
First-class Batting and Fielding in Australia for 1936/37 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
DG Bradman (Aus,SAus)121911552270  86.226210 
CJ Barnett (Eng,MCC)152501375259  55.00556 
WR Hammond (Eng,MCC)122021206231*67.00549 
SJ McCabe (Aus,NSW)10180956112  53.11197 
M Leyland (Eng,MCC)12224902126  50.11333 
J Hardstaff (Eng,MCC)16283850110  34.00165 
CL Badcock (Aus,SAus)13181831182  48.88417 
RG Gregory (Aus,Vic)11171775128  48.43164 
KE Rigg (Aus,Vic)11182739167*46.18316 
LEG Ames (Eng,MCC)12200682109  34.1015233
JHW Fingleton (Aus,NSW)11190631136  33.21238 
RH Robinson (Aus,NSW)9160593163  37.06227 
WA Brown (Aus,Qld)8150557111  37.131410 
IS Lee (Vic)7111519160  51.90215 
AL Hassett (Vic)69250393  71.85078 
D Tallon (Qld)9171486101  30.3721215
LS Darling (Aus,Vic)8140454111  32.42216 
AG Chipperfield (Aus,NSW)916344997*34.530310 
TS Worthington (Eng,MCC)1120140989  21.52029 
RES Wyatt (Eng,MCC)9131409106  34.08133 
AE Fagg (Eng,MCC)10171399112  24.93116 
WAS Oldfield (Aus,NSW)1120338378  22.52031413
GOB Allen (Eng,MCC)1218338068  25.330412 
VE Jackson (NSW)713035188  27.00013 
T Allen (Qld)7140350101  25.00134 
RS Whitington (SAus)581339125  48.42114 
RE Rogers (Qld)7140338113  24.14111 
RA Hamence (SAus)8121336104  30.54113 
AJ Ryan (SAus)914133271  25.53027 
AE Marks (NSW)611033174  30.09036 
LB Fishlock (MCC)1017231891  21.20016 
GG Cook (Qld)612230272  30.20033 
JA Ledward (Vic)681301115  43.00123 
RWV Robins (Eng,MCC)1216029761  18.56024 
WC Andrews (Qld)510028685  28.60021 
GS Amos (Qld)714027193  19.35015 
MW Sievers (Aus,Vic)915226576  20.38029 
RK Oxenham (Qld)714425750*25.70011 
GG Baker (Qld)612025566  21.25027 
BA Barnett (Vic)810224359  30.3702145
LC Hynes (NSW)814023854  17.00015 
AG Cheetham (NSW)48123262  33.14011 
AD McGilvray (NSW)712121845  19.81007 
LPJ O'Brien (Aus,Vic)611019485  17.63012 
JG Lush (NSW)59119449  24.25005 
RG Beatty (NSW)48017060  21.25014 
CW Walker (SAus)813016637  12.76001715
MG Waite (SAus)812216577  16.50016 
VY Richardson (SAus)67016555  23.57014 
H Verity (Eng,MCC)1120216431  9.110010 
ECS White (NSW)9166164108*16.40106 
WJ Horrocks (WA)230162140  54.00100 
WE Pearson (Vic)55015591  31.00016 
CV Grimmett (SAus)1115215133  11.61003 
H Mudge (NSW)48013646  17.00001 
B Schultz (SAus)24013241  33.00000 
RA Parker (SAus)47012533  17.85000 
SWL Putman (Tas)23012277  40.66012 
HI Ebeling (Vic)1010211943*14.87004 
MJ Ward (NSW)24011468  28.50010 
FA Ward (Aus,SAus)1116310725  8.23007 
EL McCormick (Aus,Vic)1014510430*11.55004 
JM Sims (Eng,MCC)101218618*7.810010 
ERH Wyeth (Qld)61228629  8.60003 
WJ O'Reilly (Aus,NSW)91748237*6.30002 
SG Barnes (NSW)1207544  37.50000 
W Voce (Eng,MCC)121877316*6.63005 
PL Dixon (Qld)61276218  12.40004 
ROG Morrisby (Tas)3516225  15.50000 
HJ Plant (Vic)4536021*30.00006 
RG Williams (SAus)5935913*9.83002 
FA Easton (NSW)4745917*19.660092
FJ Bryant (WA)2305943  19.66000 
HNJ Cotton (SAus)7965537*18.33004 
FJ Alexander (WA)1205032  25.00000 
LJ Nash (Aus,Vic)2204629  23.00004 
LJ Fallowfield (NSW)1204526  22.50000 
CF Newman (WA)1204528  22.50000 
JSD Cockburn (Qld)2404335  10.75001 
KC Gulliver (NSW)2304018  13.33005 
RV Thomas (Tas)2304020  13.33000 
OI Lovelock (WA)2303825  12.66001 
EJR Moyle (SAus)1203732  18.50002 
RJ Wilberforce (WA)2313633*18.00002 
WH Copson (MCC)6853410*11.33003 
RBS Wardlaw (Tas)1203434  17.00000 
AW Rushforth (Tas)2303324  11.00001 
LO Fleetwood-Smith (Aus,Vic)81013213  3.55000 
G Duckworth (MCC)5523115*10.3300112
NH Oswald (SAus)2412613  8.66001 
HC Chilvers (NSW)1212618*26.00000 
AG Zimbulis (WA)2302523  8.33001 
DC Green (Tas)1202517  12.50000 
K Farnes (Eng,MCC)10135208*2.50006 
CDP Hansen (Qld)240178  4.25001 
JNW Nicolson (Tas)120179  8.50000 
CL Jeffery (Tas)120179  8.50002 
BH Leak (SAus)1201515  7.50002 
J Gardiner (Tas)1211414  14.000011
GD Gunthorpe (Qld)1201414  7.00001 
EC Bensted (Qld)1201210  6.00000 
JG Maddern (Qld)120127  6.00001 
RA Halcombe (WA)231117  5.50000 
TH Wade (MCC)2301010  3.330001
SG Francis (WA)1201010  5.00001 
J Frederick (Vic)23185*4.00000 
MS Guttormsen (Qld)12088  4.00000 
M Inverarity (WA)12085  4.00001 
JM Walsh11088  8.00000 
TCJ Caldwell (NSW)23075  2.33004 
AO Burrows11044  4.00001 
DH Thollar (Tas)12111*1.00001 
KG Gourlay (Tas)12011  0.50000 
GA Combes11011  1.00000 
RFK Rushbrook (Qld)12000  0.00000 
FH Taaffe (WA)11000  0.00000 
TW Leather11000  0.00000 
JA Shea11000  0.00000 





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