R Mundy (Saskatchewan)
R Mundy (Maisonneuve)
R Mundy (Sons of England)
S Mundy (Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw B)
S Mundy (South Hill)
W Mundy (Vickers B)
W Mundy (Hamilton Colts)
WL Mundy (Vickers)
WL Mundy (Westward)
WL Mundy (Lachine)
J Mungal (Canada Under-19s)
M Munice (London Asylum)
P Munim (New Brunswick)
Munira (York Memorial Collegiate Institute, Toronto)
Munn (Paris)
Munn (Pacific Squadron)
Munn (St Andrew's College, St Andrew's College Juniors, St Andrew's College Old Boys)
Munn (Rosedale)
Munn (Yorkshire Society)
Munn (Dovercourt)
Munn (JA Gray's XI)
Munn (Galt Collegiate Institute)
Munn (St Cyprian's)
Munn (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
A Munn (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
A Munn (Wentworth County)
C Munn (Hamilton, Hamilton and District)
C Munn (Wentworth)
C Munn (Wentworth County)
C Munn (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
CG Munn (Sons of England)
CG Munn (Hamilton and District Cricket League)
E Munn (Wentworth County)
G Munn (St Henry B)
L Munn (Sons of England)
R Munn (Hamilton)
S Munn (Paris and Guelph)
TM Munn (Paris)
TM Munn (Ingersoll)
V Munn (Hamilton and District)
V Munn (Wentworth)
V Munn (Wentworth County)
V Munn (Sons of England)
V Munn (Beaches Cricket Club)
Munn(a) (Beaches Cricket Club)
Munnach (Thamesville)
Munns (Scarborough Second XI)
Munns (St George's Club of Hamilton)
W Munns (St George's Club of Hamilton)
Munro (Forest)
Munro (Peterborough Colts)
Munro (Trinity College School Fifth XI)
Munro (Parkdale)
Munro (Victoria Rifles)
Munro (St John's Cricket Club of Nova Scotia)
Munro (Lakefield College School Preparatory)
Munro (RAF Transport Command)
Munro (umpire)
Munro (Ottawa East)
Munro (The Elks)
Munro (Canadians)
Munro (Caledonia)
Munro (Thunder Bay)
Munro (Grafton)
Munro (Woodbine)
Munro (Parkdale)
Munro (Dovercourt)
Munro (St Andrew's College Second XI)
Munro (Chatham)
Munro (Ingersoll)
Munro (Toronto Amateur Athletic Association)
Munro (Non Masons)
CG Munro (Sons of England)
D Munro (Fergus Juniors)
E Munro (Parkdale)
E Munro (Forest)
F Munro (Moncton)
F Munro (Rosedale)
G Munro (Parkdale)
H Munro (Moncton)
H Munro (West Toronto)
H Munro (Maisonneuve)
J Munro (West Toronto)
J Munro (Parkdale)
J Munro (Parkdale)
JM Munro (Newmarket)
L Munro (Adastrians B)
M Munro (Vickers)
N Munro (Vickers)
T Munro (Hamilton)
W Munro (HMS Capetown and Wisteria)
W Munro (HMS Capetown)
W Munro (Ottawa Valley Cricket League)
W Munro (New Edinburgh)
W Munro (Cornwall)
W Munro (Don Valley Brickmakers)
WH Munro (Mount Royal)
WJ Munro (Native West Indians from other Montreal Clubs)
WJC Munro (Maisonneuve)
WJG Munro (British West Indies, McGill University, Quebec)
WJG Munro (Wanderers)
WJG Munro (Westmount)
WJG Munro (Maisonneuve)
WJG Munro (Model City)
Munroe (Lindsay)
Munroe (Peterborough Colts)
Munroe (Civil Service)
Munroe (East Civil Service)
Munroe (Mulholland and Company)
Munroe (Forest)
Munroe (Parkdale Second XI)
Munroe (Enterprise Club of London)
Munroe (Dovercourt)
Munroe (Maple Leaf Club of London)
AJ Munroe (St John's Wanderers)
E Munroe (Kincardine)
F Munroe (Ottawa Next XVII)
G Munroe (Hamilton Juvenile Club)
GE Munroe (Forest)
H Munroe (Ottawa Second XI)
J Munroe (West Toronto)
J Munroe (Alexandria)
JE Munroe (Forest)
R Munroe (Parkdale)
J Munroe-Grier (Niagara Falls)
J Munro-Grier (Niagara Falls)
W Munro jnr (a) (Maisonneuve)
Munse (London Asylum)
W Munsey (Lachine)
FC Munsford (Parkdale)
D Munshu (RBC CIMA Mayor's XI)
Munson (Cobourg)
Munson (South Ontario)
Munt (Upper Canada College Second XI)
Munton (United Services)
Munty (Bracebridge)
F Munty (Windsor)
Muntz (Simcoe County and Muskoka)
Muntz (St George's Club of Toronto, Toronto)
Muntz (Toronto Cricket Club)
Muntz (Trinity College School)
GH Muntz (Upper Canada College)
GH Muntz (Bracebridge)
GH Muntz (Upper Canada College Past and Present Boarders)
GH Muntz (Toronto)
GH Muntz (Bankers of Toronto)
R Muntz (East Toronto)
R Muntz (St George's Club of Toronto)
RG Muntz (Upper Canada College Residents)
RG Muntz (Osgoode Hall)
RG Muntz (Toronto)
Mur4ray (Parkdale)
Murad (Verdun)
B Murali (Canada Over-50s)
A Muralidhar (Nova Scotia)
T Murari (Western Canada)
Murch (Toronto Junction)
Murchey (Toronto Junction)
Murchison (St Andrew's College)
Murchison (Yorkshire Society)
Murchison (Berlin)
Murchison (Barrie Collegiate Institute)
Murchison (Barrie)
Murchison (Barrie)
DR Murchison (Barrie)
Murchy (Toronto Junction)
Murdin (Eglinton)
Murdoch (Parkdale)
Murdoch (HMS Berwick)
Murdoch (Galt Collegiate Institute)
Murdoch (Brampton)
Murdoch (Vagabonds of London)
Murdoch (King Edward Park)
Murdoch (South Side of Edmonton)
Murdoch (Galt Juniors)
A Murdoch (Ashbury College)
AI Murdoch (Edmonton)
AI Murdoch (Alberta)
AI Murdoch (King Edward Park)
AI Murdoch (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
AI Murdoch (Edmonton and District Cricket League President's XI)
AI Murdoch (Sons of England)
AI Murdoch (Strathcona Trinity)
AI Murdoch (Strathcona East)
AI Murdoch (Strathcona Veterans)
AI Murdoch (Strathcona)
AI Murdoch (Edmonton and Strathcona)
AI Murdoch (North Edmonton)
AI Murdoch (South Side of Edmonton)
AI Murdoch (AI Murdoch's XI)
AI Murdoch (Strathcona)
AJ Murdoch (Edmonton)
AL Murdoch (Strathcona East)
AT Murdoch (North Edmonton)
AT Murdoch (King Edward Park)
CH Murdoch (Old Country Club)
E Murdoch (Toronto)
H Murdoch (King Edward Park)
H Murdoch (Sons of England)
R Murdoch (King Edward Park)
Murdock (Galt)
Murdock (Old Country Club)
Murdock (Brampton)
Murdock (Lucan )
Murdock (King Edward Park)
Murdock (umpire)
Murdock (Caledonians)
A Murdock (Alberta)
A Murdock (Old Country Club)
A Murdock (Christ Church Cathedral)
A Murdock (Parkdale Old Country Club)
AL Murdock (Wanderers)
AT Murdock (Edmonton)
AT Murdock (King Edward Park)
AT Murdock (North Edmonton)
AT Murdock (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
AT Murdock (Caledonians)
AT Murdock (19th Alberta Dragoons)
AT Murdock (Edmonton and District Cricket League President's XI)
AT Murdock (Wanderers)
H Murdock (King Edward Park)
J Murdock (Galt)
W Murdock (Verdun)
W Murdock (King Edward Park)
Murdock(a) (King Edward Park)
S Murfield (Army and Navy)
Murgatroyd (West Toronto)
Murgatroyd (Stratford)
Murgatroyd (Rocky Mountain House, Rocky Mountain House Juniors)
Murison (Under 30)
B Murison (Ottawa)
C Murison (Ottawa)
D Murison (Ottawa)
D Murison (Christ Church Cathedral)
G Murison (Ottawa)
S Murkle (St David's)
Murmur (Rosedale Grads)
D Murohay (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Murphy (Guelph)
Murphy (C Company St John's School of Infantry)
Murphy (Brampton)
Murphy (Rosedale)
Murphy (East Toronto)
Murphy (St James' Cathedral)
Murphy (Trinity College School Masters)
Murphy (Grace Church)
Murphy (Trinity College School Upper Flat)
Murphy (Denman)
Murphy (Work Point Garrison)
Murphy (No 2 Wireless Training School)
Murphy (Cayuga)
Murphy (Prescott)
Murphy (Yorkville)
Murphy (Bishop Ridley College Third XI)
Murphy (Rest of Regina)
Murphy (Regina City)
Murphy (St Paul's B)
Murphy (Yukon Garrison)
Murphy (Deer Park)
Murphy (Pickwick)
Murphy (Welland)
Murphy (Consumers' Gas Company)
Murphy (New Fort)
Murphy (London Asylum Patients)
A Murphy (St James' Cathedral)
B Murphy (Defence)
EG Murphy (Toronto Cricket Club)
EG Murphy (Astra)
EG Murphy (Calgary and District)
EG Murphy (Harlequins)
F Murphy (Yorkville)
G Murphy (Toronto)
G Murphy (Toronto Cricket Club)
GN Murphy (Ashbury College)
I Murphy (Caledonia)
J Murphy (Toronto Cricket Club)
J Murphy (Halifax Wanderers)
J Murphy (Halifax)
J Murphy (Prescott)
J Murphy (Dovercourt)
JF Murphy (Cowichan)
JF Murphy (Ottawa West)
JH Murphy (St Andrew's College)
JL Murphy (Guelph Next XXII, Guelph President's XI)
JV Murphy (Cowichan)
JV Murphy (Victoria)
L Murphy (University of Trinity College, University of Trinity College Boys)
LE Murphy (Burrards, Vancouver)
LF Murphy (Vancouver)
LF Murphy (Burrards)
LT Murphy (Burrards)
R Murphy (NATO Air Navigation School)
RF Murphy (Burrards)
RK Murphy (Ridley College)
VV Murphy (British Columbia)
W Murphy (East Toronto)
WGF Murphy (Montreal Juniors)
WH Murphy (Trinity College School Old Boys)
WS Murphy (Brampton)
WS Murphy (Single of Norwich)
Murray (Toronto)
Murray (Canada, Montreal Garrison Knickerbockers, Province of Canada)
Murray (Island Aquatic)
Murray (Ontario)
Murray (Gravenhurst)
Murray (Canada Cutlery Company)
Murray (Royal Military Academy, Kingston)
Murray (Quinte Club of Picton)
Murray (Picton)
Murray (Upper Canada College, Upper Canada College Second XI)
Murray (Highfield School)
Murray (Stellarton)
Murray (St Barnabas)
Murray (Eaton's)
Murray (Old Country Club)
Murray (Trinity)
Murray (Lower Canada College)
Murray (Maisonneuve)
Murray (Wanderers)
Murray (Lower Canada College Under-14s)
Murray (RAF Transport Command)
Murray (Verdun)
Murray (Beaches Cricket Club)
Murray (Hastings)
Murray (Olds)
Murray (Gas Company)
Murray (Beaverton)
Murray (Fredericton)
Murray (Caledonia)
Murray (Galt Colts)
Murray (Owen Sound)
Murray (Royal Military College)
Murray (East Toronto Juniors)
Murray (Deer Park)
Murray (Hamilton M to Z)
Murray (London Asylum)
Murray (SR Saunders' XI)
Murray (Upper Canada College)
Murray (33rd Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force )
Murray (Dovercourt)
Murray (Ridley College Old Boys)
Murray (Kingston)
Murray (St Andrew's College)
Murray (Sutton)
Murray (Beaverton)
Murray (St Matthew's)
Murray (Rosedale)
Murray (Paris)
Murray (Saskatoon City)
Murray (87th Regiment)
Murray (Chinook)
Murray (Grace Church and Yorkshire Society)
Murray (Birch Cliff)
Murray (Edmonton)
Murray (All Saints Church)
Murray (Parkdale)
Murray (West Toronto)
Murray (Riverdale-Copland)
Murray (St Clair)
Murray (Ridley College Under-16s)
Murray (Toronto Cricket Club)
Murray (Toc H)
Murray (Fairfield)
Murray (Fergus)
Murray (Riverdale)
Murray (Bristol Lodge Sons of England)
Murray (33rd Battalion)
Murray (Fergus)
Murray (St George's Club of Toronto)
Murray (G Drummond's XI)
Murray (RB Blake's XI)
Murray (Toronto Next XXII)
Murray (Georgetown)
Murray (Public Schools)
A Murray (Montreal)
A Murray (Maisonneuve)
A Murray (Hamilton Next XIV)
A Murray (Pen Feather Athletic Club)
A Murray (West Toronto)
A Murray (Beaverton)
A Murray (Beaverton)
AG Murray (Yorkshire Society)
B Murray (St Barnabas)
C Murray (Rosedale)
CD Murray (St Andrew's College)
D Murray (Rosedale)
D Murray (Eaton's)
D Murray (Old Country Club)
D Murray (Westmount)
D Murray (Saskatchewan)
D Murray (Upper Canada College Second XI)
D Murray (St George's Club of Toronto)
D Murray (Saracens Juniors)
D Murray (Bayfield)
DA Murray (Upper Canada College)
DR Murray (Upper Canada College)
E Murray (Upper Canada College Second XI)
ES Murray (Caledonia)
ET Murray (Westmount B)
F Murray (Old Country Club)
F Murray (Westward)
F Murray (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
F Murray (Ontario Accident Insurance Company)
F Murray (IP Clark's XI)
FE Murray (Westmount B)
FF Murray (Westward)
FM Murray (Westmount)
FT Murray (Westmount)
FT Murray (Westward)
FT Murray (Westward B)
G Murray (Canada East)
G Murray (Ashbury College Staff)
G Murray (St George's Club of Montreal)
G Murray (Longueuil)
G Murray (Montreal)
G Murray (Mercury Mills)
G Murray (Lloydminster)
GH Murray (Ashbury College)
H Murray (Ontario Accident Insurance Company)
H Murray (Bonnie Doon Juniors)
H Murray (St Barnabas)
J Murray (Maisonneuve)
J Murray (Canadian Born)
J Murray (Mount Royal)
J Murray (RAF Transport Command)
J Murray (Ottawa and the East)
J Murray (Lumsden)
J Murray (Pickwick Club of London)
J Murray (London Asylum)
JC Murray (St Mark's)
JC Murray (Yorkshire Society)
JC Murray (Rosedale)
K Murray (Canadian Invitation XI)
L Murray (Victoria Under-13s)
L Murray (Westmount)
LC Murray (St Mark's)
LC Murray (Church and Mercantile Cricket League)
M Murray (Chatham)
M Murray (Saracens Juniors)
M Murray (Bonnie Doon Juniors)
MM Murray (Westmount B)
O Murray (Old Country Club Old Members)
R Murray (St Edmund's)
R Murray (Lower Canada College)
R Murray (Radial Railways)
R Murray (Yorkshire Society and Rosedale)
RB Murray (Rest of Toronto and District Cricket Council)
RC Murray (Eastern Canada, Oakville, Rosedale, Toronto, Yorkshire Society)
RC Murray (Ontario)
RC Murray (St Barnabas)
RC Murray (St James)
RC Murray (Rest of Toronto)
RC Murray (Grace Church)
RC Murray (St Mark's)
RC Murray (All Toronto)
RC Murray (Toronto City Cricket League)
RC Murray (Old Country Born)
RC Murray (Island Aquatic Amateur Association)
RC Murray (Ontario)
RC Murray (Toronto Casuals)
RC Murray (Ontario Hospital)
RC Murray (DW Saunders' XI)
RC Murray (Birch Cliff)
RC Murray (Grace Church)
RC Murray (Beaches Cricket Club)
RC Murray (West Toronto)
RC Murray (BRB Magee's XI)
RG Murray (Rosedale)
RG Murray (Parkdale)
RG Murray (West Toronto)
RT Murray (St Mark's)
S Murray (Upper Canada College)
S Murray (Plaza)
S Murray (Bankers and Brokers)
S Murray (Southenders)
S Murray (Lloydminster)
T Murray (Trinity)
T Murray (Toronto)
T Murray (Upper Canada College)
T Murray (Toronto Over-21s)
W Murray (Wanderers)
W Murray (Galt)
W Murray (Dominion Cotton Mills)
W Murray (Angus Truck Shop)
W Murray (Holy Trinity, Hamilton)
W Murray (Toronto Cricket Club Bs and Hs)
WA Murray (Holy Trinity Church, Chedoke)
WA Murray (Holy Trinity)
WB Murray (St Barnabas)
WH Murray (St Barnabas)
WJ Murray (Montreal B)
WW Murray (GP Mant's XI)
Murray(a) (Rosedale)
Murray(a) (Beaches Cricket Club)
Murrell (St Paul's)
J Murrell (umpire)
J Murrell-Right (Parkdale)
Murrsy (RAF Transport Command)
Murry (Yorkshire Society)
Murtagh (No 46B B Australians)
Murtha (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
Murthy (Regina City)
Murton (Guelph)
Murton (Toronto Colts)
Murton (Guelph)
Murton (Guelph Bankers)
Murton (Orillia)
Murton (Woodbine)
Murton (Hamilton)
Murton (Guelph)
Murton (Guelph Law and Medicine)
Murton (Finlay's XI)
Murton (Greet's XI)
AW Murton (Guelph)
AW Murton (Guelph Bankers)
C Murton (Guelph Juniors, Right-Handed of Guelph, Single of Guelph)
E Murton (Guelph Second XI)
G Murton (Guelph)
G Murton (Married of Guelph, Right-Handed of Guelph)
G Murton (umpire)
GW Murton (Married of Norwich)
H Murton (Left-Handed of Guelph)
H Murton (Guelph President's XI)
H Murton (Guelph Board of Education)
H Murton (Guelph Tories)
N Murton (Woodbine)
N Murton (Scarborough)
N Murton (Married of Guelph)
NF Murton (Grace Church)
W Murton (Guelph)
C Murton(a) (Single of Guelph)
G Murton snr (a) (Married of Guelph)
D Murugan (University of Concordia)
Muschamp (umpire)
M Muschamp (umpire)
W Muschamp (Toronto Cricket Club)
W Muschamp (umpire)
W Muschamp (Toronto)
W Muschamp (Oakville)
Muscombe (Oxford)
Musgrave (Sunderland)
Musgrave (Kappa Alpha Fraternity)
Musgrave (Kappa Delta Lodge)
Musgrave (Royal North West Mounted Police)
Musgrave (Toronto)
A Musgrave (T Taylor's XI)
C Musgrave (St Alban's Cathedral)
DR Musgrave (Upper Canada College, Upper Canada College Second XI, Upper Canada College Under-16s)
DR Musgrave (Kappa Alpha)
ER Musgrave (Upper Canada College)
R Musgrave (McGill University Second XI)
W Musgrave (Upper Canada College)
Musgrove (Brougham)
Musgrove (Lindsay)
Musgrove (Central Alberta)
Musgrove (Kinsale)
Musgrove (Upper Canada College)
Musgrove (Lindsay High School)
EH Musgrove (McGill University B)
ER Musgrove (Upper Canada College)
J Musgrove (Lindsay)
J Musgrove (Brougham)
L Musgrove (Olds)
S Musgrove (T Taylor's XI)
T Musgrove (Brougham)
W Musgrove (Brougham)
Mushaw (Deer Park)
S Mushtaq (Royal Bank Lions)
J Musier (Mount Royal B)
Musk (Cambridge)
CH Musk (McGill University)
GH Musk (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
GH Musk (Montreal)
GH Musk (Montreal Club Second XI)
GH Musk (McGill University)
GH Musk (Magog)
GH Musk (St John's Garrison)
GH Musk (JJ Boye's XI)
GH Musk (Montreal Amateur Athletic Association B)
J Musk (Montreal)
Muskett (St Thomas)
C Muskett (Ottawa)
Muskie (St Barnabas)
H Mussdole (West End)
Mussel (Lower Canada College Old Boys)
Mussell (Lower Canada College Old Boys)
W Mussell (Lower Canada College)
Mussen (Parkdale)
Mussen (North Toronto)
Mussen (Beaches Cricket Club)
J Mussen (Johns of Parkdale)
Mussenden (St John)
Mussin (Eglinton)
Mussolini (Grace Church)
Musson (Lambton Mills)
Musson (Parkdale Colts)
Musson (Eglinton)
Musson (St Andrew's College Old Boys)
Musson (Sons of England)
Musson (Toronto Lacrosse Club)
Musson (Carlton Club of Toronto)
Musson (Cobourg)
Musson (Toronto)
Musson (Toronto Wanderers)
Musson (umpire)
Musson (North Toronto)
Musson (Deer Park)
Musson (Lake Shore)
Musson (Beaches Cricket Club)
Musson (G Manton's XI)
Musson (Streetsville)
AA Musson (Lambton Mills)
E Musson (Lambton Mills)
E Musson (West Toronto)
E Musson (Parkdale)
EF Musson (Pacific)
EF Musson (Pacific)
EW Musson (Carlton)
EW Musson (Weston Woollen Mills)
EW Musson (Beaver Club of Toronto)
F Musson (Beaver Club of Toronto)
FW Musson (Lambton Mills)
G Musson (Bishop Ridley College Old Boys)
RW Musson (Beaver Club of Toronto)
WG Musson (Lambton Mills)
Mustafa (Cheyne Middle School)
Mustard (Uxbridge)
Mustard (Midland District)
Mustard (Quebec)
Mustard (Ontario County)
Mustard (Uxbridge)
Mustard (Public Schools)
Mustard (Lower Canada College)
Mustard (Westmount Juniors)
Mustard (Wellington County)
Mustard (Sunderland)
Mustard (Wyoming)
AR Mustard (Lower Canada College)
C Mustard (St Simon's Church)
CR Mustard (Montreal)
D Mustard (Toronto)
D Mustard (St Simon's Church)
H Mustard (Wyoming)
JW Mustard (Uxbridge)
L Mustard (Lower Canada College)
PP Mustard (Wanderers)
PP Mustard (Lower Canada College)
RV Mustard (Westmount)
VE Mustard (Canadian XI)
VE Mustard (Westward)
VR Mustard (McGill University)
VR Mustard (CC MacCaulay's XI)
VR Mustard (Lower Canada College Juniors)
VR Mustard (Westmount)
VR Mustard (Quebec)
VR Mustard (Montreal and District Cricket League)
VR Mustard (English Residents)
VR Mustard (Peripatetics)
VR Mustard (umpire)
VR Mustard (Lower Canada College Staff)
VR Mustard (Sun Life Insurance Company of Montreal)
VR Mustard (H Blackman's XI)
VR Mustard (Lower Canada College)
WP Mustard (Uxbridge)
WP Mustard (Ontario County)
WP Mustard (Port Perry)
WP Mustard (Uxbridge)
WP Mustard (Rosedale)
P Mustard(a) (Westward)
Musten (Eglinton)
Musten (North Toronto)
Muster (Mount Royal B)
Muster (umpire)
T Muster (Mount Royal B)
Mustill (London South)
Muston (North Toronto)
Muston (Sons of England)
W Muston (St Clement's)
W Muston (North Toronto)
W Muston (Deer Park)
T Mustor (Mount Royal)
T Mustor (North Toronto)
C Mutch (Aura Lee Second XI)
EA Mutch (Pacific)
Mutchmore (Galt)
Muter (Bonnie Doon)
HJ Muter (Bonnie Doon)
JR Muter (Wanderers)
MJ Muter
R Muter (Edmonton)
R Muter (19th Dragoons)
R Muter (Civil Service)
R Muter (Edmonton and District Cricket League, Edmonton and District Cricket League Secretary's XI)
R Muter (South Side of Edmonton)
R Muter (19th Alberta Dragoons and Edmonton)
R Muter (King Edward Park)
R Muter (19th Alberta Dragoons)
R Muter (Alberta Government Telephones)
R Muter (Great War Veterans Association)
R Muter (Alberta)
R Muter (Edmonton Nomads)
R Muter (Fusiliers)
RA Muter (Edmonton)
RJ Muter (Wanderers)
RJ Muter (Bonnie Doon)
RJ Muter (Strathcona)
RJ Muter (Rocky Mountain House)
W Muter (Civil Service)
Muter(a) (Civil Service)
R Muter jnr (a) (Wanderers)
R Muter jnr (a) (Civil Service)
R Muter Snr (Edmonton and District Cricket League President's XI)
R Muter snr c Ebdon (Civil Service)
R Muter snr Mann (Civil Service)
R Mutey (Edmonton)
Mutlow (Grace Church)
R Mutter (Alberta)
V Mutti (Canada Under-15s)
JS Muttlebury (Toronto)
Mutton (Deer Park)
Mutton (Grace Church)
AJ Mutton (GB Smith's XI)
N Mutton (Woodbine)
J Muxlow (Windsor)
Muyers (Niagara Falls)
Muzamil (Manitoba and Saskatchewan Under-17s)
Muzzy (Lowell)
HV MvIvor (Ottawa)
R Myall (Civil Service)
E Myels (West Toronto)
T Myels (West Toronto)
Myer (University of Trinity College, University of Trinity College Second XI)
Myer (Mimico)
Myer (St Clair)
Myer (Upper Canada College Second XI)
AN Myer (Grimsby)
AN Myer (Niagara Falls)
AN Myer (Niagara Falls and Hamilton District)
AW Myer (Grimsby)
GW Myer (Grimsby)
Myers (Phoenix Club of Prince Edward Island)
Myers (Niagara Falls)
Myers (Yorkshire Society)
Myers (Ashbury College Masters)
Myers (South Calgary Falcons)
Myers (Thamesville)
Myers (Brampton)
Myers (Parkdale)
Myers (Yorkton)
Myers (Grimsby)
Myers (Christ Church)
Myers (St James' Cathedral)
Myers (Upper Canada College Second XI)
Myers (St Clair)
Myers (Yorkshire Society)
Myers (West Toronto)
Myers (Woodbine)
Myers (Norway)
Myers (Married of Guelph)
AN Myers (Niagara Falls)
AN Myers (Niagara Falls and Hamilton District)
AN Myers (Grimsby)
FW Myers (Yorkshire Society)
GW Myers (Grimsby)
HN Myers (Ashbury College Staff)
HN Myers (Ashbury College)
HN Myers (Christ Church Cathedral)
HN Myers (LG Chance's XI)
HN Myers (AG Chance's XI)
HN Myers (Ashbury College Masters)
J Myers (Pacific)
JK Myers (Pacific)
JT Myers (Yorkshire Society)
LS Myers (All Montreal)
P Myers (Yorkshire Society)
R Myers (Saskatchewan)
T Myers (Netherhill)
W Myers (New Westminster)
Myers(a) (Grimsby)
Myerstein (McGill University)
J Myils (Cornwall)
Mylen (Gooderham and Worts Distillery)
Myles (Montreal)
Myles (Upper Canada College)
Myles (Toronto)
Myles (Toronto Cricket Club)
Myles (Gooderham and Worts Distillery)
Myles (Galt Collegiate Institute)
Myles (Railway Construction Troops Depot Battalion)
Myles (Upper Canada College Third XI)
Myles (Upper Canada College)
Myles (St Simon's Church Second XI)
Myles (Barrie)
Myles (University of Trinity College)
Myles (Toronto Cricket Club Juniors)
Myles (Toronto-Rosedale)
Myles (Rosedale)
Myles (Yorkville)
AM Myles (Toronto)
F Myles (Toronto Cricket Club)
FP Myles (Upper Canada College)
FP Myles (Toronto)
H Myles (West End)
HN Myles (Ashbury College)
J Myles (St Catharines)
P Myles (Toronto and Rosedale Past and Present)
P Myles (Royal Military College)
P Myles (Toronto-Rosedale)
PE Myles (Toronto)
R Myles (Hittites)
Mylews (Toronto)
J Mylne (St Catharines)
W Myres (Nelson)
Myrray (Trinity)
Myrtle (Harlequins)
N Myrton (Scarborough)
Mytton (Hamilton)
Mytton (Niagara Falls)





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