
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1898 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
R Abel (Sy,Play)304532053219  48.8871121 
C Agar (Le)713013848  10.61003 
W Andrew (Ham)71204013  3.33001 
H Anthony (Nt)2301912  6.33001 
GHA Arlington (Sx)3606122  10.16001 
EM Ashcroft (Dy)4619560  19.00012 
W Attewell (Nt,MCC,Play)2126237980  15.79019 
H Bagshaw (Dy)14221481100*22.90113 
HW Bainbridge (Wk)68010733  13.37002 
A Bairstow (Yor)4421010*5.000075
GR Baker (La,Play)26435102070  26.840914 
C Baldwin (Sy)1927350353  20.950215 
H Baldwin (Ham)1423121938*9.95003 
BD Bannon (Kent,OU)2034169078  20.90034 
GR Bardswell (MCC)2204230  21.00001 
KEM Barker (MCC)1202616  13.00000 
EIM Barrett (Ham)711223555  26.11014 
VA Barton (Ham)16281499110  18.48118 
CE Bateman-Champain (Gs)3302613  8.66000 
FH Bateman-Champain (Gs,OU)18312553113*19.061112 
LCV Bathurst (MCC)10      0 
G Bean (Sx,MCC)71119621  9.60003 
J Bean (Sx)61107418  6.72008 
GH Beloe (Gs)1101616  16.00001 
RA Bennett (Ham)51017917  8.770064
CH Benton (La)1202019  10.00001 
W Bestwick (Dy)9124225*2.75002 
GO Bigge (MCC)1201211  6.00000 
J Binns (Yor)11044  4.000003
W Birkett (Dy)11066  6.00000 
H Blackwell (Dy)3423815  19.00000 
RNR Blaker (Kent)2412817*9.33001 
CHG Bland (Sx)2031618622  7.44007 
JH Board (Gs,MCC)2432440347*14.39004214
JW Bonner (Es)3613014  6.00000 
BJT Bosanquet (Mx,OU,MCC)1013116854*14.00014 
D Bottom (Dy)12087  4.00000 
JJ Bourne (Dy)11066  6.00000 
J Bower (Ham)11100* 000 
Lord Brackley (MCC)10      0 
WM Bradley (Kent)111618019  5.330013 
G Brann (Sx,MCC)18311815118  27.16227 
LC Braund (Sy)68118785  26.710151
EH Bray (Mx,MCC)7927723  11.000012 
J Briggs (La)2941753157*15.610110 
W Brockwell (Sy,Play)304621686152  38.316525 
HR Bromley-Davenport (Mx)61026915*8.62003 
GE Bromley-Martin (OU)813124565  20.41023 
JH Brown (Le)2424226*21.00001 
JT Brown (Yor)1101414  14.00000 
JT Brown (Yor,Play)314921654300  35.194319 
L Brown (Le)16282662110  25.46137 
WSA Brown (Gs)20296508106  22.081117 
FG Bull (Es)2127731138  15.55009 
J Burns (MCC)10      0 
CJ Burnup (CU,Kent)203831172131  33.481109 
HR Butt (Sx,MCC)2541344569*11.71025113
JF Byrne (Wk)47010147  14.42001 
J Carlin (MCC)22075  3.50002 
HA Carpenter (Es,MCC)233911052133  27.682513 
SF Charles (Gent)1103030  30.00000 
A Charlesworth (Dy)71019223  10.22002 
C Charlesworth (Wk)12199*9.00000 
W Chatterton (Dy,MCC,Play)20323872142  30.0616171
HB Chinnery (Gent,MCC)56220497  51.00011 
HH Cobb (Mx)45210855*36.00014 
A Cobley (Le)2402115  5.25001 
S Coe (Le)1626250161  20.87037 
TGO Cole (CU)12186*8.00000 
AT Coode (CU,Mx)1018226038  16.25002 
GR Cox (Sx)81129561  10.55012 
B Cranfield (Sm)2211512*15.00001 
VFS Crawford (Sy)1419229883  17.520210 
AS Crawley (MCC)10      1 
J Cresswell (Wk)2211615*16.00002 
SM Crosfield (La)241148  4.66002 
FHE Cunliffe (Mx,OU)1927641770  19.85039 
WR Cuttell (La,Play)28468100385*26.39059 
HB Daft (Nt)81018721  9.66000 
J Daniell (Sm)612210227  10.20002 
HJ Davenport (MCC)12022  1.00001 
F Davidson (Dy)81446719  6.700011 
GA Davidson (Dy,MCC,Play)20291658108  23.501215 
SH Day (Kent)612124579  22.27012 
WB Delacombe (Dy)11055  5.00000 
LDM de Montezuma (Sx)814427180*27.10012 
CE Dench (Nt)1622242170  21.05011 
D Denton (Yor)3044190899  21.110413 
CE de Trafford (Le)1628048290  17.21014 
JHG Devey (Wk)1425361893  28.09044 
GS de Winton (Gs)2316738  33.50000 
HW de Zoete (CU)71125018*5.55003 
F Dickens (Wk)7816535  9.28002 
EJ Diver (Wk)1626138960  15.56026 
JA Dixon (Nt,Gent)17264693165  31.501214 
J Douglas (Mx)9132451153  41.00216 
RN Douglas (Mx)79125864  32.25026 
EAC Druce (CU,Kent,MCC)4523731*12.33003 
WG Druce (MCC)120108  5.00001 
JW Easby (Kent)1116326859*20.61033 
EW Ebdon (Sm)12095  4.500002
JF Ebdon (Sm)12021  1.00002 
A Eccles (La,OU)18292658139  24.372215 
J Ellis (La)12022  1.00000 
W Ellis (Dy)3512816*7.00000 
EA English (Ham)610123498  26.00011 
E Evershed (Dy)11011  1.00002 
SH Evershed (Dy)14241743153  32.30158 
FL Fane (Es,OU)1931350842*18.140010 
AE Fernie (CU)12111  1.00000 
EF Field (Wk)81004313  4.30006 
CD Fisher (Sx)59111549  14.37001 
RWC Fisher (Ham)11033  3.00000 
TS Fishwick (Wk)230187  6.00002 
CP Foley (Mx,MCC)811220055  22.22016 
DH Forbes (MCC)1201410  7.00000 
FGJ Ford (Mx,MCC)203121152135  39.724428 
T Forrester (Wk)3513428  8.50003 
RE Foster (OU)812027265  22.660322 
G Fowler (Sm)1626147583*19.00029 
RW Fox (OU,Sx)8127287*5.6000115
CB Fry (Sx,Gent)193741788179*54.1861013 
F Geeson (Le)1218319832  13.200014 
H German (Le)120148  7.00000 
J Gifford (MCC)2404025  10.00000 
GC Gill (Sm)1425522759  11.35014 
ACS Glover (Wk)1523255573  26.42057 
WB Goodacre (Nt)1201716  8.50001 
HS Goodwin (Gs)11055  5.00000 
WG Grace (Gs,Gent,MCC)264151513168  42.023820 
WG Grace (Gs)4405118  12.75002 
JG Greig (MCC)2203217  16.00002 
OJ Griffin (Sm)12054  2.50001 
JR Gunn (Nt)1517518347  15.25005 
W Gunn (Nt,MCC,Play)223651484236*47.874613 
FH Guttridge (Nt)1319234079  20.00028 
S Haigh (Yor,Play)3139652285  15.810216 
WH Hale (Gs)6618160*16.20011 
J Hallows (La)1014224751  20.58010 
JW Hancock (Dy)121555019  5.00006 
A Handford (Nt,MCC)351166*4.00001 
S Hardy (Dy)120109  5.00002 
CR Hartley (La)1833184388  26.340610 
JC Hartley (Sx)581237*3.28004 
Lord Hawke (Yor,Gent)31387950134  30.64247 
HHB Hawkins (CU)101688615*10.75005 
EG Hayes (Sy)1316225638  18.28009 
H Hayley (Yor)11077  7.00000 
HB Hayman (Mx,MCC)13243575104*27.38129 
TW Hayward (Sy)263821523315*42.303613 
JR Head (Mx)4609043  15.00002 
A Hearne (Kent,MCC,Play)254151210117  33.613725 
GG Hearne (MCC)12066  3.00000 
JT Hearne (Mx,MCC,Play)30411336460  13.000119 
WC Hedley (Sm)350150101  30.00101 
GE Hemingway (Gs)12000  0.00001 
WM Hemingway (Gs)610014149  14.10003 
WW Henson (Nt)111359135*11.37007 
C Heseltine (Ham,MCC)1423324747  12.35006 
GG Heslop (CU)2401914  4.75001 
CS Hickley (Sm)2405232  13.00000 
AJL Hill (Ham)14253662199  30.09217 
ET Hill (Sm)1204831  24.00003 
JE Hill (Wk)11000  0.00001 
VT Hill (Sm)9160343116  21.43119 
AE Hind (CU)101619123  6.060010 
GH Hirst (Yor)29397567130*17.711025 
FC Holland (Sy)233311096126  34.252515 
FH Hollins12086  4.00000 
FJ Hopkins (Wk)9143185  1.63003 
AH Hornby (CU)2303819  12.66002 
AN Hornby (La,MCC)810010027  10.00007 
JHJ Hornsby (MCC)12086  4.00000 
RGD Howell (CU)12022  1.00000 
FH Huish (Kent,MCC)2225911220*7.0000513
JJ Hulme (Dy)231139*6.50001 
WA Humphreys (Sx)8124124  1.50006 
F Hunt (Kent)12255* 000 
GR Hunt (Sm)12043  2.00001 
D Hunter (Yor,Play)26311424247  14.23003419
J I'Anson (La)3501812  3.60000 
JH Inns (Es)11055  5.00000 
FS Jackson (Yor,Gent)294351566160  41.215225 
DLA Jephson (Sy)243541135166*36.612617 
GL Jessop (CU,Gs,Gent)25415873112*24.251323 
AO Jones (Nt,Gent)2033288270  28.450715 
R Joyce (Le)51009727  9.70002 
G Kemp (MCC)1201110  5.50000 
KJ Key (Sy)2124559685  31.36033 
EH Killick (Sx)1831248677  16.75027 
JH King (Le)611124277  24.20022 
S Kinneir (Wk)813340278*40.20043 
E Kirk (Wk)11000  0.00001 
AE Knight (Le)1731362593  22.32047 
WL Knowles (Kent)2415235*17.33002 
CJ Kortright (Es,Gent)23312500112  17.241020 
B Lamb (Ham)360268  4.33002 
T Lancaster (La)4606554  10.83012 
PH Latham (Sx)481282117  40.28112 
A Law (Wk)2302016  6.66000 
EC Lee (Ham,OU)1729139066*13.920212 
WS Lees (Sy)1010214336*17.87000 
J le Fleming (Kent)2202516  12.50003 
LJ le Fleming (Kent)8909932  11.00001 
HDG Leveson-Gower (Sy,MCC)5607329  12.16001 
RP Lewis (Mx,Gent,MCC)7125359  5.000095
EE Light (Ham)461187  3.60003 
WF Light (Ham)61026041  7.50004 
AFA Lilley (Wk,Play)18311934112  31.1315263
E Lineham (Ham)12100*0.00000 
WH Lockwood (Sy,Play)26345878109  30.27338 
WA Lord (Wk)5833910*7.80001 
FR Loveitt (Wk)2304423  14.66000 
AP Lucas (Es)1319347289  29.50026 
RS Lucas (Mx)11044  4.00000 
J Lynes (Wk)12000  0.00000 
CP McGahey (Es,Gent)213321089145  35.122511 
G MacGregor (Mx,Gent)1114114831  11.3800274
AC MacLaren (La,Gent)917147876  29.87045 
J Manton (Wk)12055  2.50000 
F Marchant (Kent)1316034949  21.81003 
FW Marlow (Sx,Play)13220425112  19.31113 
HH Marriott (CU,Le)10170450103  26.471213 
GA Marsden (Dy)350145  2.80002 
C Marshall (Sy)23133  1.500052
F Martin (Kent,MCC)2531437456  13.85018 
G Martin (Ham)353134  6.50003 
JR Mason (Kent,Gent)234011531152  39.2521125 
P Mason (Nt)31033  3.00000 
FB May (MCC)12000  0.00001 
W Mead (Es,MCC,Play)2633436938  12.720010 
FW Milligan (Yor,Gent)2736256774  16.670513 
F Mitchell (MCC)440240161  60.00101 
FH Mitchell (OU)340239  5.75000 
AW Mold (La)2229916316*8.150010 
LJ Moon (CU)23084  2.66000 
R Moorhouse (Yor,MCC)1215012819  8.53006 
GJ Mordaunt (MCC)2315648*28.00004 
RE More (OU)2213127  31.00000 
HFM Morres (OU)1102828  28.00000 
WH Murch (Gs)5519649  24.00001 
WL Murdoch (Sx,Gent,MCC)275031149121*24.44157 
W Newham (Sx)1527143552  16.73012 
AE Newton (Sm)812212034  12.0000144
RW Nicholls (Mx)3506820  13.60001 
GB Nichols (Sm)712114940*13.54005 
TW Oates (Nt)111629418  6.7100205
TC O'Brien (Mx)35011162  22.20011 
JP O'Halloran (MCC)10      0 
W Overton (MCC)2202416  12.00001 
HGP Owen (Es)2033176992  24.03069 
A Page (MCC)10      0 
AJ Paish (Gs)11044  4.00002 
LCH Palairet (Sm,Gent)172921126179*41.7045152
RCN Palairet (Sm)811025881  23.450314 
HJ Pallett (Wk)3313516*17.50001 
HR Parkes (Wk)11011  1.00000 
F Parris (Sx)2236456877  17.75018 
WH Patterson (Kent)14233687117  34.35235 
AG Paul (La)3507636  15.20001 
J Payne (La)12000  0.00000 
HO Peacock (MCC)2405020  12.50003 
EF Penn (CU,MCC)4512714  6.75003 
PA Perrin (Es)213551073106*35.76275 
H Philipson (Mx)2402911  7.25002 
FA Phillips (Sm)610239083  48.75043 
J Phillips (Mx)11166* 000 
H Pickett (MCC)10      0 
A Pike (Nt)6402924  7.250092
RM Poore (Ham,MCC)15282735121*28.262313 
AD Pougher (Le)1018215029  9.37004 
R Powell-Williams (Wk)23166*3.00005 
W Prince (Dy)11122* 000 
W Quaife (Wk)16270717109  26.55158 
WG Quaife (Wk)172881219157*60.9535111
FWD Quinton (Ham)7132414101*37.63118 
L Radcliffe (La)152177415  5.28002217
W Rashleigh (Kent)12201471105  24.78115 
JT Rawlin (Mx,MCC)1928151461  19.03039 
W Reeves (Es)7707127  10.14003 
W Rhodes (Yor,Play)3341955778  17.400318 
RW Rice (Gs)1015241363  31.76044 
AG Richardson (Gs)3302418  8.00002 
T Richardson (Sy)2934928734  11.480013 
J Riley (Nt)21033  3.00001 
FG Roberts (Gs)91133613  4.50002 
C Robson (Ham)1524527137  14.2600117
E Robson (Sm)1424027471  11.410110 
W Roche (MCC)6733818  9.50000 
WN Roe (Sm)691265111  33.12204 
EB Rowley (La)10      0 
AE Russell (Es)1212215*22.00000 
TM Russell (Es)20285445122*19.34104028
WC Russell (Ham)12075  3.50000 
S Santall (Wk)1723339564  19.750313 
COH Sewell (Gs,Gent,MCC)243631114111  33.752521 
A Shrewsbury (Nt,Play)203471219154*45.14379 
C Smith (La)1217512431*10.3300139
CLA Smith (Sx)813122378*18.58013 
DJ Smith (Sm)34095  2.25002 
E Smith (Yor)4503316  6.60001 
FE Smith (Sy)6815013  7.14005 
WRR Smith (Sm)221107  10.00000 
T Soar (Ham)3503821  7.60001 
FD SolbĂ© (MCC)12000  0.00000 
AWF Somerset (Sx)12087  4.00001 
J Spens (Ham)2405128  12.75001 
EM Sprot (Ham)1217756*77.00010 
EP Spurway (Sm)1201515  7.50000 
RP Spurway (Sm)12000  0.00000 
HT Stanley (Sm,MCC)1425240643  17.65005 
DA Steele (Ham)1932040762  12.710117 
HC Stewart (Kent)230116  3.66001 
FW Stocks (Le,OU,Gent)1524123558  10.210118 
AE Stoddart (Mx,Gent)152641038157  47.182716 
WB Stoddart (La,Gent)1422425443*14.11005 
JH Stogdon (CU)916012126  7.560018 
W Storer (Dy,MCC,Play)244251548109  41.8337412
AE Street (Sy)2302622  8.66001 
F Street (Es)5506226  12.40001 
HW Studd (Ham)47021760  31.00013 
FH Sugg (La)234211044169  25.46259 
W Sugg (Dy)1624135550  15.430113 
T Sutherland (Ham)11100* 003 
F Symes-Thompson (OU)11177* 000 
T Tait (Yor)11033  3.00000 
E Tate (Ham)122159134*5.68002 
FW Tate (Sx)19341123127  10.040011 
RJ Taylor (La)23066  2.00000 
TL Taylor (CU)1017025370  14.880131
GJ Thompson (MCC)3413823  12.66000 
G Thornton (Mx,MCC)611116785*16.70012 
SM Tindall (La)1218121957  12.88016 
W Tomlin (Le)8134169106  18.77101 
G Tosetti (Es)3402522  6.25000 
CL Townsend (Gs,Gent)253701270159  34.325523 
W Trask (Sm)815224060  18.46011 
AE Trott (Mx,MCC)1925148277  20.080224 
W Troup (Gs,Gent)21325989180  36.62405 
JSR Tufton (Kent,MCC)4414533*15.00002 
J Tunnicliffe (Yor,Play)304951804243  41.004934 
AJ Turner (Es,Gent)13213473102*26.27117 
JT Tyldesley (La,Play)295211918200  37.6021315 
EJ Tyler (Sm)1729537159  15.45018 
GF Vernon (MCC)4415634  18.66002 
J Vine (Sx)812012527  10.41001 
E Wainwright (Yor)2740493492  25.940413 
GG Walker (Dy)6916225  7.75003 
A Ward (La,Play)295141365135  29.043518 
CG Ward (Ham)3502110  4.20001 
PF Warner (Mx,MCC)1830384888  31.40049 
TG Wass (Nt)131425718  4.75006 
AS Webb (Ham)1833238067*12.25037 
S Webb (Mx)71032217  3.14001 
AJ Webbe (Mx)914117334  13.30002 
GJV Weigall (Kent,MCC)1722334586  18.150110 
CM Wells (Mx)9100382101  38.20124 
LS Wells (Mx)1101010  10.00003 
H Whitehead (Le)68011543  14.37000 
SJ Whitehead (Wk)6826421  10.66003 
JP Whiteside (Le,MCC)1727107711  4.5200355
AP Wickham (Sm)61179419*23.500062
EA Willson (Kent)12098  4.50001 
CEM Wilson (CU,Yor,MCC)8131252115  21.00115 
GE Winter (CU)712131086  28.18029 
CJB Wood (Le)1732275980  25.300610 
H Wood (Sy)2428638974*17.68014511
SH Wood (Dy)11144* 001 
A Woodcock (Le,MCC)1728524262*10.52014 
SMJ Woods (Sm,Gent)16270958144  35.482513 
CR Worthington (CU,Kent)813015642  12.00004 
H Wrathall (Gs,MCC,Play)2028736952*17.570152
C Wreford-Brown (Gs)11000  0.00001 
CW Wright (Nt,MCC)813023377  17.92018 
EC Wright (Gs,OU)6833719  7.40002 
J Wright (Dy)5818753*12.42010 
LG Wright (Dy)16271622134  23.9213122
W Wright (Kent)21281025044  13.88003 
EG Wynyard (Ham,Gent,MCC)8132391140  35.5410142
VW Yorke (Gs)1101010  10.00000 
HI Young (Es)1016108318  13.83004 





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