
United States of America Players (N)


P Na (Cougars II)
E Nachod (Glenside)
P Nadavanam (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Nadeem (Pioneer)
F Nadeem (Pakistan)
S Nadeem (Cosmos)
S Nadeem (Pakistan)
Nadeem Khan (Tracy United I)
Nadeem Sheikh (umpire)
Nadeem Yusuf (World XI)
Naden (Fall River)
S Nadendla (Indus II)
R Nadimpalli Kasi (Valley I)
R Nadimpalli Kasi (Union City Warriors)
R Nadimpalli Kasi (Union City Knights)
AS Nadkarni (United States of America Under-19s)
SS Nadkarni (Maharashtra)
K Naeem (Marin II)
S Naeem (Midwest)
W Naeim (Afca)
A Nagaraja (United States of America Under-15s, USA Falcons Under-15s)
Sankara Nagarajan (Spartan I)
Srikanthan Nagarajan (Spartan I)
V Nagaraju Kesanam (KV) (California State University, Fullerton)
Nagesh (Sunnyvale II)
S Nagesh (Southern California Cricket Association, United States of America)
R Nagew (Northern California Cricket Association)
Nagle (San Fransisco Cricket Club Baseballers)
Nagle (San Fransisco Cricket Club Cricketers)
J Nagle (California)
J Nagle (Occident Club)
RE Nagle (Lakeport)
E Nahapiet (Barbarians)
R Nahapiet (Northern California All-Stars)
Naiblyjadly (Indus I)
Naik (United States of America Under-15s)
A Naik (Stanford I)
G Naik (Davis)
N Naik (Union City Knights)
R Naik (Corinthians)
V Naik (Bay Area II)
J Nail (Homestead)
L Nails (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
A Nair (Victory)
B Nair (Bay Area I)
P Nair (United States of America)
P Nair (New York Youths)
S Nair (Sunnyvale II)
S Nair (Vijayta)
VJ Nair (Victory)
Nairn (umpire)
AV Nairn (Brooklyn Zingari)
V Nairn (Brooklyn Nomads)
V Nairn (Brooklyn Zingari)
VA Nairn (Bensonhurst Thistle)
EB Naish (Milwaukee)
W Naish (Milwaukee)
A Najam (Central East Region)
Najam Naqvi (United I)
Nalgerdie (British Guiana Boers)
J Nall (Pittsburgh)
J Nall (Pittsburgh Zingari)
J Nall (Homestead)
R Nalle (Merion Juniors)
S Nalluri (Cosmos)
Nally (Mound City)
Nally (St Louis)
Nally (St Louis Baseball Players)
R Nambiar (Victory)
Nan (British Guiana Boers)
A Nana (Marin I)
A Nana (Arsenal)
D Nana (Marin I)
I Nana (North California Cricket Association Mustangs Under-15s)
O Nana (Marin I)
Q Nana (Marin I)
Z Nana (Marin I)
Z Nana (umpire)
Z Nana (Northern California Cricket Association Youth)
R Nanan (International Cricket Club)
P Nanavanan (Staten Island Cricket Club)
O Nanco (Knights of the Round Table)
Nancrede (WS Blight's XI)
R Nanda (Stanford Supernovas)
R Nanda (Hollywood)
R Nanda (Santa Clara Bees)
R Nanda (Cardinals)
K Nandalal (United States of America)
K Nandall (Richmond Hill)
Nandan (Stanford A I)
Nandan (Cardinals)
N Nandan (New York Centurian)
P Nandavadnam (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Nandavanam (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Nandavanam (Merion)
P Nandavanan (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Nandavanant (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Nandavandam (Staten Island Cricket Club)
H Nandepu (Orange County)
K Nandlal (Richmond Hill)
AA Nanjee (United States of America)
C Nankervis (Michigan)
W Nankervis (Civic Park)
W Nankervis (Michigan)
K Nankumar (Cosmos)
Napes (Cicero)
AD Napier (Minnesota)
C Napier (Crescent Athletic Club)
D Napier (New York Cricket Club)
GD Napier (Minnesota)
GD Napier (St Paul Club)
GD Napier (North Western Cricket Association)
J Napier (New York Cricket Club)
T Napier (Crescent Athletic Club)
TS Napier (Crescent Athletic Club)
WH Napier (Brooklyn)
A Napolis (Merion Juniors)
Napp (Caribbean)
S Naqi (Unity)
S Naqi (Spice Island)
C Naquagard (Lions United)
J Naqvi (Cosmos)
M Naqvi (Pasadena)
M Naqvi (Cosmos)
S Naqvi (Unity)
S Naqvi (Central West Region)
S Naqvi (United States of America Over-60s)
A Naqvi Syed (United States of America Over-60s)
M Nar (Cougars I)
R Naraine (Hillside)
R Naraine (Galaxy)
R Naraine (Hillside)
A Narasimhan (Stanford A I, Stanford A II)
V Narasimhan (Union City Warriors)
V Narasimhan (Union City Cavaliers)
V Narasimhan (Union City Knights)
Narayan (United States of America Cricket Association President's XI)
R Narayan (Torpedos)
S Narayan (Indus I)
V Narayan (United States of America Under-17s, United States of America Under-19s)
R Narayanan (Stanford I)
S Narayanan (Santa Clara I)
V Narayanan (Stanford I)
Narayan Kumar (Nitro)
M Narbar (Indus I)
N Narden (Amicus)
Naren (Valley I)
Naren (Union City)
Naren (Union City Warriors)
MP Naren (Midwest)
Narendar Singh (Bay Area I)
Naresh (Essex)
D Naresh (Stanford Cricket Academy)
D Naresh (California Cricket Academy Purple Under-13s)
Narine (Kaiteur)
D Narine (United States of America Under-19s)
K Narine (Cosmos)
K Narine (Suburbia)
K Narine (scorer)
O Narine (Yorkshire)
R Narine (United States of America)
K Narla (Island Wide)
K Narla (Island Wide)
F Narlen (Merion Juniors)
Narraway (Hearts of Oak)
Narraway (St George's Club of Boston)
Narroway (Hearts of Oak)
M Narsimhan (UC Warriors)
Naseem (umpire)
K Naseem (East Side Warriors)
Naseer Islam (United States of America)
Naseer Jamali (United States of America)
Nash (Brooklyn)
Nash (Manchester United)
Nash (East Dedham)
Nash (Merchantville)
Nash (East Boston)
Nash (Lynn Wanderers Second XI)
Nash (Beverly)
A Nash (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
ER Nash (Boston Zingari, Dedham, Longwood)
F Nash (Glenshaw)
H Nash (Corvallis)
H Nash (Pittsburgh Zingari)
HL Nash (Cleveland)
HL Nash (Detroit)
HL Nash (Detroit, Chatham and Cleveland)
J Nash (Richard Baxter)
J Nash (John Bright)
JD Nash (Knickerbocker Athletic Club Summer XI)
LE Nash (Marylebone)
R Nash (Evanston)
R Nash (Merchantville)
ST Nash (Cleveland, Detroit)
ST Nash (Pittsburgh Field Club)
SV Nash (Longwood)
W Nash (Corvallis)
W Nash (Wanderers Second XI)
Nasim (umpire)
Nasim (Pioneer)
Nasim Khan (umpire)
Nasir (Manchester United)
K Nasir (Manchester United)
Nasir Javed (Lahore City, Lahore City Whites, Servis Industries, United States of America)
Nasir Khan (Cougars II)
Nasir Khan (Unity)
W Nassau (Germantown Juniors)
K Natarajan (Berkeley)
Nathan (HM Consul-General's XI)
S Nathan (Union County)
DO Nathaniel (United States of America, United States of America Under-19s)
D Nathawat (Orange County)
S Natrajan (Stanford II)
S Natrajan (Stanford I)
AN Natron (Bensonhurst Thistle)
G Nattrass (Cherry Grove)
G Nattress (Cherry Grove, Cherry Grove Second XI)
G Nattress (Glenside)
Nauchain (Boston Cricket Club Second XI)
A Naughton (umpire)
J Naughton (Oakland)
R Naughton (Staten Island Cricket Club)
T Naughton (umpire)
T Naughton (Wissahickon Summer XI)
Nauman Mustafa (United States of America)
Naumann (Dedham)
Naushad Khan (Richmond Hill)
K Navaneethan (Stanford II)
K Navaneethan (Stanford I)
Navanpreet (Fresno)
A Naveed Afzal (Tigers)
Naveen (Stanford A I, Stanford A II)
A Navin (Bensonhurst Field Club)
A Navin (Bensonhurst Rovers)
Navjit Singh (Fresno)
Navjot Singh (Victory)
Navoe (Wanderers)
J Nawaj (Sims New York West Indian)
Nawaz (umpire)
A Nawazish (Pakistan)
A Nawazish (Cosmos)
A Nawazish (Staten Island Cricket Club)
H Nayak (Santa Clara I)
M Nayak (United States of America Under-19s)
R Nayar (United States of America Cricket Association)
V Nayar (Hollywood)
Nayler (Everett)
Naylor (umpire)
Naylor (Lawrence)
A Naylor (Bridgeport)
A Naylor (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
CJ Naylor (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
F Naylor (Centennial B)
GJ Naylor (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
JW Naylor (Falls of Schuylkill B)
A Nayyar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
D Nayyar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
U Nayyar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
K Nazeer (Galaxy)
R Nazeer (Galaxy)
Nazim Khan (umpire)
I Nazir (Fresno)
O Nazir (Caribbean)
S Nazir (Western Conference)
Y Nazir (East Side Warriors)
Neal (Chelsea Club)
Neal (2nd Field Ambulance)
Neal (Detroit)
A Neal (Union County)
F Neal (Toledo)
F Neal (Somerville)
G Neal (Maumee Valley)
G Neal (Toledo)
G Neal (Toledo Outing Club)
J Neal (Maumee Valley)
W Neal (Maumee Valley)
W Neal (Newark)
Neale (Somerville)
Neale (Somerville Second XI)
Neale (Somerville)
Neale (Portland English Born)
A Neale (Somerville)
AC Neale (Union County)
AJ Neale (Brooklyn Third XI, TB Bowen's XI)
AT Neale (Union County)
E Neale (Somerville)
F Neale (Union County)
F Neale (Somerville Wanderers)
FJ Neale (Somerville)
FJ Neale (Massachusetts Central Cricket Association)
H Neale (Somerville Second XI)
JA Neale (Somerville)
JF Neale (Somerville)
JF Neale (Boston Cricket Club)
JF Neale (Haddonfield)
P Neale (Somerville)
T Neale (Somerville)
WH Neall (Frankford)
L Neals (Guyana Diplomats)
D Nearon (Bermudians)
W Nearon (Bermuda Cricket Club)
V Neate (Illinois, River Forest, Washington Park, Winnetka)
J Neave (New York Arbroath)
J Neaves (Brooklyn)
NJ Neaves (Brooklyn Second XI)
W Neavil (Wakefield, Wakefield Second XI)
Neavill (Sherwood Club of Angora)
W Neaville (Sherwood Club of Angora)
Nebitt (West Indian Wanderers)
Neblick (West Indian Wanderers Second XI)
A Nechie (Rochester)
E Nechod (Glenside)
G Nedd (Progressive Youths)
G Nedd (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A)
G Nedd (Atlantis)
Nedros (Sportsman)
Needham (Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
Needham (Rockland)
Needham (R Turner's XI)
Needham (Rockland Second XI)
Needham (Everett)
Needham (East Boston)
Needham (Bunting)
Needham (Mosely's XI)
Needham (Mohair)
A Needham (Seattle)
C Needham (Rockland)
CA Needham (Chicago)
E Needham (Jackson)
F Needham (Rockland)
F Needham (Chelsea Club Veterans)
H Needham (Albion No 22)
H Needham (Falls of Schuylkill)
J Needham
J Needham (Seattle)
S Needham (Tacony)
Neeld (Central High School)
N Neeler (Tioga Second XI)
R Neeley (Lighthouse B)
WC Neeley (Germantown Juniors, Germantown Summer XI)
T Neely (Northeast Manual Training School)
W Neely (Northeast Manual Training School)
M Neer (Sportsman)
A Neeraj (Sportsman)
E Neeraj (Sportsman)
Neeraj Singh (Torpedos)
J Neesham (Kearny)
J Neethling (Cornell University)
Neeve (SS Minnesota)
Neff (East Boston)
A Neff (Somerville)
DJ Neff (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI, Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
HS Neff (Amsterdam)
JC Neff (Quaker City)
JC Neff (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
JC Neff (Elmwood)
JC Neff (Bank Clerks Athletic Association)
JC Neff (Belmont Second XI, Belmont Summer XI)
JS Neff (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
S Neff (RA Montgomery's XI)
SS Neff (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
Neil (East Boston)
Neil (Rangers)
Neil (Boston Zingari)
Neil (Boston Cricket Club)
Neil (Lynn)
A Neil (Arsenal)
E Neil (Alma Club of Newark)
H Neil (East Boston)
J Neil (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
J Neil (Manhattan B)
L Neil (Diplomats)
T Neil (umpire)
W Neil (SS Georgian)
WM Neil (Eddystone)
Neild (SS Georgian)
AJ Neild (Gibbsboro)
JP Neilds (Harvard College)
JP Neilds (Delaware Field Club)
R Neilds (Delaware Field Club)
Neill (East Boston)
FG Neill (Union County)
J Neill (West New Brighton)
WH Neill (Clifton)
L Neils (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A, Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
L Neils (Westbury)
Neilson (University of Pennsylvania Freshmen)
Neilson (Hyde Park)
Neilson (Progressive Youths)
B Neilson (Harlem)
F Neilson (Episcopal Academy)
F Neilson (Sporting Duchess Company)
J Neilson (Pittsburgh)
JH Neilson (Harlem, South Brooklyn)
JH Neilson (Claremont)
JH Neilson (New Jersey Athletic Club)
WC Neilson (Andrew Hamilton School)
J Neires (Brooklyn Second XI)
J Neither (West Indian)
R Nelakanti (Stanford Cricket Academy)
Nell (East Boston)
Nell (Boston)
H Nell (East Boston)
EA Neller (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
CL Nelles (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
FA Nelles (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
G Nellins (Riverton)
Nellis (Ypsilanti)
FB Nellis (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
TA Nellis (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
G Nelms (Riverton)
J Nelms (Toledo)
Nelson (Brooklyn)
Nelson (Amicus)
Nelson (Boston Cricket Club Second XI)
Nelson (Wanderers)
Nelson (Boston Second XI)
Nelson (Brockton Second XI)
Nelson (Arlington Loomfixers)
Nelson (American XI)
Nelson (Zion)
Nelson (Bunting)
Nelson (Brockton)
Nelson (Needham)
Nelson (West India Club B)
Nelson (Young America Third XI)
Nelson (Appleton)
Nelson (Brooklyn)
Nelson (Penn Charter School Second XI)
A Nelson (SS Georgian)
A Nelson (Centennial B)
AS Nelson (Providence)
B Nelson (Omaha High School)
C Nelson (Brooklyn)
C Nelson (Evanston, Missouri)
C Nelson (Kings County)
C Nelson (Appleton Single)
CW Nelson (Kings County St George)
D Nelson (Missouri)
D Nelson (Westbury)
D Nelson (WISC St Lucia)
E Nelson (Mohair)
E Nelson (Zion)
F Nelson (Belmont Second XI)
H Nelson (Manhattan)
H Nelson (Spice Island)
H Nelson (Yorkville)
HF Nelson (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Nelson (Baltimore)
J Nelson (Kings County St George)
J Nelson (Manchester United)
J Nelson (Mohair)
JH Nelson (Harlem)
JT Nelson (Young America Second XI)
K Nelson (Englewood)
K Nelson (Lions United)
L Nelson (Jamaica Ex-Police)
O Nelson (Westbury)
RA Nelson (Dr Jamison's XI)
RW Nelson (A Evans' XI)
TT Nelson (Young America Veterans)
W Nelson (Brooklyn)
W Nelson (Belmont Veterans)
W Nelson (Bank Clerks Athletic Association)
W Nelson (Lions United)
W Nelson (Andrew Hamilton School)
W Nelson (Mohair Reserves)
W Nelson (Mohair B)
W Nelson (Philadelphia Pilgrims)
WB Nelson (Trinity College, Hartford)
WH Nelson (Manhattan)
WH Nelson (Citrus Colony)
J Nelves (Brooklyn C, Brooklyn Second XI)
H Nemade (Tri-Valley)
WA Nembhard (umpire)
S Nepal (Caribbean)
P Nero (West Indian B)
R Nero (West Indian)
Nesbit (W Tansley's XI)
Nesbitt (Pawtucket)
Nesbitt (Buffalo)
W Nesbitt (Washington DC)
Nesfield (Somerset)
V Nesfield (umpire, referee)
CE Nesham (Richmond)
G Ness (Merion B)
Nethersole (Buffalo)
LG Nethersole (Buffalo)
SN Netravalkar (Mumbai, United States of America, Washington Freedom)
Nett (East Boston)
N Nettleship (Santa Monica)
Nettleton (Lawrence)
GC Nettleton (St Paul Club)
GO Nettleton (Young Americans XI)
GO Nettleton (Chicago)
Nettleworth (Pittsburgh)
E Neuber (Northeast High School)
WC Neuman (Montclair Athletic Club)
W Nevard (Bergen County Athletic Club)
Neveal (Germantown Working Men's Club)
Nevell (Southwark)
M Neven (New York Cricket Club)
Nevett (Boston)
G Nevil (Worcester)
W Nevil (Wakefield)
Nevile (Olympic Club)
Nevill (Calvert's XI)
Nevill (Germantown Working Men's Club)
AC Nevill (Portland)
E Nevill (Newton)
J Nevill (Southwark)
P Nevill (Newton)
WS Nevill (Haverford College)
Neville (Worcester)
Neville (Santa Cruz)
Neville (Jai Hindus)
Neville (Southwark)
E Neville (Newton)
G Neville (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Neville (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Neville (Olympic Club)
J Neville (Michigan Athletic Association)
P Neville (Newton)
W Neville (Wakefield)
J Nevin (Americus Athletic Club)
J Nevin (New York Cricket Club)
WS Nevin (Haverford College)
Nevitt (East Boston)
Nevitt (Boston)
Nevitt (JI Chambers' XI)
Nevitt (Everett)
T Nevitt (Everett)
T Nevitt (St George's Club of Boston)
T Nevitt (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
New (United States of America XI)
M New (Matthews)
A Newall (Westerly)
A Newall (Kensington)
F Newall (West Philadelphia)
J Newall (Westerly)
J Newall (Lighthouse B)
J Newall (Kensington)
T Newall (West Philadelphia B)
Newbauer (Northeast Manual Training School)
H Newberg (Columbia Oval)
H Newberg (New York Cricket Club)
JA Newbern (Pennsylvania Railroad)
Newberry (Cameron)
AS Newberry (New York Veterans)
AS Newberry (Columbia Oval B)
H Newberry (Columbia Oval)
H Newberry (Manhattan Second XI)
H Newberry (Cameron)
HH Newberry (Columbia Oval)
J Newberry (New York Cricket Club)
R Newberry (Cameron)
T Newberry (Brooklyn C)
EJ Newbery (Columbia Oval)
H Newbery (Cameron)
H Newbery (Columbia Oval)
H Newbery (New York Cricket Club)
Newbold (Fox Chase)
Newbold (British War Veterans)
A Newbold (Waverley)
AE Newbold (Philadelphia Cricket Club, Young America)
BM Newbold (Pennsylvania Railroad)
BM Newbold (Belmont Second XI)
C Newbold (Waverley)
CB Newbold (Nondescripts)
CB Newbold (Millwood)
CL Newbold (St George's Club of New York Second XI)
CP Newbold (Millwood)
E Newbold (Belmont Second XI)
EA Newbold (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
EA Newbold (Merion Second XI)
H Newbold (Pennsylvania Railroad)
JH Newbold (Waverley)
JP Newbold (Oxford, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club, Young America)
JP Newbold (Fox Chase)
JP Newbold (JP Newbold's XI)
L Newbold (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
M Newbold (Belmont Second XI)
P Newbold (Jenkintown)
R Newbold (Pennsylvania Railroad)
T Newbold (Merion Summer XI)
T Newbold (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
TM Newbold (Belmont)
H Newburg (Harlem, New York Cricket Club)
J Newburgh (New York Cricket Club)
W Newburgh (St George's Athletic Club Second XI)
JA Newburn (Pennsylvania Railroad)
H Newbury (New York Cricket Club Second XI)
H Newbury (Cameron)
Newby (New Bedford)
Newcomb (Needham)
Newcomb (Needham)
A Newcomb (Needham)
EL Newcombe (Houses of Parliament and Rideau Hall)
Newdick (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
Newell (Baltimore Sons of St George)
Newell (Merrimac)
A Newell (Clifton)
G Newell (West Philadelphia B)
J Newell (Oxford)
J Newell (Lighthouse B)
N Newell (Lucas)
P Newell (West Philadelphia)
P Newell (Clifton)
T Newell (Clifton Heights)
T Newell (West Philadelphia)
T Newell (JB Farrell's XI)
T Newell (Delaware County Field Club)
T Newell (Albion Club of Camden)
T Newell (Clifton)
T Newerll (Clifton)
Newhall (Worcester)
Newhall (Boston Cricket Club)
Newhall (Pawtucket)
Newhall (Germantown Summer XI)
Newhall (SS Franconia)
Newhall (Harvard College)
A Newhall (Lighthouse B)
B Newhall (Germantown)
B Newhall (West Philadelphia)
BM Newhall (Pennsylvania Railroad)
C Newhall (Germantown, Oxford)
CA Newhall (Philadelphia)
CS Newhall (Germantown, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
CS Newhall (Toledo Outing Club)
D Newhall (Germantown, Haddonfield)
D Newhall (Kensington)
DA Newhall (Merion)
DS Newhall (Philadelphia)
DS Newhall
FC Newhall (Young America)
G Newhall (Tioga)
G Newhall (Merion Juniors)
GA Newhall (Germantown Academy, Germantown Juniors)
GM Newhall (Philadelphia)
GT Newhall (Merion A, Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
HL Newhall (Philadelphia, Young America)
HL Newhall (GM Newhall's XI)
HS Newhall (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
J Newhall (Delaware County Field Club)
J Newhall (Oxford)
J Newhall (Lighthouse B)
J Newhall (Kensington)
JG Newhall (Merion Juniors)
JG Newhall (Newhall Family)
JG Newhall (Germantown D)
JG Newhall (Germantown Next XXV)
JP Newhall (Germantown Colts)
MA Newhall (Germantown Summer XI)
ML Newhall (Germantown, Philadelphia Cricket Club, Wanderers)
MS Newhall (Germantown Juniors)
R Newhall (Germantown Summer XI)
RA Newhall (Merion Juniors)
RS Newhall (Philadelphia)
S Newhall (Germantown)
S Newhall (Philadelphia)
S Newhall (GS Patterson's XI)
S Newhall (Bank Clerks Athletic Association)
T Newhall (Young America)
T Newhall (Merion)
T Newhall (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
T Newhall (Germantown Zingari)
T Newhall (Newhall Family)
T Newhall (Clifton)
W Newhall (Homewood)
W Newhall (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
WE Newhall (Teutonic)
WP Newhall (Canada and United States of America, Gentlemen of Philadelphia)
WS Newhall (Germantown, Philadelphia, Young America)
WS Newhall (Detroit Athletic Club, Young America)
WS Newhall (Toledo Outing Club)
WS Newhall (Toledo)
WS Newhall (Cleveland)
WS Newhall (Western Central Association)
WS Newhall (St Louis)
D Newhall(a) (Germantown D)
D Newhall(a) (Germantown D)
GM Newhall jnr (a) (Philadelphia Pilgrims)
JA Newhern (Pennsylvania Railroad)
Newick (Portsmouth)
Newick (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
Newick (Portsmouth)
G Newick (Portsmouth)
HG Newick (Portsmouth)
I Newick (Boston Cricket Club)
J Newick (Portsmouth)
R Newick (Central New York)
T Newick (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
T Newick (Portsmouth)
W Newick (Portsmouth)
H Newith (Belmont Second XI)
PN Newitt (Illinois, Winnetka)
PN Newitt (umpire)
Newkirk (Boston Wanderers)
Newkirk (Boston Cricket Club)
Newkirk (Boston Cricket Club)
Newkirk (Boston Cricket Club)
Newkirk (Somerville)
Newkirk (Boston Second XI)
CW Newkirk (Penn Charter School)
CW Newkirk (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
G Newkirk (Penn Charter School)
G Newkirk (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
JB Newkirk (Massachusetts)
JB Newkirk (Dorian)
JB Newkirk (Old Haverfordians)
JH Newkirk (Dorian)
RW Newkirk (S Welsh's Juniors XI)
Newlan (Merion)
Newland (Somerville)
Newlands (Somerville)
Newlands (Mystic Club of Medford)
Newlin (Keystone)
Newlin (Haverford School)
C Newlin (Merion B, Merion Juniors)
H Newlin (Northeast High School)
HP Newlin (Belmont, University of Pennsylvania)
J Newlin (Belmont Juniors)
JC Newlin (University of Pennsylvania)
JC Newlin (Merion B, Merion Juniors)
JC Newlin (Belmont)
JP Newlin (Belmont)
L Newlin (College Department)
T Newlin (Haverford College)
W Newlin (Merion Juniors, Merion Juniors Second XI)
Newman (Musical and Social)
Newman (Somerville)
Newman (Boston, Boston Cricket Club)
Newman (Boston Cricket Club)
Newman (Picked XI)
Newman (Lynn)
Newman (Massachusetts)
Newman (JJ Heys' XI)
Newman (Boston Zingari)
Newman (Everett)
Newman (England)
Newman (F Hackey's XI)
Newman (West India Club B)
Newman (Compton)
A Newman (Manhattan B)
A Newman (Everett)
AG Newman (Columbia Oval Second XI)
F Newman (Nelson Lodge)
H Newman (Wanderers)
H Newman (Westbury)
H Newman (Mid Island)
H Newman (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Newman (Robin Hood)
J Newman (Nelson Lodge)
M Newman (umpire)
P Newman (Westbury)
P Newman (Westbury)
S Newman (New York Printing Company)
T Newman (Nelson Lodge)
T Newman (Westbury)
T Newman (Robin Hood)
WC Newman (Montclair Athletic Club)
WC Newman (Everett)
WC Newman (Boston Zingari)
WC Newman (Incognitos)
WF Newman (Everett)
WO Newman (Boston Zingari)
J Newnes (Brooklyn B)
News (Chester City)
Newsham (Brockton)
Newsham (East Boston)
P Newsham (Brockton)
R Newsham (Brockton)
Newsom (Worcester)
Newsom (Brockton)
Newsome (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
Newsome (West India Club)
Newsome (Hyde Park)
Newsome (Mystic Club of Medford)
Newsome (Dedham)
Newsome (Jolliffe's XI)
Newsome (Worcester)
Newsome (Merrimac)
Newsome (Worcester)
Newsome (Syracuse)
A Newsome (Columbia Oval)
P Newsome (Columbia Oval)
Newson (Worcester)
Newson (West India Club B)
Newstreth (Brockton)
AG Newsum (Manhattan)
AGC Newsum (Manhattan Second XI)
Newton (Pipestone)
Newton (Lynn)
Newton (Boston Zingari)
Newton (Merrimac Second XI)
Newton (West Indian Wanderers)
Newton (East Boston)
Newton (Lawrence B)
Newton (JA Rothery's XI)
Newton (JJ Heys' XI)
Newton (JI Chambers' XI)
Newton (T Pettitt's XI)
Newton (West India Club A, West India Club B)
Newton (Oswego)
Newton (Cleveland)
Newton (Bermudians)
Newton (West India Club A)
Newton (Alameda)
A Newton (West India Club B)
A Newton (Centennial)
A Newton (Cleveland)
AS Newton (Providence)
AS Newton (Armitage's XI)
AS Newton (Boston Veterans)
AW Newton (Burnaby)
F Newton (West India Club B)
F Newton (University)
F Newton (West India Club)
F Newton (Standard)
G Newton (Centennial)
H Newton (Atlantis)
H Newton (Centennial)
J Newton (West India Club B)
LH Newton (Centennial)
LR Newton (Lake Forest)
N Newton (West India Club A, West India Club B)
N Newton (University)
O Newton (West India Club B)
O Newton (Standard)
O Newton (University)
S Newton (West India Club B)
Newton(a) (Standard)
H Niazi (United States of America, University of California)
J Niazi (Crescent Cricket Club)
S Niazi (Pasadena)
Z Niazi (Cardinals)
Z Niazi (Caribbean)
Z Niazi (Santa Clara Aces)
Z Niazi (Santa Clara Seas)
C Nibbeck (Detroit Athletic Club)
C Nibblick (Detroit Athletic Club)
Nibbs (West India Club)
Niblett (West Indian Wanderers)
G Nice (Edward VII)
W Nice (Edward VII)
D Nichaus (Missouri)
Nichol (Portland)
Nichol (Dedham)
Nichol (Everett)
Nichol (Mystic Lodge)
C Nichol (Germantown Academy)
C Nichol (Northeast Manual Training School)
HR Nichol (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Nicholas (West Indian Wanderers)
P Nicholas (Staten Island Cricket Club)
W Nicholas (Merion)
WH Nicholas (Haverford College Sophomores)
P Nicholes (Flatbush)
HR Nicholl (New York and New Jersey Cricket Association)
HR Nicholl (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Nicholl (Paterson)
JW Nicholla (Belmont C, Belmont D)
Nicholls (Boston Cricket Club)
Nicholls (St George's Club of Boston)
Nicholls (Staten Island Cricket Club Juniors)
Nicholls (Everett)
AB Nicholls (Buffalo)
G Nicholls (St George's Club of Boston)
JL Nicholls (Detroit Athletic Club)
JW Nicholls (Belmont)
SO Nicholls (Sanford)
SW Nicholls (Harvard College)
V Nicholls (Merion)
Nichols (Union Star)
Nichols (Wanderers)
Nichols (Chelsea Club)
Nichols (Newport)
Nichols (Dedham)
Nichols (Rockhill)
Nichols (Everett)
Nichols (St George's Club of Boston)
Nichols (Bunting)
Nichols (Sons of St George)
Nichols (Standard)
Nichols (Fitchburg)
Nichols (West Indian Wanderers)
Nichols (Everett)
Nichols (Everett)
Nichols (Lowell)
Nichols (Lawrence)
Nichols (Mystic Lodge)
C Nichols (Linden)
D Nichols (SS Samaria)
G Nichols (W Haigh's XI)
G Nichols (Everett)
G Nichols (St George's Club of Boston)
G Nichols (Everett)
G Nichols (Mystic Lodge)
H Nichols (United Cricket Club of New York)
H Nichols (Boston Athletic Association Second XI)
J Nichols (Chester City)
J Nichols (Manhattan)
J Nichols (Gleaners)
J Nichols (Paterson)
JP Nichols (Harvard College)
JW Nichols (Belmont)
P Nichols (University of Pennsylvania)
RW Nichols (scorer)
S Nichols (Newark, St George's Club of New York)
S Nichols (Mystic Lodge)
T Nichols (Linden Second XI)
Nicholson (Corvallis)
Nicholson (Fort Hamilton)
Nicholson (World Fair Team)
Nicholson (Haverford Grammar School)
Nicholson (East Cambridge)
Nicholson (Newport)
Nicholson (United Services)
Nicholson (Haverford College)
Nicholson (Chelsea Club)
Nicholson (Haverford College Freshmen, Haverford College Third XI)
Nicholson (Columbus)
A Nicholson (Moorestown)
A Nicholson (New York Cricket Club)
A Nicholson (Haverford College)
C Nicholson (South Barre)
GF Nicholson (South Barre)
H Nicholson (Fitchburg)
H Nicholson (Brooklyn)
HC Nicholson (Seattle)
J Nicholson (Occident Club)
J Nicholson (Fort Hamilton)
J Nicholson (New York Cricket Club)
J Nicholson (Hamilton Club)
JW Nicholson (Frankford and Moorestown, Moorestown)
JW Nicholson (Old Haverfordians)
K Nicholson (New York Veterans)
L Nicholson (Moorestown)
P Nicholson (Merion Juniors)
P Nicholson (Rest of Haverford College)
P Nicholson (University of Pennsylvania)
R Nicholson (Winnetka)
R Nicholson (Brooklyn)
RC Nicholson (Brooklyn, Paterson)
RN Nicholson (Brooklyn)
RV Nicholson (Manor Field)
RW Nicholson (Richmond County)
S Nicholson (Staten Island Athletic Club)
T Nicholson (Fort Hamilton)
T Nicholson (Haverford College Second XI)
T Nicholson (St Paul Club)
T Nicholson (University of Pennsylvania)
TR Nicholson (Staten Island Athletic Club, Staten Island Cricket Club)
TR Nicholson (H Twyford's XI)
TR Nicholson (New York Veterans)
W Nicholson (Young America Second XI, Young America Veterans)
W Nicholson (Moorestown)
W Nicholson (Moorestown)
WH Nicholson (Haverford College Sophomores)
WH Nicholson (Germantown Summer XI, Germantown Veterans)
WH Nicholson (Moorestown)
WH Nicholson (Haddonfield Athletic Association)
C Nickalls (New Jersey Athletic Club)
Nickell (University of Pennsylvania)
Nickerson (Boston B)
AL Nickerson (St Paul's School)
Nickoll (Andover)
Nick Singh (Atlantis)
A Nicol (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
Nicoll (Springfield)
HR Nicoll (New York Veterans, Staten Island Cricket Club)
FW Nicolson (Harvard College)
DS Niedole (United States of America Universities)
F Niehaus (Missouri)
A Nield (Gibbsboro)
A Nield (Alameda)
Nields (Delaware Field Club)
JF Nields (Penn Charter School)
J Niell (Merion Next XXII)
L Niels (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A)
FS Niemann (Mercantile)
Nigel (Spice Island)
Nightingale (Athletics of Fall River)
A Nightingale (Albion No 22)
E Nightingale (Robin Hood)
G Nightingale (Robin Hood)
J Nightingale (Brooklyn)
J Nightingale (Fall River)
Nikell (Penn Charter School Second XI)
Nikhil (umpire)
Niladhar (Stanford II)
Niles (Interstate Cricket League of New York)
Niles (Old Hundred)
A Niles (Southern California Cricket Association)
A Niles (JI Marder's XI)
G Niles (Sims New York West Indian)
VC Niles (Staten Island Cricket Club)
S Nilesh (East Bay I)
B Nilson (Wanderers)
Nimley (Alma Club of Newark)
Nimmo (Gordon Park)
J Nimmo (Newark)
J Nimmo (New York Cricket Club)
T Nimmo (Gordon Park)
H Niorman (West India Club)
M Nipple (Glen Echo)
Jay Nirban (Novi)
Jeet Nirban (Novi)
M Nirmal (East Bay I)
R Nirmale (Cruisers)
H Nisbit (Pawtucket)
R Nish (Young America Second XI)
J Nishant (umpire)
N Nishant (umpire)
Nishanth (Indus II)
Nishanth (umpire)
S Nishanth (Stanford II)
S Nishchal Besagarahally Manjunath (Phantoms)
J Niske (Belfield)
Nison (Lynn Second XI)
A Nitesh (umpire)
D Nitin (umpire)
R Niven (Potter and Johnston)
Nixon (Jenkins' XI)
Nixon (umpire)
Nixon (Skelerton Rovers)
Nixon (Boston)
Nixon (R Hood's XI)
Nixon (Boston B)
Nixon (West India Club B)
Nixon (Everett)
Nixon (Peabody)
Nixon (West India Club A)
A Nixon (Falls of Schuylkill B)
E Nixon (Albion Club of Chicago)
H Nixon (Tennyson)
H Nixon (Centennial)
H Nixon (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Nixon (Albion No 22)
J Nixon (Excelsior)
L Nixon (Albion No 22)
N Nixon (Tennyson)
R Nixon (Albion Club of Chicago)
V Nixon (umpire)
W Nixon (Albion No 22)
Noakes (Brockton)
W Noakes (Newark Wanderers)
Nobbs (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
HA Nobbs (Morris Heights, St George's Athletic Club)
Nobel (Manchester United)
Noble (Altoona)
Noble (Arlington)
Noble (Lynn Second XI)
Noble (Buffalo)
Noble (St George's Club of Boston)
Noble (Everett)
Noble (Queen City of Buffalo)
E Noble (JD Robinson's XI)
E Noble (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
EE Noble (Nelson Lodge)
F Noble (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
J Noble (Westbury)
J Noble (Westbury)
J Noble (Amsterdam)
J Noble (Edward VII)
J Noble (Germantown High School)
J Noble (Germantown Sons of St George)
M Noble (Atlantis)
S Noble (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
TLMC Noble (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
W Noble (Robin Hood)
WH Noble (Germantown, Young America)
WW Noble (Gentlemen of Philadelphia, GS Patterson's XI, University of Pennsylvania Past and Present)
Noblit (Penn Charter School)
S Nochols (West Indies International)
JV Noel (Moorestown)
Nokes (Rockland)
F Nokes (Rockland)
Nolan (Married and Single of Alameda)
Nolan (Lynn)
Nolan (Boston Athletic Association)
Nolan (West India Club)
Nolan (Massachusetts)
B Nolan (New York Cricket Club)
FJ Nolan (Frankford)
G Nolan (United States of America)
M Nolan (Glen Echo)
R Nolan (Lynn Second XI)
TG Nolan (Frankford Second XI)
J Nolley (SS Teutonic)
Noman Sheikh (Cougars II)
Noon (Chelsea Club)
Noon (Shamrock)
Noon (Portsmouth)
E Noon (Centennial B)
H Noon (Moorestown Juniors)
JS Noon (Friends' Select School)
SA Noon (Clifton College, Fort Hamilton, Manhattan, New Jersey Athletic Club, Staten Island Athletic Club)
SA Noon (Hamilton Club)
SA Noon (New York East Second XI)
W Noon (Richard Baxter)
W Noon (Chelsea Club)
W Noon (Centennial)
W Noon (CT Hole's XI)
Noonan (Columbia Club of Hoboken)
Noonan (Columbia College)
G Noonan (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club, Oak Park)
G Noonan (umpire)
JM Noonan (Chicago)
Noone (Portsmouth)
K Noor (Pasadena)
Noor Khan (Unity)
J Norberry (Clark's Thread Works)
Norbury (Medford)
Norbury (Andover)
Norbury (W Pickering's XI)
Norbury (Fall River)
Norbury (Newport)
Norbury (F Chave's XI)
Norbury (Needham)
Norbury (JJ Heys' XI)
A Norbury (Chester City)
J Norbury (Boston, Boston Athletic Association, Boston Cricket Club, Boston Wanderers, Boston Zingari, East Boston, Everett, Longwood, Roxbury)
N Norbury (Mile End)
Norcross (Gibbsboro)
A Nordakh (Corinthians)
Norden (Amicus)
RB Nordheimer (Illinois, Nondescripts, Winnetka)
F Nordseck (Riverside)
Norgrove (Standard)
AW Norgrove (General Electric Company of Philadelphia)
J Norish (Manchester United)
Norley (Outdoor Club of Syracuse, Syracuse)
Norley (Buffalo)
Norley (Central New York)
Norley (Harvard College)
Norley (All New York)
C Norley (Buffalo)
F Norley (umpire)
F Norley (Manhattan)
J Norley (Pullman)
J Norley (Wild's XI)
J Norley (Manhattan)
J Norley (English of New York)
J Norley (Outdoor Amusement Club)
J Norley (Syracuse)
J Norley (Outdoor Club of Syracuse Juniors)
J Norley (Buffalo)
Norman (umpire)
Norman (Dedham)
Norman (East Boston Second XI)
Norman (Roxbury)
Norman (Lynn Wanderers Second XI)
Norman (West India Club)
Norman (New Bedford West Indian Wanderers)
Norman (West India Club B)
A Norman (Mystic Lodge)
C Norman (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
C Norman (Mystic Lodge)
C Norman (West India Club A)
C Norman (Everett)
C Norman (J Murray's XI)
F Norman (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
F Norman (Mystic Lodge)
F Norman (West India Club A)
G Norman (Mystic Lodge)
GH Norman (Harvard College)
H Norman (umpire)
H Norman (West India Club)
H Norman (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
HG Norman (British Officers)
HV Norman (British Officers)
J Norman (Washington DC)
M Norman (Staten Island Cricket Club)
P Norman (River Valley)
T Norman (West India Club A)
Norman(a) (West India Club)
A Normil (University)
A Normil (Standard)
F Normil (University)
J Normil (Standard)
L Normil (Standard)
L Normil (University)
AG Norrie (Columbia College)
Norris (Merion)
Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
Norris (Colorado Springs)
Norris (Newport)
Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
Norris (Pennsylvania Incognitis)
A Norris (Fordham)
A Norris (Veteran St George)
A Norris (Columbia Oval)
A Norris (Newport)
A Norris (Norris' XI)
AC Norris (Belmont Summer XI)
AE Norris (Newark)
AW Norris (Young America Juniors)
C Norris (Bank Clerks Athletic Association)
C Norris (Belmont Summer XI)
CC Norris (Belmont)
CP Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
CR Norris (Belmont Juniors, Belmont Second XI)
D Norris (Kearny)
E Norris (Gentlemen of Philadelphia, GS Patterson's XI)
F Norris (Junior Sons)
F Norris (TC Patterson's XI)
F Norris (Chestnut Hill Juniors, Chestnut Hill Second XI)
F Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
FC Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
FC Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
FC Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
FL Norris (James Martin School)
GP Norris (West Chester)
GW Norris (Belmont Juniors)
GW Norris (Belmont Second XI, Belmont Zingari)
GW Norris (University of Pennsylvania)
HL Norris (Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
J Norris (Sussex Cricket Club)
J Norris (Falls of Schuylkill)
J Norris (Centennial)
J Norris (Germantown British Americans B)
J Norris (Falls of Schuylkill B)
JP Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
JP Norris (West Chester)
N Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
NL Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Veterans)
R Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
R Norris (St Paul's School)
R Norris (Chestnut Hill Second XI)
R Norris (Princeton University)
RH Norris (Merion Veterans)
SW Norris (St Paul's School)
T Norris (Mile End)
T Norris (Merion Veterans)
T Norris (Falls of Schuylkill)
T Norris (Lenox)
TG Norris (Delhi Capitals Women, London Spirit Women, Loughborough Lightning, Melbourne Renegades Women, Southern Brave Women, Southern Vipers, Sussex Women, Thunder, United States of America Women)
TP Norris (Haverford College Second XI)
W Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
W Norris (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
W Norris (Belmont Juniors)
W Norris (Chestnut Hill Second XI)
W Norris (Germantown and Philadelphia Cricket Club)
W Norris (WN Morice's XI)
W Norris (Left-Handed)
WF Norris (Belmont Juniors, Belmont Summer XI)
WF Norris (E Hopkinson's XI)
F Norseck (Riverside)
North (umpire)
North (Oswego)
North (umpire)
North (Thornton)
North (umpire)
North (umpire)
North (Providence)
North (British Hosiery Company)
North (Pawtucket)
North (Ashton)
North (East Boston)
North (East Dedham)
North (Manhattan Second XI)
A North (Amsterdam)
C North (Hulbert's XIV)
CA North (Belmont)
E North (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
F North (Oswego Falls)
G North (Dedham)
G North (Dedham Bowlers)
H North (Pleasantville)
H North (Lighthouse B)
J North (Pawtucket)
J North (John Bright)
P North (Dedham)
P North (Dedham Bowlers)
R North (Junior Sons)
R North (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
R North (Germantown Academy)
TA North (Staten Island Athletic Club)
WB North (Thornton)
North(a) (East Dedham)
J Northey (Trenton)
WJ Northey (Trenton)
H Northsar (Manhattan)
W Northwood (Detroit Athletic Club Juniors)
Norton (Dyson's XI)
Norton (Cambridge)
Norton (Waltham Picked XI)
A Norton (TR Reaney's XI)
E Norton (Yale University)
ET Norton (Newark)
H Norton (Barbarians)
H Norton (Manhattan)
JA Norton (Washington)
P Norton (Essex County)
T Norton (Newark)
W Norton (Staten Island Cricket Club Juniors)
W Norton (Amsterdam Summer XI)
Norville (Caribbean)
Norville (West India Club)
H Norville (Lions United)
Norwell (Caribbean)
Nostaw (Albion Club of Chicago)
V Not (Everett)
H Nothsur (Manhattan)
A Notice (Caribbean)
Notingham (CF Titus' XI)
E Not Our (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
H Notshur (Manhattan)
HA Nott (St George's Athletic Club)
SC Nott (Pullman)
Notterman (Everett B)
Notterman (Everett)
Nottingham (Boston)
Nottingham (Boston Zingari)
H Nottingham (Boston)
Nottman (Everett B)
H Nottman (Mid Island)
J Nourse (Michigan)
W Nourse (Harlem Second XI)
Novell (Caribbean)
Novello (Caribbean)
Nowell (Thornton)
S Nowrangilall (Everest and American Cricket Society)
GA Noyes (Boston Athletic Association)
E Nueber (Northeast High School)
A Nufflin (Wayne Juniors)
Nugent (Bedford Second XI)
Nugent (California)
Nugent (Philbro)
Nugent (Caribbean)
A Nugent (Kings County, Kings County St George)
A Nugent (Manhattan)
A Nugent (New Jersey)
B Nugent (Corinthians)
HC Nugent (Staten Island Cricket Club)
W Nugent (Philbro)
W Numan (Albion No 22)
Numett (West India Club A)
R Nunes (River Valley)
R Nunes (Tri City Albany)
J Nungrave (Edgemoor)
Nunley (Alma Club of Newark)
W Nunley (Alma Club of Newark)
Nunn (Buffalo)
JH Nunn (New York Cricket Club)
E Nurmann (Mount Vernon)
Nurse (West Indian Wanderers)
Nurse (Caribbean)
Nurse (United)
Nurse (Michigan)
F Nurse (United)
H Nurse (Harlem)
M Nurse (Cosmos)
R Nurse (Mid Island)
R Nurse (Gladiators)
W Nurse (Harlem)
W Nurse (Detroit West Indians)
Nuruddin (umpire)
Nussey (Fitchburg)
R Nutt (Elm Flax Mills)
Nuttal (Athletics of Fall River)
Nuttall (Ashton)
Nuttall (Boston)
B Nuttall (Longwood)
R Nuttall (Fall River)
R Nuttall (R Nuttall's Ashton XI)
RH Nuttall (St Paul's School)
Nutter (Lawrence Albion)
B Nyack (Spice Island)
Nyler (East Cambridge)





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