
First-class Batting and Fielding in Australia for 1954/55 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
RN Harvey (Aus,Vic)142421009162  45.86188 
L Hutton (Eng,MCC)12212959145*50.47256 
PBH May (Eng,MCC)14233931129  46.554313 
MC Cowdrey (Eng,MCC)13240890110  37.083511 
DCS Compton (Eng,MCC)11162799182  57.07333 
LE Favell (Aus,SAus)11200663160  33.151211 
R Benaud (Aus,NSW)12191530125  29.441313 
TW Graveney (Eng,MCC)11151519134  37.072015 
RT Simpson (Eng,MCC)12212518136  27.26115 
TE Bailey (Eng,MCC)1217250888  33.86055 
CC McDonald (Aus,Vic)915144894  32.00035 
JW Burke (Aus,NSW)7121404137  36.72115 
GB Hole (Aus,SAus)10180400140  22.221213 
LV Maddocks (Aus,Vic)1015438969*35.3603183
AR Morris (Aus,NSW)8120382153  31.83111 
KR Miller (Aus,NSW)812038186  31.75023 
PJP Burge (Aus,Qld)6101379122  42.11122 
RG Archer (Aus,Qld)914136075*27.690213 
PL Ridings (SAus)611235492  39.33012 
KD Mackay (Qld)592352106*50.28121 
JW Rutherford (WA)470351167  50.14206 
RB Simpson (NSW)6100331104  33.101114 
JL Chambers (Vic)590295102  32.77102 
JH Wardle (Eng,MCC)1418229163  18.18016 
RE Briggs (NSW)690291100  32.33101 
WJ Edrich (Eng,MCC)1016027488  17.12015 
JV Wilson (MCC)915227172  20.84029 
GRA Langley (Aus,SAus)812125853  23.4502194
TG Evans (Eng,MCC)1016224340  17.3500304
CE Harvey (Qld)59124290  30.25018 
DK Carmody (WA)47023175  33.00020 
CJ Pinch (SAus)5101230108*25.55104 
WJ Watson (Aus,NSW)460217155  36.16106 
AK Davidson (Aus,NSW)916221330  15.210011 
R Harvey (Vic)711020644  18.72003 
KD Meuleman (WA)350192109  38.40101 
FH Tyson (Eng,MCC)1117218137*12.06003 
KA Archer (Qld)47117952  29.83022 
AR Edwards (WA)23017075  56.66021 
PI Philpott (NSW)24016771  41.75014 
D Harris (SAus)48015143  18.87003 
JH de Courcy (NSW)57014595  20.71011 
IWG Johnson (Aus,Vic)811514241  23.66003 
ATW Grout (Qld)57114263  23.660192
HN Dansie (SAus)59114134  17.62002 
JD Bratchford (Qld)57013858  19.71016 
VN Raymer (Qld)57013137  18.71004 
SJE Loxton (Vic)610112629  14.00004 
L Pavy (WA)47111936*19.83004 
RC Roxby (SAus)36311934  39.66001 
RR Lindwall (Aus,Qld)78311664*23.20016 
EE Rodwell (Tas)24011170  27.75011 
LM Sawle (WA)35010635  21.20002 
JC Hill (Vic)69210134*14.42005 
JB Statham (Eng,MCC)101249825  12.25004 
KG Horsnell (SAus)61019429  10.44004 
BJ Flynn (Qld)4629426  23.50001 
BC Booth (NSW)2419374*31.00010 
DF Trowse (SAus)3519032*22.50001 
WT Walmsley (Qld)4608734  14.50001 
AV Bedser (Eng,MCC)71128530  9.44003 
JE McConnon (MCC)5718522  14.16002 
WA Dick (Vic)4708541  12.14001 
EK Cotton (NSW)2318541*42.50002 
WPA Crawford (NSW)5978333*41.50003 
JF Power (Vic)6818143  11.57005 
JM Maddox (Tas)1218162*81.00010 
R Appleyard (Eng,MCC)101377419*12.33008 
PJ Loader (MCC)91017022  7.77006 
J Hallebone (Vic)4706817  9.71001 
BJ Hyland (Tas)1206749  33.50001 
KV Andrew (Eng,MCC)7926328*9.0000131
JH Shaw (Vic)2306350  21.00011 
LHJ Smith (Tas)2406221  15.50002 
WA Johnston (Aus,Vic)91036125*8.71002 
JC Treanor (NSW)6915421  6.75001 
RH Price (WA)4744721*15.66000 
MU Herbert (WA)3514738*11.75001 
O Lambert (NSW)6914615  5.7500171
EA Toovey (Qld)2404516  11.25001 
J Drennan (SAus)5814239  6.00002 
MR Thomas (Tas)2403917  9.75000 
DM Gregg (SAus)3423524  17.50000 
TJ Cowley (Tas)2303412  11.33002 
JW Wilson (SAus)692329  4.57003 
JKE Munro (WA)2413115  10.330051
W Hird (Tas)2322919  29.00001 
CW Johnston (NSW)1202421  12.00000 
RB Strauss (WA)2302210  7.33001 
BD Richardson (Tas)1202222  11.00002 
RS Ayres (Qld)1102121  21.00000 
JW O'Reilly (NSW)1101919  19.00000 
PCD McCarthy (WA)1201613  8.00000 
B Brownlow (Tas)2411411  4.66003 
HR Gorringe (WA)461135*2.60001 
BL Buggins (WA)230108  3.33006 
BT Considine (Tas)23075  2.33000 
AC Day (Vic)24364  6.00000 
NV Diprose (Tas)12055  2.50000 
RB Sarre (WA)12055  2.50000 
GB Stevens (SAus)11055  5.00000 
B Fisher (Qld)12144  4.00001 
EP James (WA)23011  0.33000 
FJ Osborn (SAus)12011  0.50000 
KHD Kendall (Vic)11011  1.00000 
RH Searle (Qld)12000  0.00002 
LA Sanders (Qld)12000  0.00000 
AJTS Bailey (SAus)10      0 





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