
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1890 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
R Abel (Sy,Sth)20311914151*30.462332 
WH Andrews (Sx)48112644  18.00001 
RJH Arbuthnot (Kent)12033  1.50000 
FM Atkins (Kent)12042  2.00001 
W Attewell (Eng,Nt,MCC,Nth,Play,Sheff)2841754984*16.140331 
LH Bacmeister (Mx)1201512  7.50001 
MT Baines (MCC)11077  7.00000 
GR Baker (La)1317027451  16.11019 
RG Barlow (La)1831448892  18.070115 
W Barnes (Eng,Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)2437040967  11.050118 
JE Barrett (Aus)32587122697  24.03099 
VA Barton (Kent)4612917  5.80001 
H Bassett (OU)815119154*13.64018 
G Bean (Sx,MCC)19350668100  19.08139 
J Beaumont (Sy,Sth)353146  7.00001 
CF Belcher (Gs)611214560*16.11012 
RAA Beresford (CU)48113140  18.71002 
GFH Berkeley (OU)51036221  8.85003 
WF Best (Kent)2203020  15.00001 
G Beves (Nt)1201414  7.00001 
A Blaber (Sx)12011  0.50000 
JM Blackham (Aus)2847565575  15.59033827
BC Bolton (Yor)3402111  5.25001 
T Bowley (Sy)3514224  10.50001 
HF Boyle (Aus)11033  3.00000 
HC Bradby (OU)611217840*19.77005 
J Bretherton (Liv)1201913  9.50000 
J Briggs (La,Eng,Nth,Play,Sheff)26424708129*18.63138 
W Brockwell (Sy)912217540  17.50004 
HWH Brown (Gs)361167  3.20000 
J Brown (Sx)2403119  7.75000 
JT Brown (Yor)2033443941  15.13007 
TC Brown (Sx)612114238  12.90003 
EJK Burn (Aus)2137434435*10.420014 
J Burns (MCC)1201512  7.50000 
G Burton (Mx)1322118319  7.540012 
JA Bush (Gs)71246920  8.620056
F Butler (Nt)14243459171  21.85105 
HR Butt (Sx)1630613428*5.5800196
CD Buxton (MCC)22000  0.00005 
J Carlin (Nt,MCC)4742915*9.660024
TB Case (GEng)1202622  13.00000 
S Castle (Kent)11066  6.00001 
A Champion (Liv)1202524  12.50000 
PC Charlton (Aus)2643945041  13.230023 
JA Charlwood (Sx)3614423*8.80003 
W Chatterton (MCC,Play)1120145975  24.150216 
S Christopherson (Kent)34143*1.33000 
AF Clarke (Sy)2203030  15.000002
CFC Clarke (IZ)12022  1.000021
FL Cole (Gs)3504628  9.200031
W Cooke12011  0.50000 
NC Cooper11144* 000 
GH Cotterill (CU,Sx,MCC)510111226  12.44000 
EJD Coxon (GEng)1203121  15.50002 
F Crabtree (La)11011  1.00001 
J Cranston (Eng,Gs,GEng,Gent,Sth)21373978152  28.76258 
ACM Croome (Gs)610113371  14.77015 
SM Crosfield (La,Liv)3507227  14.40002 
CE Currie11088  8.00000 
A Daffen (Kent)916231372*22.35033 
HB Daft (Nt)4805323  6.62001 
MJ Dauglish (Mx,OU)5914311  5.370032
G Davenport (MCC)22022  1.00004 
GA Davidson (Eng,MCC)5728652*17.20013 
PJ de Paravicini (Mx)1220128770  15.10013 
CE de Trafford (MCC)12053  2.50001 
GS de Winton (Gs)3615319  10.60000 
JA Dixon (Nt,Gent,Nth)17300571109  19.031110 
LC Docker (Nth)12097  4.50002 
RN Douglas (CU,Sy,Gent)1322061984  28.13058 
WH Dudney (Sx)2407240  18.00002 
DL Evans (Gs)23096  3.00000 
PR Farrant (OU)241125*4.00001 
JJ Ferris (Aus)30501361354*16.560115 
F Fielding (Sth)121116*11.00000 
FJ Fitzgerald (MCC)12033  1.50000 
W Flowers (Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)2235052350  14.94018 
CP Foley (CU)8141242117  18.61103 
FGJ Ford (CU,Mx)11212503191  26.47126 
WJ Ford (MCC)23044  1.33001 
HW Forster (GEng,IZ)59013039  14.44001 
G Fowler (MCC)1102121  21.00000 
CJM Fox (Kent)1729347758  18.34026 
FI Fox (Nt)2423423  17.00000 
HH Francis (Gs)611115040  15.000041
RW Frank (Yor)5809923  12.37002 
F Gibb (Sx)10197418  3.41002 
CJM Godfrey (Sx)4834615*9.20002 
RC Gosling (CU)917014137  8.29009 
WT Graburn1202422  12.00000 
EM Grace (Gs)1629057496  19.790420 
WG Grace (Eng,Gs,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sheff,Sth)305531476109*28.381931 
HM Grayson (Liv)1202214  11.00000 
CH Greenway (Gs)24086  2.00001 
SE Gregory (Aus)33551350159*11.920220 
FH Gresson (OU,Sx)351339  8.25001 
W Gunn (Eng,Nt,MCC,Nth,Play)305361621228  34.483319 
FH Guttridge (Nt)11033  3.00000 
EM Hadow (IZ,MCC)24113769  45.66011 
H Hale (CU)916417834  14.83003 
L Hall (Yor,Nth)2240671964  21.140416 
LAH Hamilton (Kent)12221487117*23.19133 
GP Harrison (Yor)4542012*20.00003 
Lord Hawke (Yor,MCC,Nth)1833365874  21.93037 
H Hayley (Yor)2302013  6.66001 
A Hearne (Kent,MCC)1933156072  17.500325 
GG Hearne (Kent,MCC)1932461660  22.00018 
JT Hearne (Mx)1220411522  7.180010 
W Hearne (Kent)3504015  8.00001 
AH Heath12096  4.50001 
WC Hedley (GEng,Gent,IZ,MCC)610319470  27.71017 
R Henderson (Sy)1117118643  11.62007 
PJT Henery (Mx)1017215032  10.000010 
AG Henfrey (CU)1201711  8.50000 
HT Hewett (GEng,MCC)580344114  43.00123 
J Hewitson (La)4509956  19.80011 
AB Hide (Sx)4702310  3.28000 
JB Hide (Sx,Sth)1224045075  18.75019 
AJL Hill (CU)915223358  17.92016 
H Hill (Yor)1201010  5.00002 
C Holden (La,Liv)4715127*8.50002 
WO Holloway (Sx)1201110  5.50001 
AN Hornby (La,MCC,Nth)1932267375  22.43049 
JHJ Hornsby (GEng)2402115  5.25000 
WA Humphreys (Sx,Sheff)1733831152  12.44016 
D Hunter (Yor,Play)21301421236*13.25003622
GW Hutchins (Mx)12097  4.50000 
JH Iles (Gs)12177  7.00002 
FS Jackson (CU,Yor,IZ,Nth)1426238568  16.04026 
MR Jardine (OU)815021846  14.53005 
DLA Jephson (CU)915520937  20.90004 
CL Jones (Liv)120108  5.00000 
RT Jones (OU)12033  1.50000 
SP Jones (Aus)1930132898  11.31014 
AT Kemble (La)1318026648  14.7700142
AL Kemp (Mx)12096  4.50000 
G Kemp (La)3616926*13.80003 
MC Kemp (Kent)5829933*16.500066
KJ Key (Sy,MCC,Sth)2031255498  19.10048 
SAP Kitcat (MCC)1213934  39.00000 
FE Lacey1104949  49.00001 
H Leadbeater (Yor)11011  1.00000 
AE Leatham (GEng)2432720*27.00001 
F Lee (Yor)1121240794  21.42044 
WH Leese (MCC)1204135  20.50003 
J le Fleming (Kent)5618041*16.00001 
CW Little (OU)4716423*10.66007 
WD Llewelyn (OU)9182439116  27.43118 
WH Lockwood (Sy)16230548102  23.82136 
GA Lohmann (Eng,Sy,Play,Sheff,Sth)3247483257  19.340349 
AP Lucas1204937  24.50000 
MP Lucas (Sx)12088  4.00000 
H Lyon (OU)242139*6.50000 
JJ Lyons (Aus)33591102999  17.74059 
EJ McCormick (Sx)3604517  7.50000 
G MacGregor (Eng,CU,GEng,Gent,MCC)19343628131  20.25122512
AC MacLaren (La)460140108  23.33103 
F Marchant (Kent,MCC)1832160781  19.580410 
FW Marlow12074  3.50000 
F Martin (Eng,Kent,MCC,Sth)29421218417  6.130016 
FW Maude (Mx,MCC)2401610  4.00001 
W Maxwell (MCC)11000  0.00000 
RJ Mee (Nt)1101010  10.00001 
C Mitchell (Kent)240166  4.00001 
AW Mold (La,Nth)2335179720  5.380012 
R Moorhouse (Yor)16221375105  17.851013 
HJ Mordaunt (Mx,IZ)51005916  5.90004 
RH Moss (OU)594329  6.40003 
WH Murch (Gs)3603111  5.16000 
WL Murdoch (Aus)335921394158  24.4526212
F Needham (Nt)3613213  6.40003 
EA Nepean (Mx)47111246  18.66001 
FC New (Sx)3606343  10.50001 
W Newham (Sx,Sheff)1632053971  16.84048 
SC Newton (MCC)1202221  11.00000 
H Nuttall (Kent)12066  3.00002 
TC O'Brien (Mx,GEng,Gent,MCC)21391855105  22.501216 
HGP Owen1203231  16.00000 
HV Page (Gs,Sth)711211238  12.440063
JR Painter (Gs)16281683119  25.291316 
LCH Palairet (OU)815028572  19.00026 
HJ Pallett (Nth)12053  2.50000 
J Parratt (Yor)11000  0.00002 
F Parris (Sx)121117*11.00000 
WH Patterson (Kent)7122342123*34.20118 
AG Paul (La)1116237571*26.78036 
TS Pearson (GEng,MCC)3407527  18.75009 
E Peate (Nth)1201413  7.00000 
R Peel (Eng,Yor,Nth,Play,Sheff)3352881783  18.560420 
JH Pentecost (Kent)68210034  16.660034
H Philipson (IZ)12199  9.00000 
H Phillips (Sth)11066  6.00001 
J Phillips (Mx,MCC)5934218*7.00002 
C Pigg (MCC)2315448  27.00002 
H Pigg (Sth)2404037  10.00000 
RJ Pope (Aus)34066  1.50004 
AL Porter11000  0.00001 
AD Pougher (MCC,Nth)6819627  13.71008 
WWF Pullen (Gs)1221127147  13.550011 
W Quaife (Sx,Play,Sth)21404791156*21.97136 
OG Radcliffe (Gs,Sth)1936163593  18.140310 
JT Rawlin (Mx,MCC)714225288*21.00021 
JM Read (Eng,Sy,Play,Sth)28422829135  20.721314 
WW Read (Eng,Sy,Gent,MCC,Sheff,Sth)30482116994  25.410823 
J Redfearn (Yor)11055  5.00000 
O Redgate (Nt)11000  0.00000 
JF Reynolds (Kent)11088  8.00001 
RW Rice (Gs)1211413  14.00000 
H Richardson (Nt,MCC)131628114  5.78007 
FG Roberts (Gs)1627814135  7.42006 
J Robertson (Mx,GEng)3607028  11.66001 
JS Robinson (MCC)1202114  10.50000 
WE Roller (Sy,GEng,Gent)1014111522  8.84008 
FE Rowe1212117  21.00001 
WI Rowell (CU)2405028  12.50000 
JS Russel (MCC)2404140  10.25000 
HS Schwann (OU)611020470  18.54011 
Lord GW Scott (MCC)1212716  27.00000 
SW Scott (Mx)815126354*18.78019 
WH Scotton (Nt)1321427350*16.05018 
A Sellers (Yor)230146  4.66001 
FJ Shacklock (Nt,MCC)1828329243  11.680015 
JW Sharpe (Eng,Sy,Sth)22321410913  6.050010 
M Sherwin (Nt,Eng,MCC,Nth,Play,Sheff)26351113918*5.79005910
TE Shoubridge (Sx,Liv)3621410  3.50000 
A Shrewsbury (Eng,Nt,Nth,Play,Sheff)254351568267  41.262921 
J Shuter (Sy,Gent,MCC,Sth)2234064553  18.97018 
CA Smith (Sx)1733648958*18.110113 
E Smith (OU,Yor)1424033057  13.75016 
DG Spiro (MCC)1213021  30.00000 
FR Spofforth (Gent,MCC,Nth)4635421  18.00001 
WH Spottiswoode (Kent)2305137  17.00001 
TR Spyers (MCC)12099  4.50000 
AG Steel (Gent,IZ,Liv,MCC)4707326  10.42003 
HB Steel (Liv)12075  3.50001 
AE Stoddart (Mx,GEng,Gent,MCC,Sheff,Sth)24451845115  19.201412 
EC Streatfeild (CU,Sy,Gent,MCC)15263563145  24.471212 
HW Studd (Mx,MCC)3406445  16.00001 
FH Sugg (La,Eng,Nth,Play)23392796171  21.511310 
CP Sykes (MCC)1201410  7.00000 
H Tebay (Sx)918010643  5.880015 
FJN Thesiger (Mx,OU)917127383  17.06016 
F Thomas (Sx)714017443  12.42002 
CI Thornton (GEng,MCC)5805720  7.12002 
A Tinsley (La)4605819  9.66002 
HJ Tinsley (Yor,Nth)91306215  4.76002 
WM Torrens (Kent)4718643  14.33002 
F Townsend (Gs)913215485*14.00017 
GHS Trott (Aus)335911211186  20.872230 
CA Trouncer1202119  10.50003 
H Trumble (Aus)28441028834*8.470050 
CM Tuke (GEng)12243* 001 
CTB Turner (Aus)3154085459  15.810222 
JA Turner12054  2.50000 
G Ulyett (Eng,Yor,Nth,Play)325301093107  20.621527 
GF Vernon (Mx,GEng,IZ,MCC)813111332*9.41006 
WO Vizard (Gs)3603917  6.500031
S Wade (Yor)2314224  21.00002 
E Wainwright (Yor,Play)1926128359  11.320116 
JG Walker (Mx,IZ,MCC)3603928  6.50000 
FH Walters (Aus)2338335153*10.020115 
A Ward (La,Nth)2135565577*21.830310 
F Ward (La)10152292145  22.46102 
A Watson (La)1825722227  12.33007 
AK Watson (Mx)36012450  20.66010 
GH Watts (Sy)2401211  3.00002 
AJ Webbe (Mx,GEng,IZ,MCC)19361995134  28.42169 
JE West (Mx)1018118446  10.82001412
WAJ West (MCC)1207574  37.50011 
J White (Liv)120116  5.50002 
L Whitehead (Yor,MCC)1318513125*10.070011 
JP Whiteside (La,MCC,Nth)81204315  3.58001011
JF Whitwell (Yor)12084  4.00000 
WF Whitwell (Yor)101426726  5.58002 
WOC Wilkinson (MCC)12088  4.00000 
HS Williams (Mx)12011  0.500011
C Wilson (Kent)2304646  15.33001 
GL Wilson (OU,Sx)1121023557  11.19018 
L Wilson (Kent)1526248286  20.08035 
H Wood (Sy,Play,Sth)1623530863  17.1101318
SMJ Woods (CU,GEng,Gent,MCC)1221228445  14.94006 
E Woodward (Liv)1201713  8.50001 
WA Woof (Gs)81215613  5.09006 
J Wootton (Kent,MCC)4512010  5.00005 
A Wormald (Yor)11055  5.00001 
A Worsley (MCC)1202217  11.00000 
CW Wright (Nt,MCC,Nth)1017315436  11.00006 
W Wright (Kent)1829816424*7.800010 
EG Wynyard (GEng)23112991*64.50019 
G Yates (La)79117264*21.50010 
AJK Young (Kent)120106  5.00000 





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