
Canada Players (P)


Poynter (No 36 Royal Air Force Penhold)
Poynter (16th Regiment)
Poynter (Church of the Messiah)
Poynter (No 37 Harvards)
Poynter (St Thomas)
Poynton (No 36 Royal Air Force Penhold)
Poynton (Church of the Messiah)
Poynton (St James' Cathedral)
J Poynton (Pointe St Charles)
R Poyntz (Vancouver, Victoria)
Poyser (Westmount)
T Pozzey (Lethbridge)
R Prabahakar (Australasia Cricket Academy Under-19s)
K Prabaharan (Canada Under-15s)
R Prabakar (Ontario Greens Under-17s)
R Prabakar (Cooksville Warriors Under-19s)
R Prabhakar (Haynes Cup Team D)
K Prabhjeevan (North Park Secondary School, Brampton)
Prabhjot Singh (Kings XI Kelowna)
Pradeep (Vancouver Vibes)
R Prahalad (Kings)
Praine (St Catharines)
M Prakash (Hamilton)
Prance (Ashbury College Under-16s)
Prangley (Clinton)
G Prasad (British Columbia Mainland League Division Two)
MJ Prashad (Canada)
P Prashad (Canada)
P Prashad (D King's Toronto and District XI)
P Prashad (Lieutenant Governor of Ontario's XI)
P Prashad (CD Wilson's Toronto and District XI)
P Prashad (Vikings)
K Prashar (Cricket Club of Canada Under-13s)
M Prashar (Canada Under-19s, Cricket Club of Canada Under-13s)
Prate (Kentish Association)
Prateek (Newfoundland)
E Pratley (White Rose B)
E Pratley (Borden Park)
PL Pratley (Westmount)
PL Pratley (Rest of Montreal)
PL Pratley (umpire)
PL Pratley (Wanderers)
PL Pratley (Canadian Legion)
PL Pratley (Harlequins)
S Pratley (Borden Park)
PL Pratley cc Kendall (Westward C)
Pratt (Ottawa)
Pratt (Lakefield Rovers)
Pratt (Canadian Pacific Railway)
Pratt (Galt)
Pratt (Waterloo)
Pratt (St John's School of Infantry)
Pratt (Municipals)
Pratt (Ottawa Juniors)
Pratt (Campbellford)
Pratt (St Paul's)
Pratt (St Paul's Nomads)
Pratt (St Cyprian's)
Pratt (Canadian Bank of Commerce)
Pratt (Strathcona)
Pratt (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville Under-16s)
Pratt (Revillons)
Pratt (South Side of Edmonton)
Pratt (Wanderers)
Pratt (Oshawa)
Pratt (London Asylum)
Pratt (London Bankers)
A Pratt (Canada B)
A Pratt (Grace Church)
A Pratt (Owen Sound)
AL Pratt (Winnipeg St George's)
B Pratt (Kentish Association)
C Pratt (Parkdale)
C Pratt (Strathcona)
E Pratt (St Paul's)
E Pratt (Moose Jaw)
E Pratt (North Hill)
E Pratt (St Paul's)
E Pratt (Venerable Archdeacon Knowles' XI)
G Pratt (Moose Jaw A)
G Pratt (Robin Hood)
G Pratt (North Hill)
G Pratt (Moose Jaw)
G Pratt (Strathcona)
GE Pratt (Sons of England)
H Pratt (Toronto)
H Pratt (Twin City)
HL Pratt (Canadian Pacific Railway)
HL Pratt (Canadian Pacific Railway)
HL Pratt (Winnipeg)
HL Pratt (Manitoba B)
J Pratt (Owen Sound)
JW Pratt (Strathcona Trinity)
W Pratt (Ottawa, Quebec)
W Pratt (Ottawa Club)
W Pratt (Municipals)
W Pratt (Strathcona Trinity)
WA Pratt (St John's School of Infantry)
T Pratten (Pointe St Charles)
HL Pratt lbwb Smith (Canadian Pacific Railway)
Praudfoot (Toronto Cricket Club)
Prayin (Napanee)
Precious (Riverdale)
Precious (St Alban's Cathedral)
D Precious (St Alban's Cathedral)
Preece (Saskatchewan Co-Operative Elevator Company A)
Preet (JS Woodsworth Senior Public School)
Premdas (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Premdas (West Indian)
B Premdas (St David's)
Prendas (St David's)
B Prendas (St David's)
Prendergast (North Vancouver)
Prendergast (North Edmonton)
Prendergast (19th Alberta Dragoons)
Prendergast (South Side of Edmonton)
A Prendergast (19th Alberta Dragoons)
FJ Prendergast (Strathcona)
FN Prendergast (Strathcona)
FW Prendergast (Strathcona East)
FW Prendergast (Edmonton)
FW Prendergast (North Edmonton)
FW Prendergast (19th Alberta Dragoons)
FW Prendergast (19th Alberta Dragoons and Edmonton)
FW Prendergast (Strathcona Veterans)
FW Prendergast (Strathcona)
FW Prendergast (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
FW Prendergast (Wanderers)
FW Prendergast (Edmonton and Strathcona)
FW Prendergast (North Edmonton and Wanderers)
FW Prendergast (Swifts-Canadians)
M Prendergast (Bank of Montreal)
TA Prendergast (W Dixon's XI)
TA Prendergast (Swifts-Canadians)
Prentice (Upper Canada College)
Prentice (Halifax Garrison)
Prentice (All Halifax)
Prentice (Turtle Mountain)
Prentice (St Alban's Cathedral)
Prentice (Pioneer Adult School)
Prentice (Consumers' Gas Company)
Prenton (United Services)
Prescott (Canada East)
Prescott (Toronto)
Prescott (Old Country)
Prescott (Grace Church)
T Prescott (Incogniti)
Presence (Mimico)
A Presley (St Cyprian's)
P Press (Prescott)
R Pressly (British Columbia Under-25s)
R Pressly (Quebec Under-18s)
R Pressly (British Columbia Under-18s)
Prest (Occident Club of Toronto)
Prest (St Cyprian's)
SB Prest (Manitoba)
SB Prest (Canadians)
Preston (Lindsay)
Preston (AR McMaster and Brothers)
Preston (Grace Church)
Preston (United Services)
Preston (Grace Church)
Preston (Pointe St Charles B)
Preston (St Henry)
Preston (Bobcaygeon)
Preston (Yukon Garrison)
Preston (South Hill)
Preston (Church of the Messiah)
Preston (Dominion Bank)
Preston (Lindsay High School)
A Preston (Riverdale)
A Preston (Edmonton)
A Preston (Harlequins)
BA Preston (McGill University)
C Preston (Riverdale)
C Preston (Montreal Woollen Mills)
C Preston (Sons of England)
CH Preston (Pointe St Charles)
CH Preston (Pointe St Charles)
CH Preston (Pointe St Charles)
CH Preston (Yorkshire Society)
CH Preston (Lachine)
DM Preston (AR McMaster and Brothers)
G Preston (Border Cities, Essex County)
G Preston (Corinthians)
G Preston (Argonauts)
G Preston (North of Windsor)
G Preston (Windsor)
G Preston (Essex County)
G Preston (Essex)
G Preston (Bell Telephone Company and Grace Church)
G Preston (Grace Church)
H Preston (Riverdale)
H Preston (Birch Cliff)
J Preston (Lindsay)
J Preston (Parkdale)
JH Preston (Brampton)
JM Preston (Whitby)
JR Preston (Whitby)
K Preston (Edmonton)
KJ Preston (Alberta, Harlequins)
R Preston (Riverdale)
S Preston (Edmonton)
S Preston (United Services)
S Preston (Grace Church)
W Preston (Canadian Legion)
W Preston (Grace Church)
Preston(a) (Grace Church)
Prestons (United Services)
Pretlove (Guelph)
P Pretorius (British Columbia Under-17s)
PC Pretorius (British Columbia Under-17s, British Columbia Under-19s, Canada Under-17s, Canada Under-19s, ICC Americas Under-19s)
Prettyman (Military)
Preuter (Vancouver)
Prevost (Montreal Juniors)
W Prevost (Army and Navy)
CJ Prew (McGill University)
Price (Whitby)
Price (Aylmer)
Price (Toronto)
Price (Trinity College School Old Boys)
Price (Chesley)
Price (Single of Aylmer)
Price (The Garrison)
Price (Toronto Colts)
Price (Toronto Church School)
Price (Toronto Colts, Toronto Cricket Club)
Price (Osgoode Hall)
Price (Bonaventure)
Price (Bishop Ridley College Second XI)
Price (East Toronto)
Price (Aylmer)
Price (Chesley)
Price (Appleby, Appleby Juniors)
Price (Trinity College School Juniors, Trinity College School Littleside, Trinity College School Lower Flat, Trinity College School Second XI)
Price (Appleby School)
Price (Appleby School Third XI)
Price (Dovercourt)
Price (Island Aquatic)
Price (Trinity College School Brent House)
Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, Bishop's College School, Lennoxville Juniors)
Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
Price (Sun Life Insurance Company of Montreal)
Price (Saskatchewan)
Price (Harlequins)
Price (Guelph)
Price (Kent Lodge Sons of England)
Price (Chesley)
Price (Young Canadian Club of St Thomas)
Price (Prescott)
Price (Toronto)
Price (Sons of England)
Price (St Alban's Cathedral)
Price (Robin Hood)
Price (Moosomin)
Price (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
Price (Westmoreland)
Price (Incognitos)
Price (Mr Gasson's XI)
Price (United Services)
Price (Guelph)
Price (Insurance XI)
Price (Civil Service)
Price (Strathcona)
Price (Woodward's)
Price (Appleby School)
Price (Brantford)
Price (Oshawa, Oshawa Second XI)
Price (Toronto Lawyers)
Price (D School of Infantry)
Price (London Asylum)
Price (Guelph Tennis Club Gentlemen)
A Price (Vancouver Juniors)
A Price (Westmount Second XI)
A Price (Ontario County)
A Price (Westmoreland)
A Price (Westmoreland)
A Price (Grace Church)
A Price (Corinthians)
A Price (Church of the Resurrection Juniors)
AC Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
B Price (Corinthians)
B Price (Borden Park)
BB Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
C Price (Five Cs)
C Price (Mulholland and Company)
C Price (Borden Park)
C Price (Bonnie Doon)
C Price (Great War Veterans Association)
C Price (Excelsior)
C Price (Strathcona)
C Price (Strathcona)
C Price (Sons of England)
C Price (Toronto-Rosedale)
CE Price (Montreal Amateur Athletic Association)
CE Price (Bohemians)
CE Price (McGill University)
CE Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
CE Price (Bonaventure)
CF Price (McGill University)
CF Price (Montreal)
CH Price (Toronto)
CL Price (British Columbia Colts)
CR Price (McGill University Second XI)
D Price (St Cyprian's)
DH Price (Aylmer)
DH Price (Has Beens)
DH Price (DH Price's XI)
EA Price (New Edinburgh)
EA Price (Ashbury College)
EH Price (Aylmer)
EJ Price (New Edinburgh)
EJ Price (No 1 Company Canadian Regiment of Infantry)
EM Price (Bonaventure)
ES Price (Ottawa Valley)
ES Price (New Edinburgh)
ES Price (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
ET Price (East Toronto)
FM Price (Whitby)
G Price (Old Bristolians)
G Price (Ashbury College)
G Price (Westmoreland)
G Price (Westmoreland)
G Price (Dovercourt)
H Price (Dundas)
H Price (Dovercourt)
H Price (Westmount)
H Price (Ashbury College)
H Price (Dovercourt)
HB Price (Quebec)
HE Price (Toronto Colts, Toronto Cricket Club)
HE Price (Osgoode Hall)
HE Price (Toronto)
HE Price (Trinity College School Rovers)
HEL Price (Incognitos)
HF Price (Trinity College School Present)
HG Price (Pointe St Charles)
HL Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
HM Price (Quebec)
I Price (Bishop Ridley College)
J Price (East Toronto)
J Price (Saskatchewan)
J Price (Hamilton)
J Price (Sons of England)
J Price (Sons of England)
J Price (Church of the Resurrection Juniors)
JE Price (Chesley)
JF Price (Chesley)
JW Price (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, Bishop's College School, Lennoxville Juniors)
K Price (Province of Canada)
K Price (Moosomin)
KA Price (Saskatchewan)
L Price (Bishop Ridley College, Bishop Ridley College Old Boys, Bishop Ridley College Third XI)
L Price (Defence)
M Price (St George's Club of Montreal)
N Price (Fairfield)
P Price (Five Cs)
R Price (Alberta Cricket Association President's XI)
R Price (Edmonton)
R Price (Chinook)
RE Price (Trinity College School)
RJ Price (Sons of England)
S Price (Sons of England)
S Price (New Edinburgh)
T Price (Ottawa)
T Price (Christ Church Cathedral)
T Price (Dovercourt)
TG Price (East Toronto)
TG Price (Sons of England)
TT Price (Toronto)
W Price (St Alban's Cathedral)
WE Price (Saskatchewan)
WJ Price (St Peter's)
WL Price (Manitoba A, Manitoba B)
WL Price (Saskatchewan)
Price(a) (Toronto Lawyers)
C Price-Green (Mimico)
Price-Green (Mimico Old Country Club)
Price-Green (Mimico)
C Price n Holton (Borden Park)
Prichard (White Rose C)
Prichard (British Association for the Advancement of Science)
E Prichard (Single of London Asylum)
G Prichard (Verdun Great War Veterans Association)
G Prichard (Defence)
Prickeridge (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
W Prickett (St George's Club of Oshawa)
Priddie (London Duffers)
Priddis (London Duffers)
Priddis (Diluted Veterans)
J Priddle (London)
Pride (Oshawa)
Pridgeon (Norwich)
HP Pridges (Canadian Pacific Railway Skeeters)
Priest (Lucknow)
Priest (St George's Club of Hamilton)
B Priest (North Vancouver)
V Priest (North Vancouver)
Priester (No 2 Wireless Training School)
Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
Priestley (umpire)
Priestley (Civil Service)
Priestley (Mimico)
Priestley (University of British Columbia)
A Priestley (Parkdale)
F Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
F Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
F Priestley (University of British Columbia)
J Priestley (Ailsa Craig)
JE Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
JH Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestley (West Toronto)
JW Priestley (Riverdale)
JW Priestley (Parkdale)
JW Priestley (Toronto)
JW Priestley (Albion Club of Toronto)
JW Priestley (Ailsa Craig)
LW Priestley (Dovercourt)
N Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
T Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
T Priestley (West Toronto)
T Priestley (Toronto)
T Priestley (Ailsa Craig)
W Priestley (St Edmund's)
W Priestley (Yorkshire Society)
W Priestley (Ailsa Craig)
W Priestley (Toronto and District Cricket Council Vice-President's XI)
Priestley(a) (Yorkshire Society)
J Priestley(a) (Ailsa Craig)
T Priestley(a) (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestley jnr (a) (East Toronto)
JW Priestley jnr (a) (Yorkshire Society)
Priestly (Mimico)
F Priestly (umpire)
J Priestly (Falkirk)
JH Priestly (British Association for the Advancement of Science)
JW Priestly (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestly (Yorkshire Society)
JW Priestly (umpire)
T Priestly (Yorkshire Society)
W Priestly (Yorkshire Society)
W Priestly (Parkdale)
W Priestly (Dovercourt)
WE Priestly (Falkirk)
JW Priestly snr (a) (Yorkshire Society)
Priestman (Niagara Falls)
A Prigg (Cochrane)
R Prigg (Cochrane)
W Prikers (Upper Canada College)
Prima (St John's Wanderers)
F Primmer (Kentish Association)
G Primmer (Kentish Association)
P Primmer (Kentish Association)
Prince (Alpha Delta)
Prince (Mount Royal)
Prince (St Henry)
Prince (St Cyprian's)
Prince (Border Cities Cricket Club Vice-President's XI)
Prince (Windsor)
Prince (St Alban's Cathedral)
Prince (Hamilton)
A Prince (Whitby)
AC Prince (Ridley College Old Boys)
H Prince (St Cyprian's)
JA Prince (Alpha Delta)
JE Prince (Chesley)
L Prince (St Cyprian's)
PO Prince (HMS Scarborough)
T Prince (St Cyprian's)
T Prince (Toronto Church Cricket League)
Prince(a) (St Cyprian's)
Pring (Guelph)
Pring (King Edward Park)
Pring (Sons of England)
A Pring (Hamilton)
A Pring (Hamilton Asylum)
A Pring (Victoria Club of Hamilton)
A Pring (Sons of England)
A Pring (Guelph)
DAM Pring (New Edinburgh)
L Pring (King Edward Park)
Pringle (Trinity College School Second XI)
Pringle (Lakefield College School Juniors)
Pringle (Upper Canada College)
Pringle (Cobourg)
Pringle (Lovey's Boat Club)
Pringle (Grimsby)
Pringle (Albion Club of Toronto)
Pringle (Rosedale Juniors)
Pringle (Upper Canada College Second XI)
Pringle (Markham)
Pringle (East Toronto)
Pringle (Palace)
A Pringle (Cornwall)
C Pringle (Trinity College School, University of Trinity College)
C Pringle (Cobourg)
F Pringle (Rosedale Juniors)
HR Pringle (University of Trinity College and Toronto University)
RHC Pringle (Trinity College School)
RHC Pringle (University of Trinity College)
W Pringle (Cornwall)
Printer (Kingston)
Printer (Royal Military College)
B Prio (Hamilton)
Prior (New Edinburgh)
Prior (No 37 Ansons, No 37 B Royal Air Force)
Prior (Base Hospital)
Prior (Birchcliffe Union Congregational)
Prior (Edmonton)
Prior (Wanderers)
A Prior (Westmoreland)
B Prior (FA Campbell's XI)
B Prior (Ottawa Colts)
B Prior (Dundas)
BJ Prior (St George's Club of Hamilton)
BJ Prior (Sons of England)
BS Prior (Lower Canada)
E Prior (New Edinburgh)
F Prior (Sons of England)
G Prior (Westmoreland)
H Prior (Sons of England)
J Prior (Church of the Resurrection)
J Prior (Birch Cliff)
J Prior (King Edward Park)
MJ Prior (Defence)
P Prior (Canadian Pacific Railway)
RJ Prior (Sons of England)
A Prior(a) (Westmoreland)
Pristle (Yorkshire Society)
Pritchard (Pointe St Charles)
Pritchard (Westmount)
Pritchard (Royal Canadian Air Force Wireless School)
Pritchard (St Edmund's)
Pritchard (London Asylum Englishmen, London Asylum Kangaroos, London Asylum Northern Lights)
Pritchard (St Paul's)
Pritchard (Windsor)
Pritchard (Mimico)
Pritchard (Dovercourt)
Pritchard (University of British Columbia)
A Pritchard (St Jude's B)
A Pritchard (Ashbury College)
AD Pritchard (St John's)
AJL Pritchard (Brockton Point A, Brockton Point B)
BA Pritchard (Ashbury College)
C Pritchard (White Rose B)
C Pritchard (St Jude's B)
C Pritchard (Buffaloes)
C Pritchard (Verdun Great War Veterans Association)
DL Pritchard (DL Pritchard's XI)
E Pritchard (London South)
E Pritchard (Married of London Asylum)
EV Pritchard (University of British Columbia)
FH Pritchard (Chatham)
G Pritchard (Verdun Great War Veterans Association)
GR Pritchard (Halifax Garrison)
GR Pritchard (London Conservatives)
H Pritchard (St Paul's)
H Pritchard (Wanderers)
H Pritchard (Windsor)
H Pritchard (Married of Chatham)
HS Pritchard (Chatham)
HS Pritchard (Border Cities)
J Pritchard (Windsor)
J Pritchard (ES Wigle's XI)
J Pritchard (London Conservatives)
JS Pritchard (Royal Canadian Air Force Wireless School)
TL Pritchard (Dovercourt)
TL Pritchard (Grace Church)
TL Pritchard (Parkdale)
V Pritchard (Victoria)
V Pritchard (University of British Columbia)
W Pritchard (St Jude's B)
Pritchard(a) (St Edmund's)
EA Pritchards (G Pereira's XI)
FB Pritove (Guelph)
Prizeman (St Paul's)
Prizeman (Saskatchewan Co-Operative Elevator Company)
A Prizeman (St Paul's)
W Prizeman (Hamilton Rovers)
W Prizeman (St Paul's)
W Prizeman (Regina City)
W Prizeman (Saskatchewan Co-Operative Elevator Company)
W Prizeman Maltby (Hamilton Rovers)
P Probert (McGill University)
W Probert (Moose Jaw)
Proby (Royal North West Mounted Police)
Probyn (Westmount)
Probyn (Quebec)
Probyn (Royal North West Mounted Police)
J Probyn (McGill University)
L Probyn (McGill University Juniors)
P Probyn (Eastern Canada, McGill University, Montreal)
P Probyn (English Residents)
P Probyn (Quebec)
P Probyn (FIC Goodman's XI)
P Probyn (Montreal and District Cricket League)
P Probyn (AJ Burgess' XI)
P Probyn (umpire)
P Probyn (Westmount)
R Probyn (Quebec)
T Probyn (Montreal)
N Procope (McGill University, Quebec, West Indian)
Proctor (Berlin)
Proctor (Appleby)
Proctor (Appleby School Third XI)
Proctor (Lachine Royal Canadian Air Force)
Proctor (Verdun)
Proctor (New Hamburg)
Proctor (Wingham)
Proctor (Toronto Church School)
Proctor (Western Assurance Company)
Proctor (Woodstock)
Proctor (Lynn Valley)
AHC Proctor (Western Assurance Company)
EBC Proctor (Upper Canada College)
ERC Proctor (Upper Canada College)
H Proctor (Montreal)
H Proctor (Canadian Pacific Railway Recreation XI)
H Proctor (Quebec)
H Proctor (McGill University)
H Proctor (H Mitchell's XI)
H Proctor (Montreal Amateur Athletic Association)
J Proctor (Ancaster)
J Proctor (Dundas)
J Proctor (St Barnabas)
J Proctor (Wingham)
JD Proctor (Lynn Valley)
P Proctor (Toronto Colts)
Prongley (Clinton)
T Pronmce (St Cyprian's)
A Prosians (Ancaster)
Prosser (St George's Club of Oshawa)
Prosser (Oshawa)
H Prosser (Municipals)
Prost (Bell Telephone Company Second XI)
D Prothero (Toronto)
Proud (Ottawa)
Proudfoot (Goderich)
Proudfoot (West Toronto)
Proudfoot (London)
A Proudfoot (Toronto Cricket Club)
A Proudfoot (West Toronto)
A Proudfoot (West Toronto)
A Proudfoot (Rest of Toronto and District Cricket Council)
A Proudfoot (Toronto Casuals)
A Proudfoot (Broadview)
A Proudfoot (Toronto)
AB Proudfoot (Craigmyle)
J Proudfoot (Craigmyle)
R Proudfoot (Craigmyle)
WA Proudfoot (London)
WA Proudfoot (London Lawyers)
WA Proudfoot (London Doctors and Lawyers)
A Proudfoot(a) (Craigmyle)
A Proudfoot(a) (Craigmyle)
Proudgeest (Turtle Mountain)
Proudlock (Picton Royal Canadian Air Force)
Prough (Rest of Toronto Cricket Club)
Proulx (Ottawa)
Proulx (Maisonneuve)
RA Proulx (Christ Church Cathedral)
Prouse (Upper Canada College)
Prouse (Toronto-Rosedale)
Prouse (Toronto)
Prouse (Ontario Hospital)
NE Prouse (Upper Canada College)
Proust (West Toronto)
Proust (Bedford Park)
A Proust (St David's)
RW Proust (Yorkshire Society)
RW Proust (Bell Telephone Company)
Prouston (Bracebridge)
Prout (Government House)
G Prout (Ottawa)
J Prout (Ottawa)
H Proverb (Montreal and District)
Proverbs (West Indian)
Proverbs (Wanderers)
Proverbs (McGill University)
A Proverbs (Cosmos)
J Provost (Montreal Juniors)
J Provost (Banks of Montreal)
J Provost (Montreal Juniors)
Prowse (Beaumaris)
Prowse (Single of Orillia)
Prowse (Bracebridge)
Prowse (Soldiers)
Prowse (Toronto)
E Prowse (Married of Bracebridge)
E Prowse (All North)
F Prowse (All North)
F Prowse (Pickering College)
NE Prowse (Upper Canada College)
NS Prowse (Upper Canada College)
NS Prowse (Toronto)
D Prowser (Leamington)
Prudence (No 31 Royal Air Force DeWinton)
Pruning (Toronto)
Prust (Yorkshire Society)
C Prust (West Toronto)
H Prust (West Toronto)
Pruttery (Borden Park)
Pruyn (Napanee)
Pruyn (Napanee)
Pruyn (Napanee)
TD Pruyn (Napanee)
Pruynr (Napanee)
Pryce (London Bankers)
Pryde (Wanderers)
J Pryde (P Howard's XI)
R Pryde (East Hamilton Progressive Association Light Blues)
W Pryde (East Hamilton Progressive Association Light Blues, J Hammond's XI)
Pryer (Birchcliffe Union Congregational)
Pryer (Revillons)
Pryn (Napanee)
F Pryon (Sons of England)
Pryor (Defence)
Pryor (Revillons)
BJ Pryor (Sons of England)
FJ Pryor (Sons of England)
M Pryor (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
M Pryor (Ottawa Cricket Club Vice-Captain's XI)
MJ Pryor (Defence)
H PShears (Bankers and Brokers)
CH Psrkin (McGill University B)
D Pubilcover (Olds)
Publicover (Olds)
Publicover (St Michael's)
W Publicover (Olds)
Puccini (Upper Canada College Fifth XI)
Puckering (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
W Puckett (St George's Club of Oshawa)
W Puckett (Oakville)
G Puddefoot (Ingersoll)
JP Puddicombe (Ridley College)
JP Puddicombe (Niagara Falls)
JP Puddlecombe (Ridley College Juniors)
Pudley (Vancouver Juniors)
Pudney (Indian Head)
L Pudney (New Edinburgh)
C Pueschel (6th Boy Scouts)
K Pueschel (6th Boy Scouts)
Puffer (Great War Veterans Association and Wanderers)
Puffers (Great War Veterans Association)
Pugh (St Johns)
Pugh (St John's School of Infantry)
Pugh (No 36 Royal Air Force Penhold)
Pugh (Argonauts)
Pugh (Sons of England)
Pugh (Wanderers)
Pugh (Kappa Alpha Phi)
C Pugh (Edmonton)
C Pugh (Strathcona)
C Pugh (Edmonton)
C Pugh (Canadian Legion)
C Pugh (Sons of England)
C Pugh (Canadian National Railway)
C Pugh (North Side of Edmonton)
C Pugh (King Edward Park)
C Pugh (Civil Service)
C Pugh (Radial Railways)
C Pugh (Victoria)
H Pugh (Yorkshire Society)
J Pugh (Toronto Cricket Club)
JEC Pugh (Incogniti)
PD Pugh (Strathcona)
T Pugh (Infantry School)
T Pugh (Montreal Garrison)
T Pugh (Standard (Canada))
T Pugh (Standard Drain Pipe Company)
Pugsley (London South)
Pugsley (Norwichville)
J Pugsley (Norwichville)
Pulford (Leamington)
Pulford (Windsor and Walkerville)
GA Pulford (Amherstburg)
GE Pulford (Amherstburg)
J Pulford (Essex County)
J Pulford (Leamington)
J Pulford (Victoria Club of Windsor and Walkerville)
JW Pulford (Amherstburg)
JW Pulford (Windsor)
Pulham (Delaware)
HA Pulham (Montreal)
Puling (Upper Canada College)
Pullan (Upper Canada College)
Pullan (Scarborough)
Pullan (Oakville)
AB Pullan (HMS Capetown and Wisteria)
AB Pullan (HMS Capetown)
Pullard (Woodgreen Brotherhood)
Pullen (Lakefield Rovers)
Pullen (1st Battalion 2nd Central Ontario Regiment)
Pullen (Trinity College School Bethune House, Trinity College School Bethune House Middleside, Trinity College School Juniors, Trinity College School Third XI)
Pullen (Lakefield College School Preparatory)
Pullen (Lakefield College School, Lakefield College School Juniors, Lakefield College School Juniors Second XI)
Pullen (Toronto-Rosedale)
Pullen (Oakville)
Pullen (Stanley Barracks)
Pullen (Dufferin College)
Pullen (Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph First Year)
A Pullen (Hamilton)
F Pullen (Oakville)
R Pullen (New Edinburgh)
WG Pullen (Burrards)
H Pullet (Westmount Second XI)
Pulling (Barrie)
Pullinger (Winnipeg Lawyers)
B Pumbrick (Garrett)
P Pumbrick (Garrett)
S Pumbrick (Garrett)
Pumphray (Vancouver Wednesday Cricket League)
Pumphrey (University Area)
Pumphrey (Vancouver)
Pumphrey (London Asylum)
Pumphrey (London Asylum Second XI)
Pumphrey (Brockton Point)
J Pumphrey (London Asylum, London Asylum Second XI)
J Pumphrey (London)
R Pumphrey (Vancouver)
R Pumphrey (Brockton Point)
R Pumphrey (Vancouver Rowing Club)
T Pumphrey (London Asylum)
Punchard (Seaforth)
Punchard (Beaver Club of Toronto)
H Punchard (Seaforth)
R Punchard (St Stephen's Church)
Puncher (Galt and Waterloo)
Puncher (Western Ontario Cricket League)
Puncher (Waterloo)
Puncher (London Asylum)
A Puncher (Western Ontario)
A Puncher (Twin City)
A Puncher (Waterloo)
Punchord (Beaver Club of Toronto)
M Punjabi (Ernst and Young)
Punnett (McGill University)
P Punney (Government House)
G Puntine (Port Buswell)
S Punwasi (Scrambler Sports Club)
S Puranik (Prince Edward Island)
S Puranik (Prince Edward Island)
Purcell (Ridley College Under-16s)
Purcell (Ridley College Lower School)
C Purcell (All Saints Church)
C Purcell (St Cyprian's-Bracondale)
PL Purcell (Ridley College)
T Purcell (Ridley College)
Purcer (Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers)
Purchase (Bank of Commerce)
D Purdee (Scarborough)
Purdey (Eaton's Mail Order Department)
Purdie (Highland Creek)
Purdie (Scarborough)
D Purdie (Malvern)
Purdom (Pickwick Club of London)
Purdom (London Lawyers)
Purdom (London Lawyers)
T Purdom (London)
T Purdom (London Asylum)
TH Purdom (London Lawyers)
Purdy (Scarborough)
D Purdy (Scarborough)
G Purdy (Toronto Garrison)
A Puri (Surrey Shines)
P Puri (Father Michael Goetz, Mississauga)
Purnell (Royal Air Force)
B Purnell (Osborne)
L Puro (Pickering College)
Purrin (Upper Canada College Second XI)
PS Purry (University College School)
Purse (Toronto Licenced Victuallers)
Purse (Parkdale Juniors)
Pursell (No 37 A Royal Air Force, No 37 B Royal Air Force)
L Pursell (St Marys)
Purser (Lakefield)
Purser (St George's Club of Oshawa)
G Purser (Non-Professionals)
M Purser (Non-Professionals)
R Purser (Lakefield)
R Purser (Non-Professionals)
T Purser (Cedar Cottage)
Purton (West Toronto)
Purton (London Asylum)
Purver (St Alban's Cathedral)
HW Purver (St Alban's Cathedral)
Purves (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
A Purves (WM Small's XI)
HA Purves (Canadian Pacific Railway B, Canadian Pacific Railway Recreation XI)
HL Purves (Westmount B, Westmount Second XI)
S Purves (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
SH Purves (Bishop's College Boys' School)
T Purves (United Services)
F Purveyer (North Toronto Juniors)
Purvis (McGill University)
Purvis (St John's School, Montreal)
Purvis (St John's School of Infantry)
Purvis (Canadian Pacific Railway B)
Purvis (New Edinburgh)
Purvis (Upper Canada College Second XI)
Purvis (United Services)
A Purvis (Wanderers)
H Purvis (Westmount)
H Purvis (Wanderers B)
L Purvis (Westmount B, Westmount Second XI)
R Purvis (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
S Purvis (Bishop's College School, Lennoxville)
SA Purvis (Westmount)
Pusey (Tuxedo)
T Pushad (Pioneer Adult School)
E Pushman (Wanderers)
E Pushman (Government House)
G Pushman (Government House)
R Pusner (North Shore B)
Putman (No 31 Royal Air Force DeWinton)
C Putman (Christ Church Cathedral)
Putnam (Canadian Legion)
Putnam (Bankers and Brokers)
Putnam (No 31 Royal Air Force DeWinton)
Putnam (Toronto)
C Putnam (Christ Church Cathedral)
CD Putnam (Bankers and Brokers)
N Putson (Aura Lee Church of the Redeemer Boys School)
AK Puttaswamy (Prince Edward Island)
Puttee (Bishop's College Boys' School)
H Puttee (scorer)
Puttick (Rosedale)
Puttrick (Rosedale Colts)
Putty (G Drummond's XI)
Putz (West Indian)
A Putz (Broadview)
S Puvaneswaran (York University, Toronto)
R Puvendran (Canada)
H Puxley (London)
Pyatt (Kentish Association)
A Pyden (Vickers)
Pye (Wyoming)
Pye (Toronto Lacrosse Club)
C Pye (Clarksburg)
H Pye (Wyoming)
J Pye (Wyoming)
Pyke (Aurora)
Pyke (Winnipeg Zingari)
Pyke (Moose Jaw)
Pyke (McGill University)
PW Pyke (Montreal Second XI)
Pyle (Hudson's Bay Company)
F Pyle (Hudson's Bay Company)
H Pyle (Ontario)
H Pyle (Christ Church Cathedral)
H Pyle (Christ Church Cathedral)
H Pyle (Carleton County)
H Pyle (Ottawa Under-30s)
H Pyle (Peterborough County)
H Pyle (Over 30)
H Pyle (Amateurs)
P Pyle (Amateurs)
P Pyle (Hudson's Bay Company)
R Pyle (Hudson's Bay Company)
H Pyles (Ottawa Valley Cricket Council)
W Pym (Twin City)
T Pyman (Defence)
Pyne (Sawbones, Toronto University)
Pyne (Beaver Club of Toronto)
Pyne (East Toronto)
Pyne (Toronto Asylum)
Pyne (St Clement's)
Pyne (Dovercourt)
B Pyne (Beaver Club of Toronto)
F Pyne (Hamilton)
HA Pyne (Toronto)
R Pyne (Carlton Club of Toronto)
RA Pyne (Toronto Lacrosse Club)
Pyper (Edmonton and District Cricket League)
A Pyper (Revillons)
Pyre (Beaver Club of Toronto)
Pyse (Carlton Club of Toronto)
P Pyter (St George's Club of Oshawa)





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