
Batting and Fielding in AXA Equity and Law League 1994 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
CJ Adams (Dy)14133485119*48.50 79.76129 
JC Adams (Nt)1515467493*61.27 79.01075 
MW Alleyne (Gs)16163588102*45.23 85.711214 
CEL Ambrose (Nr)11719237  15.33  004 
SJW Andrew (Es)11044  4.00  000 
GF Archer (Nt)88111449  16.28 78.62001 
Asif Din (Wk)1212326586*29.44  022 
MA Atherton (La)10101264101*29.33 69.47105 
CWJ Athey (Sx)1010118358*20.33  013 
ID Austin (La)1610212027  15.00 68.57003 
JMM Averis (Gs)11122* 100.00001 
AN Aymes (Ham)1713728954  48.16  01215
M Azharuddin (Dy)1074436111*145.33 119.45141 
AM Babington (Gs)62144*4.00 50.00001 
RJ Bailey (Nr)1515342194*35.08  026 
P Bainbridge (Dur)1410119632  21.77  003 
MCJ Ball (Gs)11948128*16.20 65.32003 
KJ Barnett (Dy)1312437956*47.37 71.37025 
SR Barwick (Gm)1763178*5.66  002 
SJ Base (Dy)101033  3.00 60.00001 
RT Bates (Nt)3101616  16.00 64.00000 
MAV Bell (Wk)10       0 
JE Benjamin (Sy)831117  5.50  001 
WKM Benjamin (Ham)7303935  13.00  003 
MR Benson (Kent)88025674  32.00  013 
DJ Bicknell (Sy)1212345995*51.00  043 
MP Bicknell (Sy)1040229  5.50  004 
SD Birbeck (Dur)52099  4.50  001 
PJ Bird (Sm)51044  4.00  002 
RJ Blakey (Yor)1615231455*24.15  01152
DA Blenkiron (Dur)1113939*  000 
J Boiling (Sy)14635216*17.33  007 
TJ Boon (Le)10       0 
JNB Bovill (Ham)41011  1.00  000 
MN Bowen (Nr)8544927*49.00  000 
PD Bowler (Dy)1211135467  35.40 55.14043 
NE Briers (Le)870171105  24.42  104 
AD Brown (Sy)17161688142*45.86  231 
DR Brown (Wk)11011  1.00 50.00000 
KR Brown (Mx)1715735552*44.37  01114
SJE Brown (Dur)62255*  000 
M Burns (Wk)7606837  11.33  00113
GP Butcher (Gm)30       0 
MA Butcher (Sy)9534617*23.00  001 
D Byas (Yor)16162702101*50.14  165 
AR Caddick (Sm)64187  2.66  000 
DJ Capel (Nr)3314229*21.00  000 
JD Carr (Mx)1414529159*32.33  014 
RJ Chapman (Nt)52122*2.00 33.33000 
G Chapple (La)122243* 100.00002 
MJ Church (Wo)5403718  9.25  003 
VP Clarke (Sm)6605226  8.66  002 
CA Connor (Ham)17512317*5.75  003 
NGB Cook (Nr)16733321*8.25  007 
KE Cooper (Gs)43255*5.00 38.46001 
DG Cork (Dy)129027566  30.55 79.94016 
PA Cottey (Gm)1716328870  22.15  025 
DM Cousins (Es)115196  2.25  001 
NG Cowans (Ham)123111*0.50  002 
GR Cowdrey (Kent)1210226682  33.25  012 
DM Cox (Dur)30       0 
RMF Cox (Ham)6514623*11.50  002 
JP Crawley (La)1313041491  31.84 80.38044 
MA Crawley (Nt)1211222242  24.66 69.59005 
RDB Croft (Gm)1713412529*13.88  005 
CE Cuffy (Sy)10       0 
AC Cummins (Dur)1410233767  42.12  024 
KM Curran (Nr)1414241488*34.50  027 
TS Curtis (Wo)1615352199*43.41  058 
JM Dakin (Le)141209641  8.00  004 
A Dale (Gm)1313130461  25.33  012 
JA Daley (Dur)86221898*54.50  021 
M Davies (Gs)9514014  10.00 68.96002 
RP Davis (Wk)731125  6.00  003 
I Dawood (Nr)11022  2.00  000 
RI Dawson (Gs)1615026845  17.86 79.76003 
PAJ DeFreitas (Dy)115210533  35.00 108.24002 
JM de la Pêna (Sy)11100*  000 
M Dimond (Sm)30       0 
AI Ditta (Le)11111*  000 
M Diwan (Es)4403114  7.75  000 
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)8606827  11.33  002 
MP Dowman (Nt)6618652*17.20 46.23011 
MA Ealham (Kent)1514417934  17.90  003 
SC Ecclestone (Sm)88121866  31.14  010 
AD Edwards (Sx)10       0 
T Edwards (Wo)5332016*  006 
JE Emburey (Mx)7302316  7.66  000 
KP Evans (Nt)129710825*54.00 95.57004 
NH Fairbrother (La)1413252270  47.45 81.94054 
MA Feltham (Mx)137211875  23.60  013 
NA Felton (Nr)4403317  8.25  001 
MG Field-Buss (Nt)94353  5.00 31.25002 
MV Fleming (Kent)1715045879  30.53  037 
I Fletcher (Sm)3301510  5.00  003 
NA Folland (Sm)1111030975  28.09  024 
A Fordham (Nr)13130262111  20.15  101 
MJ Foster (Yor)961269  5.20  003 
G Fowler (Dur)22000  0.00  000 
ARC Fraser (Mx)9321411*14.00  002 
JER Gallian (La)99226084  37.14 89.65021 
MA Garnham (Es)99118639  23.25  0010 
MW Gatting (Mx)1610118051  20.00  015 
OD Gibson (Gm)1715720633  25.75  004 
ESH Giddins (Sx)156352  1.66  002 
GA Gooch (Es)11110415101  37.72  121 
D Gough (Yor)10527439  24.66  001 
DA Graveney (Dur)12655425*54.00  001 
AP Grayson (Yor)1612312355  13.66  018 
K Greenfield (Sx)1616237261  26.57  013 
FA Griffith (Dy)7306831  22.66 154.54002 
A Habib (Mx)1101111  11.00  000 
JW Hall (Sx)44012069  30.00  011 
JC Hallett (Sm)3303716  12.33  001 
GM Hamilton (Yor)6324116*41.00  000 
THC Hancock (Gs)1616025343  15.81 62.31006 
RJ Harden (Sm)1414133159  25.46  027 
AJ Harris (Dy)10       0 
GAR Harris (Mx)30       0 
JC Harrison (Mx)11022  2.00  000 
PJ Hartley (Yor)1613221340*19.36  003 
AF Haye (Le)11000  0.00  000 
AN Hayhurst (Sm)1515330949  25.75  004 
DL Haynes (Mx)1211032052  29.09  015 
GR Haynes (Wo)1613030683  23.53  026 
DW Headley (Kent)104141*1.33  002 
WK Hegg (La)1712816452  41.00 120.580116 
EE Hemmings (Sx)41166*  003 
DL Hemp (Gm)1211025373  23.00  016 
PN Hepworth (Le)1212115249  13.81  002 
GA Hick (Wo)1092356103  50.85  122 
JE Hindson (Nt)4212421  24.00 88.88001 
SG Hinks (Gs)8609531  15.83 63.75001 
GD Hodgson (Gs)3304229  14.00 51.21000 
AJ Hollioake (Sy)1714333372*30.27  022 
PCL Holloway (Sm)7719029  15.00  000 
CL Hooper (Kent)17172773122  51.53  265 
JG Hughes (Nr)21099  9.00 75.00001 
N Hussain (Es)1616150476  33.60  048 
S Hutton (Dur)97012142  17.28  000 
AP Igglesden (Kent)92243*  001 
RK Illingworth (Wo)16826231  10.33  002 
MC Ilott (Es)9524324  14.33  002 
KJ Innes (Nr)52085  4.00  002 
RC Irani (Es)1616018533  11.56  002 
KD James (Ham)1611212239*13.55  003 
SP James (Gm)15150452102  30.13  124 
PW Jarvis (Sx)12917817  9.75  002 
M Jean-Jacques (Ham)321128  12.00  000 
P Johnson (Nt)1313143690  36.33 120.44043 
RL Johnson (Mx)11735214*13.00  002 
MS Kasprowicz (Es)151206117  5.08  002 
M Keech (Ham)9708027  11.42  001 
SA Kellett (Yor)2207458  37.00  010 
NM Kendrick (Sy)2221413*  000 
SG Kenlock (Sy)50       3 
JID Kerr (Sm)54263  3.00  000 
GJ Kersey (Sy)5203737  18.50  007 
RA Kettleborough (Yor)3213228  32.00  000 
NV Knight (Es)1313127561*22.91  013 
KM Krikken (Dy)13433015  30.00 103.440022 
AJ Lamb (Nr)1211130478  30.40  022 
SR Lampitt (Wo)1612419735*24.62  003 
BC Lara (Wk)1414036475  26.00  036 
W Larkins (Dur)12111421131*42.10  214 
MN Lathwell (Sm)17170472117  27.76  123 
DA Leatherdale (Wo)1613120841  17.33  0012 
RP Lefebvre (Gm)1710310225  14.57  006 
NJ Lenham (Sx)77212058*24.00  011 
CC Lewis (Nt)87119075  31.66 88.37023 
JJB Lewis (Es)6627023  17.50  001 
JD Lewry (Sx)51111* 100.00001 
NJ Llong (Kent)1612621155  35.16  015 
GD Lloyd (La)1716335177  27.00 60.51025 
JI Longley (Dur)1312234288  34.20  031 
MB Loye (Nr)1313022564  17.30  010 
S Lugsden (Dur)10       0 
MA Lynch (Sy)32000  0.00  004 
MJ McCague (Kent)931137  6.50  002 
GI Macmillan (Le)44011348  28.25  001 
DL Maddy (Le)1111121354  21.30  029 
DE Malcolm (Dy)110       1 
NA Mallender (Sm)9534219*21.00  000 
SA Marsh (Kent)1611712528  31.25  00163
PJ Martin (La)1752148*4.66 127.27003 
RJ Maru (Ham)422137*  000 
MP Maynard (Gm)1515134965  24.92  0210 
AA Metcalfe (Yor)98323065*46.00  021 
CP Metson (Gm)16836026*12.00  00195
TC Middleton (Ham)1111133473  33.40  043 
GW Mike (Nt)15926129*8.71 78.20002 
DJ Millns (Le)42153*5.00  000 
P Mirza (Wo)31000  0.00  000 
AJ Moles (Wk)2205131  25.50  002 
RR Montgomerie (Nr)44013674  34.00  011 
TM Moody (Wo)16162448107  32.00  125 
P Moores (Sx)1614516441*18.22  0011 
H Morris (Gm)13132530127*48.18  132 
JE Morris (Dur)1513118977*15.75  015 
RSM Morris (Ham)4405534  13.75  002 
OH Mortensen (Dy)30       0 
MD Moxon (Yor)1212133158  30.09  025 
AD Mullally (Le)1010210138  12.62  003 
TA Munton (Wk)17221615*  004 
AJ Murphy (Sy)111111*  000 
Mushtaq Ahmed (Sm)7632912*9.66  001 
K Newell (Sx)1101010  10.00  000 
PJ Newport (Wo)15522317  7.66  005 
MCJ Nicholas (Ham)1715328547  23.75  008 
PA Nixon (Le)1716231872  22.71  03134
WM Noon (Nt)141017127  7.88 72.440093
JA North (Sx)760177  2.83  001 
TJG O'Gorman (Dy)1615630963*34.33 68.51013 
DP Ostler (Wk)1717153084*33.12  054 
B Parker (Yor)109116436  20.50  002 
GJ Parsons (Le)1512310929  12.11  004 
KA Parsons (Sm)1101818  18.00  000 
MM Patel (Kent)62065  3.00  001 
A Payne (Sm)4414432*14.66  001 
RM Pearson (Es)965237  23.00  000 
MTE Peirce (Sx)11066  6.00  002 
AL Penberthy (Nr)1613218169*16.45  012 
DB Pennett (Nt)80       2 
TL Penney (Wk)1513922955  57.25  014 
NC Phillips (Sx)6322211*22.00  000 
RA Pick (Nt)7312717*13.50 128.57003 
ARK Pierson (Le)11845529*13.75  005 
ACS Pigott (Sy)15845915  14.75  004 
KJ Piper (Wk)10743113*10.33  00114
PR Pollard (Nt)1412027453  22.83 62.98015 
JC Pooley (Mx)98122877  32.57  031 
PJ Prichard (Es)77115465*25.66  015 
NV Radford (Wo)151167823*15.60  004 
MR Ramprakash (Mx)1716156197  37.40  033 
DA Reeve (Wk)1616437865*31.50  032 
CC Remy (Sx)131015714  6.33  004 
SJ Rhodes (Wo)10738546*21.25  00174
RB Richardson (Yor)88220355  33.83  011 
D Ripley (Nr)11716521  10.83  0092
AR Roberts (Nr)2202020  10.00  001 
MA Robinson (Yor)164321*2.00  001 
PE Robinson (Le)1110122039*24.44  008 
RT Robinson (Nt)12122381119*38.10 70.55112 
AS Rollins (Dy)97012235  17.42 70.930010 
RJ Rollins (Es)984279*6.75  0083
GD Rose (Sm)1313245391*41.18  053 
MA Roseberry (Mx)14131424119*35.33  217 
RC Russell (Gs)1413019670  15.07 84.1201101
DJG Sales (Nr)1117070* 125.00010 
IDK Salisbury (Sx)8754913*24.50  001 
NF Sargeant (Sy)4211411*14.00  001 
M Saxelby (Dur)1110132979*36.55  043 
CW Scott (Dur)1511314745  18.37  00155
ACH Seymour (Wo)55011157  22.20  013 
DJ Shadford (La)30       1 
N Shahid (Es)77011341  16.14  002 
AD Shaw (Gm)10       0 
KP Sheeraz (Gs)10       1 
A Sheriyar (Le)21100*  000 
KJ Shine (Mx)81111*  001 
CEW Silverwood (Yor)832169  16.00  001 
PV Simmons (Le)17170660140  38.82  157 
RW Sladdin (Dy)10       0 
GC Small (Wk)1432157*15.00  002 
AM Smith (Gs)1074247  8.00 68.57003 
AW Smith (Sy)1310420250*33.66  015 
BF Smith (Le)1616129856  19.86  015 
DM Smith (Sx)77121155*35.16  011 
NMK Smith (Wk)1714221156  17.58  016 
PA Smith (Wk)1414025245  18.00  004 
RA Smith (Ham)15142676110*56.33  145 
JN Snape (Nr)4425931*29.50  001 
NJ Speak (La)1312125139  22.81 62.12001 
MP Speight (Sx)1414029966  21.35  033 
DJ Spencer (Kent)5201812  9.00  000 
IM Stanger (Le)963106  3.33  004 
IGS Steer (Dy)21011  1.00 50.00001 
RD Stemp (Yor)9311714*8.50  001 
FD Stephenson (Sx)1413023746  18.23  006 
JP Stephenson (Es)1515239173  30.07  035 
AJ Stewart (Sy)108027392  34.12  0171
PM Such (Es)13822919*4.83  002 
CW Taylor (Mx)11122*  000 
JP Taylor (Nr)12641711*8.50  000 
NR Taylor (Kent)88214336  23.83  003 
VP Terry (Ham)1616342895  32.92  047 
JBD Thompson (Kent)21133*  000 
GP Thorpe (Sy)13112331102*36.77  126 
MJ Thursfield (Ham)63221*2.00  001 
SP Titchard (La)55118996  47.25 63.63011 
CM Tolley (Wo)41011  1.00  001 
TD Topley (Es)5412314  7.66  003 
ME Trescothick (Sm)1212037074  30.83  024 
HRJ Trump (Sm)154186  2.66  008 
PCR Tufnell (Mx)102021  1.00  002 
RJ Turner (Sm)1513817837*35.60  0016 
RG Twose (Wk)1716339796*30.53  027 
SD Udal (Ham)161028335  10.37  005 
MJ Vandrau (Dy)8301910  6.33 95.00006 
AP van Troost (Sm)833129*  000 
MP Vaughan (Yor)3301912  6.33  000 
A Walker (Dur)15937515  12.50  004 
MJ Walker (Kent)99118769*23.37  014 
CA Walsh (Gs)1212212130  12.10 135.95003 
TC Walton (Nr)99226772  38.14  036 
DM Ward (Sy)1715157787  41.21  0510 
TR Ward (Kent)1717043563  25.58  036 
AE Warner (Dy)11212727*27.00 180.00000 
RJ Warren (Nr)11909855  10.88  0171
Wasim Akram (La)8615733  11.40 96.61002 
SL Watkin (Gm)1471176  2.83  000 
M Watkinson (La)1613423135*25.66 118.46004 
PN Weekes (Mx)1512220950  20.90  014 
G Welch (Wk)6405726  14.25  003 
AP Wells (Sx)15141618103  47.53  155 
CM Wells (Dy)12534928*24.50 111.36001 
VJ Wells (Le)15151422101  30.14  211 
AG Wharf (Yor)10       1 
JJ Whitaker (Le)88113344*19.00  000 
PR Whitaker (Ham)220127  6.00  003 
C White (Yor)65116254*40.50  010 
GW White (Ham)55113049*32.50  000 
RM Wight (Gs)4301410  4.66 48.27003 
NF Williams (Mx)63122*1.00  002 
RC Williams (Gs)1514513931  15.44 83.23001 
RCJ Williams (Gs)2111313* 68.42002 
SC Willis (Kent)10       3 
MGN Windows (Gs)1212034772  28.91 64.49021 
J Wood (Dur)9614428  8.80  000 
TN Wren (Kent)102255*  004 
AJ Wright (Gs)1616139469  26.26 64.69037 
G Yates (La)17422614  13.00 144.44006 
RS Yeabsley (Mx)30       0 





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