
United States of America Players (F)


Flower (Brockton Second XI)
BF Flower (Garfield)
BF Flower (Gordon Park Greens)
FB Flower (Garfield)
J Flower (Gordon Park Reds)
RH Flower (Citrus Colony)
W Flower (Missouri)
Flowers (Brockton)
Flowers (Fall River)
G Flowers (Brockton)
G Flowers (Brockton Veterans)
ME Flowers (Santa Monica)
WH Flowers (Missouri)
G Floyd (Tacony)
W Floyd (Tacony)
Floyd-Jones (Old Hundred, Old Hundred Second XI)
C Fluke (Altoona)
Flynn (umpire)
Flynn (East Cambridge)
Flynn (Portsmouth)
Flynn (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Flynn (Franklin)
Flynn (Lynn Second XI)
Flynn (Newark)
Flynn (Orange)
F Flynn (Caribbean)
G Flynn (Amateur League)
J Flynn (Marin II)
W Fnlay (Elizabeth)
F Focht (Belmont)
PS Focht (Belmont)
TS Focht (Belmont)
Fogarty (Ashton)
Fogarty (East Boston)
Fogarty (British Hosiery Company)
AF Fogarty (Crescent Athletic Club)
J Fogarty (West Philadelphia)
O Foggo (Bermuda Overseas West Indians)
EL Foghill (Berkeley Athletic Club, Cosmopolitan Club of New York, Kings County, Manhattan, New Jersey Athletic Club, New York Cricket Club)
L Foghill (Riverside)
N Foghill (Riverside)
P Fogo (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Foldham (Married of Baltimore)
Foley (Wake)
Foley (Lowell Baseball Club)
Foley (Cambridge Second XI)
Foley (East Boston)
Foley (Young America Club of Hoboken)
Foley (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Foley (Newark)
J Foley (Oxford)
J Foley (Highlandville Athletic Association)
M Foley (St George's Club of New York)
W Foley (Mercantile)
W Foley (Falls of Schuylkill)
Folger (Everett)
Folkes (West Indian Wanderers)
Folkes (Caribbean)
Folkes (West Indian Wanderers)
D Folkes (Standard)
H Folkes (West Indian Wanderers)
H Folkes (Standard)
Folks (West Indian Wanderers)
H Folks (West Indian Wanderers)
D Follett (Cleveland)
F Follett (Cleveland)
F Follett (Cleveland)
P Follett (SS Oceanic)
R Follett (Cleveland)
S Follett (SS Majestic Second XI)
S Follett (SS Oceanic)
W Follett (Livingston)
F Follett(a) (Cleveland)
E Folsom (Norristown)
E Folson (Norristown)
PD Folwell (Haverford College, Merion)
W Folwell (Merion)
W Folwell (Philadelphia Zingari)
A Fonseka (Century)
A Fontelle (Island Wide)
A Fontinelle (Island Wide)
Foone (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Foost (G Ashbridge's XI)
J Foot (Banksville)
AG Foote (Santa Monica)
E Footit (Albion Club of Chicago, St Lawrence, St Lawrence Phoenix, St Lawrence Zingari)
F Footit (St George's Club of Chicago, St Lawrence, St Lawrence Zingari)
R Foots (Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League)
Foraker (West Indian Wanderers)
Forbes (University of Pennsylvania Sophomores)
Forbes (Grand Rapids)
Forbes (Spartan Field Club)
Forbes (Canton)
Forbes (University of Pennsylvania Second XI)
Forbes (Altoona XI of Pennsylvania Railroad)
Forbes (Chestnut Hill of Boston Other Side)
Forbes (Windsor)
- Forbes (Pioneer)
A Forbes (New Jersey Athletic Club)
A Forbes (Knickerbocker Athletic Club)
A Forbes (New York Veterans)
B Forbes (umpire)
C Forbes (Staten Island Cricket Club)
D Forbes (Pioneer)
D Forbes (New Hope)
D Forbes (Thistle B)
E Forbes (Staten Island Cricket Club)
E Forbes (Victoria)
F Forbes (Westbury)
G Forbes (Baltimore)
H Forbes (Clifton)
HD Forbes (St John)
J Forbes (Knickerbocker Athletic Club, New Jersey Athletic Club)
J Forbes (Victoria)
J Forbes (New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League Next XV)
J Forbes (New Jersey Veterans)
J Forbes (New Jersey Club)
M Forbes (Altoona)
M Forbes (Suburbia)
M Forbes (Jamaica Ex-Police)
O Forbes (Pioneer)
R Forbes (Knickerbocker Athletic Club Juniors)
S Forbes (Island Wide)
S Forbes (River Valley)
SL Forbes (South East Region)
T Forbes (Stamford)
W Forbes (Malta)
WF Forbes (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
WI Forbes (ED Faries' School)
WL Forbes (Pennsylvania Railroad)
GM Forbush (Boston Athletic Association, Longwood)
Ford (Quaker City)
Ford (HM Consul-General's XI)
Ford (Chelsea Club)
Ford (West Indian Wanderers)
Ford (Caribbean)
Ford (Athletics)
Ford (West India Club A, West India Club B)
Ford (Holyoke)
Ford (Columbia Club of Hoboken)
Ford (Occident Club)
Ford (San Fransisco Cricket Club Baseballers)
Ford (Columbia College)
Ford (Yorkshire)
Ford (Wilmington)
B Ford (Brooklyn)
C Ford (St George's Athletic Club)
C Ford (New Jersey Athletic Club)
C Ford (Brooklyn Veterans)
C Ford (New York Arbroath)
C Ford (River Valley)
CB Ford (Belmont Juniors)
CH Ford (New York Cricket Association)
CH Ford (Manhattan)
CH Ford (Windsor Terrace)
D Ford (River Valley)
D Ford (Sportsman)
E Ford (Kings County)
FG Ford (St Paul's School Masters)
G Ford (Quaker City)
G Ford (St George's Athletic Club)
H Ford (Brooklyn)
H Ford (Westbury)
HL Ford (Newark, St George's Club of New York)
J Ford (California)
J Ford (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Ford (Occident Club)
JC Ford (Isthmian)
L Ford (Jamaica)
P Ford (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Ford (River Valley)
R Ford (Gleaners)
R Ford (River Valley)
S Ford (umpire)
T Ford (River Valley)
T Ford (Germantown British Americans)
T Ford (Fall River)
W Ford (scorer)
W Ford (Banksville)
W Ford (Quaker City, Quaker City Second XI)
W Ford (Essex County B)
W Ford (Chelsea Club)
WC Ford (New Jersey Athletic Club)
Forde (West Indian Wanderers)
D Forde (Sportsman)
P Forde (Tri City Albany)
R Forde (Cosmos)
R Forde (River Valley)
R Forde (River Valley)
T Forde (Everest and American Cricket Society)
T Forde (Atlantis)
AE Forden (New York Veterans)
R Fordham (Wanderers Second XI)
Fordingham (Orient)
AE Fordon (JS Bretz's XI)
AE Fordon (Staten Island Cricket Club Veterans)
AE Fordon (Marine Cricket Club)
J Fordon (South Brooklyn Second XI)
Fordyce (umpire)
Foreman (New Bedford)
Foreman (New Bedford District Amateur Cricket League)
C Foreman (New York Printing Company)
G Foreman (Buffalo)
W Foreman (Boston Zingari)
WH Foreman (Bay View)
Forest (Lawrence)
Forest (Merrimac)
D Forest (Columbia College)
J Forest (Centennial)
A Forester (Jamaica Ex-Police)
J Forester (Homestead)
Forknall (Brockton)
Forknall (Brockton)
J Forknall (Brockton)
R Forknall (Brockton)
Forman (Border Cities B)
E Fornaris (Eastern Zone)
Forrest (Fall River)
Forrest (Somerville)
Forrest (Portsmouth)
Forrest (Lawrence Albion)
Forrest (Boston Second XI)
Forrest (Boston Cricket Club Second XI)
Forrest (Boston Zingari)
Forrest (Merrimac)
Forrest (Moore Spinning Company)
BG Forrest (Clifton)
C Forrest (Riverton)
D Forrest (New Hope)
D Forrest (Cambria)
DA Forrest (United States of America)
J Forrest (Paterson)
J Forrest (North End)
J Forrest (Somerville)
J Forrest (Cambria)
J Forrest (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
J Forrest (Centennial)
J Forrest (Centennial)
JW Forrest (HMS Rayleigh)
JW Forrest (British Embassy)
T Forrest (Centennial)
W Forrest (Edgemoor)
A Forrester (Jamaica Ex-Police)
A Forrester (Englewood)
C Forrester (Plainfield)
D Forrester (New Hope)
E Forrester (Plainfield)
P Forrester (Englewood)
R Forrester (Plainfield)
Forster (St Louis)
Forster (Haverford College)
E Forster (Brooklyn)
GM Forster (Americans of Mound City)
GM Forster (GM Forster's XI)
S Forster (Mound City Next XV)
Forsyth (Oak Park Second XI)
Forsyth (Shamrock)
Forsyth (Cambridge)
Forsyth (Bachelors)
Forsyth (Waltham)
Forsyth (Cambridge)
Forsyth (Fall River)
Forsyth (Picked XI)
A Forsyth (Douglas Park A)
F Forsyth (Duluth)
HR Forsyth (Gordon Park Greens)
HR Forsyth (Gordon Park)
J Forsyth (Essex County)
J Forsyth (Electric)
J Forsyth (Douglas Park A)
JS Forsyth (Gordon Park Greens)
P Forsyth (Nelson Lodge)
WF Forsyth (Waltham)
Forsythe (Boston Manufacturing Company)
Forsythe (Wolverines)
A Forsythe (Wolverines)
AT Fortescue (WE Roller's XI)
Forth (Queen City of Buffalo)
G Forth (Queen City of Buffalo)
L Forth (Paterson)
Fortier (Buffalo)
AG Fortier (Buffalo)
CB Fortier (Buffalo)
WG Fortmann (Alameda)
A Fortnall (Brockton)
R Fortnall (Brockton)
Fortum (St George's Club of New York)
Fortun (Newark)
Fortun (St George's Club of New York)
C Fortun (St George's Club of New York)
C Fortun (Manhattan)
Fortuna (Needham)
Fortune (Needham)
C Fortune (St George's Club of New York Second XI)
C Fortune (Newark)
Fosbury (48th Highlanders)
AW Foss (St George's Club of Chicago)
B Foss (Nevada County)
T Foss (Merion Juniors)
Fossett (Peabody British Americans)
Foster (Detroit)
Foster (Manhattan)
Foster (Albion Club of Chicago)
Foster (Newton)
Foster (Merrimac Second XI)
Foster (Portsmouth)
Foster (Boston Zingari)
Foster (Multnomah Athletic Association)
Foster (The Mohair Plush Carpet Company)
Foster (SS Saxonia)
Foster (West Indian Wanderers)
Foster (SS Samaria)
Foster (Middlesex)
Foster (Syracuse)
A Foster (Illinois)
A Foster (Joint Leagues of New York)
A Foster (United States of America)
A Foster (Winnetka)
A Foster (umpire)
A Foster (Yale University)
A Foster (Centennial)
A Foster (Chicago)
AW Foster (Alameda)
B Foster (umpire)
D Foster (Boston Zingari)
E Foster (Brooklyn)
E Foster (Fordham)
E Foster (All New York)
EG Foster (West Philadelphia)
EO Foster (Alameda)
F Foster (Wanderers A)
F Foster (Trenton)
F Foster (Ramblers)
F Foster (Brooklyn)
F Foster (Centennial)
F Foster (Edgewater)
F Foster (Chicago Cricket Club Second XI)
G Foster (United States of America)
G Foster (Boston Zingari)
G Foster (Centennial)
G Foster (Chicago)
GM Foster (Mound City)
GM Foster (St Louis)
GT Foster (Gordon Park Greens)
H Foster (St George's Club of Chicago)
H Foster (Lake Forest)
H Foster (Barbarians)
H Foster (St Paul's School)
J Foster (Staten Island Cricket Club Juniors)
J Foster (Britannia Edgewaters)
J Foster (Edgewater)
J Foster (Britannia)
J Foster (Cleveland)
J Foster (Keystone)
JK Foster (Montclair Athletic Club)
JS Foster (Livingston Field Club)
M Foster (Brooklyn)
NH Foster (St Paul's School)
P Foster (Paterson)
P Foster (Ramblers)
R Foster (Brooklyn)
S Foster (Centennial)
S Foster (West Philadelphia)
S Foster (Keystone)
S Foster (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
S Foster (Falls of Schuylkill)
SM Foster (Alameda)
T Foster (Lynn Wanderers)
T Foster (Edgewater)
TB Foster (All Oregon)
TB Foster (Portland)
W Foster (Trenton)
W Foster (Albion No 22)
WF Foster (Merion Veterans)
WH Foster (St Paul's School)
W Fotherell (Chester City)
Fotteral (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
Fotterall (Oxford)
A Fotterall (Merchantville)
WW Fotterall (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
WW Fotterall (Merion Second XI)
W Fotterill (Chester City)
Fottrell (Merchantville)
J Foulder (Ardmore)
Fouldes (Canton)
Foulds (Canton)
Foulds (Needham)
A Foulds (Homestead)
F Foulds (Alfred the Great)
F Foulds (Needham)
S Foulds (Robin Hood)
EJ Foulke (Germantown Juniors, Germantown Juniors Second XI)
Foulkes (SS Franconia)
Foulkes (Standard)
Foulkes (Del Monte)
Foulkes (West Indian Wanderers)
GS Foulkes (Occident Club)
SG Foulkes (California)
SG Foulkes (San Francisco)
A Foulkrod (Frankford)
UN Foulkrod (Moorestown)
WW Foulkrod (Belfield, Frankford, Germantown, Oakland, Oxford, Tioga, Wanderers, Wanderers)
WW Foulkrod (Frankford and Moorestown)
WW Foulkrod (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
WW Foulkrod (Oxford Second XI)
WW Foulkrod (Frankford and Merion)
WW Foulkrod (Merion)
WW Foulkrod Jnr (Frankford)
Foulks (West Indian Wanderers)
S Foulks (Alfred the Great)
F Fountain (Bedford)
H Fowke (Locomotive Club)
H Fowke (Amsterdam)
H Fowke (St George's Club of Schenectady)
J Fowkes (Underhill)
F Fowlds (Alfred the Great)
Fowle (Altoona XI of Pennsylvania Railroad)
CA Fowle (Haverford College Third XI)
F Fowle (Alfred the Great)
G Fowle (Blairsville)
GD Fowle (Merion)
GD Fowle (Merion Second XI, Merion Veterans)
Fowler (umpire)
Fowler (Underhill)
Fowler (Blue Stars of Lowell)
Fowler (Sanford)
Fowler (Zion)
Fowler (Pennsylvania Hospital)
Fowler (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Fowler (Windsor)
AH Fowler (Manhattan)
AH Fowler (New York Veterans)
AH Fowler (umpire)
CH Fowler (umpire)
CK Fowler (Frankford Juniors)
DO Fowler (Staten Island Cricket Club Juniors)
E Fowler (South Brooklyn)
F Fowler (Chester City)
G Fowler (Manhattan)
GB Fowler (Altoona)
H Fowler (Baltimore Country Club)
HP Fowler (Merion A)
J Fowler (Ypsilanti)
J Fowler (Picked XI)
J Fowler (South Brooklyn)
J Fowler (SS Oceanic)
J Fowler (Keystone)
M Fowler (Glenshaw)
N Fowler (West India Club B)
P Fowler (Manhattan)
T Fowler (Chester City)
T Fowler (South Brooklyn)
T Fowler (TJ O'Reilly's XI)
T Fowler (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
W Fowler (Manhattan)
Z Fowler (Lucas)
H Fowles (Detroit A)
W Fownes (Homewood)
Fox (St George's Club of New York)
Fox (Albion Club of Chicago Second XI)
Fox (Brockton)
Fox (Brockton Veterans)
Fox (Mohair)
Fox (Mohair Reserves)
Fox (Providence)
Fox (Worcester)
Fox (Fox Chase)
Fox (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Fox (British War Veterans)
A Fox (New York Cricket Club)
A Fox (Highlandville Athletic Association)
B Fox (Sarasota International XI)
C Fox (Merion)
C Fox (Bermudians)
CJ Fox (Delaware)
D Fox (Bridgeport)
D Fox (Falls of Schuylkill)
D Fox (umpire)
E Fox (Bermuda Cricket Club)
E Fox (Merion Juniors)
E Fox (A Evans' XI)
EE Fox (Merion)
EG Fox (Merion)
F Fox (Falls of Schuylkill)
F Fox (Waverley)
FB Fox (Wanderers A, Wanderers B)
FM Fox (Merion)
G Fox (Falls of Schuylkill)
G Fox (Tennyson)
H Fox (Albany, All New York, Alma Club of Newark)
H Fox (Albion Club of Highlandville)
H Fox (Merion B, Merion C, Merion Juniors)
H Fox (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
H Fox (Merion)
HF Fox (Knickerbocker Athletic Club, New Jersey Athletic Club)
HF Fox (Wanderers B)
HF Fox (New Jersey)
HL Fox (Riverton Second XI)
J Fox (United States of America Under-15s, USA Falcons Under-15s)
J Fox (Cambria)
J Fox (Delaware County)
J Fox (Germantown YMCA)
J Fox (Germantown YMCA)
J Fox (Falls of Schuylkill)
J Fox (Brooklyn B)
J Fox (Clifton Heights)
J Fox (Germantown Boys Club)
J Fox (Germantown British Americans B)
J Fox (Tennyson B)
JM Fox (Merion, Pittsburgh)
JM Fox (Philadelphia Racquet Club)
JM Fox (Germantown Veterans)
JM Fox (Merion Veterans)
JM Fox (Old Haverfordians)
JW Fox (Belfield)
N Fox (St George's Club of New York)
R Fox (Falls of Schuylkill)
R Fox (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
R Fox (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
R Fox (Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League)
R Fox (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
R Fox (Boston Wanderers)
R Fox (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
R Fox (Merion)
R Fox (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
R Fox (Bay State Cricket League)
R Fox (Everett)
R Fox (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
R Fox (Swampscott)
RW Fox (Linden)
S Fox (Bridgeport)
S Fox (Merion Juniors)
S Fox (de Lancey School)
T Fox (Ridley Park)
W Fox (Delaware)
W Fox (Wakefield Juniors)
WL Fox (Staten Island Cricket Club)
EG Foxen (West Philadelphia)
GH Foxen (West Philadelphia B)
Foxon (Chelsea Club Second XI)
Foxon (Everett Second XI)
Foxon (Everett)
Foxon (Everett)
A Foxon (Chelsea Club)
A Foxon (Lynn Second XI)
A Foxon (Everett)
C Foxon (Everett)
CW Foxon (Chelsea Club)
E Foxon (Chelsea Club)
F Foxon (West Philadelphia)
G Foxon (Everett)
H Foxon (Chelsea Club)
J Foxon (Everett)
M Foxon (Chelsea Club)
M Foxon (Mohair)
M Foxon (Everett)
M Foxon (Noddle Island)
M Foxon (Needham)
M Foxon (Boston Reserves)
R Foxon (Everett)
Foxon(a) (Chelsea Club)
M Foxton (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
Foy (Niagara Falls)
A Foy (Columbia Oval)
Foye (Peabody British Americans)
Foye (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
W Foye (Peabody British Americans)
W Foye (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Foyer (Boston Cricket Club)
Foyle (HF Perkins XI)
C Foyle (Gibbsboro)
HJ Foyle (Manhattan)
J Fozzard (Centennial)
S Frader (Centennial B)
R Fradgerly (Sarasota International XI)
H Fragle (Wayne)
Frailey (Chestnut Hill of Boston One Side)
D Fraizer (Antilles)
K Fraizer (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Fraley (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
F Fraley (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors, Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI, Philadelphia Cricket Club Summer XI)
F Fraley (University of Pennsylvania)
F Fraley (United States of America Universities)
JC Fraley (University of Pennsylvania Class of '68)
JC Fraley (Germantown Veterans)
Frame (Essex)
Frampton (Mound City Next XV)
France (Maynard)
France (West Indian Wanderers)
F France (Oxford Second XI)
GG France (Brooklyn)
J France (Oxford)
J France (Frankford)
J France (Frankford Second XI)
W France (Oxford)
Frances (Syracuse)
A Frances (Radnor)
O Frances (West Indian)
E Franche (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
Francis (Corvallis)
Francis (West Indian)
Francis (West India Athletic Club)
Francis (Chelsea Club)
Francis (Boston West Indian)
Francis (Sunrise)
Francis (West Indian Wanderers)
Francis (West Indian Wanderers)
Francis (Caribbean)
Francis (West Indian Wanderers)
Francis (Cosmopolitan Cricket League of New York)
Francis (New York Cricket League)
C Francis (Progressive Youths)
C Francis (Stars United)
C Francis (Wanderers)
C Francis (Yorkville)
CW Francis (West Indian)
D Francis (West India Club)
D Francis (Dominica Women, St Lucia Women, West Indies Women)
E Francis (Bedford)
E Francis (Suburbia)
EW Francis (Gordon Park Reds)
F Francis (umpire)
FH Francis (Peninsular Cricket Club)
H Francis (umpire)
H Francis (Merion Second XI)
J Francis (Burlington and Missouri Railroad)
J Francis (Antigua)
J Francis (Wanderers)
J Francis (Omaha)
JC Francis (Somerville)
JW Francis (West Indian)
K Francis (Wanderers)
K Francis (Stars United)
L Francis (umpire)
L Francis (Unity)
N Francis (Staten Island Cricket Club)
O Francis (West Indian)
OW Francis (West Indian)
R Francis (Tigers)
R Francis (Staten Island Cricket Club)
S Francis (Progressive Youths)
T Francis (Spice Island)
W Francis (Merion)
Francisco (Fox Chase)
E Francke (Baltimore)
S Frangrove (Frankford)
Frank (Dedham)
Frank (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
D Frank (Spice Island)
E Franke (Catonsville)
Franklin (Brooklyn)
Franklin (Brockton)
Franklin (Somerville Second XI)
Franklin (New Bedford West Indians)
B Franklin (AW Barnes' XI)
C Franklin (Kings County)
C Franklin (Kings County St George)
C Franklin (Manhattan)
C Franklin (New York East)
C Franklin (BC Bloxsom's XI)
E Franklin (Kings County)
F Franklin (Staten Island Cricket Club)
FS Franklin (Bensonhurst, Bensonhurst Field Club, Bensonhurst Thistle)
FS Franklin (New York and New Jersey Cricket Association)
FS Franklin (H Manley's XI)
FS Franklin (New York Veterans)
G Franklin (Kings County)
G Franklin (Baltimore Sons of St George)
R Franklin (Bohemian)
RE Franklin (Burnaby)
S Franklin (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
SR Franklin (Merion)
WF Franklin (Washington)
Franklyn (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
Franks (SS Umbria)
Franks (Hearts of Oak)
Franks (Somerville Wanderers)
AD Franks (St George's Club of Schenectady)
E Franks (Catonsville)
J Franks (East Boston)
J Franks (Tennyson)
W Franks (Lowell)
M Frankschold (Montclair Athletic Club)
Fraser (Chelsea Club)
Fraser (Boston Cricket Club)
Fraser (St Lawrence)
Fraser (RC Lucius' XI)
Fraser (Pawtucket)
Fraser (Andover)
Fraser (Centennial)
Fraser (Philadelphia Cricket Club B)
Fraser (Staten Island Cricket Club Next XXII)
Fraser (West India Club A)
Fraser (West Indian Wanderers)
Fraser (West India Club)
Fraser (West India Club B)
A Fraser (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
A Fraser (Brooklyn Second XI)
A Fraser (Wanderers)
AA Fraser (Riverton)
C Fraser (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
EJ Fraser (St George's Club of New York)
F Fraser (Brooklyn)
F Fraser (West India Club A)
HC Fraser (Locomotive Club)
HC Fraser (General Electric Company of Schenectady)
J Fraser (Belle Vue)
JL Fraser (Tioga Athletic Association Second XI)
KC Fraser (New York Rugby Football Club)
P Fraser (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
P Fraser (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors, Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
P Fraser (WR Wister's XI)
R Fraser (Chicago XVIII)
R Fraser (Single)
R Fraser (United States of America XI)
RF Fraser (A Broadfoot's XI)
RN Fraser (Wanderers)
RW Fraser (Chicago, Wanderers)
RW Fraser (Wanderers)
RW Fraser (St George's Club of Chicago)
RW Fraser (All Chicago)
RW Fraser (RA Helliwell's XI)
RW Fraser (A Macpherson's XI)
RW Fraser (Zingari)
RW Fraser (CL Shaw's XI)
RW Fraser (Wanderers Tourist XI)
RW Fraser (Pittsburgh Zingari)
RW Fraser (Akron)
T Fraser (Jamaica Ex-Police)
T Fraser (West India Club A)
W Fraser (British Commonwealth Cricket Club)
W Fraser (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
WDS Fraser (United States Cricket Association Southern Zone)
WDS Fraser (Southern Zone)
WW Fraser (Akron)
H Frasholt (Crescent Athletic Club)
Frasier (Boston Cricket Club)
GH Frasier (University of Pennsylvania Class of '87)
K Frasier (Staten Island Cricket Club)
S Frasier (Jamaica Ex-Police)
Fray (St George's Club of New York)
C Fray (Columbia Club of Chicago)
HD Fray (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
J Frayer (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
Frayers (Richard Baxter)
Frayle (Essex)
Frazer (Everett)
Frazer (Portland English Born)
AW Frazer (Akron)
D Frazer (Pioneer)
E Frazer (St George's Club of New York)
J Frazer (Philadelphia Cricket Club Summer XI)
J Frazer (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
J Frazer (University of Pennsylvania)
J Frazer (St Paul's School)
J Frazer (St George's Club of New York)
L Frazer (New York Youths)
P Frazer (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
P Frazer (Barclay's XI)
P Frazer (Episcopal Academy)
P Frazer (CE Cadwalader's XI)
P Frazer (Germantown Veterans)
P Frazer (St Paul's School)
P Frazer (JB Colahan's Veterans XI)
P Frazer (JH Mason's Juniors XI)
RW Frazer (Wanderers)
T Frazer (Lions United)
WN Frazer (West India Club A)
Frazier (University of Pennsylvania Sophomores)
Frazier (Boston Second XI)
Frazier (Andover)
BG Frazier (Central High School)
BG Frazier (Belmont Juniors)
G Frazier (Waverley)
GH Frazier (Cherokees)
GH Frazier (Germantown Juniors, Germantown Second XI)
J Frazier (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
P Frazier (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
T Frazier (Jamaica Ex-Police)
W Frazier (Waverley)
W Frazier (Episcopal College)
G Frealm (Albion No 22)
G Frearon (Albion No 22)
Frearson (Albion No 22)
C Frearson (Edward VII)
H Freas (Oxford)
HK Freas (Oakland Second XI)
Fred (New Haven)
D Frede (Paterson United)
C Freder (Merion)
Frederick (Caribbean)
Frederick (New York Cricket Club)
F Frederick (Wanderers Second XI)
W Frederick (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Fredericks (Caribbean)
Fredericks (West Indian Wanderers Reserves)
C Fredericks (Caribbean of Boston)
RV Fredericks (Belmont)
W Fredericks (Haddonfield)
J Freebairn (Paterson)
T Freebairn-Smith (Hollywood)
H Freeborn (Lansdowne)
M Freeborn (Lansdowne Second XI)
WP Freeborn (Lansdowne)
H Freeborne (Lansdowne Second XI)
Freed (New York Cricket Club)
JB Freed (New York Cricket Club)
JB Freed (American Born)
H Freedall (Kings County)
A Freeland (Melrose)
A Freeland (Fairhill)
AB Freeland (York Road)
AB Freeland (Oak Lane)
F Freeland (Germantown D)
J Freeland (Montclair Athletic Club)
J Freeland (Melrose)
JR Freeland (Germantown)
JR Freeland (Oak Lane)
JR Freeland (Germantown D)
JR Freeland (University of Pennsylvania)
M Freeland (Melrose)
R Freeland (University of Pennsylvania)
R Freeland (Germantown Summer XI)
WL Freeland (Belmont, Germantown)
WL Freeland (Melrose)
WL Freeland (Central High School)
WL Freeland (Fairhill)
WL Freeland (Tioga Second XI)
WL Freeland (York Road)
WL Freeland (Germantown and Philadelphia Cricket Club)
WL Freeland (FL Altemus' XI)
N Freelin (Camden Athletic Association Second XI)
Freeman (Maumee Valley)
Freeman (Brockton)
Freeman (Needham)
Freeman (Haddonfield Second XI)
Freeman (Medford)
Freeman (Buffalo)
Freeman (Independents)
Freeman (Vernon Lodge)
Freeman (Vernon)
Freeman (Park Cricket Club of Buffalo)
Freeman (Bay View)
Freeman (Oakland)
Freeman (Maumee Valley)
A Freeman (Cameron)
A Freeman (Penn Charter School)
AW Freeman (General Electric Company of Philadelphia)
E Freeman (Gooderham and Worts Distillery)
E Freeman (Radnor High School)
F Freeman (umpire)
F Freeman (Cameron)
FE Freeman (West Philadelphia)
G Freeman (Gooderham and Worts Distillery)
G Freeman (umpire)
H Freeman (Buffalo)
HFJ Freeman (umpire)
J Freeman (Genesee Valley)
J Freeman (Cameron)
J Freeman (Maumee Valley)
J Freeman (Toledo)
J Freeman (Brooklyn)
J Freeman (Longfellows)
J Freeman (Manhattan)
J Freeman (New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League)
J Freeman (Warinanco St George)
J Freeman (Massachusetts)
J Freeman (Brockton)
J Freeman (Vernon)
J Freeman (Buffalo)
N Freeman (Buffalo)
R Freeman (Buffalo)
S Freeman (Columbia Oval)
T Freeman (Brockton)
T Freeman (Cameron)
W Freeman (Albion Club of Highlandville)
W Freeman (Buffalo)
H Freeman jnr (a) (Buffalo)
J Freemantle (Oakland)
LH Freemantle (Yeadon)
H Freewald (Southwark)
J Freewald (Alfred the Great)
JH Freewald (Southwark)
Freicrost (Oxford)
R Freideburg (Schenectady)
French (Buffalo)
French (Lynn Wanderers B)
French (Colonial (Detroit))
A French (Isthmian, Isthmian Second XI)
A French (Minnesota)
C French (Albion Club of Brooklyn)
C French (Sherwood Club of Angora)
C French (de Lancey School)
C French (Merion)
C French (Delaware County Field Club)
CE French (St George's Athletic Club)
E French (Delaware County)
EA French (Albion Club of Brooklyn)
G French (Merion Juniors)
G French (Merion)
H French (Fort Hamilton)
H French (Manhattan President's XI, Manhattan Second XI)
H French (Catonsville)
J French (Central New York)
JG French (American Born)
JG French (Merion Juniors)
L French (Baltimore)
LA French (Albion Club of Brooklyn)
SA French (Albion Club of New York)
SA French (Baltimore)
SA French (Baltimore Mixed XI)
T French (Pittsburgh)
T French (Delaware County Field Club)
W French (Kings County)
W French (Buffalo)
WG French (St George's Athletic Club)
WP French (Albion Club of New York)
WP French (Albion Club of Brooklyn)
WS French (St George's Athletic Club)
H Fresall (Crescent Athletic Club)
J Fresco (Santa Monica)
AE Freshman (General Electric Company of Schenectady)
AE Freshman (Schenectady)
H Freund (Bison City)
AH Frey (Southern Zone)
Freyer (Andover)
Friar (Chelsea Club)
Frick (John Bright)
E Frick (Homestead)
G Frick (Baltimore Second XI)
M Friedlander (City of San Buenaventura Invitation XI)
Friel (Boston Zingari)
HH Friend (Zingari)
S Friend (British Officers)
A Friendship (Philadelphia and Reading Railroad)
A Friendship (Glenside)
AE Friendship (Delaware County Field Club)
AE Friendship (West Philadelphia B)
C Friendship (Glenside)
T Frier (St George's Club of Buffalo)
A Fries (Oakland Second XI)
HK Fries (Oakland)
HK Fries (Wanderers, Wanderers)
HK Fries (Frankford Wanderers)
HK Fries (Belfield)
HR Fries (Oakland)
G Frist (Paterson B)
Friswell (Needham)
H Frith (New Hope)
H Frith (Falls of Schuylkill B)
K Frith (New Hope)
K Fritt (New Hope)
J Fritz (New Hope)
J Fritz (Phoenixville)
JF Fritz (Merion)
JL Fritz (Haddonfield)
JL Fritz (Ardmore)
JL Fritz (Merion)
JN Fritz (Merion B)
JP Fritz (Merion B)
JP Fritz (Ardmore)
JS Fritz (Merion)
K Fritz (New Hope)
LZ Fritz (Haddonfield)
P Fritz (Belfield)
P Fritz (Wayne)
P Fritz (York Road)
R Fritz (Phoenixville)
S Fritz (Germantown Juniors)
W Fritz (Merion)
Frizzell (Portsmouth)
HA Frosall (Crescent Athletic Club)
Frost (Maumee Valley)
Frost (Brown's XI)
Frost (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Club)
Frost (Brockton)
A Frost (Tennyson)
C Frost (Paterson Juniors)
F Frost (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
F Frost (Manor Field)
G Frost (Roseville)
G Frost (Paterson)
GT Frost (New Jersey Veterans)
I Frost (Maumee Valley)
J Frost (Maumee Valley)
JA Frost (Tennyson)
JA Frost (Brockton)
N Frost (Tampa and District)
N Frost (scorer)
RW Frost (Harvard College)
S Frost (Brockton)
W Frost (Brockton)
Frotheringham (Germantown Second XI)
Frotheringham (Orient)
H Frotheringham (St George's Club of New York Juniors, St George's Club of New York Second XI)
T Frotheringham (Germantown Veterans, Idlers)
T Frotheringham (Social Art Club)
T Frotheringham (Commercial and Maritime Exchange)
T Frothingham (Germantown Second XI)
Frutchie (Friends' Select School)
AB Fry (Glenside)
CA Fry (Staten Island Cricket Club)
CA Fry (St George's Athletic Club)
CS Fry (Staten Island Cricket Club)
HD Fry (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
L Fry (Lawrence Albion)
Frye (Lawrence Albion)
Frye (Peabody British Americans)
Frye (Highlandville)
CA Frye (Staten Island Cricket Club)
HK Frye (Oakland)
Fryer (Keystone, Young America)
Fryer (Chelsea Club)
Fryer (Boston Cricket Club Second XI)
Fryer (Lawrence)
Fryer (Chelsea Club Second XI)
Fryer (Everett)
Fryer (Teutonic)
Fryer (SS Republic)
Fryer (S Welsh's XI)
Fryer (Buffalo Frontier)
E Fryer (Racine College)
GE Fryer (Merion Second XI, Merion Veterans)
J Fryer (Racine College)
J Fryer (Everett)
P Fryer (British Commonwealth Cricket Club)
RH Fryer (Manor Field)
T Fryers (St George's Club of Buffalo)
Fubbler (West Indian Wanderers)
HL Fulenwider (Delaware Field Club)
Fulford (St Louis Cricketers)
Fulford (F Hackey's XI)
JW Fulford (Garfield)
JW Fulford (Cleveland)
JW Fulford (Cleveland)
J Fullard (Citrus Valley Cougars Under-15s)
H Fullenwider (Delaware)
W Fullenwider (Delaware, St George's Club of Delaware)
Fuller (Arlington)
Fuller (Delphian)
Fuller (Cherry Grove)
Fuller (Harvard College)
Fuller (Boston Zingari)
Fuller (Caribbean)
Fuller (Boston Athletic Association Second XI)
Fuller (Longwood)
Fuller (East Boston)
Fuller (Boston)
Fuller (Baltimore Country Club)
Fuller (Belmont Second XI, Belmont Veterans)
Fuller (Peninsular Baseball Club)
Fuller (University of Pennsylvania Second XI)
Fuller (Colonial (Detroit))
Fuller (United)
A Fuller (Caribbean)
A Fuller (Boston Reserves)
E Fuller (Kilkenny)
F Fuller (Kings County)
G Fuller (Kings County)
GK Fuller (Haverford College Second XI)
GL Fuller (Haverford College)
GN Fuller (Haverford College Second XI)
H Fuller (Wissahickon)
HA Fuller (Sherwood Club of Angora)
HJ Fuller (Longfellows)
J Fuller (Longfellows)
J Fuller (Kings County)
J Fuller (Manhattan)
JG Fuller (Cherry Grove Second XI)
LJ Fuller (Kings County)
LJ Fuller (Longfellows)
W Fuller (Pennsylvania Railroad)
W Fuller (Linden Second XI)
W Fuller (Detroit and District Cricket League)
Fullerton (Chicago)
Fullerton (umpire)
R Fullerton (Elmwood)
A Fulleylove (Gibbsboro)
F Fulleylove (Gibbsboro)
F Fulleylove (Moorestown)
F Fulleylove (Gibbsboro Summer XI)
J Fulleylove (Gibbsboro)
Fullton (Albion Club of Chicago)
A Fullylove (Gibbsboro)
Fulton (Cheltenham)
Fulton (Marine Cricket Club)
Fulton (Peninsular Cricket Club)
A Fulton (Robin Hood)
A Fulton (Tampa and District)
J Fulton (Oakland Second XI)
R Fulton (Rovers)
S Fulzele (Santa Clara I)
Funk (St Timothy)
A Furber (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Furber (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
L Furber (Brooklyn)
Furgerson (Yonkers B)
Furgerson (Appleton)
W Furley (Brooklyn B, Brooklyn C)
Furlong (Germantown Juniors)
J Furlow (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
W Furlow (Albion Club of Philadelphia)
Furman (American XI)
S Furman (St Paul's School Second XI)
Furnace (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Furnan (Worcester)
Furneaux (Lawrence)
Furneaux (Merrimac)
Furneaux (Lawrence)
Furness (Boston Cricket Club)
Furness (Lawrence)
GF Furness (Robin Hood)
HA Furness (Canada and United States of America, Gentlemen of Philadelphia)
HS Furness (Merion)
JF Furness (Robin Hood)
JF Furness (Centennial)
JT Furness (Centennial)
M Furness (Oakland Second XI)
P Furness (Haddonfield)
T Furness (Merchantville)
TS Furness (Haddonfield, Peninsular Cricket Club)
H Furness(a) (Moorestown)
Furniss (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Furniss (Boston)
Furniss (Boston Cricket Club)
Furniss (Peninsular Cricket Club)
EF Furniss (Peninsular Cricket Club)
JB Furniss (St Louis)
JB Furniss (United States of America)
L Furniss (English Residents)
Furson (Union County)
Fusor (Brockton Second XI)
Fyfe (Married and Single of Pacific Cricket Club)
R Fyfe (Ancient Cities)
WC Fyfe (Pacific)
G Fyffe (Spartan)
G Fyffe (Manhattan)





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