
Fielding in County Championship 1921 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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WH Livsey (Ham)27472976
JC Hubble (Kent)20161834
WR Allen (Yor)18261743
GEC Wood (Kent)15201636
TW Oates (Nt)22371552
H Smith (Gs)24221436
TE Sidwell (Le)26571168
EJ Smith (Wk)21341145
B Blomley (La)18261036
DC Robinson (Gs)941014
H Chidgey (Sm)811920
HR Murrell (Mx)2056965
FG Robinson (Gs)118816
GB Street (Sx)2330838
RA Boddington (La)811718
H Elliott (Dy)2030737
JR Freeman (Es)2637744
SL Amor (Sm)64610
H Strudwick (Sy)2043649
A Dolphin (Yor)815520
WA Buswell (Nr)2336440
FW Gilligan (Es)5448
RA Young (Sx)69413
CB Ponsonby (Wo)1616319
JHP Brain (Gm)4224
G Brown (Ham)2222224
WLT Jenkins (Gm)108210
FE Spurway (Sm)612214
GE Cording (Gm)10819
WL Cornford (Sx)5112
EP Cross (Wk)5819
MD Lyon (Sm)4415
CD McIver (Es)4314
A Povey (Kent)4516
NVH Riches (Gm)14819
D Sullivan (Sy)4415
JW Whewell (La)2112
WJ Abel (Sy)1618 18
W Adams (Nr)103 3
GOB Allen (Mx)21 1
HS Altham (Ham)97 7
EL Armitage (Ham)11 1
T Arnott (Gm)51 1
WH Ashdown (Kent)1410 10
CT Ashton (Es)76 6
H Ashton (Es)67 7
WE Astill (Le)2620 20
WF Baldock (Sm)21 1
F Bale (Le)124 4
KJ Ball (Nr)116 6
JR Barnes (La)146 6
CS Barnett (Gs)127 7
EP Barnett (Gs)76 6
F Barratt (Nt)229 9
LTA Bates (Wk)2612 12
WE Bates (Gm)188 8
GW Bayes (Yor)31 1
HG Beers (Nr)61 1
BW Bellamy (Nr)97 7
WE Benskin (Le)187 7
WCM Berridge (Le)41 1
JGWT Bessant (Gs)95 5
W Bestwick (Dy)197 7
AF Bickmore (Kent)88 8
MC Bird (Sy)11 1
HO Bloomfield (Sy)21 1
J Bowden (Dy)187 7
HAW Bowell (Ham)2813 13
EH Bowley (Sx)2812 12
FL Bowley (Wo)228 8
GS Boyes (Ham)56 6
JJ Bridges (Sm)116 6
RAD Brooks (Ham)11 1
CLM Brown (Le)21 1
W Brown (La)23 3
CN Bruce (Mx)119 9
CP Brutton (Ham)128 8
GJ Bryan (Kent)95 5
JL Bryan (Kent)124 4
GA Buckley (Dy)11 1
PG Bullock (Wo)33 3
WA Burgess (Sm)56 6
DCF Burton (Yor)2612 12
LL Burtt (Mx)21 1
SWA Cadman (Dy)2015 15
FSG Calthorpe (Wk)1918 18
AM Carr (Wo)31 1
AW Carr (Nt)2418 18
G Carter (Es)61 1
W Carter (Dy)52 2
C Charlesworth (Wk)2310 10
JC Clay (Gm)1510 10
S Coe (Le)2615 15
EP Collings (Sm)21 1
GC Collins (Kent)224 4
TH Collins (Nt)22 2
SGU Considine (Sm)166 6
LW Cook (La)2722 22
WT Cook (Sy)52 2
E Cooper (Gm)43 3
FJ Cooper (Es)51 1
CJ Corbett (Dy)51 1
WS Cornwallis (Kent)73 3
CFR Cowan (Wk)31 1
GR Cox (Sx)2830 30
H Creber (Gm)161 1
EB Crockford (Wk)21 1
GEV Crutchley (Mx)64 4
G Curgenven (Dy)2011 11
JS Curtis (Le)23 3
HL Dales (Mx)123 3
J Daniell (Sm)2124 24
AP Day (Kent)42 2
H Dean (La)146 6
EG Dennett (Gs)2215 15
WH Denton (Nr)21 1
AE Dipper (Gs)2312 12
JG Dixon (Es)238 8
JWHT Douglas (Es)1819 19
H Douthwaite (La)21 1
GH Drummond (Nr)12 2
A Ducat (Sy)229 9
PN Durlacher (Mx)11 1
FJ Durston (Mx)2011 11
LC Eastman (Es)53 3
FE Ellis (Gs)11 1
W Ellis (La)145 5
AJ Evans (Kent)21 1
WJ Fairservice (Kent)1713 13
FL Fane (Es)41 1
GG Farnfield (Es)125 5
PGH Fender (Sy)2248 48
CAF Fiddian-Green (Wk)1413 13
GN Foster (Kent)710 10
MK Foster (Wo)41 1
AJB Fowler (Mx)21 1
RH Fowler (Wo)43 3
TES Francis (Sm)44 4
HWF Franklin (Es)104 4
JE Frazer (Sx)21 1
AP Freeman (Kent)2213 13
ST Freeman (Gs)21 1
AE Freethy (Gm)31 1
CB Fry (Ham)64 4
HCA Gaunt (Wk)31 1
G Geary (Le)56 6
WN Gemmill (Gm)116 6
WG Gethin (Wo)12 2
CH Gibson (Sx)41 1
HA Gilbert (Wo)1710 10
AER Gilligan (Sx)2619 19
AHH Gilligan (Sx)106 6
FH Gillingham (Es)96 6
C Gimson (Le)84 4
GW Goodwin (Dy)81 1
WR Gouldsworthy (Gs)82 2
G Grainger (Dy)21 1
GGF Greig (Wo)52 2
JG Greig (Ham)62 2
TG Grinter (Es)11 1
G Gunn (Nt)2420 20
JR Gunn (Nt)2310 10
WS Hacker (Gm)53 3
NE Haig (Mx)2012 12
HD Hake (Ham)72 2
C Hallows (La)2315 15
ML Hambling (Sm)42 2
HTW Hardinge (Kent)2310 10
J Hardstaff (Nt)236 6
D Hardy (Nr)11 1
N Hardy (Sm)33 3
SN Hare (Es)31 1
HS Harrison (Sy)74 4
APR Hawtin (Nr)101 1
RA Haywood (Nr)244 4
JS Heap (La)21 1
JW Hearne (Mx)1516 16
LP Hedges (Kent)97 7
EH Hendren (Mx)1928 28
JP Herringshaw (Es)67 7
HL Hever (Kent)21 1
WE Hickmott (Kent)21 1
HL Higgins (Wo)2213 13
KA Higgs (Sx)84 4
ML Hill (Sm)12 2
BSH Hill-Wood (Dy)21 1
GH Hirst (Yor)63 3
JW Hitch (Sy)1710 10
JB Hobbs (Sy)11 1
RL Holdsworth (Wk)101 1
NJ Holloway (Sx)82 2
P Holmes (Yor)2429 29
PP Hope (Sm)103 3
HO Hopkins (Wo)85 5
AL Hosie (Ham)226 6
AL Howell (Wk)138 8
H Howell (Wk)172 2
M Howell (Sy)91 1
HJ Huggins (Gs)31 1
VW Humpherson (Wo)61 1
GE Hunt (Sm)1411 11
JM Hutchinson (Dy)207 7
LCR Isherwood (Ham)1412 12
GR Jackson (Dy)53 3
TO Jameson (Ham)24 4
DR Jardine (Sy)73 3
A Jeacocke (Sy)122 2
TS Jennings (Sy)31 1
MFS Jewell (Wo)1916 16
PR Johnson (Sm)178 8
VWC Jupp (Sx)2512 12
RP Keigwin (Gs)53 3
AS Kennedy (Ham)2824 24
MN Kenyon (La)2611 11
LH Key (Sm)44 4
EL Kidd (Mx)54 4
N Kilner (Yor)106 6
R Kilner (Yor)2620 20
JH King (Le)2614 14
EC Kirk (Sy)31 1
AE Knight (Ham)12 2
DJ Knight (Sy)119 9
CH Knott (Kent)32 2
AF Lane (Wk)21 1
PE Lawrie (Ham)11 1
GM Lee (Nt)248 8
HW Lee (Mx)208 8
M Leyland (Yor)41 1
B Lilley (Nt)21 1
RA Lloyd (La)11 1
JH Lockton (Sy)57 7
A Lord (Le)1210 10
GM Louden (Es)54 4
FA Loveday (Es)41 1
TC Lowry (Sm)87 7
BH Lyon (Gs)42 2
GG Macaulay (Yor)2328 28
JCW MacBryan (Sm)83 3
WK McClintock (Gs)11 1
HC McDonell (Ham)84 4
CP McGahey (Es)11 1
AS McIntyre (Ham)74 4
JWH Makepeace (La)196 6
WJ Malden (Sx)105 5
FT Mann (Mx)2012 12
CS Marriott (La)21 1
E Martin (Mx)44 4
GE Martin (Gm)11 1
FCL Matthews (Nt)73 3
CP Mead (Ham)2523 23
BGV Melle (Ham)21 1
J Mercer (Sx)21 1
JW Middleton (Le)166 6
PT Mills (Gs)2411 11
HM Morris (Es)185 5
PE Morris (Es)64 4
WP Morris (Gm)22 2
A Morton (Dy)126 6
A Mounteney (Le)92 2
JV Murdin (Nr)2414 14
A Nash (Gm)173 3
GMB Nelson (Wk)61 1
JA Newman (Ham)2721 21
AE O'Bree (Gm)85 5
E Oldroyd (Yor)2519 19
L Oliver (Dy)144 4
CWL Parker (Gs)219 9
CH Parkin (La)42 2
WRD Payton (Nt)2416 16
HA Peach (Sy)229 9
FA Pearson (Wo)225 5
PA Perrin (Es)2113 13
FB Pinch (Gm)99 9
WE Pratt (Le)62 2
CR Preece (Wo)2016 16
LRV Prentice (Mx)52 2
EC Puttock (Sx)21 1
WG Quaife (Wk)2617 17
RO Raven (Nr)123 3
W Reader-Blackton (Dy)53 3
DJ Reason (Gm)11 1
GM Reay (Sy)45 5
HA Reed (Gs)31 1
AE Relf (Sx)112 2
RR Relf (Sx)1112 12
ER Remnant (Ham)167 7
W Rhodes (Yor)2419 19
WE Richardson (Wo)41 1
TL Richmond (Nt)233 3
AES Rippon (Sm)137 7
HE Roberts (Sx)95 5
RC Robertson-Glasgow (Sm)72 2
E Robinson (Yor)2614 14
PG Robinson (Gs)22 2
CGW Robson (Wo)21 1
E Robson (Sm)219 9
CF Root (Wo)43 3
AWF Roper (Gs)97 7
GA Rotherham (Wk)2221 21
F Rowlands (Gs)51 1
WH Rowlands (Gs)2429 29
GBF Rudd (Le)1914 14
T Rushby (Sy)143 3
CAG Russell (Es)2014 14
NH Saint (Es)225 5
GH Salmon (Le)165 5
A Sandham (Sy)233 3
FR Santall (Wk)174 4
WGM Sarel (Sx)62 2
SH Saville (Mx)44 4
RI Scorer (Wk)135 5
J Seymour (Kent)2630 30
AT Sharp (Le)118 8
JS Sharp (La)174 4
GO Shelmerdine (La)104 4
TF Shepherd (Sy)2416 16
ECJ Sheppard (Gs)21 1
G Shingler (Le)11 1
AW Shipman (Le)145 5
W Shipman (Le)11 1
A Skelding (Le)41 1
CC Smart (Wk)1417 17
JA Smart (Wk)21 1
HW Smith (Es)72 2
EP Solb� (Kent)42 2
W Spiller (Gm)107 7
GA Stannard (Sx)132 2
SJ Staples (Nt)2111 11
GW Stephens (Wk)115 5
GTS Stevens (Mx)86 6
H Storer (Dy)1917 17
FT Summers (Wo)23 3
H Sutcliffe (Yor)2515 15
HG Symonds (Gm)63 3
JR Tait (Gm)106 6
AR Tanner (Mx)1017 17
CV Tarbox (Wo)2215 15
MW Tate (Sx)288 8
F Taylor (La)94 4
WH Taylor (Wo)138 8
LH Tennyson (Ham)208 8
AE Thomas (Nr)2416 16
GJ Thompson (Nr)209 9
WW Timms (Nr)113 3
EF Tomkins (Nr)51 1
WJV Tomlinson (Dy)63 3
P Toone (Es)85 5
CL Townsend (Gs)31 1
LHW Troughton (Kent)2616 16
JWC Turner (Wo)105 5
RE Turner (Wo)33 3
RH Twining (Mx)31 1
GE Tyldesley (La)236 6
JD Tyldesley (La)2519 19
RK Tyldesley (La)2835 35
CT Tyson (Yor)21 1
H Venn (Wk)64 4
JH Vincett (Sy)22 2
J Vine (Sx)102 2
A Waddington (Yor)2317 17
EF Waddy (Wk)24 4
FI Walden (Nr)168 8
CW Wallace (Wo)11 1
AP Ward (Ham)11 1
FB Watson (La)148 8
W Wells (Nr)192 2
HJ Wenyon (Mx)32 2
LE Wharton (Sm)72 2
JC White (Sm)2032 32
SG White (Mx)11 1
WS Whiting (Sm)44 4
TAL Whittington (Gm)102 2
WW Whysall (Nt)2217 17
PFC Williams (Gs)165 5
ER Wilson (Yor)86 6
G Wilson (Yor)32 2
HL Wilson (Sx)2013 13
CA Winter (Sm)41 1
CJB Wood (Le)12 2
CN Woolley (Nr)2413 13
FE Woolley (Kent)2022 22
CEA Worsley (Nr)21 1
AC Wright (Kent)52 2
PA Wright (Nr)11 1
A Young (Sm)107 7





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