
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1928 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
TE Halsey (RN)242272102*136.00121 
WG Quaife (Wk)110115115  115.00100 
ESB Williams (Arm)241344228  114.66111 
M Nichol (Wo)110104104  104.00100 
EF Wilson (Sy)1109999  99.00010 
CH Knott (Kent)341280261*93.33100 
A Lockett (MCo)120176154  88.00102 
DR Jardine (Eng,Sy,FF,Gent,MCC)141741133193  87.153617 
JB Hobbs (Eng,Sy,Play)283872542200*82.00121010 
DF Pope (Es)1218175*81.00010 
GE Tyldesley (Eng,La,Play)3548103024242  79.57101211 
E Smith2327948*79.00001 
H Sutcliffe (Eng,Yor)344453002228  76.97131315 
CP Mead (Ham,Play,Sth)3050103027180  75.67131233 
A Ratcliffe (Wales)1107171  71.00011 
EH Hendren (Eng,Mx,MCC,Play)355473311209*70.44131732 
LEW Williams (Gm)1217053*70.00010 
JW Hearne (Mx,MCC)12194988223*65.86355 
WR Hammond (Eng,Gs,Play)354852825244  65.6991579 
C Hallows (Eng,La)334652645232  64.5111911 
CAG Russell (Es,MCC)274272243182  64.0881017 
JR Barnes (La,MCC)77325490*63.50024 
FB Watson (La)334642583300*61.509823 
FE Woolley (Kent,Eng,Play)365943352198  60.94121637 
HTW Hardinge (Kent)294652446263*59.6551511 
A Sandham (Sy)324742532282*58.888810 
P Holmes (Yor,Play)334352220275  58.4261419 
RES Wyatt (Wk,Eng,Gent)3252102408177  57.3361314 
GJ Bryan (Kent,Arm)34117293  57.33023 
A Ducat (Sy)243331660208  55.335922 
AE Dipper (Gs)314962365188  55.0071216 
M Leyland (Eng,Yor,Play)333741783247  54.035516 
M Howell (FF,Gent)460319101  53.16130 
WW Whysall (Nt)345122573166  52.5191134 
J Iddon (La)313591353184*52.033729 
RC Burton1105252  52.00010 
A Mitchell (Yor)283151320113  50.7621118 
CAF Fiddian-Green (Wk)710335593  50.71033 
FRR Brooke (Arm)23110079*50.00011 
AM Crawley (Kent,OU,Gent)162701316167  48.746317 
LG Crawley (Es)6110527222  47.90121 
J O'Connor (Es)315342325157  47.446129 
KS Duleepsinhji (CU,Sx)223931706198  47.386726 
RJ Shaw (RN)24018883  47.00012 
E Oldroyd (Yor)273021304162*46.57729 
MD Lyon (Sm,Gent,MCC)5100454141  45.40133 
WRD Payton (Nt)243261180129*45.38453 
EH Bowley (Sx)325312359188  45.3661118 
TM Halliday (La)78226790  44.50023 
E Robinson (Yor)3229892674  44.090830 
REH Hudson (Arm)24113276  44.00011 
HM Garland-Wells (OU,Sy,Eng,Gent)253781270128  43.792821 
TF Shepherd (Sy,Play)334461644145*43.264933 
WH Ashdown (Kent)335532247178  43.2131623 
NVH Riches (Gm,MCC,Wales)11162603159  43.07222 
MS Shapcott (RAF)24112868  42.66012 
PGT Kingsley (OU,Gent)11190809144  42.57168 
JH Dale (RN)1208576  42.50011 
AJW Croom (Wk)293871298104*41.872932 
JL Bryan (Kent,Gent)13202745140  41.38225 
CCR Dacre (Gs,Play,Sth)59132991  41.12034 
RH Twining (Mx)471244121  40.66100 
GS Pearce (Sx)2428136*40.50000 
G Gunn (Nt,Play)345241933159  40.276911 
FJ Seabrook (CU,Gs,Gent,Sth)253941406136  40.174622 
M Patten (FF)1104040  40.00002 
RHB Bettington (Mx,Gent,MCC)203141078127  39.923213 
HP Waugh (Es)240158128  39.50103 
R Aird (Ham,MCC)470276159  39.42105 
AW Carr (Nt,Gent,Nth)334651600150  39.0231322 
MFS Jewell (Wo)36119593  39.00010 
RLB Cunliffe (RN)1207864  39.00010 
JH Parsons (Wk,Nth,Play)304531630161  38.806421 
GEB Abell (Wo)24111647  38.660001
ET Killick (CU,Mx,Gent)203311231170  38.465311 
RJ Gregory (Sy)313991144107  38.13169 
HW Lee (Mx,Eng,MCC,Play)284611715160  38.114716 
EG Northway (RAF)24111483  38.00011 
APF Chapman (Eng,Kent,FF,Gent,MCC)24293967141  37.191727 
PGH Fender (Sy,Gent,Sth)314031376177  37.183644 
DJ Knight (FF)1103737  37.00000 
JWH Makepeace (La)344251351167  36.512811 
HJ Enthoven (Mx,FF,MCC)20294912134  36.48268 
ELG Hoad (WI)15243765149*36.42235 
AES Rippon (Sm,Gent)8142432112  36.00132 
HM Morris (Es)35017970  35.80011 
NF Armstrong (Le)315151646186  35.7821114 
W Walker (Nt)344861501156  35.732118 
LEG Ames (Kent,Eng,Play)376061919200  35.53477052
BH Lyon (Gs,MCC)14181602131  35.411412 
CE Dolman (Wales)1103535  35.00000 
VWC Jupp (Eng,Nr,Gent,MCC)324721574113  34.972811 
JT Bell (Gm,Wales)294921642138  34.93299 
EW Dawson (Le,MCC)325211777146  34.845510 
LN Constantine (WI)264331381130  34.5231033 
JC Hubble (MCC)24013851  34.500131
JR Freeman (Es)1206957  34.50010 
RT Bryan (Kent)1206957  34.50010 
G Lavis (Gm)6646823*34.00003 
GD Fenner (MCC)1206863  34.00010 
AW Shipman (Le,Nth,Play)325461621226  33.772114 
WE Bates (Gm,Wales)305121648105  33.6311030 
HWF Franklin (Es)10121368104  33.45122 
J Langridge (Sx)314951466126  33.312915 
N Kilner (Wk,Nth,Play)304941491137*33.131106 
W Barber (Yor)1618252798  32.93033 
FR Martin (WI)284441308165  32.70177 
JL Hopwood (La)23223621140  32.682211 
GC Collins (Kent)4316545  32.50000 
D Davies (Gm,Play,Wales)314871331165*32.464316 
EA Fawcus (RAF)2309774  32.33012 
WK Beisiegel (RAF)2316454  32.00012 
LTA Bates (Wk)294861343200  31.971812 
RC Robertson-Glasgow (Sm,FF,MCC)1015434872  31.63023 
GCA Adams (Ham)1206334  31.50001 
EJ Smith (Wk,Play)243911194173  31.4224209
AJ Evans (Kent)9140440124  31.42138 
H Storer (Dy)264111254167  31.3526201
RWV Robins (CU,Mx,Eng,Gent,Sth)284731377103  31.292715 
HHIH Gibbons (Wo,Nth,Play)346231844200*31.254912 
AF Wensley (Sx,Play)355841672140  30.9638191
JM Jones (Gm)69124575  30.620385
JB Higgins (Wo)203841041101  30.61139 
MW Tate (Eng,Sx,Play)354911469126  30.603820 
CN Bruce (Gent,Wales)35112253  30.50010 
JE Timms (Nr)305341494101  30.481913 
HW Parks (Sx)304641280158*30.474310 
GL Berry (Le)314951340207  30.451811 
HT Barling (Sy)283741004158  30.42239 
AL Hosie (Ham,FF,Gent,Sth)284621331155  30.253618 
TS Worthington (Dy,Play)304561164133  29.843626 
APR Hawtin (Nr)36017956  29.83010 
TC Longfield (CU,Kent)23356864120  29.791311 
WW Timms (Nr)814041790  29.78043 
WV Fox (Wo)285281310148*29.774213 
AT Barber (OU)916047689  29.75044 
CN Woolley (Nr)305621602111  29.66283 
WL Cornford (Sx)33432359382  29.65056023
TE Sidwell (Le)304231153102*29.5625479
JA Newman (Ham,MCC,Play)315221474118  29.483625 
LF Townsend (Dy,Nth,Play)314511100198  29.440621 
ERT Holmes (Sy,Gent,MCC)1014138284  29.380210 
F Barratt (Nt,Nth,Play)364441167139*29.172618 
GR Jackson (Dy)263921078106  29.13178 
A Staples (Nt)3136395894  29.030516 
CJ Capes (Kent)913425965*28.77019 
EF Longrigg (CU,Sm)1831380095  28.570716 
HE Carris (Mx)1205730  28.50000 
GM Lee (Dy,Nth)304831279155  28.42365 
L Green (La)2924456372  28.15047 
NE Haig (Mx,Gent,MCC)325121378119  28.123717 
TO Jameson (Ham,MCC)610222548  28.12003 
J Bowden (Dy)24382101192  28.08066 
A Jeacocke (Sy,Gent)811128082  28.00025 
JCW MacBryan (Sm)35111284*28.00011 
NM Ford (Dy,OU)1828564287  27.91046 
JT Morgan (CU,Gm,Wales)18314753111  27.8814264
C Bray (Es)10130361108  27.76116 
RA Ingle (Sm,Gent,MCC)234251027117  27.75269 
JA Deed (Kent)18296637103  27.69127 
B Lilley (Nt)334341074110*27.53156214
G Challenor (WI)24401107497  27.53086 
ACT Geary (Sy)6418240  27.33002 
LH Tennyson (Ham,Eng,Gent,Sth)274221089217  27.22148 
RW Skene (OU)11162380105  27.141110 
BE Baker (RAF)2315430*27.00001 
GEC Wood (FF)1102727  27.00002 
AER Gilligan (Sx,MCC)27405942144  26.912212 
MS Nichols (Es)26361937112  26.771610 
CHB Blount (RAF)2308054  26.66013 
AS Kennedy (Ham,MCC,Play,Sth)325511437128  26.612423 
HA Peach (Sy,Play)3436387096  26.360520 
JH Parks (Sx)325531370162  26.343520 
W Rhodes (Yor)33286579100*26.311422 
CA Roach (WI)27451115192  26.150812 
JC Bradshaw (Le)27403967140  26.13239 
H Larwood (Eng,Nt)313410626101*26.081117 
V Croome (RAF)2315227*26.000032
AE Alderman (Dy)1102626  26.00000 
AG Doggart (FF)1102626  26.00003 
GG Macaulay (Yor)3226651767*25.850417 
BW Quaife (Wo)22394903136*25.80154 
LC Eastman (Es)2230467190  25.80046 
MDC Ward (Ham)36112948  25.80001 
FW Gilligan (Es,MCC)1112420670*25.7501208
A Wood (Yor)2924451369  25.65033820
SJ Staples (Nt)2929951259  25.600232 
G Brown (Ham,MCC)1829171469  25.50069 
PA Perrin (Es)34010251  25.50013 
FWH Nicholas (Es)36112777  25.400132
A Young (Sm,Play)23391963153  25.341613 
FT Mann (Mx,Eng,Gent,MCC)23373861122  25.32127 
KA Sellar (Sx,RN)10171401119  25.06119 
GE Hunt (Sm)25400997101  24.921531 
CE Daily (Sy)1314132380  24.84034 
SA Block (CU,Sy)2409960  24.75011 
WE Astill (Le,MCC,Play)33471112789  24.500521 
WGLF Lowndes3409845  24.50004 
TER Cook (Sx)28444979105  24.472313 
CCC Case (Sm)2132468598*24.46053 
RA Sinfield (Gs)29441104879  24.370712 
JJ Hills (Gm,Wales)27402922114  24.2622251
L Wright (Wo)315911402101  24.171109 
NG Wykes (CU,Es)1220340861*24.00039 
EM Wellings (OU)2314826*24.00000 
GH Johnson (Nr)1212424  24.00001 
FR Santall (Wk)2937576784  23.960521 
MJL Turnbull (CU,Gm,Wales)25433957169  23.92138 
WB Franklin (Gent,MCC,MCo,Nth)611221346  23.660085
F Dennis (Yor)1614911833*23.60008 
CD Adams (RAF)1204724  23.50002 
RK Nunes (WI)26384798127*23.471314 
CJ Barnett (Gs)3145789080  23.420214 
PVF Cazalet (Kent,OU)8131281150  23.41102 
EL Bartlett (WI)14231508109  23.09111 
OC Scott (WI)1117332275  23.00024 
CH Congdon (RN)2409248  23.00000 
CB Harris (Nt)2322317  23.00001 
WH Livsey (Ham,Play,Sth)31489896109*22.97123829
DJCH Hill-Wood (Dy,OU)1017136762  22.93015 
GS Grimston (Sx)610022861  22.80023 
BW Bellamy (Nr)295231116118  22.77264710
CC Smart (Gm)4409132  22.75000 
FSG Calthorpe (Wk,Eng,FF,Gent,MCC)2836765871*22.68039 
WW Keeton (Nt)55011328  22.60002 
JA Cutmore (Es)315311170101  22.501616 
JM Hutchinson (Dy)29462990111  22.5016141
WHN Shakespeare (Wo)1204527  22.50001 
JG Langridge (Sx)1204539  22.50001 
GEV Crutchley (Mx,FF)812124552  22.27013 
G Geary (Le)1525348554  22.040212 
MA Green (Gs,MCC)711317640*22.00002 
LW Recordon (Kent)68115464*22.00014 
WC Brown (Nr)27466877103*21.921210 
RH Williams (Wo)47210976*21.80014 
AG Slater (Dy)2944487074  21.750323 
JWHT Douglas (Es,MCC)32491084868*21.740510 
GB Legge (Kent)3143289190  21.730432 
AH Bakewell (Nr)1728647669*21.630328 
AN Morgan (Gm)1204335  21.50000 
CTW Mayo (Sm)69019360  21.44013 
HP Miles (Arm,MCo)35010761  21.40012 
JC White (Eng,Sm,Gent,MCC)2642774567  21.280221 
CAR Coleman (Le)1722242587  21.25038 
H Smith (Eng,Gs)3144191371  21.23044916
TF Mitchell (Kent,MCC)510021260  21.20010 
CKH Hill-Wood (Dy,OU)1924637964  21.05026 
VL Morris (Gm)2314223  21.00000 
GTS Stevens1102121  21.00000 
CF Root (Wo,Play)325331044107  20.881321 
WL Neale (Gs)3144483596  20.870513 
AHH Gilligan (Sx,MCC)2030258088  20.71028 
JC Clay (Gm,MCC)913320768*20.70012 
HC Snary (Le)30402237231*20.660022 
JP Parker (Ham)59214330  20.42003 
AW Richardson (Dy)2334559070*20.34033 
T Arnott (Gm,Gent,Sth,Wales)32505901153  20.021321 
JA Small (WI)21344585106*19.501215 
GBF Rudd (Le)2407841  19.50000 
GC Newman (FF,MCC)2305842  19.33001 
AK Judd (Ham)1014419332  19.30002 
JW King (Wo)2342962972  19.06034 
HS Squires (Sy)2211911*19.00002 
RH Cobbold (FF)1101919  19.00000 
AH Dyson (Gm)2334161873*18.72035 
CR Browne (WI)20312542103  18.681210 
WAC Wilkinson (Arm)2305621  18.66002 
FM Sibbles (La)1711314856  18.50019 
GC Gifford (Nr)712022144  18.41004 
MA McCanlis (OU)711216540*18.33004 
GS Boyes (Ham,Play)29431060268  18.240226 
H Elliott (Eng,Dy)28331336447*18.20004519
K Harding (Sx)3619155*18.20010 
JB Wheatley (Mx)79114562  18.12013 
CV Wight (WI)1624828940  18.06008 
CT Ashton (Es,FF)59016246  18.00002 
H Pitchford (MCo)1203624  18.00000 
SH Saville (Mx)1203632  18.00001 
AW Speed (Wk)6431811*18.00001 
RS Machin (Sy,Gent)5211817  18.000081
VA Metcalfe (Wales)1101818  18.00000 
JM Neblett (WI)711117961  17.90018 
EL Kidd (Mx,MCC)46010749  17.83004 
WT Cook (Sy,MCo)3407129  17.75000 
LJ Todd (Kent)913415951*17.66016 
HC Griffith (WI)23321431661*17.55018 
G Duckworth (Eng,La,Play)35301428044  17.50007631
JCP Madden (Sm)713022763  17.46025 
CA Rowland (Wales)3618752*17.40010 
FW Shipston (Nt)5618749  17.40001 
DS Oscroft (Le)47110450  17.33010 
LC Hawkins (Sm)47012065  17.14012 
SF Barnes (Wales)2313425*17.00003 
GF Earle (Sm)1420033752  16.850112 
ML Taylor (La)1518226966  16.810110 
JK Mathews (Sx)812118578  16.81010 
CV Tarbox (Wo)3153284867  16.620215 
MP Fernandes (WI)1931149773  16.560218 
PE Lawrie (Ham)510016564  16.50011 
FG Rogers (Gs)1203319  16.50000 
L Harfield (Ham)2538257863  16.05018 
CF Tate (Dy)4414821  16.00000 
TA Jacques (Yor)8423218*16.00003 
AR Howard (Gm)2313221*16.00001 
HSR Critchley-Salmonson (Sm)1203232  16.00001 
WE Bowes (MCC)232167  16.00001 
JA Smart (Wk)1216222344*15.9200164
D Smith (Dy)711017558  15.90013 
AE Thomas (Nr,Play)31471255044  15.71006 
DE Davies (Gm)2029438861  15.52017 
FH Gillingham (Es,MCC)2406238  15.50002 
AC Gore (Arm)1203120  15.50000 
H Howell (Wk)71057717*15.40001 
EC Thompson (Es)2133542736  15.25008 
RH Hill (Mx)5617632*15.20000 
AG Liddell (Nr)1631145174  15.030211 
JW Greenstock (FF)1101515  15.00000 
WT Greswell (Sm,Gent)2436349453  14.960116 
FI Walden (Nr)1732441668*14.85037 
EJ Stephens (Gs)2024528242*14.840010 
EF Towell (Nr)1320226649  14.77004 
J Mercer (Gm,Play,Sth,Wales)2634542658  14.68029 
ST Jagger (FF,Wales)4608845  14.66004 
JH Naumann2304429  14.66000 
TBG Welch (OU)2405835  14.50000 
CH Titchmarsh (MCC)1202916  14.50000 
CM Melville (OU)1202928  14.50001 
JW Lee (Sm)1727137645  14.460010 
WH Rowlands (Gs)2831734451*14.330116 
AC Watson (Sx)2414327  14.33001 
M Raison (Es)712115757  14.27014 
H Bedford (Yor)5515724  14.25000 
ADG Matthews (Nr)2641551255  14.220220 
CWL Parker (Gs)2937643851  14.120111 
DL Russell (Mx)2312822*14.00000 
HLV Day (Ham)1202821  14.00000 
HS Lewis-Barclay (Arm)2211412*14.00000 
F Field (Wo)121148*14.00000 
HE Hammond (Sx)5506936  13.80005 
TL Richmond (Nt)2217911028  13.75001 
GE Hart (Mx)2029631668  13.73018 
WA Worsley (Yor)3121127460  13.700119 
RIF McIntosh (OU)1216810923  13.62003 
PT Mills (Gs)30351625853*13.57018 
HD Burrough (Sm)1219321737*13.56008 
RA Hollingdale (Sx)2029828444  13.520017 
GN Francis (WI)22321128261  13.420112 
GD Kemp-Welch (Wk)3304029  13.33000 
WA Flint (Nt)5616633*13.20002 
NE Partridge (Wk)3303919  13.00003 
JGWT Bessant (Gs)3312611*13.00002 
KA Lister-Kaye (Yor)221137*13.00002 
RHR Buckston (Dy)1211313*13.000011
J Fox (Wk)2211313*13.00000 
HA Gilbert (Wo)6836431*12.80004 
AB Hipkin (Es)2737442250*12.780122 
S Boucher (RN)2405139  12.75001 
Nawab of Pataudi (OU)4607644  12.66004 
HS Garratt (Wo)3506339  12.60002 
FBR Browne (Sx)101258826*12.57004 
GHC Beet (Dy,MCC)2312515*12.500041
JJ Bowles (Wo)2443547349  12.440017 
HA Smith (Le)2938442265  12.410126 
RCG Joy (Es)8827435  12.33006 
AL Cox (Nr)3616125*12.20001 
RK Tyldesley (La)3127427839*12.080015 
W Voce (Nt)1922915732*12.070013 
GAK Collins (Sx)1101212  12.00001 
BH Valentine (CU,Kent)1118021353  11.83011 
RH Stephenson (RN)2404731  11.75001 
JJ Bridges (Sm)4725814  11.60002 
HF Bagnall (Nr,MCC)2404637  11.50000 
HR Kirkwood (Arm)1202323  11.50000 
PA Wright (Nr)914114945  11.46006 
AJT McGaw (Sx)2303423  11.33001 
WH St Hill (WI)1323124958  11.31013 
GW Hockey (Es)1121320323  11.27001 
EH King (Wk)4606724  11.16001 
RAD Brooks (RN)2404419  11.00000 
E Bowen (Gm)2413322  11.00000 
TC Jones (Gm)1202221  11.00000 
AEL Hill (MCC)1101111  11.00001 
H Riley (Le)1014311941*10.81007 
CJM Watts (Es)811011941  10.810022
FJ Durston (Mx,MCC,Play)3340834058  10.620122 
GOB Allen (Mx)2404216  10.50002 
KRM Carlisle (Sx)2202113  10.50001 
LP Marshall (Sm)1202120  10.50000 
RR Relf (MCo)1202121  10.50000 
AF Lane (Wo)712012540  10.41005 
WN McBride (Ham,OU)81046214  10.33008 
W Sanders (Wk)1215510323*10.30004 
WG Morgan (CU,Gm)4514122*10.25002 
DV Hill (Wo,Arm,FF,Gent,Nth)2337730538  10.160011 
EWJ Brooks (Sy)2524915257  10.1301335
RT Stanyforth (Yor,Arm,MCC)6615015  10.00005 
CP Brutton (Ham)3505013  10.00001 
H Pickthall (MCC)3413019  10.00002 
CT Bennett (MCC)1202020  10.00003 
HRJ Sprinks (Ham)1318512840  9.84009 
WT Luckes (Sm)24341320337  9.66003413
AC Wright (Kent)28331220123*9.570012 
JGW Harrold (Es)1201914  9.50000 
LS Powell (Sm)1201919  9.50000 
GP Brooke-Taylor (MCC)1201915  9.50001 
GGO Gatacre (RN)1201912  9.50000 
WH Craddy (Gs)3504729  9.40000 
CF Walters (Gm,Wo)7908430  9.33002 
FP Ryan (Gm,Wales)27361321440  9.300019 
ET Benson (OU,Gent)1420613027  9.2800216
SL Beton (Mx)5605528  9.16000 
AP Freeman (Eng,Kent,Play)3742335440  9.070021 
EVL Hill (Sm)6733627  9.00005 
KG Kent (Wk)5513523*8.75001 
G Wedel (Gs)5513531  8.75006 
AE Pothecary (Ham)3403520  8.75002 
GA Palmer (Wk)91228720  8.70007 
GM Bennett (Sm)3522616*8.66003 
JS Nicholson (Nr)1525517041  8.500012 
J Price (Wo)3513433  8.50001 
CE Frazer (OU)1201715  8.50000 
L Horridge (MCo)1201715  8.50001 
JA Nunn (OU)1201712  8.50000 
EH Perry (Wo)1201717  8.50000 
EA Broughton (Le)5504233  8.40003 
REG Fulljames (RAF)2302516  8.33003 
GF Eastman (Es)131888313  8.300049
EA McDonald (La)3429123146  8.250010 
EA Rae (WI)7907442  8.22004 
C Leach (Sm)5815727  8.14002 
FT Summers (Wo)27421422736  8.1000217
JH Mayer (Wk)1819312942  8.06007 
GV Gunn (Nt)2302410  8.00000 
FJ Weeks (Gs)1201616  8.00000 
PGE Nash (OU)1201614  8.00000 
H Perry (Wo)1201616  8.00000 
HG Baldwin (Sy)220169  8.00001 
HR Miller (Wk)11088  8.00001 
MJC Allom (CU,Sy,MCC)1522612223*7.620011 
IAR Peebles (Mx,Gent)5613817  7.60002 
RPH Utley (Ham,RAF)2027615630  7.42009 
A Skelding (Le)141777411*7.40001 
WFF Price (Mx)25261210322  7.35004217
JA Powell (Mx,MCC)9107228*7.33003 
EA Argent (Wo)2412219  7.33000 
AJ Shea (Gm)2302210  7.33000 
DL Clugston (Wk)3302217  7.33001 
EW Clark (Nr)22341215921  7.220010 
TB Mitchell (Dy)131465712  7.12003 
LG Irvine (CU)5833514*7.00001 
CE Glenister (RN)1201413  7.00000 
RB Marsh (Sm)21077  7.00001 
RN Shorter (Es)121676021  6.66006 
F Bale (Le)6714011*6.66005 
LH West (Es)3503330  6.60000 
TR White (Sx)120139  6.50000 
HJH Alpass (Gs)6723218*6.40002 
DS Richards (Sx)472329*6.40004 
CJH Treglown (Es)3603832  6.33002 
FE Hugonin (Es)5732510*6.250061
W Shardlow (Dy)4622515*6.25001 
EG Martin (Es)2402513  6.25001 
J Bailey (Ham)6723118*6.20001 
B Howlett (Kent)2026109729  6.06004 
HJ Palmer (Es)973248  6.00004 
HW Thorn (Es)120127  6.00000 
HWF Homer (MCo)1201211  6.00000 
RH Sharp (Es)120127  6.00000 
LE Gale (Wo)3603413  5.66000 
H Austin (Wo)240229  5.50001 
H Fisher (Yor)242115*5.50001 
CD McIver242117*5.500061
L Kirk (Nt)2311111*5.50001 
HGC Gibbons (Ham)220119  5.50001 
HO Rogers (Wo)1201110  5.50001 
PS Snow (OU)1201111  5.50000 
JHP Brain (Gm)1201111  5.50001 
GP Beslee (Kent)111508224  5.46008 
S Fenley (Sy)191876014  5.45009 
RT Vaughan (CU)2301613  5.33001 
SV Jephson (RN)240216  5.25000 
C Turner (Yor)340219  5.25002 
AM Tew (OU)2301515  5.00001 
JW Barnato (Sy)331106*5.000091
D Boumphrey (Wales)120106  5.00000 
ED Dynes (MCo)120109  5.00000 
BS Bloodworth (Gs)3502311  4.600021
ED Blundell (CU)121334512  4.50006 
DDE Holland-Martin (RN)12099  4.50003 
G Hodgson (La)983226*4.40005 
RN Hunt (Mx)230138  4.33000 
D Sullivan (Gm,Play,Wales)172256916  4.0500612
VJ Eaton (Sx)23184  4.000053
ML Hill (Sm)12088  4.00000 
AT Sharp (Le)12088  4.00000 
CFD Buttle (Sm)12144*4.00000 
GR Cox (Sx)11044  4.00002 
WCL Creese (Ham)3501812  3.60001 
WE Richardson (Wo)23175  3.50002 
F Rushton (La)32076  3.50001 
T Bevan (Arm)12076  3.50000 
CG Toppin (Wo)3401310  3.25000 
FS Booth (La)890296  3.22004 
F Dobson (Wk)33097  3.00000 
GS Watson (Kent)12066  3.00001 
E Cawston (Sx)12065  3.00002 
RJS King (Es)11033  3.00000 
M Falcon (FF)11033  3.00001 
EW Hazelton (Gent,MCo,Nth)362116  2.75002 
PS Evans (Wo)593155  2.50003 
GM Locks (Es)24253*2.50000 
B Tyler (Le)12054  2.50001 
AR Gover (Sy)151432512  2.27002 
CS Marriott (Kent)11143238  2.09004 
CN Calnan (Es)12043  2.00000 
AK Jackson (Wk)12122*2.00000 
J Heathcoat-Amory (MCo)12122  2.00000 
WG Lock (Sm)11022  2.00000 
HL Benjamin (Nr)11022  2.00001 
EG Morrison (Gs)11022  2.00000 
W Farrimond (La)21022  2.000052
CB Cooke (RAF)22033  1.50001 
JA Sutor (Wo)12032  1.50000 
WK Yarnold (Nr)12032  1.50001 
AG Marshall (Sm)12033  1.50000 
GFH Heane (Nt)22032  1.50000 
T Martin (CU)24052  1.250011
DG Foster (Wk)33122  1.00002 
DR Wilcox (Es)12022  1.00000 
AW Wellard (Sm)11011  1.00000 
TC Worsley (CU)11011  1.00000 
GL Raphael (Mx)11011  1.00000 
MW Payne (FF)11011  1.00001 
TW Durnell (Wk)63111  0.50002 
S Stretton (Nr)12011  0.50001 
WE Adshead (Wo)12011  0.50001 
JA Dunning (OU)12011  0.50000 
WG Seabrook (Gs)12000  0.00000 
WG Kalaugher (OU)22100*0.00000 
CB Ponsonby (Wo)12000  0.00001 
LW Lywood (Sy)11000  0.00000 
WH Rowland (Wales)11000  0.00000 
LA Waghorn (MCC)11000  0.00001 
WA Shackleton (Yor)21000  0.00001 
EH Sweetland (MCC)11000  0.00001 
E Snell (Sx)11000  0.00000 
W Adams (Nr)11000  0.00000 
FC Quaife (Sx)21000  0.00000 
JG Wagener (Sx)1118080* 010 
NJ Holloway (FF)1112323* 000 
P Higson (La)1111313* 001 
AS Cantrell (RN)122108* 000 
GC Grant (CU)11155* 001 
WL Milligan (CU)32233* 003 
LH Slatter (RAF)11111* 002 
CH Hall (Yor)11100* 000 
AB Wheat (Nt)10      1 
WR Thomas (Sm)10      0 
HDG Leveson-Gower (MCC)10      0 
S Preston (La)10      0 
HC Lock (Sy)10      0 
NJO Carbutt (Arm)10      1 
FG Arnold (Arm)10      1 





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