
Fielding in Second Eleven Twenty20 2021 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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CG Benjamin (Wk)1013417
BD Birkhead (Yor)106410
GID Lavelle (La)108412
AG Milton (Wo)96410
DJ Schadendorf (Nt)10549
CS Mumford (Ham)5437
DM O'Driscoll (Mx)67310
MJ Taylor (Nr)6639
WEL Buttleman (Es)6325
GA Metzger (Ham)4325
RG White (Mx)8628
SD Bates (Le)8314
JR Bracey (Gs)1112
MGK Burgess (Wk)2314
OJ Carter (Sx)610111
HJ Cullen (Wo)2011
TN Cullen (Gm)8213
HR Hosein (Dy)6516
SW Mead (Sy)4112
PD Salt (Sx)4718
JA Tattersall (Yor)4213
BJJ Wells (Gs,Sm)119110
CN Ackermann (Le)11 1
R Ahmed (Le)51 1
R Ahmed (Le)42 2
BW Aitchison (Dy)21 1
TE Albert (Ham)71 1
KL Aldridge (Sm)81 1
MM Ali (Wo)21 1
BMJ Allison (Es)77 7
HM Amla (Sy)21 1
MK Andersson (Mx)95 5
JO Baker (Wo)64 4
S Baker (Sm)62 2
RSV Balaji (Wk)21 1
GP Balderson (La)82 2
CT Bancroft (Dur)23 3
T Banton (Sm)32 2
TE Barber (Nt)103 3
EG Barnard (Wo)12 2
E Barnes (Le)22 2
GA Bartlett (Sm)63 3
AS Basra (Nr)83 3
AP Beard (Es)76 6
WAT Beer (Sx)41 1
GJ Bell (La)83 3
SJD Bell (Dur)21 1
DJ Bell-Drummond (Kent)21 1
LM Benkenstein (Ham)42 2
JG Bethell (Wk)71 1
AJ Blake (Kent)63 3
JJ Bohannon (La)31 1
RS Bopara (Sx)52 2
NJ Bowley (Le)62 2
EWH Bragg (Wo)81 1
CR Brathwaite (Wk)42 2
TT Bresnan (Wk)21 1
J Broad (Sy)64 4
HE Broderick (Ham)61 1
EA Brookes (Wk)102 2
JA Brooks (Sm)71 1
BC Brown (Sx)44 4
CR Brown (Gm)42 2
NLJ Browne (Es)41 1
NL Buck (Nr)21 1
SJD Burgess (Es,Gm,Kent)92 2
JTA Burnham (Dur)52 2
GD Burrows (La)101 1
JJ Bushnell (Dur)82 2
HRC Came (Dy)63 3
JOI Campbell (Dur)96 6
M Carter (Nt)41 1
AM Chakrapani (Wk)31 1
DT Christian (Nt)22 2
G Clark (Dur)51 1
R Clarke (Sy)21 1
JJ Cobb (Nr)52 2
IA Cockbain (Gs)42 2
MAR Cohen (Dy)41 1
JM Coles (Sx)63 3
BG Compton (Nt)43 3
JM Cooke (Gm)57 7
TR Cornall (La)52 2
JM Cox (Kent)21 1
MJJ Critchley (Dy)11 1
HT Crocombe (Sx)52 2
BJ Curran (Nr)91 1
SM Curran (Sy)11 1
SW Currie (Ham)62 2
RJ Das (Es)74 4
JH Davey (Sm)11 1
SM Davies (Sm)14 4
WS Davis (Le)31 1
HE Dearden (Le)94 4
JM de Caires (Mx)71 1
JJ Dell (Wo)94 4
JW Dernbach (Sy)51 1
JW Dickenson (Wo)51 1
SR Dickson (Dur)63 3
L Doneathy (Dur)83 3
GS Drissell (Sm)41 1
HG Duke (Yor)31 1
MP Dunn (Sy)31 1
JL du Plooy (Dy)62 2
N Dwivedi (Es)21 1
GS Ealham (Sy)61 1
EJH Eckersley (Dur)21 1
HA Evans (Le)61 1
LJ Evans (Sy)21 1
ST Evans (Le)62 2
JDM Evison (Nt)102 2
RL Evitts (Wo)21 1
TC Fell (Wo)41 1
HZ Finch (Kent)84 4
MD Fisher (Yor)31 1
WAR Fraine (Yor)61 1
JK Fuller (Ham)32 2
GA Garrett (Wk)51 1
GHS Garton (Sx)33 3
BBA Geddes (Sy)93 3
NN Gilchrist (Kent)31 1
DC Goodman (Gs)41 1
JA Gordon (Kent)72 2
AW Gorvin (Gm)71 1
TL Greatwood (Mx)83 3
BGF Green (Sm)52 2
L Gregory (Sm)11 1
NRT Gubbins (Mx)54 4
BD Guest (Dy)24 4
Hamidullah Qadri (Kent)92 2
HJ Hankins (Gs)72 2
OJ Hannon-Dalby (Wk)72 2
SR Harmer (Es)11 1
JAR Harris (Mx)11 1
MB Harris (Mx)11 1
CG Harrison (Nt)53 3
TW Hartley (La)32 2
JPH Hayes (Nt)62 2
FJ Heldreich (Nr)93 3
RF Higgins (Gs)21 1
JC Hildreth (Sm)11 1
GCH Hill (Yor)93 3
TI Hinley (Sx)41 1
MDE Holden (Mx)73 3
TP Holland (Nt)31 1
EO Hooper (Kent)41 1
AJ Horton (Gm)54 4
M Horton (Sm)21 1
AJ Hose (Wk)66 6
FJ Hudson-Prentice (Dy)64 4
SF Hunt (Sx)51 1
LJ Hurt (La)89 9
DK Ibrahim (Sx)22 2
JP Inglis (Le)11 1
CA Ingram (Gm)21 1
WG Jacks (Sy)31 1
LW James (Nt)21 1
KK Jennings (La)23 3
MS Johal (Wk)92 2
RP Jones (La)105 5
ES Kalley (Es)63 3
Kashif Ali (Nr)21 1
SC Kerrigan (Nr)22 2
SJ Kershaw (Dy)11 1
FIN Khushi (Es)84 4
MJ Killeen (Dur)32 2
SIM King (Nt)61 1
M Labuschagne (Gm)11 1
TC Lace (Gs)64 4
MJ Lamb (Wk)63 3
TA Lammonby (Sm)41 1
M Law (Le)41 1
TE Lawes (Sy)61 1
JA Leaning (Kent)21 1
DJ Leech (Yor)74 4
AD Lenham (Sx)41 1
RE Levi (Nr)51 1
JD Libby (Wo)11 1
AM Lilley (Le)33 3
DJ Lincoln (Kent,Nr,Wk)74 4
JB Lintott (Wk)53 3
JEG Logan (Kent)32 2
R Lord (Kent,La)21 1
TW Loten (Yor)65 5
JM Lysaught (Kent)84 4
MJK McGowan (Sy)11 1
L Machado (Gm)31 1
RJ McKenna (Es)21 1
C McKerr (Sy)51 1
MH McKiernan (Dy)73 3
TSS Mackintosh (Dur)42 2
WL Madsen (Dy)11 1
BJR Martindale (Nt)43 3
SC Meaker (Sx)61 1
DR Melton (Dy)51 1
FS Middleton (Ham)97 7
CN Miles (Wk)11 1
ME Milnes (Kent)21 1
A Mohammed (Wk)32 2
JP Morley (La)107 7
CAJ Morris (Wo)51 1
DR Mousley (Wk)65 5
TL Mousley (Wk)11 1
TS Muyeye (Kent)83 3
Naveen-ul-Haq (Le)32 2
JDS Neesham (Es)21 1
JPC Newby (Kent)11 1
ASS Nijjar (Es)52 2
LC Norwell (Wk)42 2
D Olivier (Yor)41 1
FS Organ (Ham)41 1
MK O'Riordan (Kent)72 2
J Overton (Sy)11 1
BSJ Parker (Wo)31 1
WD Parnell (Nr)51 1
RK Patel (Le)42 2
RS Patel (Sy)86 6
SR Patel (Nt)31 1
D Paterson (Nt)11 1
LA Patterson-White (Nt)55 5
SJ Pearce (Gm)74 4
DY Pennington (Wo)11 1
HW Petrie (Ham)31 1
THS Pettman (Nt)83 3
GD Phillips (Gs)51 1
HWL Phillips (Es)21 1
MW Pillans (Yor)92 2
JA Pocklington (Sx)53 3
HW Podmore (Kent)103 3
JA Porter (Es)21 1
SW Poynter (Dur)86 6
JE Poysden (Yor)82 2
A Prasad (Mx)33 3
TJ Prest (Ham)53 3
OJ Price (Gs)63 3
TJ Price (Gs)72 2
NO Priestley (Dy)51 1
MR Quinn (Es,Kent)71 1
DMW Rawlins (Sx)61 1
LM Reece (Dy)32 2
SJ Reingold (Gm)92 2
ML Revis (Yor)97 7
JEK Rew (Sm)43 3
GH Rhodes (Le)92 2
WMH Rhodes (Wk)22 2
SD Robson (Mx)71 1
GH Roderick (Wo)21 1
WT Root (Gm)64 4
C Rushworth (Dur)41 1
JS Rymell (Es)61 1
A Sakande (Le)62 2
JJG Sales (Nr)62 2
MET Salisbury (Dur)71 1
AG Salter (Gm)13 3
GFB Scott (Gs)61 1
GLS Scrimshaw (Dy)62 2
TAR Scriven (Ham)92 2
HL Seagrave (Mx)33 3
NJ Selman (Gm)52 2
SMO Shah (La)104 4
CM Sharland (Sm)41 1
JW Shutt (Yor)91 1
DP Sibley (Wk)32 2
RN Sidebottom (Wk)73 3
JA Simpson (Mx)23 3
P Sisodiya (Gm)32 2
BT Slater (Nt)31 1
WTE Smale (Dy,Wk)33 3
WCF Smeed (Sm)62 2
D Smit (Dy)11 1
JL Smith (Sy)11 1
SWC Smith (Kent)54 4
S Snater (Es)32 2
NA Sowter (Mx)41 1
MT Stanley (Wo)73 3
CT Steel (Ham)71 1
S Steel (Le)43 3
RA Stevenson (Ham)41 1
MD Stoneman (Sy)63 3
JR Sullivan (Yor)61 1
CZ Taylor (Gm)51 1
EP Taylor (Sx)54 4
JMR Taylor (Gs)33 3
MD Taylor (Gs)42 2
GW Thomas (Sm)11 1
AT Thomson (Dy,Wk)61 1
CO Thurston (Nr)63 3
PD Trego (Nt)42 2
L Trevaskis (Dur)53 3
MR Trotman (Gs)51 1
JA Turner (Ham)72 2
ARI Umeed (Wk)22 2
GL van Buuren (Gs)41 1
RE van der Merwe (Sm)22 2
J van Heerden (Es)11 1
PA van Meekeren (Nr)22 2
KT van Vollenhoven (Wk)52 2
MD Wagstaff (Dy)41 1
MJ Waite (Yor)51 1
TN Walallawita (Mx)92 2
RI Walker (Gm)82 2
MTC Waller (Sm)64 4
PI Walter (Es)21 1
HD Ward (Sx)92 2
JD Warner (Gs)42 2
JJ Weatherley (Ham)11 1
NR Welch (Le)95 5
LWP Wells (La)51 1
MH Wessels (Wo)51 1
JH Wharton (Yor)94 4
AJA Wheater (Es)12 2
C White (Nr)53 3
D Wiese (Sx)41 1
BJ Wightman (Kent)31 1
CP Wood (Ham)32 2
TA Wood (Dy)85 5
LJ Wright (Sx)42 2
SJ Young (Sm)92 2
SA Zaib (Nr)11 1





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