
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1886 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
S Brown (Nth)1214725  47.00000 
B Hudson (La)44018598  46.25020 
A Shrewsbury (Eng,Nt,Nth,Play,Sheff)243851404227*42.543824 
WW Read (Eng,Sy,GEng,Gent,Sheff,Sth)284631825120  42.4441229 
AG Steel (Eng,La,IZ,Liv)912241883  41.80047 
AJ Webbe (Mx,MCC)8130518103  39.84138 
HW Forster (OU,IZ)2433823*38.00003 
C Wilson (Kent,IZ)790323127  35.88129 
WG Grace (Eng,Gs,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sheff,Sth)335531846170  35.504936 
JM Read (Sy,Eng,Play,Sth)264341364186  34.972717 
JW Mansfield (MCC)1206767  33.50010 
H Pigg (Sth)1206659  33.00011 
SW Scott (Mx,GEng,Gent)1019255694*32.70033 
Lord Harris (Kent,GEng)1220064476  32.200711 
WEW Collins (GEng)2316356*31.50011 
LK Jarvis1206343  31.50000 
G Kemp (CU,La,GEng)10182497125  31.06212 
J White (Liv,Nth)2206262  31.000122
FM Lucas (Sx,GEng,Gent)10171474121  29.62117 
CI Thornton (Eng,GEng,MCC)7131350107*29.16104 
R Abel (Sy,Eng,Play,Sth)274751221144  29.072529 
GG Hearne (Kent,Eng,MCC,Sth)254561125126  28.842815 
E Ratcliffe (Liv)1102828  28.00000 
AE Stoddart (Mx,GEng)13241640116  27.821211 
LG Stileman-Gibbard (Sth)1205546  27.50001 
JG Walker (Mx,GEng,Gent,IZ,MCC)1732281979  27.300811 
WA Humphreys (Sx,Sth)1935873568*27.220416 
L Hall (Yor,Eng)22414100592  27.160918 
G Giffen (Aus)356181424119  26.8611020 
W Gunn (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)2031375283  26.850515 
WH Scotton (Eng,Nt,MCC,Play,Sheff)26392979110*26.45137 
AN Hornby (La,Gent,MCC,Nth)20320842161  26.312412 
L Wilson (Kent)59121048*26.25002 
GF Vernon (Mx,GEng,MCC)12210549160  26.14116 
WH Patterson (Kent,GEng,Gent,Sth)11211517124  25.85115 
JA Turner (CU,GEng,Gent)11202461174  25.61119 
SP Jones (Aus)356221497151  24.952822 
JH Brain (Gs,OU)1833373671  24.530514 
W Barnes (Eng,Nt,MCC,Play,Sheff)24342784156  24.501113 
F Hearne (Kent,MCC,Play,Sth)20372849142  24.252311 
OG Radcliffe (Gs,Eng,GEng,Gent)19341798104*24.18125 
HW Bainbridge (CU,Gent)1221148179  24.05025 
G Spillman (Mx,Sth)1220047787  23.8503143
F Thomas (CU,Sx)1220145273  23.78048 
Lord Hawke (Yor,GEng,IZ)19361831144  23.74147 
W Newham (Sx,Sheff,Sth)915035645  23.73003 
W Bates (Yor,Nth,Sheff)244411018136  23.672421 
GB Studd (Mx,Eng,GEng,IZ)1018140167  23.58039 
GA Lohmann (Eng,Sy,Play,Sth)26365728107  23.481232 
WE Roller (Sy,GEng)15254489102*23.28127 
HT Hewett (OU)47016077  22.85010 
G Brann (Sx)7122227104  22.70102 
C Shore (La,Liv)2314542*22.50000 
RT Thornton (Kent)1118333664  22.40038 
F Townsend (Gs)10191403106  22.38117 
W Rashleigh (Kent,OU)13240531107  22.12123 
HJH Scott (Aus)366351278123  22.031621 
I Grimshaw (Yor,Eng)12202391122*21.72119 
W Flowers (Nt,Eng,MCC,Play,Sheff)2436860693  21.64028 
F Marchant (CU,Kent)1623147696  21.63056 
EC Hornby (La,Liv)69019482  21.55014 
CD Buxton (CU,Eng)1119040863  21.47037 
W Chatterton (Dy,MCC)1325346297  21.000217 
JM Preston (Yor,Eng,Nth)2343579079*20.780611 
AJ Thornton (Kent)610412441  20.66003 
R Peel (Yor)2140473275  20.330411 
J Shuter (Sy)2034361986  19.96047 
EM Grace (Gs,Gent)1425049461  19.760313 
J Briggs (Eng,La,Nth,Play)27414722107  19.511517 
GE Palmer (Aus)3354497294  19.440530 
TC O'Brien (Mx,GEng,MCC)915127288*19.42013 
PJ de Paravicini (IZ,MCC)58113660  19.42014 
HV Page (Gs,OU,GEng,Gent,MCC)2139173766  19.390320 
G Ulyett (Eng,Yor,Nth,Play,Sheff)30520100578  19.320418 
KJ Key (OU,Sy,Eng,Gent)11212365143  19.21101 
JW Trumble (Aus)3451882356*19.130217 
JB Hide (Sx,Sth)18331610173  19.061114 
AD Pougher (Nth,Play)3313825  19.00002 
LB Friend (Kent)1203822  19.00000 
WN Roe1101919  19.00000 
EJ Diver (Sy,Eng,Play)2236068294  18.940513 
GJ Bonnor (Aus)2034358149  18.740017 
HB Daft (Nt,Gent)1520331166*18.29014 
G Francis (Gs,Sth)1016225289  18.00022 
RG Barlow (Eng,La,Nth,Play)27435679113  17.861222 
FH Sugg (Dy,Nth)1223040862  17.73013 
AH Jarvis (Aus)3350678096*17.7204238
S Wade (Yor)1220624874*17.71019 
C Booth (MCC)46010647  17.66001 
CW Rock (CU,Eng,GEng)1424140475  17.560125 
LA Orford (CU)2305229  17.330062
LC Docker (Dy,Eng)814024164  17.21011 
RT Ellis (Sx)3618658  17.20012 
MJ Dauglish (Mx)4618646*17.200032
G Davenport (MCC,Nth)59113637*17.00003 
BJ Wardill (Aus)1101717  17.00001 
JM Blackham (Aus)3249572871  16.54032715
WA Tester (Sx)13240397130  16.541111 
MC Kemp (Kent,GEng,MCC)17305412175  16.48101813
J McIlwraith (Aus)2737552062*16.250113 
AD Greene (Gs)2406532  16.25001 
EFS Tylecote (Eng,Gent,IZ,MCC)914121133  16.2300137
JS Russel (MCC)4609752  16.16013 
JR Painter (Gs,Sth)1629046765  16.10019 
W Bruce (Aus)33473704106  16.001226 
SMJ Woods1203221  16.00000 
J Selby (Nt)1419227058*15.88026 
EJC Studd (GEng,MCC)4507936  15.80002 
J Eccles (La)57011046  15.71002 
R Henderson (Sy,Sth)47011064  15.71011 
W Quaife (Sx)1222231246  15.60005 
E Mills (Sy,Sth)2406233  15.50001 
TR Marshall (MCC)1203130  15.50000 
W Cropper (Dy,Nth)1324037093  15.41018 
RJ Pope (Aus)4643012  15.00001 
AW Fulcher (Kent)1101515  15.00000 
WH Robinson (La)1320226954  14.94027 
E Hickmott (Kent)3304444  14.660042
CW Burls1202925  14.50000 
J Frank (GEng)1202919  14.50000 
EJ McCormick (Sx,Sth)916023141  14.43004 
G Bean (Sx,Sth)14261360108  14.401010 
EH Buckland (OU)714118577  14.230110 
EM Hadow (Mx,MCC)814217028  14.16003 
TW Garrett (Aus)3447855049*14.100011 
HB Steel (La,Liv)812115534  14.09002 
HE Crawley (CU)2405654  14.00012 
JH Ware (OU)1211410  14.00000 
F Lee (Yor,Play)1629237759  13.96016 
E Evans (Aus)28401533674*13.440119 
AR Cobb (OU)712015950  13.250184
CH Haigh (La)1015217251*13.23013 
A Blackman (Sx)4616538  13.00001 
ED Barratt1101313  13.00000 
LD Hildyard (OU)510111341  12.55006 
VA Titchmarsh (MCC)2303723  12.33000 
CFH Leslie (Mx)3616135  12.20001 
T Greatorex (CU)1101212  12.00000 
HG Tylecote (IZ,MCC)2303518  11.66001 
G Burton (Mx,MCC,Sth)1423323129  11.55009 
AM Sutthery (CU)711111337  11.30002 
H Hale (Gs,GEng)1425522544*11.25005 
R Pilling (Eng,La,Nth)21281514625  11.23004313
HT Arnall-Thompson (OU)4725525  11.00003 
CH Moline (CU)2312216  11.00002 
FW Kingston1101111  11.00001 
FJ Shacklock (Nt,Nth)1619119627  10.88009 
SH Evershed (Dy)3606426  10.66001 
H Phillips (Sx,Sheff,Sth)1420614717*10.50002911
AM Streatfeild-Moore (Kent)2404233  10.50000 
T Emmett (Yor,Eng,MCC)2339436448  10.400013 
C Wreford-Brown (Gs,OU)4707227  10.28002 
WO Moberly (Gs)815015460  10.26013 
A Hearne (Kent)1623815127*10.060018 
OP Lancashire (La,MCC)1931229149  10.03006 
J Phillips (Sx,Sth)2404016  10.00001 
SM Crossland (Yor)3523020  10.000023
AE Leatham (GEng,MCC)2413018  10.00001 
HW Hutson (CU)1202020  10.00001 
A Rylott (MCC)243103*10.00002 
W Greenstock (CU)121106  10.00000 
T Evans (Liv)1101010  10.00001 
A Watson (La,Eng,Nth)2028522925  9.9500131
H Wood (Sy,Eng,Sth)2132526724  9.8800358
JN Tonge (Kent)612011740  9.75000 
J Ambler (Yor)4706825  9.71002 
E Coup (Dy)714112433  9.53001 
FGJ Ford (Mx)4614723  9.40001 
W Wright (Nt,Eng,MCC)1014310225  9.27003 
P Dobell (La,Liv)712110228  9.27001 
ACM Croome (Gs)3513724  9.25002 
G Yates (La)1826321143  9.17005 
H Leadbeater (Yor,Eng,IZ)3403627  9.00006 
LF Wrathmell (Yor)1201817  9.00000 
W Hall (Dy)23294*9.00001 
HJ Pallett (Eng)11099  9.00000 
A Shaw (Nt,Sheff)141558815*8.800012 
E Peate (Eng,Yor,Nth,Play)20321018930  8.59007 
GA Davidson (Dy)1121315333*8.50008 
H Hearne (Kent)4513426*8.50002 
A Payne (Sx)2403426  8.50001 
CM Knatchbull-Hugessen (CU)71237630*8.44008 
WA Woof (Gs)1018411819*8.42007 
TR Hine-Haycock (Kent,GEng,MCC)5815923  8.42008 
J Marlow (Dy)2302511  8.33002 
C Toppin (CU,GEng,Gent)91429825  8.16009 
AJ Fothergill (MCC,Sth)4806519  8.12000 
GG Jones (Sy)2030520040  8.00007 
GG Walker (Dy,GEng)1426318439  8.00007 
W Hearn (MCC)3604832  8.00002 
TH Warren (Nth)12185*8.00000 
J Wootton (Kent,Eng,MCC,Sth)25401023937  7.960012 
W Sugg (Dy)61209523  7.91001 
FR Spofforth (Aus)2028716637*7.90008 
AB Hide (Sx)1422811045  7.850010 
HR Budgen (Sx)918410932  7.78006 
RS Jones (Kent)4806016  7.50007 
P Coles (OU)1201514  7.50001 
J Spens (MCC)1201515  7.50000 
CT Roller (Sy)1201514  7.50000 
S Christopherson (Kent,GEng)91318920  7.41003 
T Bowley (Sy,Sth)1925614042  7.36008 
T Gregg (Gs,Sth)1118211628  7.25005 
K McAlpine (Kent)2402810  7.00001 
W Brockwell (Sy)1201411  7.00000 
CH Margrett (Gs)1201414  7.00000 
F Martin (Kent,MCC)71126216  6.88003 
A Ward (Yor)4714122  6.83001 
J Beaumont (Sy)1925910530*6.56005 
H Pickett (MCC)1201313  6.50001 
EAJ Maynard (Dy)1019211023  6.47003 
J Robertson (Mx,Gent,MCC)121959017  6.420014 
WH Lockwood (Nt)4613216*6.40001 
C Turner (Gs)2301917  6.33001 
MP Bowden (Sy)61006130  6.10006 
AFJ Ford12166*6.00000 
LO Lindley (Nth)11066  6.00002 
EA Nepean (MCC)11066  6.00001 
AHJ Cochrane (Dy,OU,Gent)8155599*5.90003 
W Attewell (Nt,MCC)2026312724  5.520021 
W Bryan (Sth)120117  5.50000 
HT Smith-Turberville (MCC)1201110  5.50000 
JE West (Mx,MCC,Sth)1321011519  5.47003 
GAB Leatham (Yor,GEng)5832714*5.400081
JD Chatterton (Dy)81627421  5.28003 
M Sherwin (Nt,MCC,Play)202268425  5.25002911
FJ Dunkley (Mx)462219  5.25008 
E Lumb (Yor)240218  5.25001 
CE Horner (Sy,GEng)2301511  5.00000 
WW Wood-Sims (Dy,Nth)220106  5.00003 
RP Daft (Nt)11055  5.00000 
HO Whitby (OU,Eng)71143315  4.71003 
WS Eadie (Dy)5904213  4.66000 
AS Johnston (Mx)241147*4.66001 
J Hunter (Yor)142549414  4.47001411
AW Dorman (CU,Gent)81253115  4.42006 
JH Pentecost (Kent)7114307  4.280084
CA Smith (Sx,MCC)5913316*4.12004 
AK Watson (OU)4803313  4.12002 
J Brelsford (Dy)12088  4.00001 
S Doughty (Dy)12088  4.00000 
C Holden (Liv)11044  4.00001 
JA Bush (Gs)10187438*3.9000116
A Teggin (La)680319  3.87004 
H Eccles (La)460238  3.83000 
JC MacKinnon (CU,GEng)3611910  3.80001 
GW Hillyard (Mx)352116  3.66005 
FT Welman (MCC)61132812  3.5000185
E Matheson (Sth)12076  3.50000 
RK Sampson (Sx)12075  3.50001 
GN Wyatt (Sx,MCC)4802511  3.12002 
VPFA Royle (La)350158  3.00001 
HR Orr (CU)12065  3.00000 
FB Whitfeld12065  3.00000 
H Tebay (Sx)12065  3.00001 
GL Wilson12063  3.00000 
G Hay (Dy)12064  3.00000 
W Mycroft (MCC)12133*3.00001 
E Smith (Liv)11033  3.00000 
AH Grace (Gs)12054  2.50001 
TK Tapling (MCC)12055  2.50000 
WH Mitchell (Sx)24084  2.00000 
AT Kemble (La)12042  2.00001 
EHF Bradby (OU)12044  2.00000 
A Champion (La)12044  2.00001 
EF Slocock (CU)12044  2.00002 
W Harris (Nt)11022  2.00000 
J Grundy (Eng)11022  2.000002
JJ Disney (Dy,Play)12217276  1.9200133
C Pigg12033  1.50000 
WR Gilbert (Gs)12033  1.50001 
GT Humphreys (Sx)12033  1.50002 
GT Mirehouse (CU)12033  1.50000 
AP Smith (La)23042  1.33000 
RG Glennie (OU)24052  1.25001 
AH Heath (Eng)12021  1.00001 
EJ Taylor (Gs)12022  1.00001 
F Taylor (La)12022  1.00000 
E Roper (La)12111*1.00001 
J Cranston (Eng)11011  1.00000 
WH Bower (La)11011  1.00000 
H Slater (Dy)11011  1.00002 
HH Hyslop (Aus)11011  1.00001 
CFC Clarke (IZ)12011  0.50002 
AGF Clark (Sx)12011  0.50000 
GH Cotterill (Sx)12011  0.50001 
GP Harrison (Yor)24100*0.00001 
GR Burge (GEng)12100*0.00001 
J Crossland12100*0.00002 
JR Hardie (Aus)11000  0.00000 
DQ Steel (Liv)11000  0.00001 
W Heath (Gs)11000  0.00002 
WF Collishaw (Eng)11000  0.00000 
JT Parnham (Nth)1119090* 010 
Lord GW Scott (MCC)1112525* 000 
JE Shilton (Eng)1111414* 002 
W Williams (Mx)12232* 002 
R Voss (Sy)11122* 000 
PH Morton11100* 002 





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