
United States of America Players (M)


Moses (Radnor)
Moses (Boston)
Moses (Empire)
G Moses (SS Campania)
G Moses (Island Wide)
I Moses (Lions United)
JR Moses (St David's Second XI)
K Moses (Staten Island Cricket Club)
K Moses (Brooklyn)
R Moses (Staten Island Cricket Club)
A Mosher (Bay Side)
H Mosher (Albany)
M Moskell (Columbia Oval)
H Mosler (John Bright)
Mosley (Bedford Second XI)
Mosley (Merrimac)
Mosley (Canton)
Mosley (Boston)
Mosley (Lowell)
Mosley (Everett)
Mosley (umpire)
Mosley (Standard)
Mosley (Buffalo Frontier)
A Mosley (Brockton)
A Mosley (Boston Veterans)
A Mosley (T Pettitt's XI)
A Mosley (Everett)
A Mosley (Massachusetts State Cricket League)
A Mosley (JJ Heys' XI)
F Mosley (Canton)
F Mosley (Germantown British Americans)
F Mosley (Robin Hood)
G Mosley (St George's Club of Buffalo)
G Mosley (Canton)
H Mosley (Mohair)
H Mosley (Canton)
H Mosley (Schenectady)
H Mosley (Massachusetts)
H Mosley (Everett)
H Mosley (Lawrence)
H Mosley (Brockton)
J Mosley (Merrimac)
J Mosley (Merrimac)
J Mosley (Canton)
J Mosley (Athletics)
TF Mosley (Canton)
F Mosley jnr (a) (Canton)
J Moslin (New York Veterans)
Moss (Fitchburg)
Moss (umpire)
Moss (Calumet)
Moss (Merrimac)
Moss (Sanford)
Moss (Lawrence)
Moss (Mohair)
Moss (Andover)
Moss (Bunting)
Moss (Canton)
Moss (Potter and Johnston)
Moss (New Bedford)
Moss (Altoona)
Moss (Altoona XI of Pennsylvania Railroad)
A Moss (Clark Mills)
A Moss (Merrimac)
A Moss (Willow Park)
AW Moss (Altoona)
AW Moss (Blairsville)
C Moss (Willow Park)
CJ Moss (St George's Club of Chicago Second XI)
J Moss (Alert)
JW Mossley (Germantown Academy)
G Mossop (Jamaica)
Most (Worcester)
B Mostyn (St George's Club of New York)
R Motani (DNA)
J Motet (Germantown Third XI)
D Motilall (New York Centurian)
N Motiwale (Philadelphia)
Motley (West India Club A, West India Club B)
J Motley (Albion No 22)
J Motley (Athletics)
T Motley (Frank Parson)
T Motley (International)
Motson (Portland)
Mott (Dorian Second XI)
Mott (West Indian Wanderers)
F Mott (Riverton)
FT Mott (Worcester)
LWD Mott (Merion)
R Mott (Riverton)
R Mott (Dorian)
R Mott (Old Haverfordians)
AE Motta (CH Burton's XI)
Mottley (Athletics)
Mottley (Standard)
Mottley (West India Club A)
Mottley (West India Club B)
Mottley (University)
A Mottley (Liberty)
D Mottley (Athletics)
T Mottley (Frank Parson)
T Mottley (New Hope)
T Mottley (Liberty)
T Mottley (International)
Mottley(a) (Athletics)
W Mottram (Oswego)
W Mottram (Stenton Field Club)
W Mottram (Oswego Falls)
M Mould (Los Angeles)
MO Mould (Wanderers)
W Moulder (New York Veterans)
A Moule (Peabody)
I Moule (Richard Baxter)
J Moule (Richard Baxter)
L Moule (Richard Baxter)
R Moule (Richard Baxter)
Moulson (Portland American Born)
Moult (Richard Baxter)
Moulton (Cambridge)
WE Mounterey (Manhattan Second XI)
Mountford (Orton's XI)
Mountford (Merion)
Mountford (Germantown Second XI)
Mountford (Manhattan Wanderers)
A Mountford (Belmont)
A Mountford (Morris Park Second XI)
A Mountford (Trenton)
A Mountford (Incognito)
A Mountford (Manhattan)
A Mountford (New Jersey)
A Mountford (North End)
E Mountford (Newark, Peninsular Cricket Club, Trenton)
E Mountford (Morris Park Second XI)
E Mountford (Incognito)
E Mountford (Manhattan Wanderers)
E Mountford (Manhattan)
E Mountford (Metropolitan Cricket League)
E Mountford (North End)
E Mountford (Belmont)
F Mountford (Newark)
S Mouton (Jamaica Ex-Police)
Moverly (Barbarians)
AH Moverly (Wanderers)
Mowatt (Lynn)
C Mowatt (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
J Mowatt (Lawrence Athletic Club)
JAW Mowatt (Bensonhurst Rovers)
P Mowatt (scorer)
P Mowatt (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
R Mowatt (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
R Mowatt (New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League West)
R Mowatt (Progressive Youths)
Mowbray (Pennsylvania Hospital)
EC Moxham (Crescent Athletic Club)
EC Moxham (Crescent Athletic Club)
ES Moxham (Crescent Athletic Club)
Moxic (Spartan Field Club)
J Moxie (Spartan Field Club)
Moxup (East Boston)
Moyah (West India Club B)
PC Moyer (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
C Moyle (St George's Athletic Club)
JR Moyle (Victoria Second XI)
Moyra (West India Club B)
S Moza (Bay Area I)
E Mozier (Paterson)
I Mthombeni (Frank Parson)
A Mubarak (United States of America Under-19s)
Mubashir Ali (Tigers)
A Mudassar (Central Valley)
W Muddiman (Gordon Park Reds)
Mudie (Longwood)
Mudie (Fall River)
Mudie (Lowell Club)
Mudie (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Mudie (Boston Cricket Club)
Mudie (Boston Zingari)
Mudie (Detroit)
Mudie (Detroit B)
Mudie (Peninsular Cricket Club)
F Mudie (English Residents, St George's Club of Philadelphia)
J Mudie (Longwood)
J Mudie (JW Dutton's XI)
L Mudie (Thespians)
R Mudie (Boston, Boston Cricket Club, Longwood, Manhattan)
R Mudie (Staten Island Cricket Club)
R Mudie (International Club of Lowell)
R Mudie (All Boston)
R Mudie (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
R Mudie (Wayne)
R Mudie (umpire)
R Mudie (Single of Longwood Club)
R Mudie (R Mudie's XI)
R Mudie (Boston Cricket Club)
R Mudie (Lowell)
R Mudie (Lynn)
M Mudigonda (Caribbean)
D Mudragada (Orange County)
F Muehler (Episcopal Academy)
AG Muench (Haverford College)
E Muench (Horlick's of Racine, Milwaukee)
HS Muench (Horlick's of Racine, Milwaukee)
R Muench (Haverford College)
Muff (International Club of Lowell)
B Muff (International Club of Lowell)
B Muff (Lawrence)
B Muff (West Philadelphia)
WD Muff (West Philadelphia)
A Mufti (Phantoms)
JJ Mugaseth (Harvard College)
Muggleston (Brockton)
F Mughal (Staten Island Cricket Club)
IA Mughal (Santa Clara II)
M Mughal (Cardinals)
D Muhammad (Caribbean)
Muhammad Ghous (ICC Americas, United States of America)
Muhammad Khan (Caribbean)
Muhammad Saleem (Cloudalyze Spinners)
A Muhammed (Cruisers)
D Muhammed (Cardinals)
T Muhammed (Santa Clara Aces, Santa Clara Bees)
T Muhammed (Santa Clara Seas)
Z Muhammed (United States of America Over-40s)
Muhammed Ali (Caribbean)
D Muhkuth (Staten Island Cricket Club)
FB Muhlenberg (Belmont, Riverton, University of Pennsylvania)
Muir (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Muir (Philadelphia Zingari)
Muir (Friends' Select School)
Muir (48th Highlanders)
A Muir (United)
A Muir (United)
E Muir (Windsor)
FW Muir (Belmont)
H Muir (Wanderers)
H Muir (Manchester United)
H Muir (Wanderers)
J Muir (Boston)
J Muir (CF Villiers' XI)
JG Muir (Mystic Club of Medford)
JG Muir (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
JW Muir (Gentlemen of Philadelphia)
L Muir (Passaic)
M Muir (Suburbia)
NM Muir (Brooklyn)
RM Muir (Brooklyn)
W Muir (Thistle)
Muirhead (New York Zingari)
J Mujtaba (United States of America Under-15s)
A Mukherjee (Cougars I)
Mukhtar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
D Mukhtar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
M Mukhtar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
R Mukhtar (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Z Mukhy (Cougars I)
SR Mukkamalla (United States of America)
A Mukuddam (Fooglies)
Mukul Kumar (CSZ Titans, East Bay I)
Mukul Kumar (Cardinals)
Mukul Kumar (Union City Jaguars)
P Mulani (Pasadena)
G Mulcahey (New York Rugby Football Club)
S Mulcare (umpire)
Mulhery (East Boston Reserves)
Mulholland (Cameron)
J Mulholland (Cameron)
TF Mulholland (Cameron)
M Mulla (Marin II)
H Mullaley (New Rochelle)
Mullane (Blue Stars of Lowell)
LP Mullapudi (United States of America Women)
N Mullapudi (California Cricket Academy)
Mullen (Cambridge)
Mullen (Shamrock)
Mullen (Oak Lane)
Mullen (Columbia Club of Hoboken)
Mullen (Columbia College)
E Mullen (Brooklyn)
F Mullen (Paterson)
G Mullen (Quaker City)
G Mullen (Gentlemen of Leisure)
J Mullen (Quaker City)
J Mullen (Paterson)
J Mullen (Paterson A)
J Mullen (Paterson)
James Mullen (Paterson)
John Mullen (Paterson)
Joseph Mullen (Paterson)
S Mullen (South Park)
J Mullens (Columbia Oval)
Muller (Haverford College)
F Muller (West Philadelphia)
G Muller (Germantown Juniors)
WK Muller (Haddonfield, University of Pennsylvania)
Mulligan (Lynn)
Mulligan (East Boston)
Mulligan (Lynn Wanderers)
Mulligan (Newton)
Mulligan (Picked XI)
Mulligan (Roxbury)
Mulligan (Noddle Island)
CW Mulligan (Phoenix Club)
F Mulligan (Columbia Oval)
FG Mulligan (Cameron)
J Mulligan (Columbia Oval)
J Mulligan (Riverside)
J Mulligan (Noddle Island)
JW Mulligan (Delaware County Field Club)
T Mulligan (Cameron)
TF Mulligan (Columbia Oval)
J Mulligan jnr (a) (Noddle Island)
Mullin (Wanderers)
Mullin (Cambridge)
B Mullin (Oak Lane)
G Mullin (Quaker City)
J Mullin (Paterson)
P Mullin (Passaic)
J Mullineux (SS Campania)
Mullings (Passaic)
C Mullings (Jamaica Ex-Police)
Mullins (Wanderers)
Mullins (Passaic)
D Mullins (Elizabeth)
K Mullins (Rockaway)
P Mullins (Manchester United)
P Mullins (Wanderers)
P Mullins (Passaic)
T Mulroy (Chelsea Club)
Mulry (Benedicts)
Mulry (Cambridge)
Mulry (FS Walker's XI)
Mulry (Chelsea Club)
A Multaini (New Hope)
G Mulvaney (Cosmopolitan Cricket League of New York)
Mulvehill (Emeralds)
Mulvey (Mayflower Club of Boston)
M Mumby (Sportsman)
Mumford (Isthmian, Isthmian Second XI)
JG Mumford (Harvard College)
JG Mumford (St Paul's School)
NW Mumford (St Paul's School)
S Mumtaz (United States of America Under-15s, United States of America Under-19s)
H Muncaster (umpire)
WH Muncaster (umpire)
W Muncey (Picked XI)
Munch (Everett)
HN Munch (Everett)
G Munday (H Munday's XI)
H Munday (Maumee Valley)
H Munday (H Munday's XI)
H Mundh (Tracy United I)
Mundie (W Howell's XI)
Mundie (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
WB Mundie (St George's Club of Chicago)
WR Mundie (St George's Club of Chicago)
A Mundle (California State University, Fullerton)
Mundy (Maumee Valley)
H Mundy (Toledo)
Mungle (Stanford's XI)
Mungle (Cornish Choughs)
N Mungle (Newark)
D Munian (Wanderers)
Munio (Excelsior)
Munir (umpire)
A Munir (Afca)
H Munir (Afca)
S Munir (Afca)
S Muniswamy (Tri-Valley)
Munn (Tennyson)
H Munn (General Electric Company of Philadelphia)
H Munn (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Munn (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
H Munn (Edward VII)
H Munn (Germantown Boys Club)
C Munnilal (Cosmos)
L Munns (Buffalo West Side)
F Munrain (Mount Vernon)
Munro (Cornell University)
Munro (Pennsylvania Hospital)
Munro (Manhattan)
Munro (Detroit Athletic Club)
DA Munro (Manhattan)
DA Munro (New York Cricket Club)
DA Munro (Berkeley Athletic Club)
H Munro (Manhattan)
J Munro (Bedford, Berkeley Athletic Club, Cosmopolitan Club of New York)
J Munro (Manhattan Second XI)
J Munro (New York West)
J Munro (Pullman)
R Munro (Manhattan)
SA Munro (Manhattan)
Munroe (SS Ramanic)
Munroe (St George's Club of Boston)
Munroe (Detroit Cricket Club)
J Munroe (Brooklyn)
J Munroe (Manhattan)
J Munsey (Rose Hill)
S Muntaz (United States of America Under-19s)
Muntwitze (St George's Club of New York)
A Murad (Marin II)
I Murad (Pegasus)
V Murali (Phantoms)
S Muralidharan (Victory)
M Murataza (Virginia)
Murch (Everett)
E Murch (Alert)
Murchie (New York Cricket Club)
G Murchie (Claremont)
J Murden (Underhill)
L Murden (Zingari)
R Murdoch (Southern California Cricket Association, United States of America)
WL Murdoch (SE Gregory's XI)
E Murdock (Englewood)
JT Murdock (Riverton)
R Murell (Mid Island)
Murfett (Lynn)
M Murfy (Frank Parson)
Murgatroyd (AW Barnes' XI)
Murgatroyd (Saylesville)
Murgatroyd (New Bedford)
Murnan (Boston Baseball XI)
Murnan (Everett)
TH Murnane (American Baseball Players)
Murphy (umpire)
Murphy (Buffalo)
Murphy (Pottsville)
Murphy (Elizabeth)
Murphy (Newport)
Murphy (Pawtucket)
Murphy (San Francisco)
Murphy (Andover)
Murphy (International)
Murphy (Lynn Wanderers)
Murphy (Chelsea Club)
Murphy (National Club of Lowell)
Murphy (International Club of Lowell)
Murphy (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
Murphy (Lawrence)
Murphy (Shamrock)
Murphy (Belmont Juniors)
Murphy (Centreville)
Murphy (Rumford Club of Waltham)
Murphy (SS Minnesota)
Murphy (Lowell Club)
Murphy (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Club)
Murphy (Newton)
Murphy (Chelsea Club)
Murphy (Central High School)
Murphy (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
Murphy (Philadelphia)
Murphy (Paterson)
Murphy (Chester City, Chester City Second XI)
Murphy (Oak Lane)
A Murphy (Dublin)
AJ Murphy (Montclair Athletic Club)
B Murphy (Oak Park Second XI)
B Murphy (River Valley)
B Murphy (Pottsville)
CJ Murphy (Belmont)
CJ Murphy (Merion B)
CJ Murphy (University of Pennsylvania)
CR Murphy (University of Pennsylvania)
CR Murphy (Frankford)
CR Murphy (Central High School)
CR Murphy (Wanderers)
D Murphy (Brooklyn Second XI)
D Murphy (Elizabeth)
DT Murphy (Occident Club)
E Murphy (Columbia Oval)
E Murphy (New York Cricket Club)
E Murphy (umpire)
E Murphy (All New York)
E Murphy (New York Cricket Association)
E Murphy (Belmont Colts)
EA Murphy (Columbia Oval B)
EAW Murphy (Bensonhurst Thistle)
EJ Murphy (Belmont, Merion, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
EJ Murphy (Moorestown)
EJ Murphy (Belmont C)
EV Murphy (Merion)
F Murphy (Andover)
G Murphy (Chippewa)
G Murphy (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
G Murphy (Columbia Oval)
GH Murphy (Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Cricket Club)
GH Murphy (University of Pennsylvania)
GH Murphy (Fox Chase)
GH Murphy (Chestnut Hill of Boston Other Side)
H Murphy (International Tile Company of Lowell)
H Murphy (Lowell Cricket and Athletic Association)
HA Murphy (CG Turner's XI)
J Murphy (Hollywood)
J Murphy (New York Cricket Club)
J Murphy (Pottsville)
J Murphy (New Jersey Athletic Club B)
J Murphy (Michigan Athletic Association)
J Murphy (Camden Athletic Association Second XI)
JH Murphy (University of Pennsylvania)
JH Murphy (Young America Second XI)
JH Murphy (General Office of Pennsylvania Railroad)
KJ Murphy (Buffalo)
LGH Murphy (New Jersey Athletic Club B)
M Murphy (Frank Parson)
M Murphy (Newport)
P Murphy (Matthews)
R Murphy (SS Oceanic)
R Murphy (Belmont)
R Murphy (Wanderers)
T Murphy (SS Majestic)
T Murphy (Majestic)
T Murphy (Michigan Athletic Association)
T Murphy (SS Majestic)
W Murphy (Chippewa)
W Murphy (Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI)
W Murphy (Chestnut Hill of Boston One Side)
W Murphy (Chester City)
WR Murphy (Delaware County Field Club)
WR Murphy (Columbia Oval)
WR Murphy (Wanderers)
C Murral (Staten Island Cricket Club)
O Murral (Staten Island Cricket Club)
A Murratt (Newark)
Murray (Western American Club of St Louis)
Murray (Western Massachusetts)
Murray (Hyde Park)
Murray (Anderson's XI)
Murray (Western Massachusetts Cricket League)
Murray (Lynn)
Murray (JJ Heys' XI)
Murray (Massachusetts)
Murray (Lynn Wanderers)
Murray (Everett)
Murray (All Boston)
Murray (Lynn Wanderers B)
Murray (Kings County)
Murray (Everett)
Murray (Athletics)
Murray (SS Franconia)
Murray (Mound City)
Murray (Windsor)
A Murray (St Louis)
A Murray (Pastime of St Louis)
A Murray (Albion Club of Chicago)
A Murray (North Western Cricket Association)
A Murray (Calumet)
A Murray (All Comers)
A Murray (St Louis World's Fair)
AC Murray (Montclair Athletic Club)
BL Murray (Washington Park)
C Murray (New York Arbroath)
C Murray (Essex County)
C Murray (Staten Island Cricket Club)
CJ Murray (Montclair Athletic Club)
CK Murray (Bound Brook, Brooklyn, Newark)
D Murray (BWIA International)
DA Murray (St Louis)
E Murray (River Valley)
Everard Murray (Sportsman)
Ezzard Murray (Sportsman)
EAW Murray (Bensonhurst, Bensonhurst Thistle, Crescent Athletic Club)
F Murray (Married)
F Murray (Sportsman)
FM Murray (Frankford)
G Murray (All Comers)
G Murray (Marine Cricket Club)
H Murray (Sportsman)
J Murray (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
J Murray (New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League)
J Murray (JA Rothery's XI)
J Murray (Thorpe's XI)
J Murray (Boston)
J Murray (East Boston)
J Murray (JI Chambers' XI)
J Murray (Thorp's XI)
J Murray (T Pettitt's XI)
J Murray (Falls of Schuylkill B)
J Murray (J Murray's XI)
JA Murray (Schenectady)
JC Murray (Boston, Everett, Massachusetts)
JJ Murray (North End Second XI)
JP Murray (Haverford College Second XI)
JT Murray (Harvard College)
M Murray (Chelsea Club)
P Murray (Spice Island)
R Murray (umpire)
RG Murray (West Indian B)
RG Murray (Jamaica)
T Murray (Centennial)
TN Murray (Frankford)
TN Murray (Lynn)
WP Murray (Elm Flax Mills)
Murrell (Newark)
C Murrell (Spice Island)
C Murrell (Staten Island Cricket Club)
G Murrell (Spice Island)
G Murrell (Progressive Youths)
G Murrell (Staten Island Cricket Club)
G Murrell (Westbury)
R Murrell (Spice Island)
Murren (Calypso City)
B Murrick (Flint and District)
F Murrish (Flint Cricket Club)
Murrish(a) (Flint Cricket Club)
H Murry (Union)
R Murry (Spice Island)
Murtaza (Grand Rapids Tigers)
A Murtaza (East Side Warriors)
G Murtaza (Unity)
S Murtaza (Phantoms)
S Murthi (referee)
A Murthy (California Cricket Academy Green Under-13s)
S Murthy (Citrus Valley Cougars Under-15s)
S Murthy (Spartan I)
S Murthy (Spartan I)
Murti (Staten Island Cricket Club)
S Murti (Staten Island Cricket Club)
Murton (Honolulu Cricket Club)
G Murtuza (Unity)
G Murtuza (North Province)
R Murty (Staten Island Cricket Club)
E Muschamp (Falls of Schuylkill B)
F Muschamp (Falls of Schuylkill B)
F Muschamp (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Muschamp (Falls of Schuylkill)
H Muschamp (West Philadelphia)
W Muschamp (Falls of Schuylkill)
W Muschamp (West Philadelphia)
W Muschamp (Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia)
R Muse (Pittsburgh Field Club)
Musgrave (New York Cricket Club Second XI)
B Musgrave (Baltimore)
G Musgrave (Baltimore)
GS Musgrave (New York Cricket Club)
H Musgrave (Quaker City)
J Musgrave (Kings County St George)
JW Musgrave (New York Cricket Club)
W Musgrave (Quaker City, Quaker City Second XI)
W Mushamp (Falls of Schuylkill)
Mushi Khan (CSZ Titans)
A Mushta (Arsenal)
A Mushtaq (United I)
E Mussabini (Amateurs)
C Musselman (Philadelphia Cricket Club Juniors)
H Musselman (Belmont)
RF Musselman (Belmont)
Mustafa (Sims New York West Indian)
G Mustafa (East Side Warriors)
G Mustafa (Long Island United)
M Mustafa (Southern California Cricket Association South West Region)
N Mustafa (United States of America Over-40s)
Z Mustafa (Phantoms)
J Mustain (University of California)
Mustajab Khan (Pegasus)
D Mustaphalli (Camelot)
Mustard (Haverford College Next XII, Haverford College Second XI)
Mustard (Merion)
Mustard (West Philadelphia)
WP Mustard (Wayne)
WP Mustard (HW Stokes' XI)
WP Mustard (Haverford College Second XI, Rest of Haverford College)
WP Mustard (Merion)
Mutch (SS Ramanic)
Mutch (SS Saxonia)
R Mutt (Elm Flax Mills)
E Mutter (Akron)
Muttu (umpire)
Muzzy (Lowell)
A Myer (Windsor)
T Myer (Tioga)
Myers (Stetson Athletic Association)
Myers (Penn-Linden of Camden)
Myers (Omaha High School)
Myers (Catonsville)
Myers (Cambridge)
Myers (Caribbean)
Myers (Standard)
Myers (Wayne Station)
Myers (Pennsylvania Hospital)
Myers (Windsor)
Myers (Providence)
A Myers (Single)
A Myers (Windsor)
BF Myers (Harvard College)
BF Myers (Melrose)
BF Myers (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors)
BH Myers (Melrose)
C Myers (Lions United)
C Myers (Germantown C)
C Myers (Claremont)
D Myers (Haddonfield Athletic Association)
EL Myers (Germantown)
F Myers (Tioga)
FA Myers (Merion)
FA Myers (Haverford College)
FB Myers (Belfield, Germantown, Haverford College)
FB Myers (Belfield)
FC Myers (Belfield)
FW Myers (Haverford College Second XI)
G Myers (Berkeley Athletic Club, Cosmopolitan Club of New York, Morris Heights, Morris Park)
G Myers (Paterson)
G Myers (Mid Island)
H Myers (Baltimore Juniors)
H Myers (Griswold)
HH Myers (Melrose)
J Myers (English Residents)
J Myers (California Cricket Association Town)
J Myers (Pacific)
J Myers (Penn Charter School)
J Myers (Belmont Juniors)
JM Myers (Rochester)
L Myers (Pelham Bay Cricket League)
M Myers (Philadelphia Cricket Club)
R Myers (Penn Charter School)
R Myers (Melrose)
RV Myers (Friends' Select School)
S Myers (New Jersey Athletic Club)
T Myers (Belfield Summer XI)
T Myers (Tioga Second XI)
TA Myers (Haverford College)
TF Myers (Haddonfield Athletic Association)
TF Myers (Haddonfield)
W Myers (Villagers Pacesetters Sports Athletic Club)
WB Myers (Germantown)
WD Myers (Tioga Athletic Association Juniors, Tioga Juniors, Tioga Second XI)
WD Myers (Belfield)
WD Myers (Germantown)
WG Myers (Belfield)
WG Myers (Germantown)
Myler (Shamrock)
Myler (Medford)
Myler (Cambridge)
Myler (Picked XI)
Myler (East Cambridge)
Myler (Boston)
T Myler (Boston)
W Myler (Boston)
W Myler (Medford)
Myles (East Cambridge)
Myles (Newport)
V Mylie (Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI)
Mylins (Pipestone)
C Mylins (Pipestone)
W Mylo (Kings County Second XI)
M Mylvaganan (Sunnyvale I)
C Myram (New York Veterans)
T Myres (JD Robinson's XI)
Myrey (Frank Parson)
Myrick (Longwood)
Myrie (West Indian Wanderers)
D Myrie (New Hope)
D Myrie (Liberty)
D Myrie (Frank Parson)
D Myrie (International)
E Myrie (Frank Parson)
O Myrie (New York Centurian)
Myrtle (Married and Single of Pacific Cricket Club)
Myrtle (West Indian Wanderers)
B Myton (Mid Island)
K Myton (Mid Island)





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