
United States of America Players (H)


Hillam (Newton Second XI)
Hillard (West End)
F Hillard (Brooklyn)
Hillary (Everett Second XI)
E Hillegas (Melrose)
E Hillegass (Melrose)
H Hillegass (Melrose)
Hiller (Moorestown Second XI)
F Hiller (Belmont Summer XI)
Hillerman (Harrisburg)
AL Hilles jun (Frankford, Oak Lane)
AL Hilles sen (Frankford)
E Hilles (Germantown Second XI)
FS Hilles (Belmont, Frankford, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia Pilgrims)
JT Hilles (Delaware Field Club, Haverford College)
NS Hilles (Haverford College)
RH Hilles (United States of America)
RL Hilles (Frankford)
RS Hilles (Frankford)
RW Hilles (Frankford, Frankford and Moorestown, Haverford College)
RW Hilles
T Hilles (Belmont Summer XI)
WS Hilles (Delaware Field Club, Haverford College, Merion)
WS Hilles (Frankford)
WT Hilles (Frankford)
AL Hilles jnr (a) (Frankford)
E Hillgass (Melrose)
J Hillgass (Riverton)
Hilliard (New York Cricket Club)
Hilliard (Everett)
Hilliard (Harvard College)
Hillier (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Hillier (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Hillier (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Hillier (St George's Club of Boston)
C Hillier (United Lacemakers)
E Hillier (Merion)
E Hillier (Ardmore)
E Hillier (Frankford)
E Hillier (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
J Hillier (Ardmore Summer XI)
P Hillier (Germantown British Americans B)
S Hillier (Germantown British Americans B)
E Hilligas (Melrose)
Hilling (East Boston)
Hillington (Brockton)
Hillis (Delaware Field Club)
W Hillis (Dorian, Dorian Second XI)
Hillman (Sherwood Club of Angora)
Hillman (Hathaway Portuguese)
AM Hillman (University of Pennsylvania)
CS Hillman (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
W Hillocks (Sportsman)
Hillom (Newton)
Hills (St George's Club of New York)
Hills (Lawrence)
E Hills (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A)
J Hills (Hudson County)
R Hills (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Hillyard (Brooklyn B)
E Hillyer (Woodcrest)
J Hillyer (Wakefield Second XI)
S Hillyer (Germantown British Americans)
B Hilt (Fox Chase)
Hilton (Pittsburgh Field Club)
Hilton (Paterson)
Hilton (Andover)
Hilton (Andover)
Hilton (Cleveland)
B Hilton (Clark's Thread Works)
B Hilton (Pittsburgh)
E Hilton (Paterson)
EC Hilton (Pacific)
EF Hilton (Santa Cruz)
EWC Hilton (Pacific)
F Hilton (Paterson B)
FK Hilton (Fairhill)
J Hilton (Clark's Thread Works)
J Hilton (Paterson)
J Hilton (Andover)
J Hilton (Wissahickon)
J Hilton (New Jersey Veterans)
LA Hilton (Fairhill)
O Hilton (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
P Hilton (Paterson B)
T Hilton (York Road)
TA Hilton (Seattle)
TA Hilton (Fairhill)
TA Hilton (Albion Club of Philadelphia)
TA Hilton (Albion Club of New York)
TA Hilton (Belmont)
TA Hilton (Frankford and Moorestown)
TC Hilton (Fairhill)
TD Hilton (Athletic)
W Hilton (New Jersey Veterans)
Hilty (Everett)
Hiltz (Everett)
S Hilyer (Germantown British Americans B)
Hime (Brockton)
F Himmati (California Cricket League Under-15s)
S Himmy (Tracy United I)
Hinchcliffe (umpire)
Hinchcliffe (Canton)
Hinchcliffe (Paterson United)
Hinchcliffe (American Born)
Hinchcliffe (English of New York)
Hinchcliffe (New York Cricket Club)
F Hinchcliffe (Canton)
G Hinchcliffe (Canton)
H Hinchcliffe (Canton)
J Hinchcliffe (Paterson)
J Hinchcliffe (Rhode Island and Central Massachusetts Cricket League)
J Hinchcliffe (Manhattan)
J Hinchcliffe (Perseverance)
J Hinchcliffe (Paterson)
J Hinchcliffe (Paterson A)
J Hinchcliffe (New Jersey)
J Hinchcliffe (New York Veterans)
J Hinchcliffe (New Jersey Veterans)
J Hinchcliffe (Canton)
J Hinchcliffe (Paterson United)
L Hinchcliffe (Canton)
L Hinchcliffe (Brockton)
L Hinchcliffe (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
Hinchcliffe(a) (Paterson United)
Hinchley (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
J Hinchliffe (Paterson)
Hinchman (Detroit)
C Hinchman (Calvert's XI)
C Hinchman (W White's XI)
CR Hinchman (Belmont, Haverford College, Moorestown, University of Pennsylvania)
E Hinchman (Armstrong's XI)
EDC Hinchman (Peninsular Cricket Club)
F Hinchman (GW Davies' XI)
F Hinchman (J Hand's XI)
FDC Hinchman (Peninsular Cricket Club)
FDC Hinchman (Detroit)
WS Hinchman (Belmont, Harvard College, Haverford College, Marylebone Cricket Club, Merion, Riverton)
F Hinckle (Merion Juniors)
H Hinckle (Merion Juniors)
JH Hinckle (Merion Juniors)
W Hinckle (Merion)
W Hinckle (Merion Juniors)
W Hinckle (de Lancey School)
W Hinckle (Merion Veterans)
Hinckley (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
Hinckley (Alma Club of Newark)
Hinckley (Newark)
Hinckley (Newark)
A Hinckley (Alma Club of Newark)
H Hinckley (ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
H Hinckley (New Jersey State Cricket League)
W Hinckley (Alma Club of Newark)
W Hinckley (ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
J Hinckson (Chester City)
J Hinckson (Atlantis)
Hind (Mound City)
H Hind (West Indian)
Hinde (Union Star)
H Hinde (Kings County, New Jersey Athletic Club)
L Hinde (Washington DC)
TW Hinde (St George's Athletic Club)
W Hinde (Philadelphia and Reading Athletic Association)
W Hindhaugh (St George's Club of New York)
Hindle (New England)
Hindle (North End)
Hindle (Brockton)
Hindle (Newport)
Hindle (Germantown and Belmont Veterans)
Hindle (South End Club of Fall River)
Hindle (Mohair)
Hindle (Bunting)
Hindle (Zion)
Hindle (Mosely's XI)
Hindle (Fall River)
Hindle (GM Newhall's XI)
AM Hindle (Belmont, Pennsylvania Railroad)
C Hindle (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
C Hindle (Kings County)
C Hindle (Paterson)
E Hindle (Kings County)
GM Hindle (Pennsylvania Railroad)
H Hindle (Lansdowne, Lansdowne Second XI)
H Hindle (Haddonfield Second XI)
H Hindle (Moorestown Second XI)
HM Hindle (Belmont Zingari)
J Hindle (Fall River, North End Club of Fall River)
J Hindle (John Bright)
L Hindle (Albion Club of Camden)
P Hindle (Kings County)
R Hindle (Belmont Veterans)
S Hindle (Potter and Johnston)
S Hindle (West End)
W Hindle (Paterson)
W Hindle (Belmont Summer XI)
R Hindmarch (Portland)
Hinds (Englewood)
Hinds (Orient)
Hinds (West Indian Veterans)
Hinds (West Indian)
Hinds (West Indian Wanderers)
Hinds (Boston Wanderers)
A Hinds (Cosmopolitan Cricket League of New York)
C Hinds (Englewood)
C Hinds (Metro Youths)
D Hinds (Commonwealth)
D Hinds (Colonials)
E Hinds (West Indian)
F Hinds (umpire)
F Hinds (West Indian)
F Hinds (Spartan Field Club)
F Hinds (Barbados)
F Hinds (West Indian)
F Hinds (West Indian)
F Hinds (Caribbean)
F Hinds (Grand Central Terminal Cricket League)
G Hinds (Englewood)
G Hinds (West Indian)
H Hinds (New Jersey Athletic Club)
J Hinds (Antilles)
L Hinds (St Vincent)
R Hinds (Stanford A I)
R Hinds (Georgetown Club of New York)
S Hinds (West Indian)
S Hinds (Anglo-Saxon)
T Hinds (Queens United)
WE Hinds (Haddonfield, Philadelphia and Reading Railroad)
Hine (Ohio State University)
C Hine (Revere)
J Hine (Brockton)
Hines (Canada and United States of America)
Hines (Baseball Players)
Hines (Brockton)
Hines (Methuen)
Hines (Revere)
C Hines (Englewood)
C Hines (Metro Youths)
C Hines (Passaic)
H Hines (Harlem)
JJM Hing (Chicago Cricket Club)
Hinkle (Glenside)
A Hinkle (Glenside)
F Hinkle (de Lancey School)
W Hinkle (de Lancey School)
Hinkley (Essex County B)
EB Hinkley (Harvard College)
J Hinkley (John Hopkins University)
J Hinkley (Newark)
Hinks (Anglo-Saxon)
S Hinks (Anglo-Saxon)
JH Hinkson (Chester City)
J Hinscliffe (Border Cities)
Hinslief (International Club of Lowell)
C Hinson (Bermuda Cricket Club)
W Hinson (Manhattan)
W Hinson (Bermuda Cricket Club)
A Hinton (Wanderers)
WP Hippie (Merion Second XI)
Hipple (Philadelphia Zingari)
W Hipple (CE Haines' XI)
W Hipple (Merion Juniors)
WL Hipple (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
WT Hipple (Merion)
J Hippolite (Spice Island)
Hipwell (Ramblers)
PH Hir (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Hird (Sanford)
Hird (United States Bunting of Lowell)
Hird (Mohair)
Hird (Lowell Plush Carpets Company)
D Hird (Mohair)
T Hird (Continental)
Hirst (Athletics of Fall River)
Hirst (Wissahickon Second XI)
Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Hirst (Noddle Island)
Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Reserves)
Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Hirst (Manhattan)
A Hirst (Merion Fathers)
AA Hirst (Merion)
AC Hirst (Merion Juniors Second XI)
AC Hirst (Merion C, Merion Juniors)
AL Hirst (Belmont)
AL Hirst (Merion Juniors)
AL Hirst (Germantown Juniors)
AL Hirst (Hathaway Portuguese)
C Hirst (Pullman)
C Hirst (J Cummings' XI)
E Hirst (Alma Club of Newark)
G Hirst (F Wild's XI)
H Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
H Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues, United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Whites)
J Hirst (Canton)
J Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
J Hirst (Shakespeare)
J Hirst (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
R Hirst (Merion Juniors Second XI)
W Hirst (Linden)
W Hirst (Canton)
W Hirst (Albion No 15)
WB Hirst (Baltimore)
WL Hirst (Merion)
WL Hirst (Sherwood Club of Angora)
WL Hirst (Linden Second XI)
WL Hirst (University of Pennsylvania)
WL Hirst (Merion Wanderers)
Hirve (Chelsea Club)
Hiscock (Syracuse)
Hiscock (G Hyde-Clarke's XI)
Hiscox (St George's Club of New York)
HG Hiscox (Lake Forest)
HGM Hiscox (umpire)
M Hiscox (Chicago, Illinois, Lake Forest)
M Hiscox (KA Auty's XI)
M Hiscox (Milwaukee)
M Hiscox (Winnetka and Oak Park)
JA Hisey (Haverford College Freshmen)
Hislop (Worcester)
Hitchcock (St George's Club of New York)
Hitchcock (Old Hundred)
Hitchcock (Lynn Wanderers)
G Hitchcock (St George's Club of New York Second XI)
J Hitchcock (Staten Island Cricket Club)
A Hitchen (Falls of Schuylkill B)
C Hitchen (Belmont, Lighthouse)
M Hitchen (Belmont, Frankford)
M Hitchen (HH Cornish's XI)
M Hitchen (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
M Hitchen (JL Evans' XI)
T Hitchen (Centennial)
Hitchens (Highland Park B)
M Hitchens (Belmont Colts)
M Hitchin (Belmont)
M Hitchin (Wanderers)
T Hitchin (Centennial)
T Hitchin (Wissahickon)
T Hitchin (Crescent Athletic Club)
Hitchings (EA Record's XI)
C Hitchings (Falls of Schuylkill B)
DC Hitchings (Falls of Schuylkill B)
EW Hitchings (GD Duncan's XI)
R Hitchings (Tacony)
Hitchins (Harlequins)
Hitchins (New Jersey Athletic Association)
Hitchins (W Roffe's XI)
CT Hitchins (Falls of Schuylkill B)
CV Hitchins (Mystic Club of Medford, New Jersey Athletic Club)
CV Hitchins (Falls of Schuylkill B)
M Hitchins (Newark)
F Hitchman (Peninsular Cricket Club)
L Hitchman (St George's Club of Boston)
JH Hitchon (Evanston, Illinois, Lake Shore)
Hits (Everett)
M Hivner (Vijayta)
F Hoadley (Teutonic)
RH Hoadley (Columbia College)
Hoag (Boston Zingari)
Hoag (Merion B)
CG Hoag (Haverford College)
CG Hoag (Woodcock's XI)
G Hoag (Frankford)
GC Hoag (Wayne)
J Hoag (Merion)
JH Hoag (Haverford College)
JH Hoag (Haverford College)
T Hoag (Haverford College)
Hoagland (Isthmian)
Hoague (Harvard College)
Hoar (Lynn Wanderers)
Hoare (Salt Lake City)
Hobart (Belmont)
Hobart (Fairmount)
Hobart (Detroit Cricket Club)
HK Hobart (Eddystone)
Hobbin (Detroit)
Hobbin(a) (Detroit)
WE Hobble (Greenwich)
Hobbs (Lowell)
Hobbs (Williamson School)
AF Hobbs (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
H Hobbs (Elgin)
J Hobbs (English Residents)
LAM Hobbs (New York Veterans)
RM Hobbs (Manor Field)
W Hobbs (Cosmopolitan Club of New York)
WH Hobbs (Elgin)
HW Hobday (Amsterdam, Belle Vue, General Electric Company of Philadelphia, General Electric Company of Schenectady, Richmond County, St George's Club of Schenectady)
C Hoble (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
Hobson (St Paul Club)
Hobson (Somerville)
Hobson (Cicero)
Hobson (Wanderers)
Hobson (Boston Wanderers)
Hobson (Boston Cricket Club)
Hobson (Boston Cricket Club)
Hobson (East Boston)
Hobson (Newton)
Hobson (R Turner's XI)
Hobson (Longwood Wanderers)
Hobson (Highlandville)
Hobson (Philadelphia Cricket Club B)
Hobson (Boston District)
G Hobson (St George's Club of Buffalo)
J Hobson (EJ Tomlins' XI)
J Hobson (Lake Shore)
J Hobson (Linden)
JH Hobson (Ramblers)
SH Hobson (Somerville)
SH Hobson (Boston Zingari)
Hockenhall (Peabody British Americans)
Hockenhall (Peabody British Americans)
Hockenshaw (Peabody British Americans)
F Hocking (Flint Cricket League)
F Hocking (Flint Cricket Club)
R Hocking (Lake Forest, Winnetka)
AH Hoddle (Morris Heights)
Hodge (Highland Park)
A Hodge (West New Brighton)
FS Hodge (Highland Park B)
G Hodge (Cornish Choughs)
G Hodge (One and All)
H Hodge (Germantown Zingari)
J Hodge (Cream City)
J Hodge (Highland Park A)
L Hodge (One and All)
R Hodge (Hyde Park)
RG Hodge (Washington Park)
RG Hodge (Highland Park B)
T Hodge (Philadelphia Artesans)
T Hodge (Cornish Choughs)
W Hodge (Bermuda Cricket Club)
WT Hodge (Belmont Summer XI)
J Hodgens (Mound City Next XV)
Hodges (Picked XI)
Hodges (Longwood)
Hodges (Caribbean)
C Hodges (Queens United)
GS Hodges (Baltimore)
JS Hodges (Baltimore, St Paul's School)
O Hodges (Alpha Club of Salem, Alpha Club of Salem Second XI)
S Hodges (Baltimore)
W Hodges (Bermuda Cricket Club)
W Hodges (Baltimore)
W Hodgett (All Kensington)
H Hodgetts (Youngstown)
J Hodgin (Fall River)
J Hodgings (Mound City)
H Hodgkins (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors Second XI)
J Hodgkins (St Louis)
Hodgkinson (Warren)
Hodgkinson (SS Franconia)
F Hodgkinson (Lake Forest)
F Hodgkinson (Hyde Park)
FA Hodgkinson (Illinois)
FH Hodgkinson (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club, Illinois, Winnetka)
FH Hodgkinson (Winnetka and Oak Park)
RO Hodgkinson (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club, Winnetka)
RO Hodgkinson (umpire)
RO Hodgkinson (KA Auty's XI)
Hodgsdon (Lawrence)
Hodgson (Montclair Athletic Club)
Hodgson (Lawrence)
Hodgson (Pawtucket)
Hodgson (Rhode Island)
Hodgson (The Mohair Plush Carpet Company)
Hodgson (Newton)
Hodgson (Boston Zingari)
Hodgson (Newton Upper Falls)
Hodgson (Methuen)
Hodgson (Merrimac)
Hodgson (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Hodgson (East Boston)
Hodgson (Fitchburg)
Hodgson (Beverly)
Hodgson (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly B)
A Hodgson (Linden)
C Hodgson (United States of America)
C Hodgson (United States of America Invitation XI)
D Hodgson (Centennial)
F Hodgson (Linden)
G Hodgson (Linden)
G Hodgson (Linden)
G Hodgson (Lawrence)
G Hodgson (Methuen)
H Hodgson (Alfred the Great)
J Hodgson (Paterson)
J Hodgson (SS Campania)
J Hodgson (Linden)
JH Hodgson (CR Joy's XI)
JR Hodgson (West Philadelphia)
JS Hodgson (Baltimore)
M Hodgson (Newton)
N Hodgson (Alfred the Great)
P Hodgson (Centennial)
R Hodgson (West Philadelphia B)
S Hodgson (Linden)
T Hodgson (Linden)
T Hodgson (Albion Club of Philadelphia)
T Hodgson (Collingswood)
T Hodgson (Lawrence)
T Hodgson (Kensington Industrial and Benevolent Association)
T Hodgson (Methuen)
T Hodgson (Centennial)
T Hodgson (Falls of Schuylkill)
T Hodgson (St George's Cricket League)
W Hodgson (Mohair)
W Hodgson (Lawrence)
Hodgson(a) (Newton)
Hodkins (St Louis Married)
F Hodsen (British Officers)
HS Hodsen (Frankford)
RE Hodsen (Frankford)
Hodson (Newton)
Hodson (Bermudians)
DM Hodson (St George's Club of New York)
DTD Hodson (St George's Club of New York Second XI)
E Hodson (Winnetka)
FM Hodson (St George's Club of New York)
J Hodson (Linden)
N Hodson (Alfred the Great)
T Hodson (Linden)
A Hoesman (Mystic Lodge)
Hoffman (Merion)
Hoffman (St John's Military College, Wisconsin)
Hoffman (Lynn Wanderers)
Hoffman (Boston Zingari Second XI)
Hoffman (Girard)
A Hoffman (River Forest)
AH Hoffman (Staten Island Cricket Club)
C Hoffman (University of California)
C Hoffman (Southern California)
C Hoffman (JI Marder's XI)
CF Hoffman (Merion Juniors)
EF Hoffman (H Cope's Veterans XI, Idlers, Modocs, Philadelphiashire, University of Pennsylvania Class of '68)
H Hoffman (Seabright)
I Hoffman (Hyde Park, River Forest)
J Hoffman (Merion Juniors)
JW Hoffman (Germantown, Girard, Merion)
LF Hoffman (Cosmopolitan Club of New York)
S Hoffman (Merion Veterans)
WH Hoffman (Fox Chase)
JO Hoffmann (Merion Juniors)
Hoffnagle (Oak Lane)
Hofford (Roxbury)
Hogan (Portsmouth)
Hogan (Longwood Juniors)
Hogan (Boston Athletic Association Juniors)
Hogan (Needham)
F Hogan (International Tile Company of Brooklyn)
J Hogan (International Tile Company of Brooklyn)
J Hogan (University of Pennsylvania)
J Hogan (Brooklyn)
JE Hogan (Orpheus Club)
JL Hogan (Orpheus Club)
JL Hogan (Kings County St George)
T Hogan (International of Brooklyn, International Tile Company of Brooklyn, International Tile Company of Brooklyn Second XI)
W Hogan (Santa Monica)
Hogbourne (Caribbean)
A Hogg (Lawrence Next XXII)
C Hogg (Wolverines)
D Hogg (Sanford)
D Hogg (Lighthouse)
FW Hogg (Chicago)
J Hogg (Lawrence Next XXII)
J Hogg (Amsterdam)
LJ Hogg (Haddonfield)
T Hogg (SS Oceanic)
T Hogg (Mystic Club of Medford Veterans)
W Hogg (Lawrence)
Hoggas (Arlington)
W Hoggins (All New York)
RB Hogue (Alameda)
B Hoilett (Stars United)
D Hoilette (United States of America)
Hoitt (Portsmouth)
Holbert (Cheltenham)
Holborn (Pawtucket YMCA)
K Holbrook (Brockton)
T Holbrook (Columbia Oval)
WL Holbrow (umpire)
Holcomb (Delaware Field Club)
Holcomb (Berkeley Athletic Club)
HL Holcomb (Germantown Juniors)
Holcroft (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
H Holcroft (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
J Holcroft (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
N Holcroft (Brockton)
Holden (Orpheus Club)
Holden (Everett)
Holden (Somerville)
Holden (North End)
Holden (Chelsea Club Second XI)
Holden (Mystic Club of Medford)
Holden (R Turner's XI)
Holden (Arlington Parkway)
Holden (Highlandville)
Holden (St George's Club of Boston)
Holden (New Bedford)
Holden (Athletics)
Holden (Oxford Juniors)
A Holden (Branch Brook)
B Holden (Branch Brook, Kearny, ONT Athletic Club of Newark, Union County)
E Holden (Union County)
E Holden (Delaware County Field Club)
F Holden (Potter and Johnston)
G Holden (Kearny)
G Holden (Newton)
G Holden (Radnor)
H Holden (Union County)
H Holden (Crescent Athletic Club)
H Holden (West Indian Wanderers)
H Holden (Wissahickon)
H Holden (Branch Brook, Kearny)
Hal Holden (ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
Hal Holden (Kearny)
Harry Holden (Branch Brook, Kearny, ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
HI Holden (ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
HT Holden (Kearny)
I Holden (Athletics)
J Holden (Delaware County Field Club)
J Holden (Staten Island Cricket Club)
J Holden (Union)
J Holden (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
JC Holden (Kearny)
L Holden (Wissahickon)
M Holden (West Indian)
P Holden (St John)
R Holden (Branch Brook, Kearny)
R Holden (Elizabeth)
S Holden (Athletics)
W Holden (Wanderers)
H Holden(a) (Branch Brook)
H Holden(a) (Branch Brook)
Holder (Boston)
Holder (American XI)
Holder (Highlandville)
Holder (East Boston)
Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
Holder (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
Holder (Athletics)
Holder (Picked XI)
Holder (Athletics)
Holder (Boston Wanderers)
Holder (Athletics)
Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
Holder (Middlesex)
A Holder (West Indian)
B Holder (Cosmopolitan Cricket League of New York)
C Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
C Holder (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
C Holder (Cleveland)
E Holder (West Indian)
E Holder (Barbados)
E Holder (Caribbean)
E Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
E Holder (University)
F Holder (Cardinals)
G Holder (West Indian)
G Holder (Pioneer)
H Holder (Union County)
H Holder (Spartan Field Club)
H Holder (West Indian)
H Holder (Jamaica)
H Holder (Spartan)
I Holder (West Indian)
I Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
I Holder (Athletics)
I Holder (Grand Central Terminal Cricket League)
J Holder (American Born, Americans of Brooklyn)
J Holder (Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League)
J Holder (Spartan)
J Holder (umpire)
L Holder (Athletics)
L Holder (Colonials)
L Holder (West Indian Wanderers)
ME Holder (Pickwick (USA))
R Holder (Panama Cricket Club, United Cricket Club of New York)
S Holder (Gordon Park Reds)
T Holder (Pioneer)
HM Holderness (King William's College)
JC Holderness (King William's College)
H Holding (ONT Athletic Club of Newark)
TA Holds (Incognitis)
J Holdstock (St George's Athletic Club)
T Holdstock (St George's Athletic Club)
Holdsworth (Wanderers)
Holdsworth (JA Roger's XI)
Holdsworth (Pullman Second XI)
Holdsworth (H Clifton's XI)
Holdsworth (Lawrence)
Holdsworth (Methuen)
Holdsworth (Merrimac)
Holdsworth (Shakespeare)
A Holdsworth (Lawndale)
A Holdsworth (Germantown British Americans)
A Holdsworth (Centennial)
A Holdsworth (Falls of Schuylkill)
F Holdsworth (Van Cortlandt Park Cricket League)
H Holdsworth (Falls of Schuylkill B)
Hole (Boston Zingari)
B Hole (Staten Island Cricket Club)
C Hole (South Brooklyn)
CT Hole (Ardmore, Bon Air, Centennial, Delaware County Field Club, Frankford, Germantown British Americans, Kings County, Kings County St George, Linden, Merion, Nelson Lodge, West Philadelphia)
CT Hole (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
CT Hole (Germantown)
E Hole (American XI)
P Hole (West Philadelphia)
R Hole (Staten Island Cricket Club)
T Hole (Ardmore)
W Hole (Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia)
W Hole (Darby)
WJ Hole (Ardmore, Philadelphia)
WJ Hole (Delaware County Field Club)
WJ Hole (West Philadelphia)
WJ Hole (Fairmount)
WT Hole (Delaware County Field Club)
E Holey (WW Noble's XI)
Holford (West India Club)
Holford (British Commonwealth Cricket Club)
AH Holford (Newark)
Holgate (Roseville)
Holgate (Wissahickon)
Holgate (Methuen)
H Holgate (Wissahickon)
H Holgate (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Holgate (Germantown British Americans)
H Holgate (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
H Holgate (Germantown Sons of St George)
WH Holgate (Old Timers)
Holland (East Cambridge)
Holland (Newton Second XI)
Holland (Harvard College)
Holland (Everett)
Holland (East Boston)
Holland (East Cambridge Second XI)
Holland (Oakland Creek)
Holland (Sons of St George)
Holland (Noddle Island)
Holland (Boston)
Holland (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Holland (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Holland (Haverford College Second XI)
Holland (Amicus)
Holland (Lansdowne)
Holland (Buffalo)
Holland (University of Pennsylvania)
Holland (Bankers Athletic and Social Club)
A Holland (Bison City)
A Holland (Baltimore Sons of St George)
A Holland (Sons of St George)
A Holland (St George's Club of Buffalo)
A Holland (Buffalo West Side)
A Holland (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
A Holland (Paterson)
A Holland (St George's Club of Cleveland)
E Holland (East Boston B)
F Holland (Brooklyn)
F Holland (Richard Baxter)
G Holland (Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
G Holland (Noddle Island)
G Holland (Claremont)
H Holland (Brooklyn)
H Holland (St George's Club of Buffalo)
HA Holland (St George's Club of New York)
HJ Holland (Chicago Cricket Club)
IG Holland (Hampshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, United States of America, Victoria, Washington Freedom)
J Holland (Pittsburgh)
J Holland (Fall River)
J Holland (Falls of Schuylkill B)
J Holland (Richard Baxter)
JC Holland (Brooklyn)
K Holland (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
MA Holland (University of Pennsylvania)
W Holland (Phoenixville)
W Holland (Baltimore Country Club)
W Holland (Baltimore)
W Holland (St George's Club of Cleveland)
W Holland (Buffalo and District)
WP Holland (St George's Club of Buffalo)
WP Holland (Frankford)
WS Holland (Frankford)
T Hollbrook (Columbia Oval Rovers)
W Hollett (Kings County)
E Holley (Anglo-Saxon)
T Hollhord (Columbia Oval Rovers)
Holliday (Lynn)
Holliday (Canton)
Holliday (Noddle Island)
C Holliday (Melrose)
E Hollier (Ardmore Summer XI)
F Hollier (Ardmore Summer XI)
J Holligan (Glen Echo)
Holling (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
Hollinger (Peninsular Baseball Club)
Hollings (Arlington)
Hollings (East Boston)
Hollings (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Blues)
Hollings (Lawrence)
CC Hollingshead (Merchantville)
G Hollingshead (Merchantville)
Hollingsworth (Jamaica)
Hollingsworth (Caribbean)
Hollingsworth (Windsor)
Hollingsworth (Ashton)
E Hollingsworth (Falls of Schuylkill)
J Hollingsworth (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
J Hollingsworth (Jamaica)
RP Hollingsworth (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
RP Hollingsworth (St Paul's School)
SS Hollingsworth (J Wister's XI)
J Hollingworth (Central New York)
Hollins (East Boston)
A Hollinstead (Colonials)
Hollis (Newark)
Hollis (Queen City of Buffalo)
A Hollis (Riverside)
G Hollis (St George's Club of Buffalo)
H Hollis (Kings County)
J Hollis (St George's Club of Buffalo)
J Hollis (St George's Club of Cleveland)
R Hollis (Riverside)
Hollister (Howe's XI)
J Holliwell (Cameron)
AP Hollman (Hyde Park)
J Holloley (Picked XI)
Holloway (Somerville)
Holloway (Boston Zingari)
Holloway (Boston Zingari Second XI)
Holloway (CL Bixby's XI)
Holloway (Hyde Park)
A Holloway (Radnor)
AL Holloway (Boston, Boston Cricket Club)
BL Holloway (Staten Island Cricket Club)
C Holloway (Columbia Oval)
SB Holloway (Nelson Lodge)
SB Holloway (Columbia Oval)
T Holloway (Staten Island Cricket Club)
W Holloway (Radnor)
WM Holloway (Moorestown and Radnor)
Hollowell (Detroit)
G Hollowell (Cleveland)
Hollworth (Outdoor Club of Syracuse)
Hollworth (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
Holly (Mound City Next XV)
Holly (Toledo)
F Holly (Toledo Outing Club)
Holman (T Facon's XII)
Holman (Portland)
Holman (Goodrich)
A Holman (English Residents)
AL Holman (Chicago, Chicago Cricket Club)
AL Holman (St George's Club of New York)
AL Holman (umpire)
E Holme (Paterson)
Holmes (Sheffield)
Holmes (Albion Club of Chicago Second XI)
Holmes (Newton)
Holmes (West India Club)
Holmes (West End)
Holmes (Boston West Indian)
Holmes (Thornton Veterans)
Holmes (Newton)
Holmes (SS Saxonia)
Holmes (Canton)
Holmes (Homestead)
Holmes (Walker's XI)
A Holmes (Paterson)
A Holmes (Washington DC)
AS Holmes (Kings County St George Second XI)
AW Holmes (Radnor Summer XI)
C Holmes (Brooklyn)
E Holmes (CR Joy's XI)
G Holmes (Maumee Valley)
G Holmes (Duluth)
G Holmes (Toledo)
GC Holmes (Germantown Academy)
H Holmes (Paterson Second XI)
H Holmes (Paterson)
H Holmes (Melrose)
H Holmes (Washington DC)
H Holmes (Newton)
H Holmes (Germantown Boys Club)
HA Holmes (Bedford, Brooklyn, Kings County St George, Sons of St George)
HW Holmes (Cleveland)
J Holmes (Brooklyn)
J Holmes (Germantown Boys Club)
JH Holmes (Maumee Valley)
L Holmes (Paterson)
M Holmes (Michigan Athletic Association)
M Holmes (International)
R Holmes (International)
RW Holmes (Cleveland)
S Holmes (Paterson)
S Holmes (Tampa and District)
T Holmes (Paterson)
W Holmes (Newton Second XI)
A Holness (International)
B Holness (International)
D Holness (Frank Parson)
D Holness (New Hope)
D Holness (International)
M Holness (International)
R Holness (International)
V Holran (St Austin's School)
Holroyd (Thornton)
Holroyd (Merrimac)
D Holroyd (Bridgeport)
Holt (United States Bunting of Lowell)
Holt (Warren)
Holt (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Holt (Beverly)
Holt (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly)
Holt (Perseverance)
Holt (Manhattan)
Holt (Burnaby)
Holt (Detroit)
A Holt (Fall River)
A Holt (Albion Club of Highlandville)
A Holt (Brockton)
C Holt (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
C Holt (Manhattan)
C Holt (Linden)
C Holt (Anglo-Saxon)
EH Holt (Detroit, Detroit Athletic Club, Peninsular Cricket Club)
F Holt (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
F Holt (Bedford)
F Holt (Southwark)
F Holt (Brockton)
FH Holt (Detroit, Detroit Athletic Club, Peninsular Cricket Club)
G Holt (Kearny)
G Holt (American XI)
G Holt (Tennyson)
H Holt (Michigan)
J Holt (Manhattan)
J Holt (Perseverance)
J Holt (Brockton)
P Holt (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
S Holt (Brockton)
T Holt (St George's Club of Brooklyn)
T Holt (St George's Athletic Club)
T Holt (Tennyson)
T Holt (Brockton)
W Holt (Detroit Athletic Club Juniors)
W Holt (Manhattan)
Holtham (Merrimac)
A Holtham (Germantown Sons of St George)
F Holtham (Lawrence)
F Holtham (Edward VII)
GW Holtham (WH Haigh's XI)
P Holtham (Edward VII)
S Holtham (Edward VII)
S Holtham (Germantown Sons of St George)
S Holtham (Germantown British Americans B)
Holton (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Holton (Boston Zingari)
Holton (American I Zingari)
A Holton (Brooklyn Third XI)
A Holton (Haverford College)
HC Holton (Germantown Next XXV)
J Holton (Germantown Juniors, Germantown Summer XI)
S Holton (Germantown Sons of St George)
T Holton (Albion Club of Highlandville)
T Holton (umpire)
W Holton (Albion Club of Highlandville)
Holworth (St George's Club of Boston)
Homad Khan (Grand Rapids Tigers)
Homan (Dedham)
E Home (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
CP Homer (Crescent Athletic Club)
J Homer (Brooklyn)
R Homer (St Austin's School)
L Homewood (Delaware Field Club)
W Homewood (Delaware)
W Homewood (Delaware Field Club)
J Homiller (Frankford)
W Homiller (Fox Chase)
A Homraj (United States of America)
A Homraj
M Homraj (Falcons)
M Homraj (Falcons)
J Homs (Picked XI)
Honby (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
A Hone (Frank Parson)
F Honey (South Park)
T Honey (Melbourne)
Honeywood (Brockton)
L Honiewood (St George's Club of Wilmington)
W Honiewood (St George's Club of Wilmington)
R Honor (Belmont Juniors)
JL Hontell (Riverton)
C Hoo (Southern California Cricket Association)
Hood (International Tile Company of Lowell)
Hood (Lynn)
Hood (Boston Wanderers)
Hood (Everett)
Hood (Boston Zingari)
Hood (Boston, Boston Cricket Club)
Hood (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Hood (Married and Single of Alameda)
Hood (Wanderers)
Hood (Lynn)
Hood (Bunting)
Hood (Chelsea Club)
Hood (Boston)
Hood (United Shoe Machinery, Beverly Reserves)
Hood (St George's Club of Boston)
AW Hood (Oak Lane Second XI)
CJ Hood (Belmont)
E Hood (California)
E Hood (Underhill)
E Hood (Mystic Club of Medford)
E Hood (Tioga)
E Hood (Alameda County)
E Hood (Lynn)
E Hood (Alameda)
E Hood (Married of Alameda)
E Hood (Alameda Ground)
E Hood (Massachusetts)
E Hood (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
G Hood (Tioga)
G Hood (Merrimac)
G Hood (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
H Hood (Lynn Second XI)
JP Hood (Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
L Hood (Manhattan)
P Hood (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
P Hood (International Club of Lowell)
R Hood (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
R Hood (Lynn)
R Hood (Somerville)
R Hood (International Club of Lowell)
R Hood (Boston Zingari)
R Hood (Lynn Wanderers)
R Hood (All Massachusetts)
R Hood (Massachusetts)
R Hood (JJ Heys' XI)
R Hood (Everett)
R Hood (Boston)
R Hood (East Boston)
R Hood (R Hood's XI)
R Hood (Boston B)
R Hood (JW Haslam's XI)
R Hood (T Pettitt's XI)
R Hood (St George's Club of Boston)
R Hood (St George's Club of Boston)
R Hood (Everett)
R Hood (St George's Club of Boston)
R Hood (Swampscott)
R Hood (J Murray's XI)
S Hood (Underhill)
S Hood (Tioga)
TV Hood (St George's Athletic Club)
Hood(a) (Lynn)
U Hoodbhoy (Santa Clara Aces, Santa Clara Bees)
U Hoodbhoy (Santa Clara Seas)
R Hood Hamblin (Boston)
U Hoodhboy (Northern California Cricket Association Youth)
Hoods (Lynn)
S Hooke (Portland)
Hooker (University of Pennsylvania)
F Hooker (Rose Hill)
W Hookill (University of Pennsylvania)
P Hookingham (Isthmian)
A Hooks (Victoria Second XI)
JM Hooks (Columbia Oval, Harlem, Victoria)
JM Hooks (Brooklyn)
M Hooks (Victoria)
L Hooly (Somersetshire)
S Hoop (Lawrence)
Hooper (Jamaica Ex-Police)
Hooper (English of New York)
A Hooper (Paterson Second XI)
A Hooper (Paterson)
A Hooper (West Chester)
A Hooper (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club A, Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club B)
A Hooper (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
A Hooper (SS Germanic)
A Hooper (Sheffield)
A Hooper (All New York)
E Hooper (Manhattan)
E Hooper (Newark)
F Hooper (Bergen County Athletic Club)
F Hooper (Bensonhurst)
GW Hooper (New York Cricket Association)
J Hooper (Manhattan)
J Hooper (Paterson A)
JA Hooper (Paterson)
JB Hooper (Livingston)
JH Hooper (Paterson)
JH Hooper (All New Jersey)
JN Hooper (Paterson)
JW Hooper (Paterson)
L Hooper (New York Youths)
R Hooper (Kings County, Manhattan, Newark)
R Hooper (Mikado)
R Hooper (St George's Club of New York)
S Hooper (Paterson)
S Hooper (Manhattan)
W Hooper (St George's Club of Buffalo)
W Hooper (Buffalo and District)
A Hoopes (West Chester)
A Hoopes (Haverford College)
BM Hoopes (Belmont Third XI)
H Hoopes (West Chester)
WW Hoopes (West Chester)
Hope (Orient)
AH Hope
C Hope (United States of America XI)
CS Hope (Germantown Zingari)
H Hope (Frank Parson)
O Hope (West Indian)
O Hope (Caribbean)
R Hope (West Indian)
R Hope (Barbados)
SC Hope (Germantown Second XI)
SC Hope (Germantown Zingari)
SH Hope (Germantown Third XI, Germantown Zingari)
TS Hope-Simpson (Livingston, Livingston Field Club, Staten Island Cricket Club)
Hopewell (Trenton Summer XI)
J Hopewell (Trenton Summer XI)
T Hopgood (Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League)
Hopkins (Schenectady)
Hopkins (Wanskuck)
Hopkins (Roxbury)
Hopkins (Married of Roxbury)
Hopkins (Chelsea Club)
Hopkins (Chelsea Club)
Hopkins (Barbarians)
Hopkins (Peninsular Cricket Club)
A Hopkins (Kings County)
A Hopkins (Manor Field)
A Hopkins (Detroit and District Cricket League)
AH Hopkins (Haverford College)
AH Hopkins (Kings County St George)
AH Hopkins (J Officer's XI)
AH Hopkins (Haddonfield)
AH Hopkins (Moorestown)
AH Hopkins (Haverford College)
AH Hopkins (West Philadelphia Summer XI)
AH Hopkins (Haverford Tourists)
E Hopkins (Outdoor Club of Syracuse Juniors)
E Hopkins (Germantown)
FR Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
FS Hopkins (Haddonfield)
G Hopkins (Norristown)
GT Hopkins (Baltimore Second XI)
H Hopkins (Old Hundred)
I Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
J Hopkins (Peninsular Cricket Club)
J Hopkins (Kings County)
J Hopkins (Norristown)
J Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
J Hopkins (Wanskuck)
JI Hopkins (Moorestown)
JI Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
JL Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
JR Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
K Hopkins (Spice Island)
K Hopkins (Suburbia)
RB Hopkins (Baltimore Second XI)
RR Hopkins (Baltimore Mixed XI)
S Hopkins (Peninsular Cricket Club)
TI Hopkins (Moorestown Juniors)
TS Hopkins (Haddonfield)
TS Hopkins (SA Willits' XI)
W Hopkins (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
Hopkinson (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
A Hopkinson (Wissahickon)
B Hopkinson (Staten Island Cricket Club)
CC Hopkinson (Brooklyn)
E Hopkinson (Philadelphia)
E Hopkinson (Delaware County Field Club, Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Cricket Club, Philadelphia Pilgrims, University of Pennsylvania, Wanderers)
E Hopkinson (Brooklyn)
J Hopkinson (Harrisburg)
J Hopkinson (Pullman Second XI)
J Hopkinson (GM Newhall's XI)
J Hopkinson (Altoona)
W Hopkinson (Crescent Athletic Club)
W Hopkinson (Lorraine)
W Hopkinson (Tennyson)
WE Hopkinson (Crescent Athletic-Hamilton Club)
WF Hopkinson (Philadelphia)
WF Hopkinson (WR Wister's XI)
Hopley (SS Republic)
J Hoppel (Newark)
Hopper (umpire)
Hopper (Buffalo)
Hopper (Buffalo Frontier)
A Hopper (Young America Juniors)
E Hopper (Cherry Grove, Cherry Grove Second XI)
F Hopper (Newark)
F Hopper (Newark Juniors)
H Hopper (Roseville)
H Hopper (Newark)
J Hopper (Newark)
W Hopper (New York Cricket Club)
W Hopper (Buffalo)
WA Hopper (Montclair)
Hoppin (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
A Hopton (New York Veterans)
EJ Hopton (Manor Field)
WJ Hopton (Manor Field, New York Veterans, Richmond County)
WL Hopton (New York Veterans)
Hopwood (Ashton)
Hopwood (Central Massachusetts and Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League, New Bedford Blues, Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League)
T Hopwood (Fall River)
Horan (Maumee Valley)
HB Horan (Minneapolis)
TJ Horan (scorer)
J Horatio (Atlantis)
Horaty (Merion Veterans)
S Horlich (Homestead)
Horn (Caribbean)
AE Horn (Crescent Athletic Club)
JF Horn (Pittsburgh)
JF Horn (Wilkinsburg)
A Hornblower (St George's Club of New York Second XI)
Hornby (Lowell)
Hornby (Manhattan)
AN Hornby (Andover, Chelsea Club, Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
CH Hornby (Boston Zingari, Montclair Athletic Club, New York Cricket Club)
JH Hornby (New York Cricket Club)
W Hornby (International Club of Lowell, Lowell)
WH Hornby (Boston Zingari)
Horncastle (SS Minnesota)
AE Horne (Crescent Athletic Club, Union County)
D Horne (Belle Vue)
E Horne (Belle Vue)
E Horne jun (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
E Horne sen (Albion Club of Philadelphia Second XI)
JO Horne (Pittsburgh One Side)
WS Horne (Crescent Athletic Club)
Horner (Wanderers)
BM Horner (Germantown B, Germantown Juniors)
F Horner (British Officers)
G Horner (British Officers)
JL Horner (British Officers)
JW Horner (Brooklyn)
R Horner (Belmont)
W Horner (Brooklyn)
WJ Horner (British Officers)
FG Horniman (Harvard College)
A Horns (Elm Flax Mills)
Hornsell (Lowell Club)
JH Horricks (Oakland)
WB Horricks (Oakland)
T Horrigan (Picton)
T Horrigan (Onondaga Club of Syracuse)
H Horril (Falcons)
R Horril (Falcons)
R Horrobin (Clark's Thread Works)
Horrock (Lynn Wanderers Reserves)
WB Horrock (Frankford Wanderers)
Horrocks (Merrimac)
Horrocks (Lynn Wanderers)
H Horrocks (Oxford Second XI)
H Horrocks (Oakland)
JH Horrocks (Oakland)
JH Horrocks (Belfield)
Horsby (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Horsefield (Pittsburgh Field Club)
Horseman (St George's Club of Boston)
Horsfall (Lynn Second XI)
E Horsfall (Robin Hood)
R Horsfall (Germantown British Americans B)
Horsfield (Lawrence)
Horsford (H Ward's XI)
Horsford (Lynn Second XI)
Horsford (East Boston Second XI)
Horsford (East Boston)
Horsford (Everett)
Horsley (Lowell)
E Horsley (Robin Hood)
Horsman (West India Club A)
A Horsman (Mystic Lodge)
R Horsman (Mystic Lodge)
A Horstead (Detroit)
J Horstead (Cleveland)
J Horstead (Chicago Cricket Club)
J Horstead (Detroit Athletic Club)
J Horsted (Peninsular Cricket Club)
G Horstman (Merion Juniors)
O Horstman (Belmont Summer XI)
O Horstmann (Harvard College)





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