
United States of America Players (H)


D H (umpire)
N H (Philadelphia Cricket Club B)
S H (umpire)
S H (Cleveland)
H/Godfrey (Needham)
H/Mitchell (St George's Club of Boston)
H/Smith (Everett)
Haag (Haverford College)
Haarish Khan (Northern California Cricket Association Youth)
Haaris Karim (Americas Under-19s, United States of America Under-19s)
Haaris Khan (Tracy I)
Habben (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Habbin (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Habbin (Calvert's XI)
HG Habbin (Peninsular Cricket Club)
HG Habbins (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Habbis (Peninsular Cricket Club)
H Habbon (Peninsular Cricket Club)
E Habib (Sportsman)
F Habib (Pasadena)
I Habib (International)
A Habibulla (Liberty)
A Habibulla (Gladiators)
Hack (San Fransisco Cricket Club Cricketers)
C Hack (Edgewater)
FJ Hack (Schenectady)
FL Hack (Schenectady)
N Hack (Cosmos)
Hacker (Chelsea Club)
M Hacker (Young America Second XI)
W Hacker (West Philadelphia B)
WE Hacker (Haverford College, Penn Charter School, Young America)
WN Hacker (Merion Summer XI)
Hackett (East Liverpool)
Hackett (Cicero)
A Hackett (New York City)
C Hackett (Paterson)
CL Hackett (Cicero)
E Hackett (West Indian)
E Hackett (Spartan Field Club)
E Hackett (Allied West Indies)
E Hackett (Spartan)
G Hackett (Allied West Indies)
LH Hackett (Albany)
W Hackett (Newark)
W Hackett (Electric)
C Hackey (Americans of Mound City)
C Hackey (F Hackey's XI)
F Hackey (Mound City, Mound City Next XV)
F Hackey (St Louis)
F Hackey (Americans of Mound City)
F Hackey (F Hackey's XI)
Hackinfall (Peabody British Americans)
Hacking (Ardmore)
C Hackney (Omaha High School)
Hackstaff (Mound City Next XV)
J Hacky (Victoria)
Hadaway (Mystic Club of Medford Second XI)
Hadden (Andover)
Hadden (Lynn)
H Hadden (Seabright)
Haddenham (Salt Lake City)
Haddin (Portsmouth)
Hadding (Lawrence)
Haddock (Chelsea Club)
H Haddock (Trenton)
J Haddock (New York Cricket Club Second XI)
Haddon (Andover)
Haddon (Merrimac)
Haddon (Merrimac)
Haddon (Fall River)
A Haddon (Andover)
A Haddon (Merrimac)
A Haddon (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
J Haddon (Andover)
S Haddon (Andover)
W Haddon (i) (Andover)
W Haddon (ii) (Andover, Boston Athletic Association, Highlandville, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Merrimac, United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
WL Haddon (Chicago)
Hadfield (Washington DC)
Hadfield (Everett)
Hadley (West India Club)
Hadley (Waltham)
Hadley (Alpha Club of Salem)
Hadley (Waltham)
Hadley (Zion)
Hadley (West Indian Wanderers)
Hadley (Moore Spinning Company)
Hadley (West Indian Wanderers)
AF Hadley (Phoenixville)
C Hadley (Columbia Club of Hoboken)
H Hadley (North Chelmsford)
T Hadley (Norristown)
WP Hadwen (Montclair Athletic Club)
H Hadwin (Falls of Schuylkill Second XI)
D Haefer (Galbraith Juniors)
N Hafeez (United States of America)
S Hafeez (Crescent Cricket Club)
MR Haffenden (Berkeley Athletic Club, New Jersey Athletic Club, Staten Island Athletic Club, Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Haffernan (Lake Shore)
W Haffner (Tennyson B)
F Hafiz (Florida International)
NA Hafiz (Demerara, Guyana)
Hafize (Louisville)
HD Hagan (Port Washington)
T Hagan (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
Hagar (Alpha Club of Salem, Alpha Club of Salem Second XI)
A Hagar (Germantown)
AF Hagar (Penn Charter School)
WF Hagar (Young America Juniors)
Hagborne (West Indian Wanderers)
Hagbourne (Caribbean)
W Hagbourne (West Indian Wanderers)
Hagbower (West Indian Wanderers)
E Hagen (Linden)
Hager (Alpha Club of Salem Second XI)
Haggarty (Boston)
Haggas (Everett)
Haggas (Arlington Parkway)
L Haggas (Cleveland)
Haggerty (Boston)
J Haggi (Northeast High School)
L Haggis (Cleveland)
HPH Haggitt (Burns Valley)
GW Hagman (Manor Field)
Hague (Boston)
Hague (New Bedford)
Hague (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
Hague (Bunting)
Hague (Worcester)
Hague (Albany)
B Hague (North End)
F Hague (Kings County St George)
F Hague (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
F Hague (Lawrence)
F Hague (Canton)
F Hague (Whites All Stars)
F Hague (Brockton)
F Hague (Massachusetts)
F Hague (Bay State Cricket League)
F Hague (St George's Club of Boston)
RB Hague (Railroad XI)
RD Hague (Lawrence)
RD Hague (Canton)
SD Hague (Cambridge Second XI)
SJ Hague (Kings County St George)
T Hague (Kings County St George Second XI)
G Hahne (Brooklyn)
HS Haidar (United States of America)
Haider (United States of America Cricket Association)
A Haider (Pegasus)
F Haider (Tracy I)
F Haider (umpire)
S Haider (Cardinals)
S Haider (Virginia)
X Haider (Cruisers)
Haider Ali (Tracy I)
Haig (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Haig (Canton)
A Haig (Penn Charter School)
A Haig (Friends' Select School)
A Haig (Centennial)
CR Haig (Haverford College)
EH Haig (Merion Second XI)
MW Haig (Merchantville)
R Haig (Paterson)
S Haig (Cherry Grove Second XI)
W Haig (Lansdowne)
WW Haig (Merchantville)
Haigh (Boston)
Haigh (Delaware Field Club)
Haigh (Medford)
Haigh (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Haigh (Dover)
Haigh (Medford, Mystic Club of Medford)
Haigh (Newton)
Haigh (Canton)
Haigh (Lawrence)
Haigh (Boston Cricket Club)
A Haigh (Fairhill)
A Haigh (Germantown)
B Haigh (Paterson)
B Haigh (Norristown)
B Haigh (Delaware Field Club)
B Haigh (Trenton)
B Haigh (North End)
B Haigh (Fairhill)
B Haigh (Linden)
B Haigh (Cambria)
B Haigh (Falls of Schuylkill, Lighthouse, Robin Hood, Tennyson)
C Haigh (Fairhill)
C Haigh (Linden)
C Haigh (Shakespeare)
C Haigh (AJ Mercer's XI)
C Haigh (R Turner's XI)
C Haigh (GD Duncan's XI)
C Haigh (W Haigh's XI)
C Haigh (Merchantville)
D Haigh (Robin Hood)
E Haigh (Linden)
GB Haigh (Catonsville)
H Haigh (Philadelphia Association)
H Haigh (North End)
H Haigh (Lighthouse)
J Haigh (Oxford Second XI)
J Haigh (HM Durrand's XI)
J Haigh (Victoria)
P Haigh (Linden)
R Haigh (Norristown)
R Haigh (Cambria)
R Haigh (Linden)
S Haigh (Cherry Grove)
S Haigh (Fairhill)
S Haigh (Linden)
S Haigh (Norristown)
W Haigh (Baltimore)
W Haigh (Falls of Schuylkill, Lighthouse, Robin Hood)
WH Haigh (English Residents)
WH Haigh (umpire)
WH Haigh (WH Haigh's XI)
B Hailing (West Chester)
Haily (East Cambridge)
Haines (Moorestown Second XI)
Haines (Westtown School)
Haines (East Boston)
Haines (Everett)
Haines (St George's Club of Boston)
Haines (Haverford College Freshmen)
Haines (Friends' Select School)
Haines (British Embassy)
Haines (Standard)
A Haines (All Comers, FL Altemus' XI, Germantown B, Germantown Board of Governors, Germantown Colts, Germantown Working Men's Club, Merion Juniors, Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors, Philadelphia Veterans)
A Haines (Germantown Juniors)
A Haines jun (Germantown)
Arthur Haines (Germantown, Haverford College, Merion, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
AH Haines (FS White's XI)
AH Haines (Philadelphia Veterans)
AH Haines (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
AH Haines (Philadelphia)
AH Haines (Haverford College Rovers)
AH Haines (Haverford College)
CA Haines (Frankford)
CE Haines (American Born)
CE Haines (S Welsh's XI)
GP Haines (Girard Second XI)
H Haines (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
HA Haines (Gentlemen of Philadelphia)
HW Haines (West Chester)
I Haines (Merion Veterans)
J Haines (Germantown Summer XI)
J Haines (Linden)
J Haines (Germantown Boys Club)
J Haines (Merion Second XI)
JA Haines (Philadelphia Board of Govenors)
JH Haines (Tioga)
JH Haines (Haverford College Next XII, Haverford College Second XI, Haverford College Third XI)
JH Haines (Belfield Second XI)
L Haines (Merion)
L Haines (Riverton)
L Haines (Philadelphia Veterans)
L Haines (GM Newhall's XI)
L Haines (Old Haverfordians)
L Haines (Montgomeryshire)
L Haines (umpire)
M Haines (Moorestown Second XI)
M Haines (Germantown Zingari)
M Haines (Philadelphia Cricket Club Summer XI)
M Haines (Haverford College)
M Haines (Germantown Working Men's Club)
MC Haines (Haverford College, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
MC Haines (Merion)
N Haines (Moorestown)
W Haines (St Andrews of Hazlewood)
W Haines (Moorestown)
W Haines (Wanderers)
WH Haines (Germantown, Haddonfield, Haverford College, Merion, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
WS Haines (Delaware)
AS Haines(a) (Germantown)
A Haines jnr (a) (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
A Haines jnr (a) (Germantown B)
A Haines jnr jnr (a) (Germantown B)
C Hainey (University of Pennsylvania)
Hainsworth (St Timothy)
A Hainsworth (Crescent Athletic Club, Paterson)
W Hainsworth (Lorraine)
W Hainsworth (Crescent Athletic Club)
A Hair (Penn Charter School)
A Hair (Friends' Select School)
C Hair (Penn Charter School)
VA Hairn (Bensonhurst Thistle)
Hairston (Pittsburgh Field Club)
F Hairston (Baltimore)
M Hajeed (California Cricket Association North West Region)
G Hake (Harlem)
G Hake (Brooklyn)
J Hake (Harlem Second XI)
O Hake (Brooklyn)
L Hakim (Queens Cavaliers)
HR Hakons (Syracuse)
R Halall (Pioneer)
N Halankar (California State University, Fullerton)
EK Halback (Manhattan Second XI)
M Halburd (University of Pennsylvania)
Halcroft (Cleveland)
WC Haldane (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
WR Haldane (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
DM Haldeman (Pittsburgh)
WR Haldone (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
Hale (St George's Club of Chicago)
Hale (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Hale (Benedicts)
Hale (E O'Hair's XI)
Hale (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Hale (Bunting B)
Hale (University of Pennsylvania)
A Hale (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
C Hale (Ardmore Summer XI)
CT Hale (Kings County, Kings County St George)
G Hale (Brooklyn)
G Hale (South Brooklyn)
G Hale (Harlem)
J Hale (Kings County)
R Hale (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
S Hale (Flint and District)
W Hale (Civic Park)
W Hale (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
W Hale (Hyde Park)
W Hale (Flint Cricket Club)
WW Hale (Merchantville)
Haledon (St George's Club of Boston)
C Hales (Belmont)
DO Hales (Belmont)
ED Hales (Belmont)
FG Hales (Columbia Oval, Manhattan, Manor Field, New York Veterans, Richmond County, Staten Island Cricket Club)
G Hales (Wanderers)
JP Hales (University of Pennsylvania)
NS Hales (Belmont, University of Pennsylvania)
RD Hales (Belmont)
FG Hales(a) (New York Veterans)
W Halesburg (St Austin's School)
Haley (Boston Zingari)
Haley (Belleville)
Haley (Worcester)
Haley (Portsmouth)
Haley (United Cricket Club of Portsmouth)
E Haley (Belle Vue)
EJ Haley (Haverford College Second XI, Haverford College Seniors)
EJ Haley (West Chester)
T Haley (New York Centurian)
A Halford (Tennyson)
Halfrey (Newton Second XI)
Halham (Lynn Second XI)
J Halkerson (All New York)
J Halkerston (Cameron)
Halkeson (Springfield)
Hall (Hollywood)
Hall (Amicus)
Hall (Belmont Juniors)
Hall (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Hall (Philadelphia)
Hall (W Howell's XI)
Hall (St David's)
Hall (Mystic Club of Medford)
Hall (East Cambridge)
Hall (Wayne)
Hall (FF Hallowell's XI)
Hall (Hall's XI)
Hall (CS Patterson's XI)
Hall (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
Hall (Winnisimmett of Chelsea)
Hall (Fall River)
Hall (Married of Longwood Club)
Hall (Boston Zingari)
Hall (Lawrence)
Hall (Hyde Park)
Hall (Lawrence Albion)
Hall (Belmont Veterans)
Hall (Haverford College)
Hall (Wayne Country Club)
Hall (Incogniti of Brooklyn)
Hall (Belfield)
Hall (umpire)
Hall (Lawrence Albion)
Hall (Falls of Schuylkill Second XI)
Hall (Lowell)
Hall (Jamaica Social Athletic Club)
Hall (The Carpet Company)
Hall (Boston Zingari)
Hall (Oakland Creek)
Hall (East Boston Second XI)
Hall (Methuen)
Hall (Lynn Wanderers)
Hall (Buffalo)
Hall (Dedham)
Hall (Lynn)
Hall (Lawrence)
Hall (Merchantville)
Hall (Zion)
Hall (Baltimore)
Hall (Lonsdale)
Hall (Pawtucket)
Hall (Standard)
Hall (Rockland)
Hall (Excelsior)
Hall (Columbus)
Hall (University of Pennsylvania Juniors, University of Pennsylvania Second XI)
Hall (Newark)
Hall (Forest City)
Hall (Merchantville)
Hall (Western Addition)
Hall (University of Pennsylvania)
Hall (Richard Baxter)
Hall (Queen City of Buffalo)
Hall (Wanderers)
A Hall (South Brooklyn)
A Hall (Brooklyn)
A Hall (River Valley)
A Hall (Lawrence)
A Hall (Robin Hood)
AG Hall (Belmont Summer XI)
AL Hall (Melbourne, South Park)
AL Hall (Chicago West Indians)
AL Hall (umpire)
AL Hall (Hyde Park)
AL Hall (Winnetka)
AW Hall (Haverford College Third XI)
B Hall (Belmont Juniors)
B Hall (West Indian International A)
C Hall (Belmont Juniors)
C Hall (Elmwood)
C Hall (Spice Island)
C Hall (Linden)
C Hall (Columbia Oval)
CE Hall (Belmont)
CM Hall (New Jersey Athletic Club)
CS Hall (Crescent Athletic-Hamilton Club)
D Hall (Melbourne)
D Hall (West Indian)
D Hall (West Indian)
D Hall (Sportsman)
D Hall (Mid Island)
D Hall (Spice Island)
D Hall (Diplomats)
D Hall (Jamaica Social Athletic Club)
D Hall (Jamaica)
DO Hall (Tioga)
E Hall (Girard Juniors)
E Hall (St David's)
E Hall (Pennsylvania Railroad)
E Hall (Wayne)
E Hall (Moorestown Juniors)
EG Hall (All New York)
EL Hall (Trenton)
EM Hall (Incogniti of Brooklyn)
EM Hall (FF Hallowell's XI)
ES Hall (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
F Hall (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
F Hall (Newark)
F Hall (Victoria)
F Hall (Belfield Juniors)
F Hall (Albion Club of Camden)
F Hall (Haverford College Second XI)
FC Hall (Kings County)
FO Hall (umpire)
FP Hall (Old Hundred Second XI)
FS Hall (Manhattan)
FS Hall (Columbia Oval)
FS Hall (Kings County)
FS Hall (Cameron)
G Hall (Brooklyn)
G Hall (West Indian)
G Hall (Mid Island)
G Hall (J Pacey's XI)
G Hall (Spice Island)
G Hall (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
G Hall (New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League)
G Hall (Unity)
G Hall (St David's)
G Hall (Columbia Oval)
GM Hall (Belmont Juniors, Belmont Second XI, Belmont Summer XI)
GW Hall (American Baseball Players)
H Hall (Claremont)
H Hall (Merion Veterans)
H Hall (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A, Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
H Hall (Westbury)
H Hall (Progressive Youths)
H Hall (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
H Hall (New York Veterans)
H Hall (Lawrence Albion)
H Hall (Boston Athletic Association)
H Hall (Lawrence)
H Hall (Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League)
HB Hall (Kearny)
HS Hall (Newark)
J Hall (Rhode Island)
J Hall (Lawrence)
J Hall (Paterson)
J Hall (Victoria)
J Hall (Kings County St George)
J Hall (Livingston Field Club)
J Hall (Merryvale)
J Hall (Cosmopolitan Club of New York)
J Hall (South Park)
J Hall (Manchester United)
J Hall (St David's Second XI)
J Hall (Lawrence Albion)
J Hall (Lorraine Textiles)
J Hall (Meten Meer Zorg)
J Hall (RH Roberts' Veteran XI)
J Hall (Philadelphia Cricket Club Summer XI)
J Hall (St George's Club of Buffalo)
J Hall (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
J Hall (New York Centurian)
J Hall (Cosmos)
J Hall (Jamaica)
J Hall (Potter and Johnston)
J Hall (Centennial)
JJ Hall (Manor Field)
JT Hall (Girard Second XI)
K Hall (Mid Island)
L Hall (Staten Island Cricket Club)
LG Hall (Sherwood Club of Angora)
LM Hall (Haverford College)
M Hall (Montecito)
M Hall (Manor Field)
M Hall (Wanderers)
M Hall (Lawrence)
M Hall (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
N Hall (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
N Hall (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
O Hall (Spice Island)
O Hall (Stamford)
P Hall (Columbia College)
P Hall (Victoria)
P Hall (Cosmopolitan Club of New York)
PC Hall (Berkeley Athletic Club, Morris Park)
PE Hall (St George's Club of New York)
R Hall (Ridley Park)
R Hall (Sportsman)
R Hall (Somerset)
R Hall (Moorestown Juniors)
S Hall (Newark)
S Hall (Ashton)
T Hall (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
T Hall (Spice Island)
T Hall (Edgemoor)
T Hall (Somerset)
T Hall (Lawrence)
T Hall (Jamaica)
T Hall (Columbia Oval)
TM Hall (Philadelphia)
V Hall (Excelsior)
W Hall (West Indian)
W Hall (Kearny)
W Hall (New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI)
W Hall (SS Oceanic)
W Hall (N Etting's XI)
W Hall (Lawrence)
W Hall (Lowell Carpet Mill Club)
W Hall (Excelsior)
W Hall (Lawrence Albion)
W Hall (Moorestown Juniors)
WE Hall (Altoona, Merion Veterans)
WE Hall (New Jersey Athletic Club)
WE Hall (Knickerbocker Athletic Club)
WE Hall (Brooklyn Veterans)
WE Hall (New Jersey Veterans)
WE Hall (New York Veterans)
WE Hall (Newark)
WE Hall (Merion Second XI)
WF Hall (Merion)
WF Hall (New Jersey Athletic Club)
Y Hall (Excelsior)
R Hallahan (Prospect Park)
R Hallahan (Brooklyn Second XI)
R Hallahan (New York Zingari)
R Hallahan (All New York)
R Hallahan (Richmond County)
E Hallal (Unity)
E Hallal (North Province)
E Hallal (Spice Island)
R Hallal (Lucas)
Rako Hallal (North Province, Pioneer, Spice Island, Unity)
Ravish Hallal (Unity)
Ricky Hallal (Pioneer, Spice Island, Unity)
RA Hallal (Lucas)
Hallam (Lowell Plush Carpets Company)
A Hallam (Albion Club of Philadelphia)
A Hallam (Centennial)
H Hallam (Albion Club of Philadelphia)
J Hallam (Newark)
KE Hallam (Newark)
KW Hallam (Newark)
KW Hallam (Sons of St George Second XI)
W Hallam (Newark)
Hallaman (Lynn Second XI)
F Hallas (Darby)
T Hallas (Darby)
J Hallen (Newark)
T Haller (Merion)
G Hallet (Belmont Summer XI)
HM Hallet (Haverford College)
Hallett (Haverford College)
G Hallett (Belmont Veterans)
HM Hallett (Haverford College)
W Hallett (Prospect Park Second XI)
Halley (Cambridge Second XI)
Halley (East Cambridge)
Hallfrey (East Boston)
Halliburton (St George's Club of Roxborough)
J Halliburton (St George's Club of New York)
Halliday (Lynn)
Halliday (Canton)
Halliday (Lynn Wanderers)
Halliday (Boston B)
Halliday (Noddle Island)
CE Halliday (Lynn Reserves, Lynn Second XI)
CR Halliday (Melrose)
S Halliday (Oxford)
Hallin (Hyde Park)
Halling (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
G Hallings (East Boston)
Hallis (Newark)
Hallis (umpire)
Hallis (Fall River)
H Hallis (Darby)
W Hallis (Newark, Philadelphia)
GH Hallitt (Belmont Summer XI)
Halliwell (Cicero)
Halliwell (Saylesville)
Halliwell (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
F Halliwell (Philadelphiashire)
FJ Halliwell (Centennial)
H Halliwell (Cameron)
J Halliwell (Manhattan)
J Halliwell (Prospect Park)
J Halliwell (Centennial)
JA Halliwell (Cameron)
RJ Halliwell (Cameron)
WJ Halliwell (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
HT Hallock (Columbia Oval)
R Hallock (Columbia Oval)
E Halloran (umpire)
E Halloran (Bedford)
M Halloran (Bedford)
RG Halloran (Manhattan)
W Halloran (Bedford)
E Hallow (Newark)
Halloway (Boston Zingari)
Halloway (East Boston Second XI)
R Halloway (Haddonfield)
W Halloway (Radnor)
WJ Halloway (Nelson Lodge)
Hallowell (Cicero Second XI)
Hallowell (All Comers)
Hallowell (University of Pennsylvania Second XI)
A Hallowell (Radnor High School)
A Hallowell (Centennial B)
FE Hallowell (Wayne Country Club)
FF Hallowell (Radnor)
FJ Hallowell (Centennial)
FJ Hallowell (Centennial B)
G Hallowell (Radnor)
HH Hallowell (Belmont)
J Hallowell (Prospect Park)
J Hallowell (Centennial)
J Hallowell (Amalgamated Society of Engineers No 1)
J Hallowell (Centennial B)
JH Hallowell (Merion Second XI)
W Hallowell (Radnor)
J Hallum (Newark)
Hallworth (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
Hallworth (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
WJ Hallworth (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
WJ Hallworth (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
WJ Hallworth (Syracuse)
Hally (Boston Second XI)
Hally (Picked XI)
Hally (Medford)
Hally (Cambridge)
Hally (East Cambridge)
Halpin (Walnut Hills)
H Halrymple (Jamaica)
EJ Halsey (West Chester)
J Halsey (Episcopal College)
WE Halsey (HMS Rayleigh)
Halstead (Newark)
Halstead (Oakland)
Halstead (Alert)
Halstead (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Halstead (Colonial (Detroit))
Halstead (Detroit B)
Halstead (United)
Halstead (Detroit Cricket Club)
Halstead (Detroit Council)
Halstead (Michigan)
A Halstead (Frankford)
A Halstead (Oxford Second XI)
AE Halstead (Oakland)
B Halstead (Melbourne, South Park)
G Halstead (Oxford Second XI)
G Halstead (Frankford)
J Halstead (Frankford Second XI)
J Halstead (Oxford Second XI)
R Halstead (Oxford)
R Halstead (Zingari)
R Halstead (Alert)
R Halstead (United)
B Halsted (Chicago West Indians, South Park, Washington Park)
B Halsted (Hyde Park)
W Halsted (Oakland Second XI)
EW Halston (Germantown)
S Haltham (Edward VII)
Halton (Newton Second XI)
J Halton (Germantown Sons of St George)
JH Halton (Oakland, Oakland)
JM Halton (Oakland)
S Halton (Germantown British Americans)
SM Halton (Oakland)
J Halwood (Falls of Schuylkill B)
G Ham (Highlandville Juniors)
R Ham (Highlandville Juniors)
Hamaad Khan (Virginia)
Haman (Saylesville)
C Haman (New Haven)
Hamberger (Belmont Summer XI)
DG Hamble (Staten Island Cricket Club)
C Hambley (Homestead)
Hamblin (Newton)
Hamblin (E Davidson's XI)
Hamblin (Picked XI)
Hamblin (Boston Incognitos)
Hamblin (East Boston)
Hamblin (Incognitos)
Hamblin (Bunting)
Hamblin (East Boston)
Hamblin (St George's Club of Boston)
Hamblin (Athletics)
Hamblin (Boston Zingari)
G Hamblin (East Boston, Sons of St George, St George's Club of Boston)
WB Hambly (Wilkinsburg)
WB Hambly (Pittsburgh)
Hamburg (Brooklyn)
HA Hamburg (South Brooklyn)
A Hamburger (Ambler Third XI)
A Hamburger (Belmont Summer XI)
M Hamburger (Ambler Third XI)
A Hamdani (Arsenal)
S Hamdani (Phantoms)
B Hameed (Pioneer)
B Hameed (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
M Hameed (Manchester United)
S Hameed (North California Cricket Association Mustangs Under-15s)
S Hameed Qureshi (United States of America Over-40s)
Hamer (Tacony)
Hamer (Methuen)
Hamer (Methuen)
C Hamer (Methuen)
C Hamer (Arlington Parkway)
D Hamer (Arlington Parkway)
D Hamer (Methuen)
G Hamer (Tacony)
J Hamer (Methuen)
J Hamer (Arlington Mills)
R Hamer (Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League)
W Hamer (Methuen)
W Hamer (Merrimac)
W Hamer (Lawrence)
Hamer(a) (Methuen)
Hamer(a) (Methuen)
Hamid (United States of America Cricket Association President's XI)
Hamill (URY College)
Hamilton (Wanderers)
Hamilton (Haddonfield)
Hamilton (Merrimac)
Hamilton (Merrimac)
Hamilton (Harvard College)
Hamilton (East Boston)
Hamilton (Mystic Club of Medford Second XI)
Hamilton (SS Cephalonia)
Hamilton (Philadelphia Zingari)
Hamilton (West India Club)
Hamilton (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
Hamilton (Detroit)
Hamilton (Manhattan)
Hamilton (Scotch of New York)
Hamilton (San Fransisco Cricket Club Cricketers)
Hamilton (Athletics)
A Hamilton (Cream City)
A Hamilton (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
A Hamilton (Spartan Field Club)
A Hamilton (Lucas)
A Hamilton (Excelsior)
A Hamilton (Progressive Youths)
A Hamilton (Wooton)
AH Hamilton (Garfield)
AR Hamilton (Cleveland)
AR Hamilton (Garfield)
AR Hamilton (Gordon Park Reds)
AR Hamilton (Cleveland)
C Hamilton (Pioneer)
CA Hamilton (Harvard College)
E Hamilton (Centennial)
EH Hamilton (Staten Island Cricket Club)
EW Hamilton (Belfield)
G Hamilton (South)
G Hamilton (Staten Island Cricket Club)
H Hamilton (Riverside)
I Hamilton (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Hamilton (South Park)
J Hamilton (Isthmian)
J Hamilton (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Hamilton (Detroit Athletic Club)
J Hamilton (Douglas Park A)
J Hamilton (Schenectady)
J Hamilton (Belle Vue)
J Hamilton (Rochester)
J Hamilton (Milwaukee)
JD Hamilton (Gentlemen of United States of America)
JH Hamilton (Seabright)
JH Hamilton (Harvard College)
JL Hamilton (Harvard College)
JL Hamilton (Outdoor Amusement Club)
JS Hamilton (Gentlemen of United States of America)
L Hamilton (Union County)
L Hamilton (Crescent Athletic Club)
L Hamilton (Picked XI)
LA Hamilton (British Americans)
NC Hamilton (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
R Hamilton (Park Place)
R Hamilton (Excelsior)
R Hamilton (Princeton University)
RC Hamilton (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors, Tioga Athletic Association Second XI)
S Hamilton (Locomotive Club)
W Hamilton (Bison City)
W Hamilton (St George's Club of New York)
W Hamilton (Wanderers)
W Hamilton (Stars United)
W Hamilton (Garfield)
WA Hamilton (Staten Island Cricket Club)
WA Hamilton (Amateur League)
WC Hamilton (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
WF Hamilton (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors, Tioga Athletic Association Second XI)
WJ Hamilton (Haddonfield Athletic Association)
WP Hamilton (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Hamilton-Gordon (British Embassy)
Hamlen (Massachusetts)
Hamlen (Harlequins)
Hamlen (CW Perkins' XI)
Hamlen (Chelsea Club)
Hamlen (Boston Wanderers)
Hamlen (CF Villiers' XI)
Hamlin (Boston Wanderers)
Hamlin (Newton)
Hamlin (Athletics)
Hamlin (Standard)
EW Hamlin (Mystic Club of Medford)
GA Hamlin (Old Hundred, Old Hundred Second XI)
O Hamlin (Delphian)
P Hamlin (Isthmian)
Hamlon (SS Saxonia)
Hamlyn (English Residents)
Hamlyn (New York Cricket Club)
Hamlyn (Newton)
Hammad Haider (United States of America Under-19s)
Hammad Khan (Grand Rapids Tigers)
G Hammann (Philadelphia and Reading Railroad)
J Hamment (SS Germanic)
Hammersley (CW White's XI)
Hammersley (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Hammersley (Highlandville)
Hammersley (Needham)
LR Hammersley (Belmont Second XI)
O Hammerstein (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
F Hammett (Toledo Outing Club)
Hammill (Fox Chase)
Hammill (Blairsville)
Hammill (Providence)
Hammond (Canada and United States of America)
Hammond (St Paul's School)
Hammond (Harvard College)
Hammond (Newport)
Hammond (Sefton)
Hammond (Wootton)
A Hammond (Sons of St George)
A Hammond (West Philadelphia)
A Hammond (Woodcrest)
A Hammond (Wootton)
B Hammond (Outdoor Club of Syracuse Juniors)
C Hammond (Isthmian)
C Hammond (New York Cricket Club)
C Hammond (Kings County St George)
C Hammond (Hoboken)
C Hammond (St George's Athletic Club)
CM Hammond (Lake County)
CM Hammond (Burns Valley)
CM Hammond (Lakeport)
CM Hammond (Lakeport)
EC Hammond (St Paul's School)
G Hammond (Athletic)
G Hammond (St Paul's School)
G Hammond (Clark Mills)
GG Hammond (Harvard College)
H Hammond (New York Cricket Club)
H Hammond (Wooton)
H Hammond (Wootton)
J Hammond (New York Cricket Club)
J Hammond (New York Cricket Club Second XI)
J Hammond (New York West Second XI)
J Hammond (Melrose)
J Hammond (Elizabeth)
L Hammond (Sons of St George)
N Hammond (Paterson A)
O Hammond (St George's Athletic Club)
R Hammond (St George's Athletic Club)
S Hammond (Woodcrest)
S Hammond (Wootton)
T Hammond (Paterson)
TW Hammond (Camden Athletic Association, Camden Athletic Association Second XI)
W Hammond (Harrisburg)
W Hammond (Metropolitan Cricket League Second XI)
W Hammond (Elizabeth)
WC Hammond (New York Cricket Club, Sons of St George, St George's Athletic Club)
WC Hammond (Kings County)
C Hampdon (Fairview)
H Hamper (Teutonic)
V Hampsch (Kings County)
Hampshire (New England)
Hampshire (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Hampshire (Ashton)
Hampshire (Ashton)
Hampshire (Wanskuck)
Hampshire (Armstrong's XI)
C Hampshire (Detroit, New York Cricket Club)
E Hampshire (Ashton)
F Hampshire (New York Cricket Club Second XI)
F Hampshire (Electric)
Hampson (Ardmore)
AE Hampson (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
EG Hampson (Schenectady)
F Hampson (KA Auty's XI)
FR Hampson (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club, Hyde Park, Milwaukee)
HE Hampson (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
HE Hampson (Tennyson)
HG Hampson (Tennyson)
J Hampson (Linden)
J Hampson (General Electric Company of Philadelphia)
JB Hampson (General Electric Company of Schenectady)
JB Hampson (Locomotive Club)
JB Hampson (Schenectady)
JB Hampson (Belle Vue)
JE Hampson (Washington DC)
JE Hampson (Locomotive Club)
JG Hampson (Germantown British Americans)
JW Hampson (Falls of Schuylkill)
JW Hampson (Germantown British Americans)
W Hampson (Tennyson)
W Hampson (Ardmore)
E Hampt (Belmont Juniors Second XI)
Hampton (Fairview)
Hampton (Manhattan)
A Hampton (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
H Hampton (Albion Club of Camden)
J Hampton (Linden)
J Hampton (Fairview)
J Hampton (Manchester)
JK Hampton (SS Campania)
O Hampton (Gibbsboro)
Hamza (California Cricket Association North West Region)
Hamza (United II)
Hamza Butt (North Province)
Hanaford (Hearts of Oak)
J Hanaghan (Amalgamated Society of Engineers No 4)
B Hanan (Buffalo)
G Hanan (Veteran St George)
J Hanan (Camden Athletic Association)
R Hanand (Kings County)
C Hanbury (Brooklyn)
H Hanbury (Brooklyn)
HA Hanbury (South Brooklyn)
G Hanby (Lakewood)
EH Hance (Young America)
Hancock (Newport)
A Hancock (International of Brooklyn, International Tile Company of Brooklyn, International Tile Company of Brooklyn Second XI)
EB Hancock (Overbrook)
F Hancock (East Liverpool)
FB Hancock (Overbrook)
J Hancock (East Liverpool)
J Hancock (Trenton)
J Hancock (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
JB Hancock (Overbrook)
R Hancock (Trenton)
SB Hancock (Overbrook)
T Hancock (Overbrook)
T Hancock (Trenton)
W Hancock (Overbrook)
W Hancock (Trenton)
AN Hand (Melrose)
J Hand (Elgin)
W Hand (Western Association)
O Handan (Passaic)
SB Handfast (Brooklyn)
Handford (G Bromhead's XI)
Handford (Melrose)
A Handford (S Handford's XI)
A Handford (EM Cregar's XI)
H Handford (umpire)
J Handford (umpire)
S Handford (English Residents, Players of United States of America, United States of America)
P Handin (Isthmian)
Handley (Norristown)
G Handman (Robin Hood)
A Hands (Albion No 22)
H Hands (Albion No 22)
J Hands (Albion No 22)
J Hands (J Hand's XI)
T Hands (Longfellows)
T Hands (Albion No 22)
Handy (Jenkintown)
Handy (Fox Chase)
E Handy (Fox Chase)
E Handy (JP Newbold's XI)
ES Handy (Germantown)
ES Handy (Philadelphia Racquet Club)
ES Handy (Germantown and Young America Veterans)
ES Handy (AJD Dixon's XI)
ES Handy (Germantown Second XI)
ES Handy (Oxford)
J Handy (Pittsburgh)
R Handy (Haverford College)
WW Handy (Baltimore)
WW Handy (Haverford College)
WW Handy (Baltimore Country Club)
E Hane (Trenton)
BC Haney (Frankford)
C Haney (Frankford)
C Haney (University of Pennsylvania)
CH Haney (Manhattan)
DC Haney (Frankford)
JR Haney (University of Pennsylvania)
RC Haney (Frankford)
RC Haney (Germantown Juniors)
Hanfi (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Hanford (Columbus)
Hanford (Germantown Summer XI)
Hanford (umpire)
G Hanford (Columbus)
H Hanford (umpire)
R Hanford (Columbus)
S Hanford (Germantown British Americans B)
C Hang (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
Hangard (Schenectady)
M Hanif (Sims New York West Indian)
S Haniyur (Sunnyvale I)
G Hanley (Lakewood)
M Hanley (Kings County)
R Hanley (Falls of Schuylkill)
Hanlon (Newark)
Hanlon (Musical and Social)
Hanlon (Saylesville)
Hanlon (East Boston)
IR Hanlon (Philadelphia Cricket Club Summer XI)
J Hanlon (Newark Second XI)
J Hann (Clifton)
Hanna (Queen City of Buffalo)
Hanna (Queen City of Buffalo)
Hanna (Buffalo)
B Hanna (Pittsburgh)
B Hanna (Pittsburgh Field Club)
B Hanna (Peabody)
W Hanna (Peabody)
J Hannale (Camden Athletic Association Second XI)
Hannam (Boston Zingari)
CE Hannam (Kings County)
C Hannan (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
E Hannan (Flatbush)
G Hannan Clark (North Western Cricket Association)
J Hannand (Kings County)
Hannann (Philadelphia and Reading Railroad)
H Hannay (Progressive Youths)
H Hannay (Manhattan)
JM Hannay (Wanderers)
JM Hannay (Southern California)
JM Hannay (Santa Monica)
J Hanner (Tioga)
Hannibal (Grand Rapids)
L Hannibal (umpire)
Hannigan (Riverton)
Hannon (Boston Cricket Club Second XI)
J Hannon (Columbia Oval)
Hannum (Wilmington)
R Hanoi (Belmont)
GC Hans (Manhattan)
GC Hans (Longfellows)
JR Hans (Longfellows)
A Hansell (Riverton)
C Hansell (Elmwood)
E Hansell (Belmont Juniors)
FM Hansell (Belmont)
FM Hansell (Central High School)
FR Hansell (Frankford, Frankford and Moorestown, Oakland, Pittsburgh, Wanderers, Wanderers)
FR Hansell (Frankford Wanderers)
H Hansell (Frankford)
C Hansen (Wayne)
CA Hansen (Brooklyn Zingari)
Hansford (Hearts of Oak)
Hansford (East Boston)
Hansford (Everett Second XI)
Hanshalter (Mystic Club of Medford Second XI)
G Hansie (New Hope)
Hansom (Brockton)
Hanson (Germantown)
Hanson (Wilkes-Barre Married)
Hanson (Haverford Grammar School)
Hanson (Merrimac)
Hanson (Blue Stars of Lowell)
Hanson (Newtonville)
Hanson (Married and Single of Pacific Cricket Club)
Hanson (Newton)
Hanson (Rockhill)
Hanson (Southwark)
C Hanson (Radnor)
E Hanson (Radnor)
EM Hanson (Radnor)
G Hanson (New Hope)
H Hanson (Radnor)
HW Hanson (Bank Clerks Athletic Association)
J Hanson (SS Oceanic)
T Hanson (Southwark)
W Hanson (Pennsylvania Railroad)
W Hanson (Belfield)
W Hanson (Centennial)
WJ Hanson (Progressive Youths)
A Hansraj (Cosmos)
AV Hansraj (Cosmos)
D Hansraj (Meten Meer Zorg)
V Hansraj (Cosmos)
Z Hansraj (Cosmos)
H Hanst (Belmont Colts)
B Hansuka (Sri Lanka)
Hanton (Saylesville)
GR Hantsch (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Hantsch (Kings County)
V Hantsch (Brooklyn)
V Hantsch (Kings County)
Hanuman (Mohair)
R Hanumara (Virginia)
S Haper (Revere)
Hapgood (Harvard College)
S Happy (San Mateo I)
Happy Kumar (East Bay I, Valley I)
Happy Kumar (Sunnyvale I)
Happy Kumar (Union City)
Happy Kumar (Union City Warriors)
A Haq (Sheffield)
I Haq (Vikings)
H Haran (Stanford II)
P Haransingh (Trinidad)
E Harber (Detroit)
W Harber (West Philadelphia B)
C Harbert (Wayne Juniors)
H Harbert (Hall's XI)
ET Harbeson (Sherwood Club of Angora)
CS Harbord (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Harborn (Wanderers)
JH Harbour (California Cricket Association Town)
EG Harburg (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club, Illinois, Lake Shore, Minneapolis, Wanderers, Winnetka)
EH Harburg (umpire)
G Harburg (Chicago)
R Harburg (United States of America)
J Harcombe (St George's Club of New York)
Harcourt (East Boston)
R Hard (Bunting)
RR Hardacre (International Club of Lowell)
W Hardaker (Centennial)
Hardat (Commonwealth)
Hardat (Concourse All Stars)
H Hardcastle (Centennial)
N Hardcastle (Centennial)
W Hardcastle (Centennial)
A Hardeek (Caribbean)
J Hardeen (Falcons)
J Hardeen (Camelot)
Hardeep Singh (United I)
Hardeep Singh (Cougars I)
Hardeep Singh (Orange County)
Hardell (South)
H Hardeo (Cosmos)
L Hardey (Crescent Athletic Club)
W Hardham (Haverford College)
Hardie (Saylesville)
Hardie (Fall River)
DS Hardie (Lawndale)
O Hardigg (Bensonhurst)
Hardik (United II)
M Hardikar (Stanford I)
Hardiley (Merrimac)
G Hardiman (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
J Hardiman (Falls of Schuylkill)
G Hardinan (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
Harding (F Budgett's XI)
Harding (Westinghouse Electric Company)
Harding (Caribbean)
Harding (Orange)
Harding (Empire)
Harding (Peabody)
Harding (Alfred the Great)
Harding (Pittsburgh Field Club)
Harding (Chicago)
A Harding (Pittsburgh Field Club)
AF Harding (Columbia Oval, New York Cricket Club, West Indian)
AF Harding (Caribbean)
AF Harding (Brooklyn Nomads)
AF Harding (West Indian A)
AF Harding (Kings County)
AS Harding (Haverford College Second XI, Haverford College Third XI)
B Harding (Crescent Athletic Club, Manor Field, New York Veterans, Staten Island Cricket Club)
B Harding (Norristown)
B Harding (Haddonfield)
B Harding (Pittsburgh Zingari)
B Harding (Pittsburgh)
B Harding (Germantown Veterans)
B Harding (Pittsburgh Field Club)
B Harding (Kings County)
BF Harding (St Paul's School)
BF Harding (umpire)
C Harding (Darby)
C Harding (Albion No 22)
C Harding (Albion Club of Camden)
C Harding (Wanderers)
E Harding (Haddonfield)
E Harding (Darby)
EE Harding (Ridley Park, Ridley Park Second XI)
F Harding (Lake Forest)
F Harding (Kings County St George)
F Harding (Albion No 22)
F Harding (Illinois)
G Harding (American Gentlemen's Club, WR Wister's XI)
G Harding (Kings County St George)
H Harding (Staten Island Cricket Club)
H Harding (West Indian)
H Harding (New York Veterans)
H Harding (Cleveland)
H Harding (Albion No 22)
J Harding (Lake Forest)
J Harding (Darby)
J Harding (H Dean's XI)
JI Harding (Citrus Colony)
JI Harding (Placer County)
R Harding (Albion No 22)
S Harding (Bensonhurst)
W Harding (Paterson)
WB Harding (Kings County)
Hardinge (Peninsular Cricket Club)
Hardinge (Toledo)
C Hardinge (Albion No 22)





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