
Ireland Players (K)


C Kadam (Malahide Second XI)
L Kaestner (Woodvale)
T Kagani (scorer)
M Kahapola (Munster Under-15s)
K Kahn (Midleton)
N Kahn (Bangor)
S Kahn (Coleraine)
B Kailash (umpire)
B Kailash (Civil Service)
B Kailish (umpire)
R Kakade (Dundrum)
S Kakar (Academy)
B Kalaish (umpire)
B Kalash (umpire)
S Kalbhor (Woodvale)
S Kalbour (Woodvale)
S Kaleechai Babu (Ardmore)
M Kallapola (Munster Under-15s)
J Kalomazor (Phoenix)
MA Kalota (Midleton)
P Kamal (Railway Union)
I Kametar (Armagh)
O Kanavan (Lisburn)
Kane (scorer)
B Kane (umpire)
B Kane (Cliftonville Academy)
B Kane (umpire)
C Kane (Bangor)
C Kane (Cork County Second XI)
C Kane (Ulster Women)
D Kane (Templepatrick)
J Kane (Cliftonville Academy)
N Kane (Templepatrick)
P Kane (Cliftonville Academy)
R Kane (Dublin University)
T Kane (Carrickfergus)
T Kane (Phoenix)
TDM Kane (Ireland)
TE Kane (Ireland, Leinster Lightning, Munster Reds)
TE Kane
W Kane (Templepatrick)
V Kannan (Laois)
V Kannan (umpire)
A Kante (County Galway)
S Kantepudi (YMCA)
R Kapavarapu (Civil Service)
D Kapoor (Dublin University, Leinster, Railway Union)
D Kapoor (Railway Union)
H Kapoor (Railway Union Second XI)
K Kapoor (Railway Union Second XI)
K Kapoor (Railway Union)
S Karayiannis (Instonians)
S Kareer (Cregagh)
R Karim (Strabane)
K Karneedi (Belfast)
S Karpe (umpire)
S Karpe (Phoenix)
S Karpe (Leinster Under-15s)
P Karthik (Muckamore)
P Karthik (Woodvale)
Kartick (Limerick Raiders)
P Kartick (Muckamore)
P Kartik (Muckamore)
R Karunaratne (Coleraine)
Kashif Ali (North County)
Kashif Ali (Balbriggan)
Kashif Javed (County Clare)
Kashif Khan (Midleton)
Y Kashyap (Malahide, Oak Hill, The Hills)
Y Kashyap (YMCA)
Y Kashyap (Ireland Over-40s)
Kasim Ali (Limerick Raiders)
Kassim (Southern Ireland Under-15s)
R Katapelly (Old Belvedere)
K Katcham (Ulster Women)
A Kate (County Galway)
M Katoyar (St Johnston)
S Katta (Laois)
S Katta (County Kerry)
A Kattikat George (Dundrum)
A Kavanagh (The Hills)
A Kavanagh (scorer)
C Kavanagh (Pembroke, South Leinster)
C Kavanagh (scorer)
C Kavanagh (scorer)
C Kavanagh (Ireland Under-19s)
C Kavanagh (Pembroke)
E Kavanagh (Midleton)
E Kavanagh (umpire)
I Kavanagh (umpire)
J Kavanagh (Balbriggan)
J Kavanagh (Leinster Under-13s)
P Kavanagh (Railway Union)
SM Kavanagh (Dragons Women, Ireland Women, Scorchers Women)
W Kavanagh (Carlow)
E Kavangh (umpire)
T Kayani (Cork County Third XI)
T Kayani (scorer)
Kaye (Cork County)
Kealy (Leinster Schools)
A Keane (Irish Universities)
A Keane (Dublin University)
D Keane (Royal Academical Institution, Belfast)
J Keane (scorer)
M Keane (Royal Academical Institution, Belfast)
P Keane (Phoenix Second XI)
S Keane (Ireland Under-15s)
S Keane (Leinster Cricket Union Under-15s)
Shane Keane (YMCA)
Stephen Keane (YMCA Second XI, YMCA Third XI)
R Keaps (Muckamore Second XI)
R Kear (Balbriggan)
R Kear (The Hills Second XI)
R Kear (umpire)
R Kear (Ireland Over-50s)
Kearney (Vice Regal Lodge)
D Kearney (Phoenix)
PA Kearney (Civil Service)
Kearns (Woodbrook Club and Ground)
N Kearns (Phoenix Second XI)
W Kearns (Leinster Second XI)
L Kearsley (Dundrum)
I Keartland (South Leinster)
I Keartland (Pembroke)
J Keates (Northern Cricket Union Under-15s)
J Keates (Muckamore)
R Keates (Muckamore)
S Keates (Civil Service North)
S Keates (scorer)
L Keating (Leinster Under-13s)
PJ Keating (Pembroke)
PJ Keating (Leinster)
PJ Keating (Free State XI)
T Keating (Monkstown)
GF Keatinge (Leinster)
RH Keatinge (Dublin University)
R Keats (Muckamore)
RJ Keaveney (Merrion)
JS Keddie (Malahide)
R Kee (Donemana, Fox Lodge, North West)
R Keeb (Fox Lodge)
A Keeble (Leprechauns)
H Keegan (scorer)
H Keegan (North Leinster Women)
HV Keegan (Dublin University)
LJ Keegan (umpire)
R Keegan (Killymallaght)
RJ Keegan (Leinster)
SE Keegan (Clontarf)
WH Keegan (umpire)
J Keeler (Balbriggan)
S Keeley (South Leinster Women)
V Keeley (Phoenix)
V Keeley (Dublin University)
V Keely (Phoenix)
VH Keely (Dublin University)
Keenan (umpire)
Keenan (umpire)
A Keenan (Scorchers Women)
D Keenan (Leinster)
F Keenan (North Down)
J Keenan (North End)
J Keenan (Bangor)
M Keenan (Cregagh)
M Keenan (scorer)
O Keenan (North Down)
Keene (Dublin)
WH Keep (Players of Dublin, Surrey Colts)
L Keerigan (scorer)
K Keers (Leprechauns)
MF Keightley (Royal School Armagh)
S Keison (Civil Service North Second XI)
Keith (County Wicklow)
VN Kelada (Typhoons Women)
A Kelleher (CYM)
A Kelleher (Cork County)
B Kelleher (Cork County Third XI)
B Kelleher (scorer)
B Kelleher (Cork County)
F Kelleher (CYM, Irish Universities, South Leinster)
M Kelleher (Cork County Third XI)
O Kelleher (Munster)
R Kellly (Emerging Warriors)
Kelly (Civil Service)
Kelly (Leinster)
Kelly (Royal Artillery (Major Boothby's Battery))
AN Kelly (Auckland Women, Dragons Women, Ireland Women, Kent Women)
AP Kelly (Dublin University)
AW Kelly (Dublin University)
AWB Kelly (Dublin University)
B Kelly (Pembroke)
B Kelly (Old Belvedere)
C Kelly (CYM, Phoenix)
C Kelly (Terenure)
C Kelly (Old Belvedere)
C Kelly (Clontarf)
C Kelly (Marylebone Cricket Club)
C Kelly (Belvedere College)
C Kelly (Irish Schools)
D Kelly (Lisburn)
EC Kelly (umpire)
F Kelly (Blackrock College)
G Kelly (scorer)
G Kelly (Northern Cricket Union President's XI)
G Kelly (Armagh Taverners)
GNB Kelly (Dublin University)
GWFB Kelly (Marylebone Cricket Club, Oxford University)
H Kelly (Leprechauns)
HF Kelly (Civil Service)
J Kelly (Munster)
J Kelly (Munster Under-13s, Munster Under-15s)
J Kelly (Leprechauns)
J Kelly jun (Cork County Second XI)
JJ Kelly (Civil Service)
L Kelly (Bready Second XI)
L Kelly (Civil Service)
L Kelly (scorer)
L Kelly (Bready)
M Kelly (Leinster, Merrion)
N Kelly (Cregagh)
P Kelly (Burndennett)
P Kelly (JW Walsh's XI)
P Kelly (Connaught)
R Kelly (Dublin University)
R Kelly (Rush)
R Kelly (umpire)
R Kelly (Pembroke)
R Kelly (South)
R Kelly (Bready)
R Kelly (Malahide)
R Kelly (Phoenix)
R Kelly (Emerging Warriors)
RJ Kelly (Ireland Under-19s)
RJ Kelly (Irish Universities)
RP Kelly (North West Warriors)
S Kelly (scorer)
S Kelly (North Leinster Women)
T Kelly (University College, Dublin)
T Kelly (Blackrock College)
VA Kelly (Clontarf)
W Kelly (Munster)
W Kelly (Burndennett)
WA Kelly (Clontarf)
Z Kelly (Malahide, Pembroke)
G Kelly/Fintan Butler (scorer)
CF Kelsey (Officers of Ireland)
A Kelso (Cliftonville)
B Kelso (Academy)
B Kelso (Cliftonville)
D Kelso (Cliftonville)
S Kelso (North West)
FW Kemlo (St Columba's College, Dublin)
R Kemming (referee)
Kemp (Buttevant Garrison)
J Kemp (Church of Ireland Young Men's Society)
F Kempster (Leprechauns)
FG Kempster (Dublin University, Phoenix)
J Kempster (Ireland)
JF Kempster (Ireland)
A Kempton (Greystones)
A Kempton (scorer)
GT Kenay (Dublin University)
GT Kenay (Leprechauns)
MF Kendal (Canterbury Women, Ireland Women, Scorchers Women)
J Kendall (umpire)
A Kenealy (Ireland A Women)
A Kenealy (scorer)
AJ Kenealy (Ireland Women, Scorchers Women, South Leinster Women, Typhoons Women)
E Kenealy (South Leinster Women)
R Kenealy (Leinster)
R Kenealy (scorer)
S Kenealy (Leinster)
S Kenealy (scorer)
SE Kenealy (Ireland Women, South Leinster Women)
P Kenna (Leprechauns)
Kennedy (Leinster)
Kennedy (Waringstown)
A Kennedy (umpire)
A Kennedy (Waringstown)
A Kennedy (Northern Knights)
A Kennedy (Donacloney Mill)
A Kennedy (South Leinster Women)
A Kennedy (Catholic University School)
A Kennedy (Lisburn)
AF Kennedy (Dublin University)
AJ Kennedy (Merrion)
AW Kennedy (Ireland Under-17s)
B Kennedy (Bangor)
C Kennedy (Northern Cricket Union Under-15s)
C Kennedy (scorer)
C Kennedy (Terenure)
C Kennedy (Northern Cricket Union Under-17s)
C Kennedy (Donacloney Mill)
D Kennedy (Bangor)
D Kennedy (Belfast Harlequins)
D Kennedy (Sion Mills)
D Kennedy (North Down Second XI)
D Kennedy (North Down)
D Kennedy (North Down)
D Kennedy (Cork County)
D Kennedy (Bangor)
D Kennedy (Leprechauns)
D Kennedy (North Down)
DE Kennedy (Anglo-Irish Schoolboys)
DED Kennedy (Dublin University)
DS Kennedy (Ballymena, Holywood, Irish Universities, Marylebone Cricket Club, North Down, Northern Cricket Union)
DS Kennedy (North Down)
FW Kennedy (Dublin University)
G Kennedy (Church of Ireland Young Men's Society)
GRJ Kennedy (North West Warriors)
H Kennedy (Merrion)
H Kennedy (Leinster Under-19s)
J Kennedy (Ballymena)
J Kennedy (Irish Universities)
J Kennedy (Muckamore)
J Kennedy (umpire)
J Kennedy (umpire)
J Kennedy (North End)
J Kennedy (scorer)
J Kennedy (Ballymena)
J Kennedy (Marylebone Cricket Club Ireland)
J Kennedy (Civil Service North)
J Kennedy (Ulster Women)
J Kennedy (Na Shuler)
J Kennedy (Ireland Over-40s)
JC Kennedy (Phoenix)
JC Kennedy (County Kildare)
JM Kennedy (Irish Schools)
M Kennedy (Dublin University)
M Kennedy (Muckamore)
M Kennedy (Bangor Second XI)
N Kennedy (Muckamore)
R Kennedy (Military)
R Kennedy (Ballymena)
R Kennedy (umpire)
R Kennedy (Thurles)
R Kennedy (Annsborough)
RC Kennedy (Gentlemen of Dublin, Ireland, Vice Regal Lodge)
RJ Kennedy (Na Shuler)
RM Kennedy (Belfast Wanderers)
S Kennedy (Eglinton)
S Kennedy (North West Under-15s)
S Kennedy (Northern Ireland Under-15s)
S Kennedy (North West Under-13s)
Stephen Kennedy (Ballyspallen)
Stuart Kennedy (Ballyspallen)
T Kennedy (CYM)
T Kennedy (Terenure)
T Kennedy (Dublin University)
T Kennedy (Phoenix)
W Kennedy (North)
WH Kennedy (Dublin University)
D Kennepy (North Down)
K Kenning (Pembroke)
Kenny (Ulster Schools)
A Kenny (Derriaghy)
C Kenny (Railway Union)
G Kenny (Rush)
GM Kenny (Dublin University)
J Kenny (scorer)
J Kenny (Postal Services)
J Kenny (Leprechauns)
J Kenny (Leinster Schools)
JA Kenny (Leinster)
JM Kenny (Leinster)
L Kenny (Dublin University)
M Kenny (Ireland Women)
M Kenny (South Leinster Women)
ME Kenny (Dublin University Past and Present)
N Kenny (Merrion Second XI, Merrion Third XI)
P Kenny (Derriaghy)
P Kenny (Catholic University School)
PB Kenny (Merrion)
RE Kenny (Ireland Under-21s Women)
D Kent (South Leinster)
D Kent (Leinster)
T Kentorp (umpire)
J Keogh (South Leinster)
J Keogh (Railway Union)
J Keogh (North Leinster Women)
T Keogh (Phoenix)
M Keohane (Munster Under-13s)
M Keohane (Cork County)
D Ker (Limerick)
A Keravalis (Phoenix)
P Kernaghan (Templepatrick)
A Kernahan (Instonians)
BE Kernan (Pembroke)
BE Kernan (Pembroke)
J Kernnedy (umpire)
A Kernoghan (Instonians Second XI)
P Kernoghan (Templepatrick)
A Kernohan (Instonians Second XI)
M Kernohan (Carrickfergus)
BE Kernon (Pembroke)
A Kerr (Derriaghy)
D Kerr (Leprechauns)
DH Kerr (Malahide)
L Kerr (scorer)
L Kerr (Fox Lodge Second XI)
L Kerr (Fox Lodge)
M Kerr (Merrion Second XI)
R Kerr (North West)
R Kerr (Limavady)
R Kerr (YMCA)
V Kerr (Limavady)
K Kerrigan (CYM, Dublin University)
L Kerrigan (scorer)
L Kerrigan (umpire)
R Kerrigan (Holywood)
A Kerrison (scorer)
AL Kerrison (Dragons Women, Ireland Women, Scorchers Women, Typhoons Women)
D Kerrison (scorer)
J Kerrison (Leinster, North Kildare)
J Kerrison (Dublin University)
M Kerrison (Scorchers Women, Typhoons Women)
J Kerstens (Ulster Town)
J Ketch (umpire)
G Keye (Carlisle)
G Keye (Sandford Park)
L Keye (Carlisle)
L Keye (Leprechauns)
R Keye (Carlisle)
D Keyes (Ulster Women)
C Keys (Derriaghy)
H Keys (Saintfield)
L Keys (Leprechauns)
R Keys (Eglinton)
W Keys (County Kildare)
W Keys (Lord O'Brien's XI)
S Khaja (Old Belvedere)
S Khalbhor (Woodvale)
S Khalbor (Woodvale)
A Khalid (Limerick)
J Khalid (County Kerry)
Q Khalil (Rush)
A Khan (Oak Hill)
A Khan (Ballaghadereen)
A Khan (County Kerry)
A Khan (Limerick)
A Khan (Ballaghadereen)
B Khan (Phoenix)
B Khan (Phoenix Second XI)
B Khan (Laurelvale)
F Khan (Pembroke Second XI, Pembroke Third XI)
F Khan (National University of Ireland Galway)
H Khan (Cork County Second XI)
I Khan (Ballaghadereen)
I Khan (Civil Service North Second XI)
I Khan (Limerick)
J Khan (scorer)
K Khan (National University of Ireland Galway)
K Khan (Railway Union Second XI)
K Khan (County Kerry)
MA Khan (Civil Service)
N Khan (Civil Service)
N Khan (Bangor)
N Khan (Midleton)
O Khan (Phoenix)
O Khan (Dublin University)
O Khan (Midleton)
Q Khan (County Galway)
R Khan (Laois, Phoenix)
R Khan (umpire)
S Khan (Leinster Second XI)
S Khan (Phoenix Second XI)
S Khan (Cliftonville)
S Khan (The Hills Second XI)
S Khan (County Galway)
S Khan (umpire)
S Khan (Southern Ireland Under-15s)
S Khan (Munster Under-13s)
S Khan (Limerick)
T Khan (Northern Cricket Union President's XI)
T Khan (Church of Ireland Young Men's Society)
T Khan (North West Warriors)
T Khan (Bangor)
U Khan (North County Second XI)
U Khan (County Kerry)
U Khan (Limerick)
W Khan (County Kerry Second XI)
Z Khan (Old Belvedere)
Z Khan (North Kildare)
Z Khan (Limerick)
Z Khan (Woodvale)
I Khan (1) (Ballaghadereen)
I Khan (2) (Ballaghadereen)
E Khana (scorer)
K Khandikhar (Creevedonnell)
T Khanduja (Merrion Second XI, Merrion Third XI)
I Khan Jr (Ballaghadereen)
S Khanna (Merrion Second XI, Merrion Third XI)
P Khartik (Muckamore)
A Khokhar (County Galway)
S Khokhar (County Galway)
Z Khuda Buksh (Leinster, Railway Union)
Z Khuda Buksh (Terenure)
Z Khuda Buksh (North County Second XI)
Z Khuda Buksh (The Hills Second XI)
Z Khudibukush (Terenure)
A Khurisaya (Lisburn)
A Khurisya (Lisburn)
Khurram (Limerick Raiders)
M Khurram (Limerick Raiders)
I Khurshid (Old Belvedere)
I Khurshid (scorer)
I Khurshid (Railway Union Second XI)
EG Kidd (Armagh)
EL Kidd (Cambridge University, Free Foresters, Marylebone Cricket Club, Middlesex)
GE Kidd (Ireland, Northern Knights)
S Kidd (Waringstown)
S Kidd (Waringstown)
PJ Kiely (Dublin University)
C Kiernan (Irish Schools)
G Kiernan (Malahide)
J Kiernan (Irish Schools)
JA Kiernan (Munster)
TJ Kiernan (Munster)
J Kilburn (scorer)
S Kilburn (Limavady)
K Kilduff (scorer)
J Kilgore (umpire)
M Kilgore (Irish Universities, North West)
F Kilkelly (Phoenix Park)
F Kilkelly (Connaught)
FF Kilkelly (Phoenix, United Services Portsmouth)
S Killeen (Glendermott)
AR Killen (Royal Ulster Constabulary)
C Killen (umpire)
C Killen (scorer)
D Killen (Killymallaght)
EB Killen (North Down)
EB Killen (Ulster)
EN Killen (North of Ireland Cricket Club)
I Killen (Glendermott Second XI)
R Killen (Glendermott, Killymallaght)
S Killen (Eglinton, Glendermott)
S Killen (Ardmore)
T Killen (Glendermott)
T Killen (Newbuildings)
R Killian (Woodvale)
D Kilpatrick (Merrion)
M Kilpatrick (Lurgan)
N Kilpatrick (Lisburn)
N Kilpatrick (Donacloney Mill)
N Kilroy (YMCA)
N Kilroy (Irish Schools)
N Kilroy (Leinster Schools)
ND Kilroy (Leinster)
R Kimber (Cork County Second XI)
R Kimber (umpire)
F Kimmett (Leprechauns)
CH Kinahan (Phoenix)
EH Kinahan (Phoenix)
G Kinahan (Phoenix)
R Kinahan (Coolattin)
T Kinahan (United Ireland Eleven)
W Kindley (Malahide)
W Kindley (scorer)
King (Fermoy Garrison)
AT King (King's Hospital School, Dublin)
B King (HC McCall's XI, M Rea's XI)
C King (United Ireland Eleven)
C King (Ardmore)
D King (HC McCall's XI)
G King (Coolattin, Ireland)
G King (Cork County)
J King (Rush)
J King (Larne)
J King (Academy)
JHA King (Dublin University)
K King (Bangor, Sion Mills)
N King (Leinster)
P King (Brigade)
S King (Merrion)
S King (Larne)
S King (South Leinster Under-19s)
T King (YMCA)
TW King (Ulster)
W King (Ebrington)
WR King (Dublin University)
WB Kingsbury (Phoenix)
Kingscote (Cork)
Kingston (umpire)
S Kingston (North County)
G Kingwood (YMCA)
PJ Kinmont (Dublin University)
M Kinnett (Leprechauns)
A Kinnin (Derriaghy)
A Kinsella (Civil Service)
A Kinsella (scorer)
S Kiran (Malahide)
D Kirby (Munster)
J Kirby (Vice Regal Lodge)
J Kirby (Dublin University)
K Kirby (Munster)
M Kirby (South Leinster)
M Kirby (Phoenix)
M Kirby (University College, Dublin)
ME Kirby (Leinster)
T Kirby (University College, Dublin)
A Kirk (Dublin University)
A Kirk (Scorchers Women)
C Kirk (Instonians)
D Kirk (King's Hospital School, Dublin)
H Kirk (YMCA Third XI)
H Kirk (Greystones)
IR Kirk (YMCA)
J Kirk (Ulster Town)
M Kirk (YMCA)
M Kirk (Greystones)
R Kirk (Clontarf)
RWT Kirk (Instonians)
S Kirk (Ireland Under-13s)
W Kirk (Ulster Town)
J Kirkabe (YMCA)
MC Kirkland (Leinster)
HC Kirkman (W Allen's XI)
A Kirkpatrick (Woodvale)
A Kirkpatrick (Irish Universities)
A Kirkpatrick (Ballymena)
AK Kirkpatrick (Ireland)
K Kirkpatrick (JC Boucher's XI)
J Kirkwood (Northern Cricket Union President's XI)
J Kirkwood (Armagh Taverners)
J Kirkwood (Lisburn)
JW Kirkwood (Ulster Country)
S Kirkwood (Ulster Country Under-19s)
A Kirpatrick (Ballymena)
Kirwan (South)
G Kirwan (Malahide)
G Kirwan (Leprechauns)
G Kirwan (Leprechauns)
G Kirwan (University College, Dublin)
GA Kirwan (North Leinster)
GA Kirwan (Clontarf)
J Kirwan (R and SP Union)
W Kirwan (National Bank of Ireland)
S Kislay (Cork Harlequins)
A Kitson (Brigade Second XI)
P Kitson (Irish Schools)
G Kitt (Cooke Collegians)
G Kitteringam (scorer)
G Kitteringham (scorer)
G Kitteringham (umpire)
G Kitteringham (scorer)
G Kitteringhan (scorer)
K Kleyney (Terenure)
J Kleyweg (Terenure)
F Klokker (The Hills)
M Knaggs (North Down Second XI)
P Knaggs (North Down)
A Knape (Instonians)
A Knape (Belfast Under-14s)
A Knape (Royal Academical Institution, Belfast)
A Knape (Northern Cricket Union Under-17s)
T Knew (Bangor)
C Knight (Old Belvedere)
C Knight (Bready Under-15s)
G Knight (scorer)
R Knight (Trinity Ramblers)
R Knight (Dublin University)
L Knipe (Ulster Women)
HE Knott (Dublin University)
L Knott (Dublin University)
G Knox (Donaghcloney)
I Knox (Ireland Under-21s)
R Knox (Coleraine)
Knox-Peebles (St Stephen's Green Past and Present)
B Koch (Cork County, Munster Reds)
JT Kodikara (Dublin University, YMCA)
T Koekemoer (Waringstown)
T Koen (Ardmore)
T Koen (Church of Ireland Young Men's Society)
P Koladziej (Clontarf Second XI)
A Kourian (Dublin University, Phoenix)
C Koushik (Malahide Second XI, Malahide Third XI)
B Krishali (Dundrum)
A Krishnakumar (Holywood)
S Krishnamurthy (Dublin University)
A Krishnan (Pembroke Second XI, Pembroke Third XI)
M Krishnappa (County Kerry)
B Kristen (scorer)
T Kritzinger (Railway Union)
B Kruger (Cork County)
B Kruger (Munster Reds)
B Kruger (Cork Harlequins)
B Kruger (Railway Union)
B Kruger (The Hills)
P Kruger (Derriaghy)
R Kruger (Cork County)
K Kuenen (YMCA)
M Kuhne (Midleton)
J Kulatunga (Strabane)
A Kulhari (Old Belvedere)
S Kulkami (Cork County)
A Kulkarni (Church of Ireland Young Men's Society)
A Kulkarni (Ardmore)
C Kulkarni (Creevedonnell)
J Kulkarni (Munster Reds)
J Kulkarni (scorer)
J Kulkarni (Irish Universities)
S Kulkarni (Munster Reds)
S Kulkarni (Irish Universities)
Kumail (County Galway)
A Kumar (St Johnston)
B Kumar (Leinster Second XI)
B Kumar (Railway Union Second XI)
D Kumar (scorer)
D Kumar (Phoenix Second XI)
J Kumar (Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County)
K Kumar (Munster Under-15s)
M Kumar (Old Belvedere)
P Kumar (North West)
P Kumar (Strabane)
S Kumar (Old Belvedere)
S Kumar (Waterford Institute of Technology)
S Kumar Chandran (Civil Service)
Y Kumar Kashyap (YMCA)
M Kunhe (Midleton Second XI)
S Kurian (Dundrum, Nenagh)
S Kurian (Dundrum)
S Kurian (Dundrum)
J Kurton (Irish Universities)
N Kuruvilla (scorer)
J Kwelu (Bangor)
M Kwelu (Bangor Second XI)
T Kwelu (Bangor)
DM Kyle (Ireland)
DM Kyle (Queen's University, Belfast)
G Kyle (North Leinster Women)
RT Kynaston (Dublin University)
C Kyness (Lurgan)
C Kyte (Eglinton)





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